• Title/Summary/Keyword: average quality

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A Study on the Characteristical Evaluation of Metals and Fluorine Concentrations in the Southern Part of Seoul (서울 한강이남 지역의 용도별 토양 중금속 및 불소 오염 평가)

  • 오현정;이재영
    • Journal of Soil and Groundwater Environment
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    • v.8 no.4
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    • pp.68-73
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    • 2003
  • This study performed from 2002 October to 2003 April. The samples were taken at 66 sites, divided into the 6 sections functionally in the southern part of Seoul such as Yangchon-gu, Kangseo-gu, Kuro-gu, Yeongdengpo-gu, Kwanak-gu, Dongjak-gu, Seocho-gu, Kangnam-gu, Songpa-gu, and Kangdong-gu. The result of research showed that each property soil was pH 4.7∼9.5, Cd; 0.391 mg/kg (0.011∼l.081 mg/kg). Cu; 12.35 mg/kg (0.061∼73.62 mg/kg), Pb; 13.04 mg/kg (N.D.∼61.85 mg/kg), Hg; 0.0866 mg/kg (N.D.∼1.353 mg/kg), F; 206.8 mg/kg(47.1∼561.1mg/kg). The minimum and maximum of the concentration with functional soils were Cd; 0.632 mg/kg for multi-purposed soil,0.079 mg/kg for schools, Cu; 21.35 mg/kg for roadside, 2.159 mg/kg for schools, Pb; 24.70 mg/kg for roadside, 1.030 mg/kg for schools, Hg; 0.1780 mg/kg for multi purposed, 0.0087 mg/kg for schools. Especially F was the high concentration at the hills. Also the concentration of Cd, Cu, Pb, Hg and F at school Zone was detected such as low. area of schools area was detected the low concentrations as the items of Cd, Cu, Pb, Hg, and F. The average concentrations of metals and fluorine in the survey area were below the Preliminary Standard of the Soil Preservation Acts in Korea. To evaluate the soil quality of these area showed as a good qualified results. The results of SQPI (Soil Quality Pollution Index the qualified results as much as 86.4%.

Breeding of Strawberry 'Okmae' for Forcing Culture with Less Labor Requirement for Fruit Thinning (적과 노력 절감용 촉성 딸기 '옥매' 품종 육성)

  • An, Jae Uk;Shim, Jae Suk;Yoon, Hae Suk;An, Chul Geon;Hwang, Yeon Hyeon;Chang, Young Ho;Shon, Gil Man;Rho, Chi Woong;Jeong, Byoung Ryong
    • Horticultural Science & Technology
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    • v.30 no.6
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    • pp.780-783
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    • 2012
  • A new strawberry cultivar (Fragaria ${\times}$ ananassa Duch.) 'Okmae' was developed from a cross between 'Toyonoka' and 'Maehyang'. This cultivar has a good fruit quality and suitable number of flowers per cluster for labor saving in fruit thinning. 'Gyoengnam No. 1' was selected as an elite line with vigorous plant growth, higher soluble solids content and fruit firmness after examining its characteristics and productivity in forcing cultures from 2007 to 2009. Farmer's field trial of 'Gyoengnam No. 1' was conducted in 2010 and it was registered as 'Okmae' thereafter. The general characteristics of 'Okmae' are vigorous growth habit, erect plant type, less number of leaf and elliptic leaf shape. 'Okmae' has long peduncle and 9-10 flowers per flower cluster which need less labor for fruit thinning. Fruits of 'Okmae' are conical having a bright red and glossy skin color. Although 'Okmae' has a smaller average fruit number per plant of 21.9 than that of the control cultivars, it's possible to produce high yield because of greater fruit weight of 26.0 g. 'Okmae' showed a high soluble solids content of $11.6^{\circ}Brix$, low acidity of 0.37%, and high firmness of $14.5g{\cdot}mm^{-2}$. It is sensitive to anthracnose and powery mildews, but high-quality strawberry can be harvested by using effective control measure.

