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Analysis of Noticing Characteristics Presented in Elementary Pre-service Teachers' Self-reflection Journals on the Science Class  

Yoon, Heojeong (Chuncheon National University of Education)
Publication Information
Journal of Korean Elementary Science Education / v.41, no.4, 2022 , pp. 754-770 More about this Journal
For teachers, noticing refers to paying attention to something, indicating they interpret it and how they are willing to react to it in the context of their own instruction. Analysis of noticing features enables us to understand the overall characteristics of the teacher's lesson design, practice, and reflection, which are core agents in the educational design and implementation. This can also be taken to be the basis of education design for competency reinforcement for teachers. Therefore, in this study, the characteristics of noticing shown in teachers' reflections after class design and demonstration were identified. For this purpose, the self-reflection journals of 106 elementary pre-service teachers enrolled in the College of Education in Gangwon-do were analyzed. In particular, the journals were gathered that were written after the demonstration dealing with the change of gas volume by temperature in science class. After designing a noticing analysis frame consisting of the five dimensions 'agent', 'stage', 'topic', 'focus', and 'stance', the frequency and ratio of noticing by each dimension's components were derived. The frequency and ratio of noticing for the dimension of 'focus' were analyzed for the dimensions of 'stage' and 'topic'. The results of the study were as follows. For the dimension of 'agent', the frequency of teacher and student was the highest, and for the dimension of 'stage', inquiry activity was the highest. For the 'topic' dimension, class design according to the teaching strategy appeared most frequently, and in the 'focus' dimension, the cases that did not specify the goal of the class and the competencies to be achieved by the students appeared most frequently. In the 'stance' dimension, description showed the highest frequency. From the analysis of how the 'focus' changes according to the 'stage' and 'topic', it was found that a characteristic focus appeared for each component of the dimension. From these results, the implications of the noticing characteristics of pre-service teachers for the design and implementation of teacher education were discussed.
noticing; elementary pre-service teacher; science education; teacher education;
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Times Cited By KSCI : 4  (Citation Analysis)
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