• Title/Summary/Keyword: affective image

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What you see and what you want to see from public figures: Cognitive Representations of Politicians and Entertainers (이상적 공인에 대한 기대와 공인에 대한 실제 평가: 정치인과 연예인에 대한 인지적 표상을 중심으로)

  • Cho, Jeesun;Lee, Joo;Hong, A-Sung;Sohn, Young Woo
    • Science of Emotion and Sensibility
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    • v.16 no.2
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    • pp.249-264
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    • 2013
  • Using social network analysis, this study examined cognitive representations of ideal public figures as well as politicians and entertainers who are often regarded as public figures in Korea. Participants expected ideal public figures to possess only positive characteristics, such as high morality, integrity, competence. However, their assessment of politicians and entertainers reflected in their cognitive representations turned out to be fairly different from the image of ideal public figures. Personality traits and behavioral characteristics featured in cognitive representations of politicians were dominantly negative. Cognitive representations of entertainers incorporated both positive and negative characteristics highly interconnected to each other. This study also explored how people respond affectively toward ideal public figures, politicians and entertainers. Participants showed only positive feelings toward ideal public figures. However, their' affective responses toward politicians were entirely negative and toward entertainers, both positive and negative affects were shown. We discussed the disjunction between the representations of politicians and entertainers and of ideal public figures and suggested directions of future research.

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Comparison on the recognition characteristic of the designer and consumer about the formative elements (디자이너와 소비자의 조형요소 인지특성 비교)

  • Min, Kyung-Taek;Heo, Seong-Cheol
    • Science of Emotion and Sensibility
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.97-108
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    • 2009
  • In the process of product design, shaping is the process of making a substantive existence, and ultimately it generates the outcome. The process of shaping is generally led by designer's initiative work, and in this process, various formative elements are used to generate the outcome. In this research, the basic purposes are to figure out the differences of elements which generated by the differences of consumer's and designer's view in the process of shaping of the product, and the characteristics of the affective responses caused by those differences. Also, it will examine how the consumers can directly participate in the process of the shaping of the consumer-participated product, and the feasible guidelines of design in which consumers' needs can be reflected more efficiently to the process of shaping. As a result, consumers and designers have certain degree of difference of view-point about the formative element of the shape. The difference was due to subjective common ideas of design in case of designers, and in case of consumers, it was due to their immature visual understanding. There is another experiment of affective response about the shape of the product. First, I established the sensible image vocabulary based on the shape of the product. And based on the vocabulary, I carried out the same experiments to the consumers and designers.

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Realistic Expression Factors According to Visual Presence in Terms of Iris color and Pupil Accommodation of Virtual Avatar (가상 아바타의 홍채색과 동공 조절에 따른 시각적 실재감에 대한 실감표현요소)

  • Won, Myoung Ju;Park, Sang-In;Lee, Eui Chul;Whang, Min-Cheol
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.14 no.4
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    • pp.1-8
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    • 2014
  • The virtual avatar is a principal way as media for communicating language and affective feelings in virtual environment. As similar purpose, this study evaluates user's visual feeling according to the changes of iris color and pupil size of virtual avatar which is considered as new factors for representing realistic avatar. Virtual avatars were configured by pupil accommodation and iris color(green, brown). After presenting above image to 32 participants, a questionnaire(18 items) based on previous studies was created, and reported as a 5-point scale. Experimental result showed that the case of adopting pupil accommodation induced more realistic visual feeling of subjects. This result can be regarded as a basis for designing realistic virtual avatar by confirming the effectiveness of pupil accommodation of avatar in terms of representing visual presence.

The Method of Reducing Echo Time in 3D Time-of-flight Angiography

  • Park, Sung-Hong;Park, Jung-Il;Lee, Heung-Kyu
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Medical Physics Conference
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    • 2002.09a
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    • pp.367-369
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    • 2002
  • We have designed ramp profile excitation pulse based on the Shinnar-Le Roux (SLR) algorithm. The algorithm provides many advantages to pulse designers. The first advantage is the freedom of deciding the amplitudes, frequencies, and ripple sizes of stopband, passband, and transition band of pulse profile. The second advantage is the freedom of deciding the pulse phase, more specifically, minimum phase, linear phase, maximum phase, and any phase between them. The minimum phase pulse is the best choice in the case of 3D TOF, because it minimizes the echo time, which implies the best image quality in the same MR examination condition. In addition, the half echo technique is slightly modified in our case. In general, using the half echo technique means that the acquired data size is half and the rest part can be filled with complex conjugate of acquired data. But in our case, the echo center is just shifted to left, which implies the reduction of echo time, and the acquired data size is the same as the one without using the half echo technique. In this case, the increase of right part of data leads to improvement of the resolution and the decrease of left part of data leads to decrease of signal to noise ratio. Since in the case of 3D TOF, the signal to noise ratio is sufficiently high and the resolution is more important than signal to noise ratio, the proposed method appears to be significantly affective and gives rise to the improved high resolution angiograms.

