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A Study on the Comparative Analysis of Overseas Medical Care Video and Domestic Medical Care Video (해외 의료케어 전문 영상과 국내 의료케어 영상 비교분석에 관한 연구)

  • Cho, Hyun Kyung
    • The Journal of the Convergence on Culture Technology
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    • v.7 no.4
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    • pp.415-420
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    • 2021
  • In a situation where the medical care field is developing from various angles, medical promotion video analysis has an important meaning. It is important as a matter of improving competitiveness, and in the era of acceleration of AI systems, medical care is also the leading field. Accordingly, the importance of videos on publicity, advertisements, and explanations is very important, and it is also an important direction to change the image of a company. In this study, the design characteristics and differences in the video were compared, focusing on the comparative analysis of professional videos of AI medical brands, with two foreign major companies (Stryker and Hill-rom) and one domestic leading company (Nine Bell), and detailed part analysis and section analysis were performed accordingly. As a technical partial analysis of image editing, the transition method and infographic graphics were considered. In an in-depth comparison, we found that AI medical imaging Points such as differences in image tone and image color harmony were analyzed and compared. For a detailed analysis in the video image determination part, we compared and studied the differentiated elements appearing in the promotional design and specific scenes of the video intro part and the product description video part of each video.

Exploring Learning Effects of Elementary Students in a Geological Field Trip Activity concerning 'Minerals and Rocks' - Focus on Novelty Space - ('광물과 암석' 관련 야외지질학습에서 초등학생들의 학습 효과에 대한 탐색 - 생소한 경험 공간을 중심으로 -)

  • Choi, Yoon-Sung;Kim, Jong-Uk
    • Journal of the Korean earth science society
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    • v.43 no.3
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    • pp.430-445
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    • 2022
  • The purpose of this study was to explore the learning effects in elementary school students who participated in a geological field trip conducted under the theme 'minerals and rocks', focusing on novelty space. A total of 10 sixth-grade students participated in this program held at a public elementary school in Seoul as part of after-school club activities. Students observed mineral and rock samples in a classroom and outdoor learning environment. The authors collected activity papers (texts, drawing), researchers' participation notes, video and audio recordings containing the study participants' activities, and post-interview data To analyze the learning effects in the cognitive domain of students, the observation analysis framework for rock classification of Remmen and Frøyland (2020) and the rock description analysis framework of Oh (2020) were used. Additionally, to explore the learning effects of psychological and geographic areas, students' drawings, texts, discourses, and interview data were inductively analyzed. The results showed that the students demonstrated 'everyday' and 'transitional' observations in the classroom learning environment, while in the outdoor learning environment (school playground, community-based activities), they demonstrated 'transitional' and 'scientific' observations. Moreover, as the scientific observation stage progressed, more types of descriptive words for rocks were used. In terms of psychological and geographic aspects, students showed their selection of places to explore familiar outdoor learning environments, positive perceptions of outdoor learning, and aesthetic appreciation. Finally, this study not only discussed novelty space as a tool for analyzing students' learning effects but also suggested the need for an academic approach considering new learning environments, such as learning through virtual field trips.

The Impacts of Emotional Labor and The Recognition Level of Medical Service Fee Reduction of Medical Institution Workers Influencing Reduction Rate (의료기관 종사자의 라이프케어 감정노동과 진료비 삭감 인식도가 삭감률에 미치는 영향)

  • Yang, Yu-Jeong;Lee, Hye-Seung
    • Journal of Korea Entertainment Industry Association
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    • v.14 no.8
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    • pp.345-352
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    • 2020
  • This study conducted a survey targeting 414 medical institution workers to identify the impacts of their emotional labor and the recognition level of medical service fee reduction influencing the reduction rate. The results were as follows. First, a review of the difference in the reduction rate by socio-demographic characteristics revealed that in both inpatient and outpatient reduction rate, there is a significant difference in the occupational description, working history at the current hospital, and the numbers of approved beds. Second, there is a correlation between emotional labor, the recognition level of medical service fee reduction, and the reduction rate. As a result of the analysis, there is a significant positive correlation between emotional labor and outpatient reduction rate, a significant negative correlation between the recognition level of medical service fee reduction and inpatient reduction rate, and a significant negative correlation between the recognition level of medical service fee reduction and outpatient reduction rate. Third, emotional labor has a significant positive effect on the inpatient reduction rate, and the recognition level of the medical service fee reduction has a negative effect on the inpatient reduction rate. The emotional labor also has a significant positive effect on outpatient reduction rate, and the recognition level of the medical service fee reduction has a significant negative effect on outpatient reduction rate.

