• Title/Summary/Keyword: electroless Ni-B deposition

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Electroless Deposition on Carbide Powders (Carbide분말상의 무전해 도금)

  • 이창언;최순돈
    • Journal of Surface Science and Engineering
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    • v.28 no.1
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    • pp.3-13
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    • 1995
  • Electroless Ni and Cu platings were conducted on $B_4C$ and SiC. In the electroless Ni plating, the deposition rate on $B_4C$ was higher than on SiC. However, the electroless Cu deposition occured with high deposition rate regardless of the carbide substrates used in this study. Uniformity of the deposits was better in the electroless Cu deposition than in the electroless Ni deposition. In the topographies of the electroless depositions, Ni deposits have grown as colony, whereas Cu deposits have grown as fine individual grains.

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DMAB Effects in Electroless Ni Plating for Flexible Printed Circuit Board (DMAB첨가량에 따른 연성회로기판을 위한 무전해 Ni 도금박막에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Hyung-Chul;Rha, Sa-Kyun;Lee, Youn-Seoung
    • Korean Journal of Materials Research
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    • v.24 no.11
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    • pp.632-638
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    • 2014
  • We investigated the effects of DMAB (Borane dimethylamine complex, C2H10BN) in electroless Ni-B film with addition of DMAB as reducing agent for electroless Ni plating. The electroless Ni-B films were formed by electroless plating of near neutral pH (pH 6.5 and pH 7) at $50^{\circ}C$. The electroless plated Ni-B films were coated on screen printed Ag pattern/PET (polyethylene terephthalate). According to the increase of DMAB (from 0 to 1 mole), the deposition rate and the grain size of electroless Ni-B film increased and the boron (B) content also increased. In crystallinity of electroless Ni-B films, an amorphization reaction was enhanced in the formation of Ni-B film with an increasing content of DMAB; the Ni-B film with < 1 B at.% had a weak fcc structure with a nano crystalline size, and the Ni-B films with > 5 B at.% had an amorphous structure. In addition, the Ni-B film was selectively grown on the printed Ag paste layer without damage to the PET surface. From this result, we concluded that formation of electroless Ni-B film is possible by a neutral process (~green process) at a low temperature of $50^{\circ}C$.

Effect of Heat Treatment of the Diffusion Barrier for Bus Electrode of Plasma Display by Electroless Ni-B Deposition (무전해 Ni-B 도금을 이용한 플라즈마 디스플레이 버스 전극용 확산방지막의 열처리 영향)

  • Choi Jae Woong;Hwang Gil Ho;Hong Seok Jun;Kang Sung Goon
    • Korean Journal of Materials Research
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    • v.14 no.8
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    • pp.552-557
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    • 2004
  • Thin Ni-B films, 1 ${\mu}m$ thick, were electrolessly deposited on Cu bus electrode fabricated by electro deposition. The purpose of these films is to encapsulate Cu electrodes for preventing Cu oxidation and to serve as a diffusion barrier against copper contamination of dielectric layer in AC-plasma display panel. The layers were heat treated at $580^{\circ}C$(baking temperature of dielectric layer) with and without pre-annealing at $300^{\circ}C$($Ni_{3}B$ formation temperature) for 30 minutes. In the layer with pre-annealing, amount of Cu diffusion was lower about 5 times than that in the layer without pre-annealing. The difference of Cu concentration could be attributed to Cu diffusion before $Ni_{3}B$ formation at grain boundaries. However, the diffusion behavior of the layer with pre-annealing was similar to that of the layer without pre-annealing after $Ni_{3}B$ formation. With increasing annealing time, Cu concentration of both layers increased due to grain growth.

