• Title/Summary/Keyword: Working Hypothesis

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A Study on Correlation among Empowerment, Job Satisfaction and Turnover Intention of Food Service Industry Employees (외식업체 종사자들의 임파워먼트가 직무만족과 이직의도에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Jong-Ho
    • Culinary science and hospitality research
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    • v.18 no.5
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    • pp.113-128
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    • 2012
  • This research was conducted targeting 269 employees working in the hotel and food service industry in the Busan area to provide human resources policy implications for food service companies by understanding the causal relationship between the empowerment of foodservice industry employees and job satisfaction and turnover intent. To achieve the research purpose, this research identified the demographic characteristics through a frequency analysis, obtained reliability and validity through a factor and reliability analysis, attaining a meaningful result in the significance level of p<.01 in all factors by conducting a correlation analysis to understand the overall relationship between the variables. As a result of the multiple regression analysis to verify a hypothesis, the explanatory adequacy of the regression model for the effect of self-determination and meaning, the sub-factors of empowerment, on job satisfaction was 34.6%, and the self-determination and meaning was respectively analyzed as (${\beta}$=.125, p<.05) and (${\beta}$=.511, p<.001), thus, the hypothesis that the empowerment of employees in the food service industry has a positive (+) effect was selected. In addition, the multiple regression analysis was conducted to examine the effect that empowerment (self-determination, meaning) has on job turnover intent, and as a result, the explanatory adequacy of the regression model was 11.2%, the self-determination was ${\beta}$=-.024, showing that it was not analyzed as a statistically meaningful result, and the meaning was analyzed as(${\beta}$=-320,p<.001). Thus, the hypothesis that the empowerment of employees in the food service industry has a negative (-) effect on job turnover intent was partially selected. In the regression analysis result of the effect of job satisfaction on turnover intent, the explanatory adequacy of the entire regression model appearing in the entire analysis was 25.3%, and the job satisfaction was analyzed as (${\beta}$=-.503,p<.001). Thus, the hypothesis that job satisfaction has a negative (-) effect on job turnover intent was selected.

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A Study on the Impact of Hotel Internal Marketing Practices on Culinary Staff Job Satisfaction and Organizational Commitment (호텔기업 내부마케팅활동이 조리종사원들의 직무만족과 조직몰입에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구)

  • Ahn, Sung-Bin;Lee, Jong-Ho
    • Culinary science and hospitality research
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    • v.21 no.2
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    • pp.60-74
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    • 2015
  • This study seeks to determine causal relationships between hotel internal marketing practices and job satisfaction, and ultimately on organizational commitment, to contribute information enabling hotel management to better understand employees working in hotel culinary departments. SPSS 18.0 and AMOS 18.0 were employed for the statistical analysis (e.g. frequency statistics, exploratory factor analysis, confirmatory factor analysis, reliability analysis, and structure equation model). Results revealed that the formulated model showed proper model fit (${\chi}^2=227.154$(df=179), p-value=0.009, CMIN/DF=1.269, RMR=0.013, GFI=0.931, AGFI=0.911, NFI=0.906, CFI=0.978, RMSEA=0.031), and confirmed construct reliability and convergent validity. Three factors (benefit package, educational training, work autonomy) were extracted based on the results of the factor analyses. Specifically, benefit package and work autonomy exhibited an effect on job satisfaction with benefit package asthe most significant factor (t-value 3.311, p<0.001), partially supporting the first hypothesis of this study. In addition, job satisfaction has found to have a positive influence in organizational commitment, confirming the second hypothesis of this study.

A Study on the Flow of Industrial Information in the Small-and Medium-Sized Industry (중소기업에서의 정보요구와 이용에 관한 연구)

