• Title/Summary/Keyword: educational application plan

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The Effects of ICT Teaching Method by ICT Instructional Environment on Learning 『Understanding of Myself and Family』 Unit of Home Economics (ICT 수업 실시환경에 따른 중학교 가정과의 『나와 가족의 이해』단원에서의 ICT 활용수업의 효과)

  • 송미선;유태명
    • Journal of Korean Home Economics Education Association
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.81-94
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    • 2003
  • This study tested students’ ICT application capability and Problems solving ability by ICT instructional environment when ICT teaching method is applied to $\boxDr$Understanding of Myself and Family$\boxUl$ unit of home economics. Following research Problems were formulated for this study : 1. Are there any differences of the effects on improvements of students’ ICT application capability by ICT instructional environment\ulcorner 2. Are there any differences of effects on improvements of students’ problems solving ability by ICT instructional environment\ulcorner 3. Are there any differences of effects on improvements of students’ Performance assessment results by ICT instructional environment\ulcorner The researcher developed a homepage for the ICT teaching-learning. and prepared Problems-based teaching-learning lesson plan. The students were divided into two groups (experimental group 1 and experimental group 2) by ICT instructional environment. The Pre-test and post-test were conducted before and after the experimental class. The ICT class experimental period was for 16 weeks. from March 10. 2002 to July 10. 2002. The experimental group 1 was given 16-weeks classwork under the classroom environment of 1 PC for each classroom(The classroom with advanced educational equipments) . while the experimental group 2 was given 16-weeks classwork under the classroom environment of 1 PC for each student(multimedia classroom) . The results of the study are as follows: 1 All of the ICT teaching methods under both instructional environments were found to be effective on the improvements of the ICT application capability. 2. There were statistically significant differences of problems solving ability between two groups in application and the measure of validation. 3. The experimental group 1(1 PC for each classroom) did not show any improvements of Performance assessment results. while the experimental group 2(1 PC for each student) showed some improvements.

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A research on the status quo of industrial-educational cooperation in Technical high schools (공업계 고교에서의 산학협력 실태 조사 연구)

  • Lee, Byung-Wook
    • 대한공업교육학회지
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    • v.34 no.2
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    • pp.1-19
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    • 2009
  • The goal of this study is to examine the status quo of industrial-educational cooperation in Technical high schools. Based upon the findings of the current conditions, this study ultimately aims to propose methods through which more active industrial-educational cooperation can be stimulated. The methods chosen for this study are reference research and surveys. The survey was conducted by imposing complete enumeration on the targeted high schools that specialize in industry related fields. The survey targets were the directions of academic affairs, the directions of practical affairs, and the directors of the educational curriculum of each school.The research results are as follows: First, the teachers recognize the necessities of having opportunities to gain specific skills in different industrial fields, having chances to get stable employment, and securing the industrial institution's competitiveness through the customized nurturing and supply of human resources as the primary goals of industrial-educational cooperation. Second, the teachers express the similar opinion that industrial-educational cooperation in their current system is inappropriate to achieve their goals. Third, the teachers claim that an educational curriculum that emphasizes industrial educational cooperation must be developed and managed. Fourth, it was found that when schools plan their educational curriculum, they often do not implement the requests from industrial institutions. Fifth, major educational program implement methods that meet the requests of the industrial institutions include field trips or the introduction of other field-based experience learning programs, the application of customized curriculums based on industrial-educational cooperation, and the invitation of industrial-educational personnel as teachers to school environments. Sixth, it was concluded that educational institutions need to proactively seek companies for cooperation; they need to support, develop, and manage school programs that are based on industrial-educational cooperation; and finally, institutions need to enthusiastically participate in the government's vocational education policies that are founded upon industrial-educational cooperation. Seventh, the enforcement of selective curriculum for the benefit of diversifying the educational program; the pursuit of balancing the specialized curriculum through shedding the national educational level provided within the regular curriculum; and the establishment of related amendments on the national level to provide effective industrial-educational cooperation have been identified as the vital factors that can develop the educational programs within high schools specializing in industry and that are closely related to industrial educational cooperation.