A Study of the Electroless Ni-W-B Depsition on Alumina Ceramics (Alumina Ceramics상의 무전해 Ni-W-B 도금에 관한 연구)

  • 유능희;강성군
    • Journal of Surface Science and Engineering
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    • v.22 no.4
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    • pp.161-167
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    • 1989
  • Effects of bath composition on electroless deposition of Ni-W-B from sulphate solution were invesrigated in terms of deposition kinetics, electro resistivity and composition of deposit film. The microstruigated and crystataine structure of the films were also studied using a scanning electron microscope and X-ray diffractometer. The deposition rate increased linearly with increasing the concentration of nickel sulphate in bath solution, wheras the rate decreasing with sodium citrate. The rate was also affected by sodium tungstate, which was maaximum at the concentration of 0.06 M/1 in sodium tungstate, The content of W in the deposit increased with increased with increasing the sodium citrate had on opposite effect on the composition of W and B in the deposit. The crystal change film from armorphous to cryatallicne nature by heat treatments was proved by the reduction of specific resistance and X-ray diffration.

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Cu Diffusion Behavior of Ni-B Diffusion Barrier Fabricated by Electroless Deposition (무전해 도금법으로 제조된 Ni-B 확산 방지막의 Cu 확산 거동)

  • Choi, Jae-Woong;Hwang, Gil-Ho;Han, Won-Kyu;Lee, Wan-Hee;Kang, Sung-Goon
    • Korean Journal of Materials Research
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    • v.15 no.9
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    • pp.577-584
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    • 2005
  • Thin Ni-B layer, $1{\mu}m$ thick, was electrolessly deposited on Cu electrode fabricated by electro-deposition. The purpose of the layer is to encapsulate Cu electrodes for preventing Cu oxidation and to serve as a diffusion barrier. The layers were annealed at $580^{\circ}C$ with and without pre-annealing at $300^{\circ}C$ for . 30minutes. In the layer with pre-annealing, the amount of Cu diffusion was lower about 5 times than the layer without pre-annealing. The difference in Cu concentration may be attributed to $Ni_3B$ formation prior to Cu diffusion. However, the difference in Cu concentration decreased during the annealing time of 5 h due to the grain growth of Ni.

Effect of Surfactant in Electroless Ni-B Plating for Coating on the Diamond Powder (다이아몬드 분말상에 무전해 Ni-B 도금을 위한 계면활성제의 영향)

  • Yang, Changyol;Yu, Si-Young;Moon, Hwan-Gyun;Lee, Jung-Ho;Yoo, Bongyoung
    • Journal of Surface Science and Engineering
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    • v.50 no.3
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    • pp.177-182
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    • 2017
  • The properties of electroless Ni-B thin film on diamond powder with different parameters (temperature, pH, surfactant etc.) were studied. The surface morphology, structure and composition distribution of the Ni-B film were observed by field effect scanning electron microscope (FE-SEM), energy-dispersive spectrometer (EDS), X-ray diffraction (XRD) and Auger electron spectroscopy (AES). The growth rate of Ni-B film was increased with increase of bath temperature. The B content in Ni-B film was reduced with increase of bath pH. As a result the structure of Ni-B film was changed from amorphous to crystalline structure. The PVP in solution plays multi-functional roles as a dispersant and a stabilizer. The Ni-B film deposited with adding 0.1 mM-PVP was strongly introduced an amorphous structure with higher B content (25 at.%). Also the crystallite size of Ni-B film was reduced from 12.7 nm to 5.4 nm.

A Study on Electroless Ni-B Plating with DMAB as Reducing Agent. I. The Electrochemical Behavior of Precipitation Reaction on Austenite Stainless Steel Substrates (DMAB를 사용한 무전해 Ni-B 합금 도금 I. 오스테나이트 스텐레스강 상의 석출반응에 대한 전기화학적 거동)

  • 이창래;박해덕;강성군
    • Journal of Surface Science and Engineering
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    • v.32 no.2
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    • pp.172-181
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    • 1999
  • The effect of the DMAB concentration, temperature, deposition time, and stabilizer concentration on the precipitation reaction of the electroless nickel plating using dimethylamine borane (DMAB) as reducing agent was investigated to by the weight gain and electrochemical method. The deposition rate was dependent with DMAB concentration. The polarization resistance of the precipitation reaction was reduced with DMAB concentration. The precipitation reaction rate of Ni-B deposits was controlled by the oxidation rate of DMAB as the source of electron. The boron content of the deposit was constant at about 5.5wt%, even when DMAB concentration in the solution was increased. The effect of temperature and stabilizer ($Pb(NO_3)_2$) concentration on deposition rate was shown to have co-dependent behaviors.