  • Kim Yong Gun
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Library and Information Science
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    • v.18
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    • pp.55-98
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    • 1990
  • This research attempts to verify the hypothesis that the workers in the small-and medium-sized industries use more informal information channels than formal ones do to get the information necessary to industrial activities. Information sources are divided by the internal and the external ones and these are sub-divided by their acquiring channels, publishers and holding institutions. It is intended to investigate the information sources according to the use frequency, age, origin and format of documents used. The degree of benefit to the workers in their practical work through the use of information sources and the use frequency of information sources by the department and years of experience are also investigated. The data to test the hypothesis was collected through the questionnaires distributed to the workers in 300 sampled firms from June 5 to June 20, The following facts have been verified as the result : 1. Workers in industries acquire information mainly through the contacts with the colleagues or superiors in their departments, and the junior workers depend more on the colleague and superiors than senior workers are. 2. Among the documents published internally, the ones from the research and development departments are mostly used. The documents issued by the worker's own departments are also frequently used and the senior workers, the more frequently use the internal publications than the junior workers do. 3. Among the internal documents stored in various places in the industries, the documents kept in the worker's own departments are used most frequently. The senior workers the more use privately owned documents than the junior workers do. 4. As far as the external channels are concerned, information is obtained mainly through suppliers of equipment and raw materials and the use frequency of information channels varies according to department. The senior workers the more receive information through supporting institution, seminar and exhibition than the junior workers do. 5. Among the external publication, the ones published by the industrial supporting institutions are heavily used and the workers in research and developments frequently use the external publications. 6. The documents held in governmental industrial institutions and industrial supporting institutions are heavily used compared with the ones stored in other external institutions. The holding places of frequently used documents vary according to the working departments. 7. The degree of benefit to practical work performance resulted from the internal information use is less than by the use of external information. 8. The documents published more than five years ago are more used than the ones of less than five years, Korean and Japanese documents are used frequently and catalogues, patents and standards are used to a great extent. The documents are used differently in accordance with work departments.

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A Study on the SNS Advertising's Word-of-Mouth Constraint Factors in the Social Network Service (소셜 네트워크 서비스에서 SNS광고 구전 제약요인에 대한 연구)

  • Yun, Dae-Hong;Kang, Yong-Soo
    • Management & Information Systems Review
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    • v.35 no.1
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    • pp.69-84
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    • 2016
  • This study set the research model to examine the correlation between Word-of-Mouth constraint factors, efforts to negotiate pertaining to these, Flow and Word-of-Mouth intent based on the theory of leisure constrain when it comes to the correlation between consumers' Word-of-Mouth constraint factors and Word-of-Mouth. Correlation among the variables were verified in an empirical manner. Results of this study are summarized as follows. After verifying the hypotheses, all the hypotheses were adopted excluding the hypotheses of two results (Hypothesis 1, hypotheses 5). Detailed results regarding this are as follows. First, the following is the effect of the Intrapersonal Constraint and Word-of-Mouth constraint factors on the Word-of-Mouth constraint negotiation effort. Interpersonal Constraint and Structural Constraint exert positive (-) effect on the Word-of-Mouth constraint negotiation effort. In case of Intrapersonal Constraint, negative (-) effect was demonstrated. Thus, this was statistically significant although dismissed from hypothesis verification. Second, the following is the result of examining the structural correlation between Word-of-Mouth constraint negotiation effort, Flow and Word-of-Mouth. Word-of-Mouth constraint negotiation effort exerts positive (-) effect on the Flow, but it was not statistically effective in case of the Word-of-Mouth. Lastly, it is possible to see that the Flow plays the role of a medium since it exerted positive (-) effect on the Word-of-Mouth. Results of this study are expected to provide key theoretical and working level implications as well as general understanding of the Word-of-Mouth constraint factors, consumers' Flow and Word-of-Mouth.

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An Impact of Empathy on the Job Satisfaction and Turnover Intention - Focused on the Mediating Effect of Job Stress - (조직구성원의 공감이 직무만족과 이직의도에 미치는 영향 - 직무스트레스의 매개효과 -)

