• Title/Summary/Keyword: cultural-field

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The Concept of Philosopher/Writer and Its Change in the Age of Enlightenment : Expansion of the Publishing Market and Philosophers, Man of Letters and Writers (계몽주의 시대의 '철학자/작가'의 시기별 개념 변화와 그 의미 : 출판시장의 확대와 철학자, 문인 그리고 작가들)

  • Chung, Haisoo
    • Cross-Cultural Studies
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    • v.47
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    • pp.261-289
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    • 2017
  • This article is a follow-up on the concept of philosopher/writer and its transformation in the Age of Enlightenment - 1. the dictionary meaning of the term 'philosopher/writer' and the origins of 'literary fields' of the Enlightenment era. In this article, we analyzed changes in the literary field in the late $17^{th}$ century after the expansion of the publishing market. We examined the conflict surrounding philosophers' identifying between modern and traditional philosophers. We have validated that the formation of new readers has made traditional philosophers more sensitive to the 'horizon of expectations' of readers. Some biographical works are also one of our concern. By the end of the $17^{th}$ century, philosophers and writers suddenly became objects of biographical works unlike in the past. Through our research, we found that readers have sought the arrival of a new hero, a great philosopher or a great writer, that will lead a new era, and due to this anticipation, it has led to the publication of biographical works. In this process, we have revealed conceptual changes about authors, writers, philosophers, and so on. In the next article, we will continue advanced discussion on the concept of philosopher/writer.

Post-Historical Description and Spatial Attribute - Focusing on the Movie Paradise in Service - (탈역사 서술과 공간의 표상 - 영화 <군중낙원>을 중심으로)

  • Jin, Sung Hee
    • Cross-Cultural Studies
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    • v.43
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    • pp.405-428
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    • 2016
  • The purpose of this paper is to examine the narrative-building method and the post-historical descriptive aspects of the movie Paradise in Service, which deals with the modern history of Taiwan. Although Paradise in Service tells the history of a certain time period, it focuses on the anguish and agony felt by people who lived during that age rather than on the meaning of historical events or interpretation of the past in terms of official historical discourse. That is, as it avoids looking at the present by composing a narrative in the descriptive historical context and from bearing weight from the viewpoint of realism, it gains the possibility of establishing a new field of discourse through a post-historical discussion using descriptive historical texts. However, the movie tries to create fantasy through a special type of licensed prostitution as a means of post-historical description. In other words, when this movie tries to reproduce the microscopic history of common people in trouble because of a historical tragedy, it considers only men and excludes "weak" women. Thus, although Paradise in Service has meaning in that it gives an example of how movies can disrupt official historical discourse and group memory and rewrite history by focusing on individuals, it is limited by its male-centrism.

Reconsideration of the Linguistic Category of Mediation in Language: a Comparative Approach between French and Korean (언어의 '매개작용' 범주 고찰: 프랑스어와 한국어 비교 연구)

  • Suh, Jungyeon
    • Cross-Cultural Studies
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    • v.46
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    • pp.297-325
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    • 2017
  • In this paper, I would like to reconsider the evidential category (or the mediation category) in languages with language specific values, especially in Korean and French evidentials. We tried to analyze how the evidentials are represented in both languages including their linguistic markers (grammatical, lexical or discursive) and their semantic meanings. According to the precedent studies from the general linguistic point of view, we would like to reconsider the semantic meanings of both languages' grammatical markers, the so-called Korean retrospective marker '-te-' and French conditionals in the framework of the enunciative operation theory suggested by $Descl{\acute{e}}s$ & $Guentch{\acute{e}}va$ (2000), which proposed to classify the type of discourse by the language-independent description tools conceived after the enunciation theory suggested by Bally (1965), Benveniste (1956), Culioli (1973). Through this approach, we would like to contribute to establishing the linguistic basis not only for the general linguistic research to determine the invariant meaning of linguistic evidentials and their system, but also for the applied linguistics to the language engineering field.

Interrelationship in the Translations of the Works of P. A. Kropotkin in East Asian Countries (동아시아와 식민지 조선에서 크로포트킨 번역의 경로들과 상호참조 양상 고찰)