Corrosion Characteristics by CCPP Control in Simulated Distribution System (CCPP 조절에 따른 모의 상수관로의 부식특성에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Do-Hwan;Lee, Jae-In;Lee, Ji-Hyung;Han, Dong-Yueb;Kim, Dong-Youn;Hong, Soon-Heon
    • Journal of Korean Society of Environmental Engineers
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    • v.27 no.12
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    • pp.1249-1256
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    • 2005
  • This study was performed to investigate the efficiency of the corrosion prevention in the simulated distribution system using CCPP(Calcium Carbonate Precipitation Potential) as the anti-corrosive index by adjusting pH, total dissolved solids, alkalinity and calcium hardness in the water treatment pilot process. The materials of the simulated distribution system(SDS) were equiped with same materials of real field water distribution system. CCPP concentrations controlled by $Ca(OH)_2$, $CO_2$ gas and $Na_2CO_3$ in the simulated distribution system and uncontrolled by the chemicals in the general water distribution system were average 0.61 mg/L and -7.77 mg/L. The concentrations of heavy metals like Fe, Zn, Cu ions in effluent water of the simulated distribution system controlled with water quality were decreased rather than the general water distribution system uncontrolled with water quality. In simulated distribution system(SDS), corrosion prevention film formed by CCPP control was observed that scale was come into forming six months later and it was formed into density as time goes on. We were analyzed XRD(X-ray diffraction) for investigating component of crystal compounds and structure for galvanized steel pipe(15 mm). Finding on analysis, scale was compounded to $Zn_4CO_3(OH)_6{\cdot}H_2O$ (Zinc Carbonate Hydroxide Hydrate) after ten months late, and it was compounded on $CaCO_3$(Calcium Carbonate) and $ZnCO_3$(Smithsonite) after nineteen months later.

Effect of Media on the Growth of 'Pechika' Strawberry Grown in Hydroponics on Highland in Summer (사계성 페치카' 딸기의 고랭지 여름철 양액재배시 배지선택)

  • Rhee Han-Cheol;Kang Nam-Jun;Rho Il-Rae;Jung Ho-Jung;Kwon Joon-Kook;Kang Kyung-Hee;Lee Jae-Han;Lee Sung-Chan
    • Journal of Bio-Environment Control
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    • v.15 no.3
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    • pp.257-263
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    • 2006
  • This experiment was conducted to investigate the optimal media for 'Pechika' ever-bearing strawberry grown in hydroponic culture system in summer highland. Three mixed media (1:1, v/v) of peatmoss with perlite, rice hull, and granular rockwool, and four solution strengths of EC 0.5, 0.75, 1.0 and $1.25 dS{\cdot}m^{-1}$ were tested. Root zone temperature in peatmoss+perlite media was 1 to $3^{\circ}C$ lower than in the other media. The culture medium of mixing to peat moss and perlite was most effective in producing good yield and fruit quality. The culture medium of mixing to peat moss and perlite was the highest about 1,632kg/10a to yield yearly average, but was very undulating 732 kg/10a to yield in 2004 year and 3,013kg/10a in 2003 year. The deformed fruits were increased when the solution strength was increased, especially in EC $1.25dS{\cdot}m^{-1}$. The soluble solids and the acidity content of fruits were increased with higher solution strength regardless of media. The uptake of Ca and Mg was inhibited at higher solution strength, and the uptake of N, P and K was promoted. Therefore, the culture medium of mixing to peat moss and perlite was the most suitable culture medium to product strawberry in summer, because it had the highest yield even though fruit quality among treatments was not significant.