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An Analysis of Relationship Between Self-Cognition Level of Information Literacy and Library Anxiety (정보활용능력 인지 수준과 도서관 불안 간의 관계 분석)

  • Oh, Eui-Kyung
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Library and Information Science
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    • v.45 no.4
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    • pp.123-137
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    • 2011
  • The study analyzed the relationship between self-cognition level of information literacy(SCLIL) and library anxiety(LA). SCLIL was 3.72 point, LA was 2.47 point, and these results are similar to previous studies. SCLIL and LA are correlated each other significantly(r=r=-0.493, p<0.05). Higher SCLIL leads to lower LA. Also, the study found the main factors of LA was lack of methods to access information', 'lack of confidence in evaluating the information's relevance.' For those who are going to major in Library and Information Science, it is found that they have less LA and lower SCLIL compared to those who are not willing to major in Library and Information Science, and this shows a tendency to downplay their own abilities, while tending a more positive image of libraries. Based on the results, recommendations were made to use social and psychological standard tests in order to elaborately and diversely reflect individual information user's psychological aspect.

Dysfunctional Social Reinforcement Processing in Disruptive Behavior Disorders: An Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging Study

  • Hwang, Soonjo;Meffert, Harma;VanTieghem, Michelle R.;Sinclair, Stephen;Bookheimer, Susan Y.;Vaughan, Brigette;Blair, R.J.R.
    • Clinical Psychopharmacology and Neuroscience
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    • v.16 no.4
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    • pp.449-460
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    • 2018
  • Objective: Prior functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) work has revealed that children/adolescents with disruptive behavior disorders (DBDs) show dysfunctional reward/non-reward processing of non-social reinforcements in the context of instrumental learning tasks. Neural responsiveness to social reinforcements during instrumental learning, despite the importance of this for socialization, has not yet been previously investigated. Methods: Twenty-nine healthy children/adolescents and 19 children/adolescents with DBDs performed the fMRI social/non-social reinforcement learning task. Participants responded to random fractal image stimuli and received social and non-social rewards/non-rewards according to their accuracy. Results: Children/adolescents with DBDs showed significantly reduced responses within the caudate and posterior cingulate cortex (PCC) to non-social (financial) rewards and social non-rewards (the distress of others). Connectivity analyses revealed that children/adolescents with DBDs have decreased positive functional connectivity between the ventral striatum (VST) and the ventromedial prefrontal cortex (vmPFC) seeds and the lateral frontal cortex in response to reward relative to non-reward, irrespective of its sociality. In addition, they showed decreased positive connectivity between the vmPFC seed and the amygdala in response to non-reward relative to reward. Conclusion: These data indicate compromised reinforcement processing of both non-social rewards and social non-rewards in children/adolescents with DBDs within core regions for instrumental learning and reinforcement-based decision-making (caudate and PCC). In addition, children/adolescents with DBDs show dysfunctional interactions between the VST, vmPFC, and lateral frontal cortex in response to rewarded instrumental actions potentially reflecting disruptions in attention to rewarded stimuli.

Rewriting Georgic: Anna Letitia Barbauld's "Washing-Day" (죠직 다시 쓰기 -아나 레티셔 바볼드의 「빨래하는 날」)

  • Shin, Kyung-Sook
    • Journal of English Language & Literature
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    • v.56 no.5
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    • pp.947-971
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    • 2010
  • Anna Letitia Barbauld's poem "Washing-Day" (1797) has sparked a variety of feminist critical endeavors over the past two decades. While many feminist literary critics try to salvage the poem as a successful tongue-in-cheek riposte directed at the male dominant literary world, more rigorous Marxist feminists accuse Barbauld of being limited by her own middle-class woman's view on women's domestic labor. Legitimate as they may be, these readings fail to elucidate Barbauld's place in a larger literary and intellectual discourse during the eighteenth century. In this paper I read "Washing-Day" as a woman's georgic, a genre or mode concerned with agricultural labor, the public value of which was highly recognized in eighteenth-century England. Alluding to canonical texts by writers like Shakespeare, Milton, and Pope, Barbauld's "loaded lines" in mock-heroic form create a space in which the women's domestic labor of washing interrupts men's daily routines and disrupts their poetic assumptions. While she makes women's work visible, Barbauld also addresses its quintessential nature. Women's work is affective labor; women have to labor physically and mentally to produce the desired domestic comfort. By allowing the image of the soap "bubble" to echo with many "bubbles" in other writers' texts, from the soap bubbles the narrator used to play with as a child to the hot-air balloon "bubble" of the Montgolfier brothers, Barbauld pleasantly equates work and day-dreaming, men's toil and children's play, and finally public, scientific, and recognized labor and private, domestic, and imaginative activities.