A Study on PBL Instructional Design for Creative Engineering Design Education (PBL을 적용한 창의공학설계 교수설계 방안 연구)

  • Lee, Keun-Soo
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.15 no.7
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    • pp.4573-4579
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    • 2014
  • In the 21st century, university education is changing from an objective knowledge and information to critical thinking and problem-solving ability. Moreover, university education should change rapidly towards a learner-centered educational environment because it has an educational goal to have college students experience authentic tasks they will be in charge of after graduation, and improves self-directed learning ability and cooperative learning ability. PBL is a pedagogical strategy for posing significant, contextualized, real world situations, and providing resources, guidance, and instruction to learners as they develop content knowledge and problem-solving skills. In problem based learning, the students collaborate to study the issues of a problem as they strive to create viable solution. For these advantages of PBL, the application of PBL in school has been enlarged. On the other hand, the application of PBL in engineering education has not been enlarged. To improve these instruction methods, the development or applications of new instructional methods will be needed. This study examined the PBL instructional design of a creative engineering design subject, which aims to foster talent. The PBL model developed in this study consists of Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation. A plan of creative engineering design subject was developed based on PBL, and focused on the process of PBL. To determine the effects of this model, studies applying this instructional design to many lecturers should be implemented.

A study about a convergence development plan of MOOCs based e-learning in university (MOOCs에 기반한 대학이러닝의 융복합적 발전방안에 관한 연구)

  • Choi, Mi-Na;Roh, Hye-Lan
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.13 no.7
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    • pp.9-21
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    • 2015
  • Nowadays, within the paradigm shift of e-learning, MOOCs service has been expanded among a number of global leading universities and this has affected our domestic universities' e-learning to look for different possibilities and new challenges. In consideration of our domestic educational condition, it is required to contemplate how university e-learning can be changed and developed with focus on MOOCs from the perspective of convergence development. This study suggests plans for convergence development in university e-learning based on MOOCs with conceptual model. We conducted the studies on relevant literature of university e-learning and MOOCs, expert consultation, SWOT analysis, survey for those involved of e-learning centers, etc. Through this process, we developed a final plan which integrates 'open advanced education course service', 'teaching and learning curation service', 'teaching and learning practice service', 'creative teaching and instruction method development and sharing service', and 'cloud based educational platform support service', etc with the perspective of convergence development. Also we designed convergence development plan based on MOOCs. It is assumed that the result of this research provides advanced plans for development of university e-learning and the base for further discussion of introduction and application of MOOCs service in domestic university.

A Study On The Exploring Alternatives In After-School Program According To The Application Of Contract Law (방과후학교에서 계약법 적용에 따른 대안 모색)

  • Jeong, Yeong-Mo
    • Asia-pacific Journal of Multimedia Services Convergent with Art, Humanities, and Sociology
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    • v.6 no.7
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    • pp.219-228
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    • 2016
  • This research aimed at investigating policy change process of after school contracting out and suggesting future alternative. Also, this research conducted a literature search for the research data related to policy and related regulations. As the result of investigation, the Ministry of Education established management plan for after school, however there have been changes in policy, e.g. contracting out was executed from 2004 to 2008 upon autonomy of unit school through school steering committee deliberation(consultation), while standardized procedure was conducted, which was suggested in 'After school operation guideline', produced in cooperation between the Ministry of Education and municipal ministry of education from 2008 to 2015, while since 2016, contract law should be applied when after school contracting out is adopted. Policy change since 2016 is based on the legal necessity that contract law should be followed as the contract size of after school contracting out has become larger along with necessity of clarity of after school contracting out. Nevertheless, there's a worry that quality of after school education could be degraded due to lowest price bidding. The government suggested an alternative to prevent excessive price competition by paying a regular rate of basic price as personnel expenses, however this research suggested a plan to enact an ordinance in regard of specialty of after school educational activities and cities and provinces as the fundamental solution plan.

