• Title/Summary/Keyword: community child centers

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Effects of an Empowerment Program on the Burden of Mothers Having a Child with Cerebral Palsy* (임파워먼트 프로그램이 뇌성마비 아동 어머니의 부담감에 미치는 효과)

  • Eo, Yong-Sook
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing
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    • v.35 no.1
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    • pp.154-164
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    • 2005
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study was to develop an empowerment program as a nursing intervention for mothers who care for a child with cerebral palsy at home and to determine the effects of the program on those mothers' self efficacy, coping behavior and burden. Method: An non-equivalent control group pretest-posttest design was used in this study. An Empowerment program was developed based on Dunst & Trivette's model. Using the program, the study was carried out from Dec. 13, 2003 to Jan. 17, 2004, mothers whose children, aged 1 to 6, were outpatients of the Dept. of Rehabilitation Medicine, at P University Hospital or registered at educational institutions for early disabled children. The experimental group of subjects were included in the new empowerment program which was held for two and half hours every week for 6 times. Results: After treatment with the Empowerment Program, the experimental group was found to be significantly increased in score for self efficacy(t=4.55, p<.01), coping behavior(t=5.54, p<.001), objective burden(t=-3.96, p<.01) and subjective burden(t=-5.05, <.01), in comparison to the control group. Conclusion: The Empowerment Program is very effective in increasing self efficacy and coping behavior of mothers having a child with cerebral palsy and decreasing their burden. Finally, this study would recommend that an empowerment program should be extended to community facilities such as public health offices and welfare centers.

A Study on Perception and Attitudes of Health Workers Towards the Organization and Activities of Urban Health Centers (도시보건소 직원의 보건소 업무에 대한 인식 및 견해)

  • Lee, Jae-Mu;Kang, Pock-Soo;Lee, Kyeong-Soo;Kim, Cheon-Tae
    • Journal of Yeungnam Medical Science
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    • v.12 no.2
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    • pp.347-365
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    • 1995
  • A survey was conducted to study perception and attitudes of health workers towards health center's activities and organization of health services, from August 15 to September 30, 1994. The study population was 310 health workers engaged in seven urban health centers in Taegu City area. A questionnaire method was used to collect data and response rate was 81.3 percent or 252 respondents. The following are summaries of findings: Profiles of study population: Health workers were predominantly female(62.3%); had college education(60.3%); and held medical and nursing positions(39.6%), technicians(30.6%) and public health/administrative positions(29.8%). Perceptions on health center's resources: Slightly more than a half(51.1%) of respondents expressed that physical facilities of the centers are inadequate; equipments needed are short(39.0%); human resource is inadequate(44.8%); and health budget allocated is insufficient(38.5%) to support the performance of health center's activities. Decentralization and health services: The majority revealed that the decentralization of government system would affect the future activities of health centers(51.9%) which may have to change. However, only one quarter of respondents(25.4%) seemed to view the decentralization positively as they expect that it would help perform health activities more effectively. The majority of the respondents(78.6%) insisted that the function and organization of the urban health centers should be changed. Target workload and job satisfaction: A large proportion (43.3%) of respondents felt that present target setting systems for various health activities are unrealistic in terms of community needs and health center's situation while only 11.1 percent responded it positively; the majority(57.5%) revealed that they need further training in professional fields to perform their job more effectively; more than one third(35.7%) expressed that they enjoy their professional autonomy in their job performance; and a considerable proportion (39.3%) said they are satisfied with their present work. Regarding the personnel management, more worker(47.3%) perceived it negatively than positive(11.5%) as most of workers seemed to think the personnel management practiced at the health centers is not fair or justly done. Health services rendered: Among health services rendered, health workers perceived the following services are most successfully delivered; they are, in order of importance, Tb control, curative services, and maternal and child health care. Such areas as health education, oral health, environmental sanitation, and integrated health services are needed to be strengthening. Regarding the community attitudes towards health workers, 41.3 percent of respondents think they are trusted by the community they serve. New areas of concern identified which must be included in future activities of health centers are, in order of priority, health care of elderly population, home health care, rehabilitation services, and such chronic diseases control programs as diabetes, hypertension, school health and mental health care. In conclusion, the study revealed that health workers seemed to have more negative perceptions and attitudes than positive ones towards organization and management of health services and activities performed by the urban health centers where they are engaged. More specifically, the majority of health workers studied revealed to have the following areas of health center's organization and management inadequate or insufficient to support effective performance of their health activities: Namely, physical facilities and equipments required are inadequate; human and financial resources are insufficient; personnel management is unsatisfactory; setting of service target system is unrealistic in terms of the community needs. However, respondents displayed a number of positive perceptions, particularly to those areas as further training needs and implementation of decentralization of government system which will bring more autonomy of local government as they perceived these change would bring the necessary changes to future activities of the health center. They also displayed positive perceptions in their job autonomy and have job satisfactions.