A Study on the Characteristics of Vascular Plants in the Wall of Namhan Mountain Fortress (남한산성 성벽의 관속식물 특성 연구)

  • Cha, Doo-Won;Choi, Dong-Suk;Kim, Ji-Suk
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Traditional Landscape Architecture
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    • v.39 no.1
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    • pp.20-30
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    • 2021
  • The purpose of this study was to identify the ecological characteristics of Namhan Mountain Fortress Walls vascular plants through investigation and analysis of Namhan Mountain Fortress Walls and to provide basic data when establishing a plan for conservation and management of Namhansanseong Fortress Wall vascular plants. The result of this survey revealed 249 taxa composed of 77 families, 169 genera, 222 species, 5 subspecies, 19 varieties and 3 forms. In terms of life form of Namhan Mountain Fortress Walls, the appearance rate of Hemicryptophytes(H) was high. Rare plants was 1 taxa and Korea endemic plants was 5 taxa. The total number of floristic regional indicator plants was 15 taxa, gradeI 9 taxa, gradeII 2 taxa, gradeIII 3 taxa, gradeIV 1 taxa. Among them, Polygala tatarinowii Regel is considered to the most important(gradeIV), and it is first description because in Gyeonggi-do, as no additional forms have been confirmed other than this site. Plants identified as rock vegetation were found in 21 taxa. Invasive alien plants were identified 20 taxa. Plants distributed on the walls of Namhan Mountain Fortress, such as Aconitum longecassidatum Nakai, Clematis heracleifolia DC. var. tubulosa (Turcz.) Kuntze, Hylotelephium spectabile (Boreau) H.Ohba and Polygala tatarinowii Regel etc, are feared to decrease the number of species and individuals due to the loss of walls, the spread of invasive alien plant and human interference, so conservation and management measures are needed.

A Study on Problems in TV Drama Contents Containing Sexual Socialization - Focusing on Adultery Content and Married Men and Women - (성적 사회화를 담은 TV 드라마 콘텐츠에 대한 문제의식 고찰 - 불륜 콘텐츠와 기혼 남녀를 중심으로 -)

  • Lee, Hee-Jin
    • Journal of Korea Entertainment Industry Association
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    • v.15 no.8
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    • pp.63-74
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    • 2021
  • This study focuses on the increasing supply and consumption of affair dramas on TV with the theme of unconventional 'infidelity', therefore, is an empirical study that reveals factors related to the problem consciousness of married men and women about infidelity dramas that can affect the sexual socialization of married men and women. This study investigates the effect of married men and women's right to sexual self-determination between couples, personal psychological characteristics (emotional maturity, emotional alienation, self-perception), surrounding environmental characteristics (prevalence of extramarital relationships), and demographic background (gender, age, educational background, economic level) on 'the presence or absence of critical consciousness of infidelity dramas'. For the data of this study, an online survey is conducted on married men and women(614 people), and binary logistic analysis is conducted using SPSS. As a result of this analysis, first, 46% of married men and women have a relatively good level of critical awareness of affair dramas, and overall, the level of critical thinking of married men and women about the infidelity dramas is rather low. Second, there is no significant difference between genders in the perception of problems such as 'excessive beautification of infidelity', 'incitement of infidelity' and 'damage of family values', however, married women are more critical than married men regarding 'explicit sexual description', indicating differences according to gender characteristics. Third, for married men, the level of 'self-perception' and 'marital sexual self-determination right' have a significant effect on the critical mind with infidelity dramas. In the case of married women, it is found that 'the right to sexual self-determination' between married couples and 'emotional alienation' have a significant effect on 'the presence or absence of critical consciousness of infidelity dramas'.

