• Title/Summary/Keyword: comparison of textbooks

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An Analysis of Analogies in the Chemistry Domain of Middle School Science Textbooks Developed under the 2007 Revised National Curriculum (2007 개정 중학교 과학 교과서의 화학 영역에 사용된 비유의 분석)

  • Noh, Taehee;Ahn, Inyoung;Kang, Sukjin
    • Journal of the Korean Chemical Society
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    • v.57 no.3
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    • pp.398-404
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    • 2013
  • In this study, the analogies in the chemistry domain of middle school science textbooks developed under the 2007 revised National Curriculum were analyzed. A total of 235 analogies were found in 27 middle school science textbooks analysed, which means that one analogy per 10 pages was used on average. The number of analogies found in each textbook considerably varied depending on both publishing company and chemistry domain. Functional analogies, verbal and pictorial analogies, analogies with abstract target and concrete analog, enriched analogies, everyday contexts analogies, student-centered analogies, and analogies with low systematicity were frequently used. On presenting the analogies in the textbooks, the term analogy and description about the limitations of the analogies were rarely mentioned. In comparison with the analogies in the science textbooks developed under the 7th National Curriculum, the frequency of analogies per page was increased. There were positive changes in the aspects of representation, extent of mapping and artificiality. No differences, however, were found in the patterns of the other aspects.

A Comparative Analysis of Time in Elementary Mathematics Textbooks (시각과 시간에 대한 우리나라 초등학교 수학 교과서 분석)

  • Nam, Jihyun;Chang, Hyewon
    • School Mathematics
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    • v.19 no.3
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    • pp.513-531
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    • 2017
  • This study aims to analyze and compare Korean mathematics textbooks on time and to induce its educational implications. Concretely, the mathematics textbooks from the 1st to the 2009 national revised curriculum were selected for the longitudinal analysis. In each textbook, the contents such as clock reading, units of time, and calculation of elapsed time among various contents about time were chosen. The learning elements and their teaching sequence, the teaching method (the introducing ways of each concept and principle), and the didactical representations are set as an analysis framework. The results of analysis revealed many characteristics and differences in ways of dealing contents about time. Based on these results, we suggested several implications for writing the unit of time in elementary mathematics textbooks and teaching about time in classrooms.

An Analysis of the History of Science Presented at the Chapter of Inquiry of Science in High School Science Textbooks: A Comparison of the Textbooks Developed Under 6th and 7th National Curriculam (고등학교 과학 교과서의 "과학의 탐구" 단원에 제시된 과학사 내용 분석: 6차와 7차 교육과정에서 개발된 교과서 비교)

  • Jeon, Kyung-Moon;Park, Hyun-Ju;Noh, Tae-Hee
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.24 no.5
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    • pp.825-832
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    • 2004
  • In this study, the history of science (HOS) presented at the chapter of "Inquiry of science" in high school science textbooks developed under the 6th and 7th national curriculam was analyzed and compared. A total of 57 sections from 19 textbooks (6th: 12 textbooks, 7th: 7 textbooks) were analyzed in terms of the domain and the presentation level of the HOS described. The results revealed that the frequencies of HOS per page of the textbooks under the 7th curriculum tended to be higher than those under the 6th one in all the domains (conceptual, procedural, and contextual), of which the difference in conceptual domain was statistically different. Regarding the describing level (limited and extensive) at the presentation of the HOS, the frequencies of extensive descriptions per page for the textbooks under the 7th curriculum were also significantly higher than those under the 6th one. The improvement of frequencies and presentation level of HOS in 7th national curriculum could help students to understand scientific concept and nature of science and to have an interest about science.