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Leveraging Multimodal Supports using Mobile Phones for Obesity Management in Elementary-School Children: Program Providers' Perspective from a Qualitative Study (모바일폰을 이용한 초등학생 비만관리 복합지원의 잠재적 이로움 : 프로그램 제공자 측면에 대한 질적 연구)

  • Park, Mi-Young;Shim, Jae Eun;Kim, Kirang;Hwang, Ji-Yun
    • Korean Journal of Community Nutrition
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    • v.22 no.3
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    • pp.238-247
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    • 2017
  • Objectives: This study was conducted to investigate providers' perspectives on current challenges in implementing a program for prevention and management of childhood obesity and adoption of mobile phone as a potential solution of leveraging multimodal delivery and support in a school setting. Methods: The qualitative data were collected through face-to-face in-depth interviews with 23 elementary-school teachers, 6 pediatricians, and 6 dieticians from community health centers and analyzed using a qualitative research methodology. Results: Current challenges and potential solutions of obesity-prevention and -management program for obesity program for elementary school children were deduced as two themes each. Lack of tailored intervention due to limited recipient motivation, lack of individualized behavioral intervention, and different environmental conditions can be solvable by mobile technology-based personalized intervention which brings about interactive recipient participation, customized behavioral intervention, and ubiquitous accessibility. Lack of sustainable management due to stigmatization, limited interactions between program providers and inconsistent administrative support can be handled by multimodal support based on school setting using mobile platform providing education of health promoting behaviors toward larger scale and interactive networking between program participants, and minimizing administrative burden. Conclusions: Adoption of mobile-based health management program may overcome current limitations of child obesity program such as lack of tailored intervention and sustainable management via personalized intervention and multimodal supports although some concerns such as increased screen time need to be carefully considered in a further study.

Related Factors on Health Service Utilization and Satisfaction of Health Center Clients -Using '2010 Community Health Survey'- (보건기관 이용 현황 및 만족도와 관련 요인 -'2010지역사회건강조사' 자료를 이용하여-)

  • Kim, Hye-Sook;Park, Young-Hee
    • The Korean Journal of Health Service Management
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    • v.7 no.3
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    • pp.95-109
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    • 2013
  • The objective of this study is to assess the utilization and satisfactions about public health centers in Korea. For the analysis, the study utilize the nationwide data of 229,229 person on '2010 Community Health Survey' of Ministry of Health & Welfare. The statistical methodology used in the study is ${\chi}^2$, ANOVA, logistic regression model and multiple regression model. This study have four major findings. First, the significant affecting socio-demographic factors in utilizing public health center were gender, age, region, national basic living secured, married, income, education, job, state of health, chronic disease, unmet medical needs and utilization reason. Second, the most serviced category of health center user was vaccination both city and rural area and the next was certificate, primary care, health screening, other use, the mother and child in city area, primary care, health screening, certificate, home visiting health in rural area. Third, the significant affecting socio-demographic factors in satisfaction degree on health center service were age, region, national basic living secured, income, education, job, state of health, utilization degree and reason. Fourth, the most satisfied service of health service center was home visiting health in city area and mental health service in rural area and the next was nutritive control and the lowest satisfied service was user of certificate. The utilization and satisfaction on health center service were identified as different with residental area and user's characteristics. The politic effort are needed to support socially disadvantaged class and to narrow regional gap.