  • Kim, Mi Ji
    • Cross-Cultural Studies
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    • v.43
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    • pp.171-206
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    • 2016
  • Russian anarchist thinker P. A. Kropotkin had a significant impact on the school of thought, the literary field and the anarchist movement in East Asia in the early 20th century. This paper examines the history of the translation of Kropotkin in terms of the routes and paths of translation in colonial Korea in comparison with those in Japan and China. It is a known fact that the acceptance of Kropotkin in colonial Korea is owed to pioneering translation works in Japan, but it appears that there have been various transformations and magnetizations in the process of translating the texts into the Korean language. Despite a disturbing censorship, the works of Kropotkin, such as "I appeal to the youth ("Aux Jeunes Gens" in French)", were imported, translated and distributed by various routes throughout the 1920s and there were various versions of translated Korean texts. At this point, it is noteworthy that there are works which were translated from Chinese texts about Kropotkin, such as the works of Yu Seo (柳絮), and it can be said that there is a relationship between Korean translations and Chinese original texts. Since the 1930s, the phenomenon of the appropriation of Kropotkin as a litterateur and critic rather than an anarchist thinker is particularly apparent, and this allows us to understand that Kropotkin became a major pathway to interpret Russian literature in East Asia. In colonial Korea, translations of Kropotkin were generally via Japan and China, but the process of translation also showed the struggle to accept and adapt 'the foreign text' into the Korean language.

The Short Term Effects of an Early Intervention Program for Alcoholism Prevention in Adults: A Pilot Study (성인대상 알코올중독 예방 조기개입의 단기효과: 예비 연구)

  • Kang, Kyong-Hwa
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.18 no.11
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    • pp.550-561
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    • 2018
  • The aim of this study was to investigate the short term effects of early intervention on alcohol knowledge, alcohol expectancies, drinking refusal self-efficacy for alcoholism prevention in adults and to examine its applicability in the field. This study was a non-equivalent control group pre-post quasi-experimental design. The participants were currently working, and were 12-25 points on result of the Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test(AUDIT). The participants were a total of 25 men: 13 in the intervention group and 12 in the control group. The intervention group participated in early intervention program once a week for 4 weeks and the control group received only a booklet of alcohol related information. A chi-square test, t-test, Mann-Whitney U test were analyzed by using IBM SPSS Statistics 20.0. The intervention group had significantly higher the alcohol knowledge(t=1.258, p= .002), the negative alcohol expectancies(t=-1.346, p= .042), and the drinking refusal self-efficacy(t=2.817, p= .010) than the control group. In the future, it is need to apply the criteria of problem drinkers considering cultural characteristics, recruitment of participants, and motivational enhancement intervention using motivational interviewing. Especially, web-based alcohol related information providing program will help raise awareness of problem drinking. Early intervention program needs to be applied in community settings where problem drinkers are easily accessible.

Research on the Development of NCS-based Game Curriculum Focused on the Game Contents Dept. of Kimpo Univ. (NCS기반 게임교육과정 개발에 관한 연구 : 김포대학교 게임콘텐츠과를 중심으로)

  • Kwon, Yong Man
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.17 no.2
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    • pp.381-387
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    • 2019
  • Since the development of NCS-based curriculum in field of game education is not well studied, so we carried out research on the curriculum development of game contents department of Kimpo University as the first study to link game education and NCS. In order to develop the NCS-based game education course, we analyzed the game industry environment and conducted a demand survey on the game industry officials to derive the vocational basic subjects required for game contents creation. In addition, we analyzed the types of manpower training by using on-site experts (SME). SME also designed the NCS curriculum by matching the manpower type comparing with NCS classification and capacity unit, analyzing the usefulness of each Capacity unit, and finally, by arranging each NCS and non-NCS subjects by semester. This research is meaningful as the first study linking NCS and game content creation, and it will be a reference for other education institutions planning game education course based on NCS. It also can be used as a basic material for researching game education quality management (CQI) as well as improvement methods for future game education courses.

The Improvement of the Area Estimation of the Metropolitan Railway Station Platforms (도시철도 및 광역철도 승강장 면적산정식의 개선방안 연구)

  • Kim, Jinho;Shin, Minjung;You, Soyoung;Kim, Taewan
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.38 no.6
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    • pp.991-999
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    • 2018
  • In urban areas, the proportion of railway traffic in public transport is increasing. The congestion situation is repeated as the passengers concentrate on station and transfer facilities and the inconvenience of the passengers is increasing in terms of safety and convenience. Therefore, the importance of estimating the appropriate area of the station has been emphasized. The area estimation formula used in the metropolitan railway stations currently is a partial modification of the area estimation formula of Japan in the 1970s. It does not reflect changes in the social and cultural environment and patterns of passengers. The technical basis for major decision variables is insufficient. Therefore, the theoretical basis of the area estimation formula and the pedestrian environment satisfaction of the design guideline of metropolitan railway stations were analyzed in order to suggest improvement formula. The improved area estimation formula was verified by conducting field surveys on 5 stations of metropolitan railways and 15 stations of urban railways. The existing area estimation formula is LOS E grade for the main space. However, the LOS D grade is implemented when the improved area estimation formula is applied. Based on the results, the design factors for the area estimation formula are suggested.