An Analysis on the Priority of Educational Needs of Teachers in Charge of Educational Contents of Invention Intellectual Property in Secondary Vocational Education (중등단계 직업교육에서의 발명·지식재산 교육내용에 대한 담당 교사의 교육요구도 우선 순위 분석)

  • Lee, Sang-hyun;Lee, Chan-joo;Lee, Byung-Wook
    • 대한공업교육학회지
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    • v.40 no.2
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    • pp.155-174
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    • 2015
  • The purposes of this study were to analyze the property of educational needs of teachers for educational contents of invention and intellectual property in secondary vocational education and provide fundamental data for the development of job training programs so as to develop the capabilities of teachers, the base for effective education of invention intellectual property in secondary vocational education. To achieve them, educational needs for the educational contents of invention intellectual property and the priority of the educational needs in secondary vocational education based on the recognition of the teachers were analyzed and suggested. Concrete results of this study can be suggested as follows. First, the average of educational needs of the teachers for the educational contents of invention intellectual property in secondary vocational education was 5.02. There were 23 items of the educational contents whose educational needs were higher than the average of the whole items and for those items and the average of each item, there were F4(The average of patent applications) 6.72, F5(Modification and supplementation of specification sheets) 6.46, F2(Writing of patent floor plans) 6.39, F3(Writing of patent specification sheets and abstraction) 6.31, A5(Invention method and activity) 6.27, E6(Invention design project) 6.15, H3(Invention commercialization) 5.97, F1(Patent information and application) 5.90, E5(Design obligation) 5.78, E3(Designing process of inventional design) 5.77, A4(Invention and problem solving) 5.57, G2(Patent investigation and classification) 5.47, C2(Thinking method of inventional problem solution) 5.45, E4(Production of inventional design product) 5.45, B5(Inventional patent project) 5.42, A2(Creativity development) 5.26, C4(Inventional problem solving project) 5.26, H4(Invention marketing) 5.26, H2(Analysis on invention commercialization) 5.20, D4(Invention and management) 5.16, C3(Problem solving activity) 5.14, E2(Inventional design devise and expression) 5.11, B3(Actuality of inventional method) 5.08 in order. Second, for the priority of educational needs of the teachers for the educational contents of invention intellectual property in secondary vocational education, there were 13 items of the educational contents for the first rank, 10 for the second rank and 17 for the third rank. The items of the educational contents for the first rank were A4(invention and problem solving), A5(inventional method and activity), B5(Invention patent project), C2(Thinking method of inventional problem solution), C4(Inventional problem solving project), E3(Inventional design process), E4(Production of inventional design product), E5(Design obligation), E6(Invention design project), F1(Patent information and application), F2(Writing of patent floor plan), F3(Writing of patent specification sheet and abstract), and H3(Invention commercialization. The items of the educational contents for the second rank were A2(Creativity development), B3(Actuality of inventional method), C3(Problem solving activity), D4(Invention and management), E2(Invention design devise and expression), F4(Range of patent demand), F5(Modification and supplementation of specification sheet), G2(Patent investigation and classification), H2(Analysis on invention commercialization), and H4(Invention marketing). The items for the third rank were the educational contents except the ones of the first rank and the second rank.

The Need Analysis for Operating Course-based National Technical Qualification Course of Vocational School Teachers (직업계고 교사의 과정평가형 자격 과정 운영에 대한 교육요구도 분석)

  • Park, Byeong-seon;Yoon, Ji-A;Lee, Chang-hoon
    • 대한공업교육학회지
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    • v.44 no.2
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    • pp.28-46
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    • 2019
  • The purpose of this study is to use as a basic data of establishing operating Course-based National Technical Qualification(CNTQ) support program by examining the educational needs for operating CNTQ of vocational school teachers, and to contribute to the vocational school settlement of CNTQ course. To achieve those purposes, this study drew 27 tasks performed by teachers operating CNTQ. Also, it surveyed the perceived importance and the performance. The findings of this study are as follows. First, it is showed that 'selection of qualification fields and confirmation of organization criteria, organization of educational training time by competency unit, organization of subjects and establishment of competency unit operating plan by grade and semester, selection of teaching materials, implementation of education and training, establishment of evaluation plan, implementation of evaluation, re-education and re-evaluation students with grades under 40%, guidance of paper evaluation, guidance of practical evaluation, guidance of interview evaluation' are the first priority tasks in the result of the need analysis. Second, it is indicated that 'application of external evaluation, guidance to retake an exam for failure' are the secondary priority tasks. According to these results, the following conclusions were made. First, it will be more positive effects if the educational needs in the next CNTQ support program include contents of the first priority tasks. Second, it is indicated that the priority of the educational needs for tasks of operating plan stages is commonly high. In particular, the highest ranking in the result means that it is completely supported from the first step on operating course. It is expected that the program which teachers on operating the course of similar qualification fields share each operating experience is effective. Third, the priority of the educational needs for external evaluation step ranked high. External evaluation has a different level of difficulty and a form of practical evaluation output according to qualification fields, so the method of guidance has to be different. It needs the program constructed by similar fields.