A Qualitative Study on Experience of Parents Who Use Community Welfare Center Supporting Their Children's Career in the Underprivileged Families (지역사회복지관을 이용하는 빈곤가정 부모의 청소년자녀 진로지원경험 연구)

  • Kim, Kyung Hee;Park, Ju Hye
    • Korean Journal of Family Social Work
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    • no.60
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    • pp.101-132
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    • 2018
  • The aim of this qualitative study was to explore and understand the roles, efforts, difficulties and challenges parents have in the process of raising teenage children and supporting their career development in the underprivileged families. The research was conducted through focus group interviews with low-income parents, with support from 11 local community welfare centers nationwide, and then thematic analysis was done with collected data. And we could draw on findings on the difficulties those parents are dealing with while assisting career plans of their children, the endeavors they make when doing so, the helpful support from the society, and things to be done in the future. With the results, we provide final recommendations on family-centered action plans and the roles of community welfare center that can effectively assist career development of teenage kids in the process of child upbringing of the underprivileged families.

Denver II Developmental Screening Test: A Cross Cultural Comparison (Denver II 발달검사를 이용한 한국과 미국의 아동 발달 비교 연구)

  • Shin, Hee-Sun;Han, Kyung-Ja;Oh, Ka-Sil;Oh, Jin-Joo;Ha, Mi-Na
    • Research in Community and Public Health Nursing
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    • v.13 no.1
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    • pp.89-97
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    • 2002
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study is to explore the validity of the application of the Denver II developmental screening test to Korean children. This screening test. which was developed and standardized in United States. was designed to screen for developmental delay in Korea. and to compare the levels of development of Korean children with the development of children from the U.S. Method: Quota sampling. NP To facilitate field sampling. the age range used from 0 to 6 years old. was split into 10 different age groups. Sample size was estimated according to residence. 1.054 children were recruited from Seoul's metropolitan. urban and rural areas. NP To fill the quota established. the Recruitment and testing of children was done at public health centers, pediatric outpatient clinics of general hospitals and a child care center. The 25, 50, 75 and 90 percentiles were identified by using logistic regression analysis and were calculated as norms. The items in which the ages of both 50 and 90 percent passing differed more than 20 percent by the calculation was identified for comparison. NP Result: There were significant differences found in 45 items between Korean children and the children from the City of Denver as it relates to age differences. 90% of the sample passed items among 125 items from 4 sectors, e.g., personal- social. fine motor adaptive, language, and gross motor sectors. Korean children were found to be advanced in 9 items, whereas there were significant differences found in 38 items in our comparison of the two countries for age differences when 50% of sample pass items. Korean children were found to be advanced in 16 items. NP Conclusion: The result showed that there was a discrepancy in the developmental norms. It could be explained by the differences in the developmental environment. including child rearing patterns and ethnicity. Therefore, a restandardization of the Denver Screening Test is necessary as it relates to its application on Korean children. This restandardization is necessary in order to avoid both under and over-referrals of children with developmental abnormality. The modification of items in the language sector is especially suggested.

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Status, Issues, and Improvement of Korean Childcare Accreditation (어린이집 평가인증제의 현안 및 발전방안)

  • Hwang, Hae-Ik;Kim, Nam-Hee;Jung, Hye-Young
    • Korean Journal of Childcare and Education
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    • v.9 no.6
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    • pp.461-490
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    • 2013
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate the status, issues and improvement of Korean Childcare Accreditation and to suggest some developmental directions of Korean Childcare Accreditation. For this purpose, we examined Korean and accreditation systems abroad and the previous research related to the accreditation. Finally, we presented some problems about Korean Childcare Accreditation and alternative ways to solve them. In other words, to achieve a true purpose of accreditation, we have to convert a philosophical paradigm and childcare staffs have to be the subject of accreditation. In addition, we need to hold various viewpoints, indicators, and evaluation methods to recognize discrimination and multiplicity of individual childcare centers. And we have to hold cooperative relationships among childcare centers, parents, community, and government.

