• Title/Summary/Keyword: casual games

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Analysis of Parody Game as Tragicomedy (현실을 패러디한 인디게임의 희비극성 연구)

  • Han, Hye-Won;Kim, Su-jin
    • Journal of Korea Game Society
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    • v.16 no.2
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    • pp.97-110
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    • 2016
  • Digital game is an entertainment content as well as a cultural content so that digital game can deliver social messages to make people confront with current problems. Based on Gonzalo Frasca's expanded model theory, this study aims to analyze independent games parodying reality on the level of the narrative and the gameplay to demonstrate that digital game can be a powerful medium to represent a satire on society. Parody games describe irrational side of society as being comical and provoke players' repetitive gameplay. Therefore, players can experience serious theme through casual play in the first-person, and realize the tragic reality directly.

The Metaverse and Video Games: Merging Media to Improve Soft Skills Training

  • Shin, Edward;Kim, Jang Hyun
    • Journal of Internet Computing and Services
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    • v.23 no.1
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    • pp.69-76
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    • 2022
  • Education systems have made efforts to prepare students by providing technical and nontechnical courses. With video games, however, there is the potential to develop dedicated metaverses that can help teach soft skills even during casual pastimes. The research conducted will propose a set of design practices for metaverse and game development to promote soft skills. While there are many soft skills people can acquire, this paper will focus on certain aspects based on specific games and studies. There will be some information collected from the information to support the design model and arguments. This paper will provide developers with a starting point for imaginative game creation and impart users with soft skills to assist in their professions and social life.

A Study on the History and Development of Serious Games for Education in Korea (한국 교육용 기능성 게임의 역사와 발전 방향 고찰)

  • Yoon, Hyung Sup
    • Journal of Korea Game Society
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    • v.20 no.4
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    • pp.101-110
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    • 2020
  • In this study I divided the development history of educational serious games into three periods. from 1995 to 2020 in Korea. I drew out some characteristics of each period. And I analyzed the correlation between the level of technology and learning effects or fun. so I found out some results. According to my analysis, the level of technology and learning effects and fun are not related to successful factors. While play style which is familiar and accessible to students like casual game has been commercially successful. It also confirmed that well-balanced games between fun and learning effects are a key factor in commercial success.

Comparative Analysis for Educational Puzzle Game Development (교육용 퍼즐 게임 개발을 위한 비교)

  • Shin, Yongwoo
    • Journal of Korea Game Society
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    • v.14 no.5
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    • pp.7-14
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    • 2014
  • Since educational and fun elements coexist in an educational game, it is important to come up with standards that can elicit fun with the game as well as educational standards. Many of the existing developed educational games have received low marks in the characteristics of entertainment and game design. Thus, how to make up for their entertainment characteristics is important. This paper analyzes gaming elements of puzzle games that were released for smart phones and gained massive popularity from their users and will apply them to educational games. Such games that have gained popularity and won a commercial success include Anipang, Anipang 2, Candy Crush Saga, Farm Heroes Saga and Pokopang. This study will analyze gaming elements of these games. By analyzing the educational games, it is applied to the game elements of casual games. In addition, we have proposed a element that can enhance the immersive. Game design elements that can improve entertainment characteristics include game rules, stages and missions. Elements that can increase immersion include items, background maps and new learning environments. This paper has significance in that it analyzes entertainment characteristics, which mean the fun of games through those that have been a commercial success and applies them to educational games.

Developing a Conceptual Model for Measuring the Electronic Commerce Success of Online Game Websites (온라인게임 웹사이트의 전자상거래 성공측정모델의 개발에 관한 연구)

  • Hong, Ilyoo
    • Informatization Policy
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    • v.19 no.1
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    • pp.45-73
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    • 2012
  • Most online games today are provided via a website interface. Researchers found that various aspects of a game website importantly influence the success of the online game business. This paper aims at identifying key site-related quality factors affecting the success of online casual game websites and creating a model for measuring such success. To meet this end, we extracted basic factors from the literature and expanded them through a Delphi survey method in which domain experts were asked to identify key quality factors of online game websites. Then we performed a questionnaire survey using online game users for an empirical analysis. The results revealed that information quality, service quality, and system quality are all positively related to user satisfaction and that an increase in user satisfaction leads to an improvement in both gamer loyalty and business outcomes. However, it was found that gamers' loyalty does not necessarily increase business outcomes. The paper offers practical as well as academic implications based on the research findings.

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Analysis of Korean Gamers' Preferences on Chinese Mobile Games (중국 모바일 게임의 한국 소비자 취향 분석)

  • Song, Doo Heon
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
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    • v.22 no.7
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    • pp.970-977
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    • 2018
  • Chinese mobile games enjoyed big success in Korean game market in 2017. On the surface, such success owes to their effort to strengthen the collaboration with Korean publishers and to relieve Chinese style in the game structure such as user interface. However, there seems to be other reasons for Korean mobile gamers to accept Chinese games more easily than before. In this paper, we analyze the preferences of Korean gamers playing chinese mobile games in 2017 by survey through many community sites. Among 201 subjects of our survey, 79% were males and most of them were under 20's. We found gender difference of game genre they played such that most young males played Moe-fied Fleet games but females played casual fashion collection games. Other than that, regardless of gender, Korean gamers preferred Chinese games' charging policy and management policy as well as the character illustrations that emphasized fantasy-style sexism (autome or ero-kawai).