Effect of Planting Density on the Growth and Yield in Staking Cultivation of Bitter Gourd (Momordica charantia L.) under Non-heated Greenhouse (여주 무가온 하우스내 입체재배시 재식밀도가 생육 및 수량에 미치는 영향)

  • Seong, Ki-cheol;Kim, Chun Hwan;Wei, Seung Hwan;Lim, Chan Gyu;Son, Danial
    • Journal of Bio-Environment Control
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    • v.24 no.3
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    • pp.173-177
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    • 2015
  • This experiment was conducted to determined the optimum planting density for the production of high quality bitter gourd (Momordica charantia L.) adapted in spring cultivation with the unheated greenhouse condition. 'Erave' variety was planted at three different planting densities (235, 305, $380plants{\cdot}10a^{-1}$) on March 26. The training method was six lateral vines with pinching the main one. The light intensity was lower in the higher planting density than the lower one. Net photosynthetic rates of the bitter gourd leaves in the higher density were significantly lower (41 to 71%) than the lower one. There was no difference in the fruit characteristics among treatments. But the root weight was heavier in the lower planting density ($235plants{\cdot}10a^{-1}$) as 113.1g than 96.0g of the higher planting density ($380plants{\cdot}10a^{-1}$). The number of the harvested fruit also higher in the lower planting density ($235plants{\cdot}10a^{-1}$) with 60.7 than 39.9 of the higher planting density ($380plants{\cdot}10a^{-1}$). The average fruit weight was the highest in the plot of $305plants{\cdot}10a^{-1}$ as 338.7g and lowest in the lower planting density ($235plants{\cdot}10a^{-1}$) as 285.2g. The total yield of $305plants{\cdot}10a^{-1}$ density was $5,359kg{\cdot}10a^{-1}$, which was higher than $4,068kg{\cdot}10a^{-1}$ of the lower planting density ($235plants{\cdot}10a^{-1}$). Marketable yield was increased by 24% in the planting density of $305plants{\cdot}10a^{-1}$($4,767kg{\cdot}10a^{-1}$) as compared to the lower density in $235plants{\cdot}10a^{-1}$($3,629kg{\cdot}10a^{-1}$) and increased by 13% in the planting density as $380plants{\cdot}10a^{-1}$($4,137kg{\cdot}10a^{-1}$). Therefore, the planting density of bitter gourd was desirable in $305plants{\cdot}10a^{-1}$ density for the higher yield and quality in the protected cultivation.

An Empirical Study Upon How Social Comparative Learning of Forum Participants Affects Learning Effects with Emphasis on Participants' Characteristic (포럼 참가자의 사회적 비교학습이 학습효과에 미치는 영향에 대한 실증분석: 참가자 특성을 중심으로)

  • Choi, Eunsoo;Kim, Chulwon
    • Knowledge Management Research
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    • v.17 no.2
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    • pp.131-163
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    • 2016
  • The purpose of this study is to empirically analyze how social comparative learning of forum participants affects learning effects with an emphasis on participants' characteristics. As today's society is changing at a fast pace, the desire for new knowledge and information has grown accordingly. To quench this thirst for knowledge and information, seminars, symposiums, conferences, forums, conventions, exhibitions, and more are taking place as part of knowledge sharing events across the world. Also, the increased need for knowledge and information exchange has led the development and growth of the convention industry and Meetings, Incentives, Conferences, and Events (Exhibitions)(MICE) industry. Especially, forum is a type of event which invites professionals and specialists to discuss diverse topics and share their knowledge and experience with the audience. The participants utilize it as an opportunity to get close to information providers and enjoy the pleasure of knowledge exchange. However, there have been few empirical analyses on who the participants are, why they attend forum, how they pick up and learn new information and knowledge, and what kinds of learning effects they achieve after the event. This paper is to analyze how social comparative learning of the forum's participants influences learning effects based on Albert Bandura's Social Learning Theory (1977, 1997, 1982. 2001) and Leon Festinger's Social Comparative Theory (1950, 1954). By dividing the participants into two groups, one with high level of self-efficacy and the other with low level of self-efficacy, we have examined the differences in learning effects between the two groups using them as moderating variables. This study was conducted in 'MBN Y Forum 2016,' which is one of the most representative knowledge exchange forums of South Korea. An online survey was distributed out and, 1,307(39.2%) out of the total participants of 3,338 have completed the survey. The survey included questions about whether the participants have gained positive or negative motivations by comparing themselves to the speakers (upward comparison learning) and other participants (lateral comparison learning). The results have shown the quality of messages that the speakers are presenting as knowledge providers is the most significant factor that acts on learning effects. Particularly, the participants had higher levels of self-efficacy and self-esteem than average people. They had a clear goal to learn from the speakers (upward comparison) and received positive motivations from them. In other words, no negative learning effects had been found. This presents a managerial implication that having a qualified speaker is necessary for a forum to be successful. On the other hand, the results from the comparison with the other participants (lateral comparison) were different. The participants were likely to compare themselves to the other participants through observational learning. They could compare listening attitudes, language skills, or capabilities to ask a question. The results have showed the participants received positive motivations from the lateral group but at the same time were jealous of abilities of the others. When the quality of a question by a participant is not good enough, it can have a negative influence on the participants' learning effects. The first group with high levels of self-efficacy and self-esteem had no correlation to negative learning effects from the speakers. They rather had a strong desire to learn from the speakers. On the contrary, the participants perceived the lateral group as a learning subset and competitor. The second group with low levels of self-efficacy and self-esteem saw the quasi-group as a rival. This presents that the individual learning effects can be different depending on the participants' characteristics.