Strengthening Families: The Re-structuring of Family Services in Hong Kong

  • Leung, Joe C.B.
    • 한국사회복지학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2002.10a
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    • pp.3-19
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    • 2002
  • The problems and needs of families in Hong Kong are becoming more complex. Traditional family structures and functions are rapidly eroding. Moreover, family problems are further exacerbated by a growing number of socio-economic issues including rising divorce rates and extra-marital affairs. continuous family reunion migration from Mainland China, emotional and financial cost of caring for the older people and the changing economy which has pushed more families into hardship. In effect, more and more families are becoming vulnerable to risk. Traditional family services in Hong Kong are varied in mode, operation and provision, often overlapping in service boundaries with other family-oriented programs. In many instances, family service centers are stretched far beyond their capacity. As a consequence, they become too reactive, remedial and casework dominated. The University of Hong Kong Consultant Team recommended that family service programs have to protect vulnerable families and strengthen family capacities to promote maximum independence. The direction of family services is summarized as: strengthening families; child-centered, family-focused and community-based. New integrative family service centers aim at attaining the principles of promoting accessibility to users with minimum physical, psychological and administrative barriers; early identification of needs and intervention before the further deterioration of problems; integration of services cutting across program boundaries, and partnership between service providers to achieve efficient and effective use of scarce resources. Under the new model, multi-skilled teams can respond more proactively to a wide range of social needs, rather than addressing needs in isolation. To demonstrate the effectiveness of the new model, the consultant team has been commissioned by the government to evaluate the performance of these two-year pilot projects. More importantly, a coherent and family-friendly social policy should be formulated to strengthen family capacity against family-related problems.

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Developing Financial Education Programs for Better Family Life Education in the Healthy Family Support Centers (가족생활교육으로서의 재무교육의 현황 및 과제 -지역 건강가정지원센터의 프로그램을 중심으로-)

  • Cho, Hyejin;Seo, Jiwon
    • Journal of Family Resource Management and Policy Review
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    • v.21 no.1
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    • pp.45-63
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    • 2017
  • The purpose of this study was to emphasize the household financial education as a part of family life education, especially when provided at local community level; it also examines diverse measures by which to deliver such education. To this end, the current study focuses on the education programs of a healthy family support center, which has been established as a representative transmission system. The current status of its operations was examined, and practical measures by which to stimulate the delivery of financial education within that center were derived. In more detail, previous studies inside and outside of Korea were examined, and the current status of financial education included in the area of family life education was assessed; as a result of these assessments, the definition and objectives of financial education as family life education were adjusted. The limits of financial education that has been delivered thus far were reviewed, with the aim of proposing measures by which to sufficiently stimulate the delivery of financial education programs-programs that ultimately reflect the healthy family philosophy. This study proposes four specific measures by which to stimulate financial education. The first is the application of 'life cycle perspectives' to educational terms. The second is the activation of financial education programs that involve the family unit as educational subjects. Third, the delivery of lectures which related to the financing and nurturing of program coordinators was proposed. The fourth is drawing a connection between online and offline education in terms of effectively applying teaching methods. Ultimately, the results of this study can be used as basic data to inform the planning, development, and operational stages of financial education programs within family life education, which can be performed in healthy family support centers in the future.

A Study on Operational Strategies and Programs of Healthy Family Support Centers (건강가정지원센터의 운영과 사업에 관한 연구)

  • Chang, Jin-Kyung;Oh, Jea-Eun;Ryu, Jin-A;Won, So-Yean;Han, Eun-Joo
    • Journal of Families and Better Life
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    • v.24 no.6 s.84
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    • pp.1-16
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    • 2006
  • This study aims to investigate the Healthy Family Support Centers'(HFSCs) operational patterns and their programs by surveying 46 HFSC employees in order to prepare for the massive increase of the number of HFSCs nationwide. This study might contribute to not only rebuilding the HFSCs' operational strategies but suggesting visible ideas for the HFSCs' programs. Results were as followed: First, most HFSCs consisted of several teams, i.e., educational team, counseling team and cultural team. However, the number of employees in each team was different from one regional community to another. The most difficult task in the HFSCs' operation was publicity work. Citing the issue of system delivery difficulties, HFSC employees insisted that budgetary deficit was the most difficult obstacle in running the HFSCs. Second was in regards to the programs that each team was planning, performing, and evaluating for each program. The HFSCs' programs were mostly structured around family difficulties or problems that arise according to the family life cycle. Based on these study results, more unified and specialized programs for HFSCs should be developed. In order to achieve this related studies should continue to conducted.