• Title/Summary/Keyword: curriculum theory

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A Study on Self-Censorship by Conflict in the Educational Environment of Art College: Based on the attribution theory. (예술대학 교육환경 속 갈등관계에 따른 자기검열 연구: 귀인이론을 중심으로)

  • Kim, Kwang-Cheol;Song, Jin-Ho
    • Journal of the Korea Convergence Society
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    • v.12 no.3
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    • pp.151-164
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    • 2021
  • This study aimed to find ways to reduce self-censorship by identifying the conflict and attribution to the motivation for self-censorship during the curriculum of the College of Arts. The analysis confirmed the significance of each relationship by conducting a correlation and regression analysis between the variables, and the analysis of the effects was based on the significant factors among them. The analysis showed the external locus of control toward self-censorship and interpersonal conflict had a partial mediation effect. In other words, as the degree of conflict in the educational environment increases, art college students are aware of the cause of the problem due to external characteristics such as others, task difficulty, etc., and thus confirmed the conclusion that frustration and shame caused by it become the motive for self-censorship.

Teaching and learning about informal statistical inference using sampling simulation : A cultural-historical activity theory analysis (표집 시뮬레이션을 활용한 비형식적 통계적 추리의 교수-학습: 문화-역사적 활동이론의 관점에 따른 분석)

  • Seo Minju;Seo Yumin;Jung Hye-­Yun;Lee Kyeong-­Hwa
    • Journal of the Korean School Mathematics Society
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    • v.26 no.1
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    • pp.21-47
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    • 2023
  • This study examines the activity system of teaching and learning about informal statistical inference using sampling simulation, based on cultural-historical activity theory. The research explores what contradictions arise in the activity system and how the system changes as a result of these contradictions. The participants were 20 elementary school students in the 5th to 6th grades who received classes on informal statistical inference using sampling simulations. Thematic analysis was used to analyze the data. The findings show that a contradiction emerged between the rule and the object, as well as between the mediating artifact and the object. It was confirmed that visualization of empirical sampling distribution was introduced as a new artifact while resolving these contradictions. In addition, contradictions arose between the subject and the rule and between the rule and the mediating artifact. It was confirmed that an algorithm to calculate the mean of the sample means was introduced as a new rule while resolving these contradictions.

Analysis of Test Result at Secondary Science Using Cognitive Diagnosis theory (인지 진단 이론을 활용한 중학교 과학 시험 결과의 분석)

  • Kim, Ji-Young;Kim, Soo-Jin
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.29 no.8
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    • pp.812-823
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    • 2009
  • The purpose of this study is to search effective assessments methods by using the Fusion model of Cognitive diagnosis theory. Attributes are skills or cognitive processes that are required to perform correctly on a particular item. After test items were developed, item's attributes were decided and Q-matrix about item's attributes was made. After testing, the result was analyzed according to gender and achievement level. The results of the analysis showed that students mastered 'Interpreting data' best, and 'synthesizing' worst among the five attributes. Female students showed higher ability than male students in 'recalling.' Students of high achievement level mastered more scientific attributes than students of low achievement level. Conventional assessments only provided a single summary score but Cognitive diagnosis modeling provided useful information by estimating individual knowledge states by assessing whether an examinee has mastered specific attributes measured by the science test. The skill profiles can offer a skill level of strong, weak, or mixed for each student for each skill. Therefore, the skill profiles will provide useful diagnostic information in addition to single overall scores.

A Study on Curriculum Development for CHPs (보건진료원 직무교육 교과과정개선을 위한 연구)

  • Kwon Myung-Soon
    • Journal of Korean Public Health Nursing
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    • v.13 no.2
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    • pp.26-44
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    • 1999
  • The study was done to improve the job training course for Community Health Practioners (CHPs) by evaluating the level of help that the training provided to the CHPs in carrying out their work and to analyze the management activities of the CHPs in order to develop a more effective CHP training program. The methodologies used in the study were a questionnaire survey. The survey results were analyzed using SPSS Windows. The study results are as follows. 1. The total average level of help from the job training(Theory. Practice and Field Practice) for carrying out the CHP work was found to be $3.04\pm.53$ (of a possible 4), which indicates a high level of help. The average for clinical practices was $3.16\pm.60$. for theory. $3.11\pm.40$ and for field practice. $2.84\pm.60$. 2. For the theory content of the job training courses. the help level was low in the area of mother and child health management/family planning with an average of $2.65\pm.62$ and in the area of health information system development with an average of $2.62\pm.83$. The reason for these deficiencies were. in order of frequency. few opportunities to apply learning. training content that was inadequate. training methodologies which were incongruent with content. improper training items and insufficient class hours. For the practice. the clinical work in rehabilitation/orthopedics departments and in ENT/Opthalmology departments had averages of $2.96\pm.86$ and $2.97\pm.80$ respectively. This low level resulted from the lack of direct experience. lack of sincerity during the practice time. lack of practice guidance. insufficient time and lack of practice equipment. in that order. For the field practice. the delivery management averaged $2.06\pm.90$ as the lowest help level. In this case 68% of respondents replied that there were no relevant reasons for this deficiency. 21% responsed that there was a lack of direct experience, 7%, a lack of practice guidance and 4.8%, insufficient time. 3. There were significant differences for several demographic variables when comparing the help level of the clinical courses (practice and Field Practice). A higher help level was reported by older nurses as compared to younger ones, experienced nurses as compared to scholarship nurses, and married over single. Also for nurses who had finished more other programs and were qualified or licensed in several areas the level was high. Although it was not statistically significant the level was higher if the work area was in a rural county, not a city, and if one had more recently completed the job training(P<,05). 4. Of the respondents 58.6% replies stated the period of job training for the CHP was adequate, but 51.7% reported that the period for theory courses was too short while an other 48.3% responded that it was sufficient. For practice locations, 50% responsed that it was good to practice in medical institutions(primary, secondary and tertiary) at the same time. While 48.3% agreed that doing theory and practice simultaneously was good, and 56.9% agreed that field practice should be done after completing theory and practice training. Hence, the development of new field practice guidelines suitable for changing environments of health management are required in place of the existing ones which were considered low in help level to the practical work of the CHPs.