Stand Water Balance and Stream Water Quality in Small Forested Watershed Yangpyong Gyeonggido (경기도(京畿道) 양평지역(陽平地域) 산림(山林) 소류역(小流域)의 수수지(水收支)와 계류수(溪流水)의 수질특성(水質特性))

  • Kim, Jung-You;Han, Sang-Sup
    • Journal of Forest and Environmental Science
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    • v.17 no.1
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    • pp.18-28
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    • 2001
  • This study was carried out to investigate the characteristics of water quality variations by stand water balance in YangPyong-Gun Gejung-Lee small forest watershed. Water quantity. pH, $Cl^-$, $NO_3{^-}$, $SO_4{^{2-}}$, $Na^+$, $NH_4{^+}$, $K^+$, $Mg^{2+}$, $Ca^{2+}$ were monitored in open rainfall for one unit storm and long-term stream water in small forest watershed from January. 1998 to December. 1999. The results were summarized as follows: The runoff rate was 46.4% in 1998 and 52.2% in 1999. The average pH values of rainfall were 4.8 to 6.2 and those of stream water were 6.4 to 7.1 in small forest watershed. Total amount of input anion and cation values (kg/ha) in rainfall were $SO_4{^{2-}}>NO_3{^-}>Ca^{2+}>NH_4{^+}>Cl^->Na^+>K^+>Mg^{2+}$ and in stream water were $NO_3{^-}>Ca^{2+}>SO_4{^{2-}}>Na^+>Cl^->K^+>Mg^{2+}>NH_4{^+}$ in the order, respectively. The dissolved $NH_4{^+}$ was stored 5.29kg/ha and output of the other contents were more flow than input in small forest watershed.

  • PDF

Soil Environmental Characteristics Assessment of the Namsan Park in Seoul (서울남산의 토양환경특성 평가)

  • Kim, Ik-Soo;Lee, Jai-Young;Kim, Gyeo-Bung;Eom, Seok-Won
    • Journal of Soil and Groundwater Environment
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    • v.13 no.4
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    • pp.22-29
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    • 2008
  • To understand environmental characteristics and contamination assessment of the Namsan Park soil in Seoul, we divided the Namsan map into 33 sectors and sampled mixed soil in depth 0${\sim}$15 cm, in 5${\sim}$10 points at the sites. We analyzed soil samples collected at 21 sectors twice on May and September. The results were as follows. The hue color ranges of the Namsan soil were 2.5YR${\sim}$10YR, the value ranges were 1${\sim}$4, the water rates were 3.1${\sim}$22.3 and the Ignition losses were 3.4${\sim}$10.4%. The average concentration of Cu and Pb were determined 3.374 and 15.000 mg/kg, Cd and As showed very low level. The mean concentrations of Zn and Ni were showed 103.290 and 11.649 mg/kg and this amount is not different from the nationalwide mean in 2005. The mean pH showed 5.41. The Zn, Ni and Cd in the soil of the circular road of Namsan showed 1.33, 1.48, 1.46 times higher than the other sector of the Namsan soil. The corelation coefficient between water rate and ignition loss were 0.720 and the correlation coefficient between Cu and Pb, Cu and Zn showed 0.827, 0.694 respectively. There was weak corelationship between pH and Zn. The Uniformity coefficient (Uc) of all the survey sites was determined below 5 in the range of 1.5${\sim}$4.4.