Comparison of Content related to 'Geology of the Korean Peninsula' presented in the Textbooks of the 2015 Revised Curriculum: Focused on Earth Science II and Korean Geography Textbooks (2015 개정 교육과정의 교과서에 제시된 '한반도의 지질' 내용 비교: 지구과학 II 및 한국지리 교과서를 중심으로)

  • Kyeong-Jin Park
    • Journal of the Korean earth science society
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    • v.44 no.3
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    • pp.236-252
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    • 2023
  • Both Earth science II and Korean geography textbooks emphasize the importance of content related to 'geology of the Korean Peninsula'. This study aimed to analyze the differences in the content related to the 'geology of the Korean Peninsula' presented in the textbooks, and to find out whether these differences are consistent with the latest scientific knowledge in any inconsistencies are found. For this purpose, seven textbooks (four Earth science II and three Korean geography) published under the 2015 revised curriculum were selected as the subject of analysis, and the difference in the description of the tectonic provinces of the Korean Peninsula, geologic time scale, and explanatory texts of geological characteristics between Earth science II and Korean geography textbooks were compared. As a result of the analysis, there are some cases of inconsistencies between Earth science II and Korean geography textbooks in terms of terminologies, names, and distribution ranges related to the tectonic provinces of the Korean Peninsula. The Korean geography textbooks had inconsistencies in the geochronologic data of the rocks as they cited outdated data. In addition, inconsistencies were found in the explanatory texts describing the 'distribution of rocks on the Korean Peninsula', 'characteristics of the Pyeongan Supergroup', and 'great hiatus of the Paleozoic Era'. Both Earth science and Geography have many concepts in common, therefore, effort is needed to minimize the differences in content. It is important to select the content appropriately which should reflect the latest scientific knowledge and presents the concepts consistently.

The Study on Didactic Transposition for Teaching Statistical Graphs - The comparison between the Korean and MiC's textbooks (그래프의 교수학적 변환 방식 비교 -우리나라 교과서와 MiC 교과서의 초등 통계 내용을 중심으로-)

  • Lee, Kyung-Hwa;Ji, Eun-Jeung
    • Journal of Educational Research in Mathematics
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    • v.18 no.3
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    • pp.353-372
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    • 2008
  • This study looks around the goals of teaching statistical graphs that are introduced in the seventh Korean Curriculum for Elementary School and in the Principles and Standards for School Mathematics(NCTM, 2000), and these are compared. We compare how to transpose statistical graphs didactically between the Korean and MiC textbooks. For it, it examines the types of statistical graphs, the methods defining them, and the making connections and comparing among them, which are content components in the chapters on statistical graphs. The results show that in contrast to the Korean textbooks, NCTM(2000) has allowed students to develop their own expression for data, to compare results analysed within different graphs, and to consider a graph as a whole in the goals of teaching statistical graphs. MiC textbooks have introduced the number-line plot and the box plot more than Korean. Although both of Korean and MiC textbooks usually use extensive methods for defining individual graphs, the former use extensive methods together with synonymic methods and the latter use extensive methods with the characteristics of graphs. Also, the number-line plot is defined using operative method in the MiC textbooks. MiC textbooks contain various activities for connecting and comparing graphs, but there are comparatively few comparing activities in the Korean textbooks.

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  • Donner Allan
    • 대한예방의학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 1994.02b
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    • pp.297-312
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    • 1994
  • Over the last decade, considerable interest has focused on sample size estimation in the design of clinical trials. The resulting literature is scattered over many textbooks and journals. This paper presents these methods in a single review and comments on their application in practice.

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A Comparative Study between Korea and Japan's First Grade Math Textbooks: centered on Area (우리나라와 일본의 초등학교 1학년 수학 교과서 비교 연구: <수와 연산> 영역을 중심으로)

  • Park, Kyo Sik
    • Journal of the Korean School Mathematics Society
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    • v.17 no.2
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    • pp.235-249
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    • 2014
  • In this paper, teaching contents in area between Korea and Japan's first grade math textbooks are compared. Based on the results of this comparison, implications for improving our grade 1 math textbooks are obtained as follows. Firstly, when describing the configuration of two-digit numbers, it needs to be considered that, after the mathematical description of a concrete material representing two-digit numbers, then it should be processed mathematically. Secondly, with respect to the composition and decomposition of numbers, use of the expression of 'some number and some number' needs to be considered. Thirdly, when reading addition expression and subtraction expression with an equal sign, the way of reading them with terms 'sum' and 'difference' respectively needs to be reconsidered. Fourthly, use of the distinct expression for the supplementing situation and the merging situation respectively and use of the distinct expression for the removing situation and the comparing situation respectively need to be considered. Fifthly, the jump in representing the expression of subtraction of two numbers as the expression of the subtraction or mixed operation of three numbers to explain (some number)-(some number) with borrowing need to be resolved.