Web3 Business Model Innovation Approach and Cases of Korean Game Giants

  • Song, Minzheong
    • International Journal of Internet, Broadcasting and Communication
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    • v.16 no.1
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    • pp.241-252
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    • 2024
  • We analyze the types of Web3 business model innovation (BMI) of the six major Korean game companies by market size. As a result of the analysis, Nexon is watched as the adapter. It introduces blockchain (BC) layer 2, 'Polygon' to the extended ecosystem such as the creator's secondary creation, item utility, and compensation experience using the existing core intellectual property (IP). KakaoGames and Neowiz are watched as the adventurers. KakaoGames introduces BC layer 2, 'Polygon' and 'Near Protocol' to various experiments using tokenomics models in casual games and massively multiplayer online role-playing games (MMORPGs) using several existing popular IPs. Neowiz also introduces BC layer 2, 'Polygon' and 'Avalanche' to the IntellaX platform using existing game IPs. As the reinventor, Netmable positions as a game publisher that releases third-party games based on multi-chain infrastructure such as Klaytn, BNB Chain, Near Protocol, Aptos Foundation, and introduces BC to new core IPs. Finally, there are Wemade and Com2us as the mavericks. They aim to be the Web3 platform operators that create a BC layer 1 ecosystem and provide services that encompass BC games, GameFi, and non-fungible tokens (NFTs). Here are the implications of the four types of BMI. In terms of infrastructure, Nexon, KakaoGames, and Neowiz try to introduce a part of cross-chain, whereas Netmable tries to move toward a complete multi-chain strategy, and Wemade and Com2us also try to consider multi-chain, even if they have the full BC introduction. In terms of defending against market decline, Nexon and Netmable have a different position. Nexon which has a greater market dominance, only tries to continuously experiment, but Netmable is aggressively focusing on monetizing new products. Attacks on growth aspirations also show two different positions. KakaoGames and Neowiz only try to aggressively explore, while WeMade and Com2us try to set new standards for industrial innovation.

A Study of Digital Hanbok Design: focuse on Online Games (디지털 한복 디자인 연구: 온라인게임을 중심으로)

  • Cho, Du Na
    • Human Ecology Research
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    • v.56 no.2
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    • pp.195-203
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    • 2018
  • Online game digital hanbok has an aesthetic value in a digital culture and is useful for developing a digital hanbok design for online games as well as other industries. This thesis analyzes its attire and design composition elements to design a 3D digital hanbok by utilizing its formative characteristics. The literature review defines them as transmutability, virtuality, fictionality, reality and playfulness based on the characteristics of digital media, late digital generation and online games. We analyzed 471 images from 50 online games. Sonmaep was used for making 3D digital hanboks. Its attire was grouped into jogori pants, jogori chima, po and armor. Its design composition elements were classified as pleat, layering mu or hemline, mu sub gyeopmagi mitbadae, vent, git dongjung and decoration elements. The results feature 8 digital hanbok designs. Reality designs are replicas of jogori daegugo for men and po for women in the period of the Three States. Virtuality designs are slightly changed shapes of yoseoncheolrik for men and white jogori yellow chima for women in the Koryo Dynasty. Fictionality designs are casual fusion armors for men and women as a hyperbolic form. Playfulness designs are doll costumes for men and jogori chima for women as a kitsch and childish style. The concept of online game digital hanbok escapes from conceptual limitations of traditional hanboks. This result can be used for designing digital hanbok contents in various industrial parts.

A Case Study on the Development of Game Play for Casual Sports Games : Focusing on "FreeStyle2," (캐쥬얼 스포츠게임 게임플레이 개발 사례 연구 : '프리스타일2'를 중심으로)

  • Kim, Jung-Sun
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Computer Information Conference
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    • 2021.07a
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    • pp.617-620
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    • 2021
  • 우리나라는 온라인 게임 개발의 글로벌 리더로서 MMORPG 장르와 캐주얼 아케이드 장르를 중심으로 다양한 게임을 만들어왔다. 하지만 MMORPG와 캐주얼 아케이드 게임의 과도한 경쟁은 장르의 편중 현상을 가져오게 되었고, 신선하고 새로운 재미를 기대하는 플레이어들의 요구와 결합하여 FPS(First Person Shooting) 장르나 스포츠 게임 장르 등의 새로운 장르 게임에 대한 연구와 개발로 이어졌다. 이러한 시대적 흐름 속에 대한민국 스포츠게임 개발 선구자인 조이시티는 길거리 농구 게임인 '프리스타일'을 개발하여 엄청난 화제를 불러일으켰고, 많은 개발사 및 개발자들에게 큰 영감을 선사하였다. 프리스타일의 후속작인 프리스타일2는 길거리 농구 게임의 재미를 더욱 현실감 있게 제공하고자 개발된 캐주얼 스포츠 장르 게임으로, 본 논문에서는 프리스타일2의 게임플레이 개발 사례를 통해 캐주얼 스포츠 장르의 개발 방법에 대한 한 예를 제시하고자 한다.

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Design and Implementation of Borderless Casual Game Server using Virtualization (가상화 기법을 사용한 경계 없는 캐쥬얼 게임 서버 설계 및 구현)

  • Kim, Sung-Baek;Lee, Jae-Dong
    • Journal of Korea Society of Industrial Information Systems
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    • v.17 no.4
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    • pp.25-40
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    • 2012
  • This paper suggests the way to build the integration of internal server by using link server with virtualization method. With the development of on-line games, game communities began to be formed by users, players get fun from playing games, sharing online space with friends, clans, and parties. However, the limit of physical server restrict the allows under average a hundred users to play at same time and place, and three thousand to ten thousand people to access to game community with chat, message, friends functions. By following the explanation of the method from this paper, this limit can be overcome. It will give the function to share information of all connected users in one displayed server. This paper demonstrates the key quality requirements of the server built by this way such as scalable architecture, consistency, and latency is fulfilled.