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The Analysis of Algebra Conception in Mathematics Textbooks of Korea, America and Japan (한.미.일 수학 교과서에 나타난 대수 개념의 유형 분석)

  • Lim, Mi-Ran;Song, Yeong-Moo
    • Journal of the Korean School Mathematics Society
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    • v.11 no.1
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    • pp.133-157
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    • 2008
  • This paper is based on theory of Usiskin who defined inclusively the various concepts of algebra among many theories classifying a type of the algebra. For this purpose, we examined the curriculum of the algebra of Korea, America and Japan, then analyzed where the problems in "Letter and Formula" of the textbooks fall under Usiskin's concepts of algebra.

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L2 Reader's Critical Reading Interpretation

  • Kim, Young-Mi
    • English Language & Literature Teaching
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.1-27
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    • 2006
  • This study investigated how EFL readers critically read texts which are written in English. Although critical reading has been discussed in advanced EFL and ESL contexts there has not been much research on the critical reading of beginning EFL learners. Many educators are recommending that a critical perspective be adopted so that L2 learners can become empowered rather than indoctrinated. In this study, the researcher has examined the critical reading practices of five beginning level EFL readers in Korea and five first language readers of English in the United States as they read a news editorial article. The significant findings were discussed related to critical reading practice of L2 readers. The findings of the study can help the educators in English education in improving the curriculum, the teaching methodology and the learning theory for EFL reading for critical reading.

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Exploring a Deeper Meaning in Service-Learning Pedagogy and Implementing it in Family and Consumer Sciences Education

  • Kwon, Yoo-Jin
    • International Journal of Human Ecology
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.71-79
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    • 2008
  • Service-Learning pedagogy includes community service and reflection as main components. Students can learn integration and application of knowledge beyond specific fields through experiences and reflection. The purpose of family and Consumer Sciences Education is related to connect theory and practice to improve individual, family, and community life. The curriculum focuses not only on content mastery in subjects, but also application of that knowledge to the real lives of students. Considering the purpose of service-learning as integration and application of knowledge, service- learning pedagogy can contribute to rethink family and Consumer Sciences Education. Reflection as a key component is examined for service-learning pedagogy. Exploring a deeper meaning of reflection in aspects of community connection, critical thinking, and transformative learning would extend the value of it and provide implications for implementing reflection in service-learning pedagogy in Family and Consumer Sciences Education.

Exploring the Openness and Innovation of Experiment Teaching in College Mathematics

  • Dan, Qi;Shen, Xiaona;Wu, Songlin;Yang, Tinghong;Fu, Shilu
    • Proceedings of the Korea Society of Mathematical Education Conference
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    • 2010.04a
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    • pp.281-289
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    • 2010
  • Experiment teaching is an important part for science and engineering colleges, teaching through different pilot projects: First, help students to consolidate the theory of operation; second, trail students the capacity and the ability to solve practical problems. Improve students the curriculum of learning, and promote the formation of students to discover and solve the problem. of the basic quality in training students hands-on ability and ability to innovate, while guiding them to develop the attitude of scientific truth-seeking, the style of rigorous and thorough and the spirit of unity and coordination.

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Open-Ended Questions and Creativity Education in Mathematics

  • Li, Yuwen;Li, Dongmei
    • Research in Mathematical Education
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    • v.13 no.1
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    • pp.23-30
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    • 2009
  • How to promote creativity for all students in mathematics education is always a hot topic for mathematics educators. Based on the theory study and practice in the project "Open-ended Questions in Mathematics" granted by Ministry of Basic Education Curriculum Study Center in China, the paper reported the effect of "Open-ended Questions in Mathematics" on the way to change the development of thinking ability, to inspire students to develop thinking flexibility, to expand their imagination, to stimulate their interest in learning, and to foster students' creativity.

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Development of Human Resources at universities for training of specialist in security industries - based on Departments related Security services - (경호·경비분야 전문인력양성을 위한 대학 인적자원개발 - 경호관련학과를 중심으로 -)

  • Kwon, Tae-Il
    • Journal of the Society of Disaster Information
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    • v.2 no.1
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    • pp.19-38
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    • 2006
  • With rapid social change, security industries were diversified and universities related total security service were founded for training of specialist with a theory and practical affairs. Today, universities must provide an education which fits to job characteristics in rapidly changing society. Also students through this education must find their job properly. The purposes of this study, therefore, are to search a career selection of students majoring in total security service related departments and to study a role of universities for development of specialist related security industries. Revitalization plan of human resources for departments related security services are as follows ; roles of universities: a specialization of curriculum and a diversification of training method. 'academic-industrial cooperation', role of government: 'a legal and institutional policy on academic-industrial cooperation';. Universities, cooperations, government must cooperate mutually for development of specialist related security service field.

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