A Study on Standardization of Supervision Cost by Investigating Supervision Workload in Cultural Heritage Repair Works (문화재수리공사의 감리업무량 조사를 통한 감리대가 기준 마련 연구)

  • Park, Hwan-Pyo;Han, Jae-Goo
    • Korean Journal of Construction Engineering and Management
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    • v.14 no.1
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    • pp.32-42
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    • 2013
  • The Korean Government introduced a cultural heritage supervision system in January 2010 to control quality and to prevent poor construction. However, cultural heritage related constructions that require supervision, a scope of supervision, supervision cost and placement of supervisors have not been standardized yet. For this reason, standards of supervision for repair works of cultural heritage that reflect the characteristics of small-scale repair works and restoration of cultural heritage are required. Accordingly, this study has suggested standards of supervision works and cost by analyzing the average construction period that is suitable for the characteristics of cultural heritage repair works. In other words, this study has suggested standards of full-time supervision costs by applying the fixed amount-added method (adding direct labor cost, direct expenses, overhead expenses, engineering fee, charges for additional works and VAT) which is the same as the method of calculating supervision costs for public construction projects because a supervisor has to work full time at a construction site to perform supervision if the project is a mid/large-scale cultural heritage repair work. Also, this study has suggested standards of part-time supervision costs for a small-scale cultural heritage repair work and the ways of supervising the construction projects by visiting the project site on important occasions. According to the result of the analysis by applying the forgoing standards of supervision costs for cultural heritage, a full-time supervision cost for cultural heritage repair works is approximately 98% compared to the construction supervision of a public construction project, and a part-time supervision is approximately 158% compared to architectural construction supervision. It is expected that the valuable cultural heritage of Korea will be preserved by controlling quality of cultural heritage repair works through the application of this study result - the standards of supervision costs for cultural heritage repair works - to an actual project.

Effects of Crop Loads on Vine Growth and Fruit Quality of 'Jinok' Grape in Unheated Plastic House (포도 '진옥' 품종의 무가온 하우스 재배시 착과량이 수체생육 및 과실품질에 미치는 영향)

  • Cheon, Mi Geon;Kim, Yeong Bong;Kim, Seong Ran;Lee, Kang Mo;Hong, Gwang Pyo;Kim, Jin Gook
    • Journal of Bio-Environment Control
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    • v.24 no.4
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    • pp.296-300
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    • 2015
  • This study was conducted to investigate optimal crop loads of 'Jinok' grape for unheated plastic house culture. The crop loads of 'Jinok' grapes were managed to be 1.3, 1.8, 2.2, 2.4, and 2.6t per 10a from 2012 to 2014. We measured vine growth and berry qualities. Crop loads were not significantly affected on plant height, trunk diameter, shoot length, and the internode length of 'Jinok'. However, the maturation of berries was delayed when the crop load was higher. And the harvest date was earlier about three weeks in an unheated plastic house compared to in an open field. The average berry weight was decreased by the higher crop load although higher crop loads made higher yields showing the lowest weight at 342g with the treatment of 2.6t per 10a and the highest weight at 363g with the treatment of 1.3t per 10a. Also, the soluble solids content showed a tendency that higher crop loads brought to lower degree Brix. The contents of P, K, Ca, and Mg in grape leaves and shoots were not significantly different by crop loads. To sum up, when crop loads were under the 2.4t per 10a, the berries were harvested as a marketable fruit having $15^{\circ}Brix$ in the cultivar 'Jinok' grape. This result could help to increase grower's benefit having improved quality of fruit for the sustainable production by the established cultivation techniques for the newly developed cultivar 'Jinok'.