Development of Korean SPAR(Soil-Plant-Atmosphere-Research) System for Impact Assessment of Climate Changes and Environmental Stress (기후변화 및 환경스트레스 영향평가를 위한 한국형 SPAR(Soil-Plant-Atmosphere-Research) 시스템의 개발)

  • Sang, Wan-Gyu;Kim, Jun-Hwan;Shin, Pyong;Baek, Jae-Kyeong;Lee, Yun-Ho;Cho, Jung-Il;Seo, Myung-Chul
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural and Forest Meteorology
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    • v.21 no.3
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    • pp.187-195
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    • 2019
  • The needs for precise diagnostics and farm management-decision aids have increased to reduce the risk of climate change and environmental stress. Crop simulation models have been widely used to search optimal solutions for effective cultural practices. However, limited knowledge on physiological responses to environmental variation would make it challenging to apply crop simulation models to a wide range of studies. Advanced research facilities would help investigation of plant response to the environment. In the present study, the sunlit controlled environment chambers, known as Korean SPAR (Soil-Plant-Atmosphere-Research) system, was developed by renovating existing SPAR system. The Korean SPAR system controls and monitors major environmental variables including atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration, temperature and soil moisture. Furthermore, plants are allowed to grow under natural sunlight. Key physiological and physical data such as canopy photosynthesis and respiration, canopy water and nutrient use over the whole growth period are also collected automatically. As a case study, it was shown that the Korean SPAR system would be useful for collection of data needed for understanding the growth and developmental processes of a crop, e.g., soybean. In addition, we have demonstrated that the canopy photosynthetic data of the Korean SPAR indicate the precise representation of physiological responses to environment variation. As a result, physical and physiological data obtained from the Korean SPAR are expected to be useful for development of an advanced crop simulation model minimizing errors and confounding factors that usually occur in field experiments.

Development of Designs for an Early Developmental Disorder Screening Questionnaire for Multicultural Families (다문화가정을 위한 발달장애 조기 선별검사지 디자인 개발)

  • Lee, Seung-Hyun;Park, Soo-Jin
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.19 no.9
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    • pp.262-270
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    • 2019
  • This study aimed to develop designs for an early screening questionnaire for developmental disorders among children from multicultural families in the Republic of Korea, who are at an increased risk of developmental disorders due to cultural and language barriers. Research on early screening questionnaires for multicultural families is extremely scanty, unlike that on ordinary early detection tests designed for the same category of disorders. Worse still, there have been no attempts made at overcoming the limitations of language-based and intercultural communication that are endured by multicultural parents and social workers in the field. Given the challenges, this study confirmed through professional seminars the present status of early developmental disorder screening questionnaires and the necessity for developing specialized versions for multicultural children. Then the study identified the needs of the stakeholders by employing surveys and interviews, and obtained insights and core design elements. These preceding implementations led to the creation of an early developmental disorder screening questionnaire for multicultural families. The test kit incorporates the style of illustrations preferred by multicultural parents, as well as a system of language-specific interpretation services. Produced in a leaflet format, the questionnaire will be used at support centers for multicultural families and for disabled persons in each district for the practical purpose of early screening of developmental disorders among multicultural infants and preschool children.

Sustainability Evaluation of Ecotourism (생태관광의 지속가능성 평가에 관한 연구)

  • Chun, Joo-Hyung;Lim, Yeon-Woo
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.20 no.5
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    • pp.448-455
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    • 2019
  • Ecotourism, which is attracting attention as a method of sustainable tourism, is a tourism that aims to preserve the environment of the tourist area, to improve the participation and welfare of residents in the tourist area, and to improve the tourism experience and education. Ecotourism is a field that is developing at a faster rate than other areas of tourism. With the pace of growth, ecotourism faces new challenges for sustainability. This study focused on institutional sustainability in addition to economic, socio - cultural and environmental sustainability to assess the sustainability of ecotourism destinations. The results of this study confirm that institutional sustainability should be given priority for sustainability of ecotourism. Examples include the designation of protected areas, the establishment of ecotourism management entities, the regular investigation and research of academic purposes, the management of tourist visits and tourist information, the cooperation and participation of local residents, and the activities of commentators and managers. The attractiveness of ecological resources was also influenced by the access of tourists and the influence of local residents. Therefore, careful attention should be paid to the approach of tourists and the use of land by local residents in ecotourism. In the future, the operation of the visitor center, the professional education and mission of the interpreters' ecological resources, and the training and guidance of tourists by interpreters will be very helpful for the sustainability of the ecotourism destination.