A Study on the Educational Necessity and Activation Plan of Image Making Program for Life Care (라이프케어를 위한 이미지메이킹 프로그램 교육의 필요성과 활성화 방안)

  • Yoon, Hee
    • Journal of Korea Entertainment Industry Association
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    • v.14 no.7
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    • pp.429-437
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    • 2020
  • This study is aimed at exploring the current state, necessity and activation of curriculum related to image making program in domestic colleges. To achieve this, an empirical survey was carried out to college students to provide basic data for the development of image making education program in the college curriculum as a measure to guide job interviews with them and improve interpersonal skills of employees-to-be. To achieve this, a survey was carried out to 400 college students in Gwangju and Jeonnam areas. The analysis was conducted to verify the collected data using SPSS v. 21.0 through the process of data coding and data cleaning. The results are as follows. First, the necessity of image making program curriculum showed that they needed the image making program in the college curriculum, the image making program curriculum to get a job and manage an image of employees-to-be after graduation, and other people's help to figure out the images objectively. Second, the educational importance of image making program showed that attitude (behavior) was the highest, followed by manners & greeting, look, speech, relationship, clothes, hairstyle, and makeup. In terms of the important educational factors of image making program, look was the highest, followed by makeup, hairstyle, attitude (behavior), relationship, speech, clothes, and manners & greeting, which look was the most important. Third, the educational influence of image making program showed that the influence on employment was the highest, followed by the influence on relationship, and the influence on life. Fourth, the educational activation of image making program showed that the appropriate educational time for image making program they want was from the second year. Education hours they want were once a week for one semester. And the curriculum they want was liberal arts or an optional course of liberal arts. In terms of image making program-related curriculum contents, manner & greeting was the highest, followed by makeup & coordination, job fair, education to acquire a skill qualification, and training for domestic companies, which their biggest wish was manner & greeting. And image making program leaders they want were major professors. In terms of image making program-related education, speech or voice was the highest, followed by education to analyze communication, education to analyze and practice matching hairstyles and makeup, Education on corporate interviews, and education on walking or posture correction, which their biggest wish was speech or voice and education to analyze communication.

The efficient operation of computerized tax accounting education plan (전산세무회계교육의 효율적 운영방안)

  • Woo, Myung-Ok;Kim, Jin-Sep
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.10 no.1
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    • pp.229-240
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    • 2012
  • This study is to analyze effect of differential education for individual end-user group with regard to the computerized tax accounting on its efficient education strategy. In order to achieve the purpose of this study, independent variables and dependent variables on education of computerized tax accounting are measured. Also, discrepancies among individual end-user group on operational satisfaction of computerized system, educational satisfaction and practical utilization which are measured by Regression Analysis are confirmed. This could verify that each end-user group has different understanding for the computerized tax accounting education. The result of this study could be an important guidelines to find a solution for the efficient operational strategy for computerized tax accounting education in future also expected its wide application on other similar studies.

Model Development and Strategy plan for Implementing Program Outcomes and Assessment ('프로그램학습성과 및 평가'실천을 위한 모형 개발 및 전략에 대한 연구)

  • Kim, Myoung-Lang;Yoon, Woo-Young;Kim, Dong-Hwan;Chung, Jin-Taek
    • Journal of Engineering Education Research
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    • v.10 no.4
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    • pp.29-42
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    • 2007
  • The 'Program outcomes and assessment' is an important criterion evaluating of engineering education in accreditation of engineering education. ABEEK prescribes program outcomes which are the basic capabilities in the application of the fundamental knowledge and practical tools of the engineering field. Also ABEEK asks to prove that all programs are constructed a proper educational curriculum and are satisfied program outcomes and CQI. Therefore program outcomes must satisfy both two key points. First, as a quality control aspect, engineering programs must prove that graduates of accredited programs can perform twelve capabilities. Second, as a continuous quality improvement aspect, accredited programs have to upgrade a level of engineering educational quality. Consequently the purpose of study is to introduce a new model for CQI and QC systems, implementing strategies as an actualizing of program outcomes.