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Textbooks and Textiles: Fashion in East Asia, 1920-1945

  • Yi, Jaeyoon
    • International Journal of Costume and Fashion
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.87-101
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    • 2015
  • From the 1920s to 1945, East Asia experienced radical social change with the introduction of new fashion styles, and new ways of thinking, from the West. The emergence of a new generation of "new women" educated in modern schools was part of this phenomenon, and functioned as a trend-setting influence in East Asian society. In schools, education in dressmaking, sewing, and home economics were important parts of female education. Adopting a new fashion style is, by necessity, accompanied by the new technology of dressmaking. Given that ready-made clothing was not generally available, dressmaking education also served to introduce a new material culture. In Korea and Taiwan under Japanese colonization, the greater part of school curricula and textbooks mirrored those in Japan, which enabled these countries to develop and adopt transnational styles as well as local styles. This research explores the transition of women's fashion in East Asia in modern and colonial conditions from the 1920s to the 1940s by analysing curricula and textbooks on dressmaking in comparison with the prevailing styles in each region. This is expected to suggest the impact of modernity in East Asia and the transnational styles of fashion in colonial Korea and Taiwan, as well as Japan, developed within the local culture. Colonial conditions are also discussed in terms of their impact and limitations in the transition of styles.

Comparison of Illustrations of Elementary Science Textbooks in Korea and Singapore (우리나라와 싱가포르의 초등학교과학교과서 삽화 비교 분석)

  • Lee, Chang-Hoon;Kwon, Chi-Soon
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Earth Science Education
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    • v.6 no.1
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    • pp.13-19
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    • 2013
  • The purpose of this research is to examine the current state of inserting illustrations in science textbooks under the 7th Revised Educational Curriculum which is currently enforced in all grades of elementary schools, and to compare and analyze the external and internal differences in illustrations in science textbooks of elementary schools in Singapore and Korea and to present desirable direction of producing illustrations. There are not only some differences in rate of the kinds and role of the illustrations in grades, but also in both countries. For example, in the case of illustrations for motivation, in both Korea and Singapore, interesting photos related to overall contents with regard to the contents of the unit are used. But in the 3rd and 4th grade class in Singapore, story types of cartoons related to learning subjects are presented to draw students' interest and attention. These need to be considered when developing textbook illustrations in the future.

Comparison of Environmental Education Contents in Science Textbook between Korea and Illinois State in USA - Focused on Environmental Education Contents of 3rd~6th Grades - (미국 일리노이주와 한국의 과학교과서에 나타난 환경교육 내용 비교 분석 - 3~6학년 환경교육 내용을 중심으로 -)

  • Park, Heonwoo
    • Journal of Korean Elementary Science Education
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    • v.33 no.3
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    • pp.453-463
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    • 2014
  • Environmental education contents in science textbooks of South Korea and the United States were compared and analyzed in order to find how to develop environmental education in elementary science education. McGraw-Hill science textbooks for third to sixth grade and science textbooks of Korea based on the 2009 Revised National Curriculum and the 2007 Revised National Curriculum were analyzed and compared. The categories were educational goals, kinds of contents, distributions of contents and tense. The result showed that the environmental education goals in science textbook of Korea and United States were biased to knowledge area. The educational contents of the United States was higher 2.5 times then Korea and distributed in all areas. In quantitative distributions in Korea were biased some special areas. Tense of educational contents were almost present. Attitudes and recognition of students varies gradually over a long period of time, the contents of environmental education will be useful "evenly distributed" for all areas and school year.