Analysis of Perceptions of Teachers on Teaching "Changes in the Positions of the Sun and Moon during the Day" ('하루 동안 태양과 달의 위치 변화' 지도에 대한 교사의 인식 분석)

  • Kim, Dong Seok;Kim, Ji Suk;Lee, Gyu Ho;Oh, Phil Seok;Choi, Sun Young
    • Journal of Korean Elementary Science Education
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    • v.41 no.4
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    • pp.627-641
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    • 2022
  • This study aims to help elementary school teachers increase their knowledge about the changes in the positions of the sun and moon during the day and the first time the moon observation begins in the Earth and Space section of the Earth and the Moon. The survey questions were grouped into four categories, namely, textbook explanation, inquiry activities, achievement of learning goals, and other opinions. The perception of each question differed according to advanced science majors and teaching careers and experiences of this unit. In addition, understanding the diverse views of the participants using descriptive questions was possible. The study recruited 67 teachers working at an elementary school in Gyeonggi-do. The conclusion is as follows. First, the teachers exhibited similar positive and negative perceptions about the description of the textbook on the changes in the positions of the sun and moon during the day. Second, the study found that majority of teachers used alternative methods when guiding students regarding the change in the positions. This trend was not correlated with the sun and the moon, and the study observed no difference in advanced majors and teaching careers and experience of this unit. Third, the majority of teachers responded that they could achieve their learning goals through this learning. However, many teachers complained of various difficulties in guiding students about the lesson, and the majority alternative methods. The results demonstrated the perception of teachers that students can achieve learning goals through alternative methods without direct observation.

Dynamic of heat production partitioning in rooster by indirect calorimetry

  • Rony Lizana, Riveros;Rosiane, de Sousa Camargos;Marcos, Macari;Matheus, de Paula Reis;Bruno Balbino, Leme;Nilva Kazue, Sakomura
    • Animal Bioscience
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    • v.36 no.1
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    • pp.75-83
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    • 2023
  • Objective: The objective of this study was to describe a methodological procedure to quantify the heat production (HP) partitioning in basal metabolism or fasting heat production (FHP), heat production due to physical activity (HPA), and the thermic effect of feeding (TEF) in roosters. Methods: Eighteen 54-wk-old Hy Line Brown roosters (2.916±0.15 kg) were allocated in an open-circuit chamber of respirometry for O2 consumption (VO2), CO2 production (VCO2), and physical activity (PA) measurements, under environmental comfort conditions, following the protocol: adaptation (3 d), ad libitum feeding (1 d), and fasting conditions (1 d). The Brouwer equation was used to calculate the HP from VO2 and VCO2. The plateau-FHP (parameter L) was estimated through the broken line model: HP = U×(R-t)×I+L; I = 1 if t<R or I = 0 if t>R; Where the broken-point (R) was assigned as the time (t) that defined the difference between a short and long fasting period, I is conditional, and U is the decreasing rate after the feed was withdrawn. The HP components description was characterized by three events: ad libitum feeding and short and long fasting periods. Linear regression was adjusted between physical activity (PA) and HP to determine the HPA and to estimate the standardized FHP (st-FHP) as the intercept of PA = 0. Results: The time when plateau-FHP was reached at 11.7 h after withdrawal feed, with a mean value of 386 kJ/kg0.75/d, differing in 32 kJ from st-FHP (354 kJ/kg0.75/d). The slope of HP per unit of PA was 4.52 kJ/mV. The total HP in roosters partitioned into the st-FHP, termal effect of feeding (TEF), and HPA was 56.6%, 25.7%, and 17.7%, respectively. Conclusion: The FHP represents the largest fraction of energy expenditure in roosters, followed by the TEF. Furthermore, the PA increased the variation of HP measurements.

Analysis of Noticing Characteristics Presented in Elementary Pre-service Teachers' Self-reflection Journals on the Science Class (초등 예비교사의 과학수업 성찰지에 나타난 노티싱 특성 분석)