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A Study on Reusing of Electroless Ni-Cu-B Waste Solution (무전해 Ni-Cu-B 폐 도금액의 재사용에 관한 연구)

  • Oh Iee-Sik;Bai Young-Han
    • Resources Recycling
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.18-24
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    • 2003
  • Reusing of electroless Ni-Cu-B waste solution was investigated in the plating time, plating rate, solution composition and deposit. Plating time of nickel-catalytic surface took longer than that of zincated-catalytic surface. Initial solution with 40% waste solution additive at batch type was possible to reusing of waste solution. Plating time of initial solution at continuous type took longer 6 times over than that of batch type. Plating time of 40% waste solution additive at continuous type took longer 2 times over than that of batch type. Component change of nickel-copper for electroless deposition was greatly affected by deposited inferiority and larger decreased plating rate.

Morphologies of Brazed NiO-YSZ/316 Stainless Steel Using B-Ni2 Brazing Filler Alloy in a Solid Oxide Fuel Cell System

  • Lee, Sung-Kyu;Kang, Kyoung-Hoon;Hong, Hyun-Seon;Woo, Sang-Kook
    • Journal of Powder Materials
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    • v.18 no.5
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    • pp.430-436
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    • 2011
  • Joining of NiO-YSZ to 316 stainless steel was carried out with B-Ni2 brazing alloy (3 wt% Fe, 4.5 wt% Si, 3.2 wt% B, 7 wt% Cr, Ni-balance, m.p. 971-$999^{\circ}C$) to seal the NiO-YSZ anode/316 stainless steel interconnect structure in a SOFC. In the present research, interfacial (chemical) reactions during brazing at the NiO-YSZ/316 stainless steel interconnect were enhanced by the two processing methods, a) addition of an electroless nickel plate to NiO-YSZ as a coating or b) deposition of titanium layer onto NiO-YSZ by magnetron plasma sputtering method, with process variables and procedures optimized during the pre-processing. Brazing was performed in a cold-wall vacuum furnace at $1080^{\circ}C$. Post-brazing interfacial morphologies between NiO-YSZ and 316 stainless steel were examined by SEM and EDS methods. The results indicate that B-Ni2 brazing filler alloy was fused fully during brazing and continuous interfacial layer formation depended on the method of pre-coating NiO-YSZ. The inter-diffusion of elements was promoted by titanium-deposition: the diffusion reaction thickness of the interfacial area was reduced to less than 5 ${\mu}m$ compared to 100 ${\mu}m$ for electroless nickel-deposited NiO-YSZ cermet.

A Study on the Characteristics of Salt Spray Test of Roll Formed and Zn-Ni Electrodeposited Steel Bolts (전조 후 Zn-Ni 전기도금한 강 볼트의 염수분무 특성에 관한 연구)

  • Hamrakulov, B.;Son, Y.H.;Kim, I.
    • Transactions of Materials Processing
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    • v.21 no.5
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    • pp.330-335
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    • 2012
  • Roll formed steel bolts are electrodeposited with Zn-Ni to protect themselves from corrosion. However, white storage stain or white rust(corrosion) is found on Zn-Ni electrodeposited surface of steel bolts when they are exposed to moisture. In this paper a new process is introduced to protect Zn-Ni electrodeposited steel bolt from white storage stain or white rust for a long time under the salt spray test and high humidity test conditions. The better corrosion resistance could be gotten by the additional process of Ni-P electroless deposition and heat treatment to conventional manufacturing method of Zn-Ni coated steel bolt. The corrosion resistance of Zn-Al powder slurry coated steel bolt showed better than that of Zn-Ni electrodeposited one.