Clinical Implication of Images of Island : Based on Dreams, Sand Trays and Art Work of Four Korean Women (분석심리학적 관점에서 본 '섬' 상징의 임상적 적용 : 꿈, 모래상자, 그림작업에 출현한 섬 이미지 중심으로)

  • Jin-Sook Kim
    • Sim-seong Yeon-gu
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    • v.32 no.1
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    • pp.1-16
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    • 2017
  • The purpose of this paper is to illustrate the nature of Objective Psyche based on island related case materials. Theoretical background starts with psychological meaning of islands, a kind affective symbol rather than cognitive image, and creation myths as the story of man's awareness of the world; Chaos as archaic identity (unconscious), islands as emergence of the ego from unconscious. In alchemical symbolism, island related to coagulatio, the operation which turns something into earth, the realm of ego. In addition, related parts of Hindu creation myths, Korean giant woman creator Sulmoonde-halmang, and legends of "Relocation of Island/Mountain" will be presented to integrate with case materials. Case A : Starts with a dream of killing a huge dragon and dead body became an island. The dragon in the water was seen as Spirit of Mercurius, the autonomous spirit, connecting of the ego with the Self. The act of killing related to Primeval being which needs to be killed to be transformed. Myths of Eskimo, The Eagle's Gift, the giant woman creator in Korea, and Marduk, the Babylonian hero will be integrated. Case B : Prior to introduce six island images in sand trays, a dream of a giant serpent (python) wound around her body will be presented to portray her situation. By relating Jung's "The Sermons to the Dead," her effort to make the solid island regarded as an act of bringing order out of original oneness (pleroma). Then stresses the importance to coagulate archetypal image Case C : A vignette of active imagination seminar where island image emerged will be described. Her endeavor of focusing on inner image related to the Hindu Creator, Cherokee creation myth, as well as Sulmoonde-halmang. As a motif of growing island, Samoan creation myth, and Legend of Mountain, Mai were incorporated. Colors in her art work regarded as expression of inner need, and importance of expressing inner feeling images as a mean to coagulate volatile emotional and spiritual content. Case D : A dream and art work of terminally ill woman; embracing the tip of the island with gushing up water will be presented. Her island and replenishing water image regard as "an immortal body," corresponds to the Philosophers' Stone for she accepted her death peacefully after the dream. Also related to "The Mercurial Fountain" in Rosarium Philosophorum, and aqua permanence, an allegory of God.

The Meaning of History in the May 18th Democratic Uprising Related Photographic Portraits Focusing on the Premordial Associations ('5·18민중항쟁' 관련 초상사진과 역사적 의미 근원연상을 중심으로)

  • Kim, Kyum-Nyeo
    • Korean journal of communication and information
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    • v.71
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    • pp.75-115
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    • 2015
  • This study is to describe the meaning of associations at $5{\cdot}18$-related photographic portrait phenomenologically. Referent in the photography arouses different and unique type of associations. Moreover, it appears differently emotional experience by the associations. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to describe types of associations and emotional experience about referents gained through $5{\cdot}18$ photography and to construct the meaning. It is based on concepts of primordial associations discussing in the phenomenology but this study was described the meaning of $5{\cdot}18$ the May 18th democratic uprising focusing on types of associations and meanings derived by direct experience from photography. According to this result, the viewpoint of $5{\cdot}18$ Democracy Movement approaches from objective academic system or cannot be withdrew as dynamics of the political ideology. It is that the fundamental and impulsive emotions from each individual who participated in the movement are affected. The fundament of the May 18th democratic uprising is based on their basis of life and the will to primitive power of a love & affective community.

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Investigating the Relationship Between Vehicle Front Images and Voice Assistants (자동차 전면부와 음성 어시스턴트의 스타일 관계 분석)

  • Min-Jung Park;So-Yeong Min;Tae-Su Kim;Hyeon-Jeong Suk
    • Science of Emotion and Sensibility
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    • v.25 no.4
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    • pp.129-138
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    • 2022
  • In the context of the increasing applications of voice assistants in vehicles, we focused on the association between the visual appeal of the cars and the acoustic characteristics of the voice assistants. This study aimed to investigate the relationship between the visual appeal of the vehicle and the voice assistant based on their emotional characteristics. A total of 15 adjectives were used to assess the emotional characteristics of 12 types of cars and six types of voices. An online interview was carried out, instructing participants to match three adjectives with the presented car images or voices. This was followed with a brief interview to allow the participants to reflect on the adjective matches. Based on the assessments, we performed principal component analysis (PCA) to determine factors. We aimed to deploy the cars and voices and analyze the patterns of clustering. The PCA analysis revealed two factors profiled as "Light-Heavy" and "Comfortable-Radical." Both car and voice stimuli were deployed in a two-dimensional space showing the internal relationship within and between the two substances. Based on the coordination data, a hierarchical cluster grouped the 18 stimuli into four groups labeled as challenge, elegance, majesty, and vigor. This study identified two latent factors describing the emotional characteristics of both car images and voice types clustered into four groups based on their emotional characteristics. The coherent matches between car style and voice type are expected to address the design concept more successfully.