  • Yoon, Heojeong
    • Journal of Korean Elementary Science Education
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    • v.41 no.4
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    • pp.754-770
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    • 2022
  • For teachers, noticing refers to paying attention to something, indicating they interpret it and how they are willing to react to it in the context of their own instruction. Analysis of noticing features enables us to understand the overall characteristics of the teacher's lesson design, practice, and reflection, which are core agents in the educational design and implementation. This can also be taken to be the basis of education design for competency reinforcement for teachers. Therefore, in this study, the characteristics of noticing shown in teachers' reflections after class design and demonstration were identified. For this purpose, the self-reflection journals of 106 elementary pre-service teachers enrolled in the College of Education in Gangwon-do were analyzed. In particular, the journals were gathered that were written after the demonstration dealing with the change of gas volume by temperature in science class. After designing a noticing analysis frame consisting of the five dimensions 'agent', 'stage', 'topic', 'focus', and 'stance', the frequency and ratio of noticing by each dimension's components were derived. The frequency and ratio of noticing for the dimension of 'focus' were analyzed for the dimensions of 'stage' and 'topic'. The results of the study were as follows. For the dimension of 'agent', the frequency of teacher and student was the highest, and for the dimension of 'stage', inquiry activity was the highest. For the 'topic' dimension, class design according to the teaching strategy appeared most frequently, and in the 'focus' dimension, the cases that did not specify the goal of the class and the competencies to be achieved by the students appeared most frequently. In the 'stance' dimension, description showed the highest frequency. From the analysis of how the 'focus' changes according to the 'stage' and 'topic', it was found that a characteristic focus appeared for each component of the dimension. From these results, the implications of the noticing characteristics of pre-service teachers for the design and implementation of teacher education were discussed.

A Study on Recent Trends in Building Linked Data for Overseas Libraries: Focusing on Published Datasets, Reused Vocabulary, and Interlinked External Datasets (해외 도서관 링크드 데이터 구축의 최근 동향 연구 - 발행 데이터세트, 재사용 어휘집, 인터링킹 외부 데이터세트를 중심으로 -)

  • Sung-Sook Lee
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Library and Information Science
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    • v.56 no.4
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    • pp.5-28
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    • 2022
  • In this study, LD construction cases of overseas libraries were analyzed with focus on published datasets, reused vocabulary, and interlinked external datasets, and based on the analysis results, basic data on LD construction plans of domestic libraries were obtained. As a result of the analysis of 21 library cases, overseas libraries have established a faithful authority LD and conducted new services using published LDs. To this end, overseas libraries collaborated with other libraries and cultural institutions within the region, within the country, and nationally under the leadership of the library, and based on this cooperation, a specialized dataset was published. Overseas libraries used Schema.org to increase the visibility of published LDs, and used BIBFRAME for subdivision of description to define various entities and build LDs based on the defined entities. Overseas libraries have utilized various defined entities to link related information, display results, browse, and download in bulk. Overseas libraries were interested in the continuous up-to-date of interlinked external datasets, and directly utilized external data to reinforce catalog information. In this study, based on the derived implications, points to be considered when issuing LDs by domestic libraries were proposed. The research results can be used as basic data when future domestic libraries plan LD services or upgrade existing services.

Transformation and Characteristics of the Verse-Chorus Form Used in Musical Theatre Songs (뮤지컬 노래에 사용된 'Verse-Chorus' 형식의 변용과 특징)

  • Lee, Eun-Hye
    • Journal of Korea Entertainment Industry Association
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    • v.15 no.7
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    • pp.33-43
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    • 2021
  • The purpose of this study is to examine the transformation and characteristics of the Verse-Chorus form. The musical form of a musical song is a structural mechanism for expression to effectively convey the dramatic situation of the characters to the audience. This study identified four types of representative forms that can be used to explore the transformation with the verse-chorus form and examined their characteristics. First is the Verse-Chorus form which repeats the description of simple situations and characters in the early stage of the musical. Second is the Verse-Bridge-Verse form which is used to evoke the atmosphere and escape boredom through a slight transformation of the bridge while explaining a simple character. Third is the Verse-Prechorus-Chorus form, which sits just before the chorus, connects the verse and the chorus, and promotes the emotional rise of the characters by smoothing the drama and the harmonic progression. Lastly, this study examined the expanded Verse-BG dialogue-Chorus form used to represent the situation in which conflicts about the complex feelings of the characters and the decisions about them coexist. As such, musical songs use various types of verse-chorus forms. Through the formality and transformation of the verse-chorus, the logic of the music and the logic of the drama are balanced so that the development of the music and the drama does not enter the state of imbalance. Based on this study, further progressive research can take place on the correlation between musical form and dramatic structure, beyond the transformation of musical song form.