  • Choi, Su-Heyong
    • Management & Information Systems Review
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    • v.35 no.4
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    • pp.229-250
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    • 2016
  • This research was conducted to examine the effects of cognitive and emotional empathy amongst employees, and its contribution to the enhancement of the effectiveness of an organization. Further, 'job stress' was used as the moderating value. For this purpose, examination procedures were based on theoretical ground drawn from previous research papers, and an appropriate hypothesis established. Statistical methods were also employed to obtain empirical evidence. This study consisted of four variables. The independent variable is categorised into the factors of cognitive and emotional empathy. Job stress as the moderating value as well as job satisfaction and turnover intention as members of the dependent variable. A survey was carried out targeting employees of numerous firms working in teams, and a total of 324 samples were collected and processed by the software package SPSS 21 for windows as a means to verify the set study model and hypothesis. The results of the study are as follows: The two factor of cognitive and emotional empathy did not present with any significant effects. However, cognitive empathy in relation to job stress was found to inflict negative effects. The study also found the two factors to play a significant role in asserting positive effects on an individual's level of satisfaction on his/her job. While the study further explained that cognitive understanding had the tendency to impose negative effects on the turnover intention, emotional empathy did not demonstrate significant effects. Job related stress negatively effects the level of satisfaction of an individual's given task or a job and positive relation with turnover intention. It was confirmed that job stress had a degree of intermediary role upon other factors such as empathy, job satisfaction and turnover intention. The results of the study purported that empathy can raise the level of an individual's job satisfaction and kerb turnover intention. In order to accomplish depreciated levels of job related stress, it is vital that firms consistently input fervent endeavours to be subserved. It must be able to create an environment wherein employees may enjoy the improved structure of the company to empathies with each other. These transitions would allow firms to achieve maximum efficiency and improvements on the effectiveness of an organization.

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A Study of the Causal Relationships between Social Work Education and Advocacy: The Mediating Effect of Social Work Values (사회복지 가치를 매개로 한 사회복지 교육과 옹호 태도 및 전략의 인과관계 분석)

  • Jeong, Sun-Young
    • Korean Journal of Social Welfare
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    • v.57 no.4
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    • pp.35-65
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    • 2005
  • The purpose of this study is to examine the Korean social workers' level of social work values and advocacy(attitudes and strategies) and to verify the relations among social work education, social work advocacy and social work values by examining whether social work education influences social work advocacy and social work values, and whether social work values affect social work advocacy. Further, this study wishes to confirm not only the direct effect that social work education has on social work advocacy, but also how social work education indirectly influences social work advocacy through social work values as a mediator. The research of this study was conducted on 242 social workers who have obtained social worker licenses and are currently working in the community centers. As survey tools, this study utilized social work advocacy attitudes, social work advocacy strategies, outcomes of social work education, social work values, self-esteem and locus of control. Collected data were analyzed by using SPSS/PC+ 12.0 for descriptive analysis, Pearson's correlation, reliability analysis, exploratory factor analysis and multiple regression. The research hypothesis was established according to the analysis method of the testing mediation of Baron & Kenny (1986) in order to examine whether social work values intervene between social work education and social work advocacy. The results of the hypothesis test confirm that social work values on the social level serve as a mediator variable.

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The Relationship of Retention Intention to Job Stress of Nurses in Korean Red Cross Blood Center : The Mediating Effect of Positive Psychological Capital (혈액원 간호사의 재직의도와 직무스트레스의 관계연구 : 긍정심리자본의 매개효과)

  • Jisoon Kang;Min Ju Park;Hyunju Lee
    • Journal of the Korean Applied Science and Technology
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    • v.41 no.3
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    • pp.721-732
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    • 2024
  • This study is a descriptive research to determine the mediating effect of Positive Psychological Capital on the relationship between Job Stress and Retention Intention among nurses working at blood centers in the metropolitan area. Data were collected from 167 nurses using a structured questionnaire between May 2021 and April 2022, and analyzed by SPSS ver.25. General characteristics were analyzed through frequency, percentage, mean, and standard deviation. The relationship between Job Stress and Retention Intention was analyzed using independent samples t-test, ANOVA, and Pearson's correlation. Hypotheses were tested using hierarchical multiple regression analysis and PROCESS macro model 4. The results substantiated the hypotheses: Hypothesis 1 proposed that higher Retention Intention and Positive Psychological Capital were associated with lower Job Stress. Hypothesis 2 suggested that Positive Psychological Capital significantly partially mediates the relationship between Retention Intention and Job Stress. To promote Retention Intention among blood center nurses, it is crucial to implement human resource management systems aimed at alleviating Job Stress and enhancing Positive Psychological Capital. Specifically, enhancing Positive Psychological Capital within blood centers is particularly significant. This study contributes empirical evidence necessary for efficient personnel management and competency enhancement programs to reduce Job Stress, thereby enhancing the quality of nursing care among blood center nurses. Furthermore, it is recommended to develop intervention programs for Positive Psychological Capital to enhance Retention Intention and reduce Job Stress among blood center nurses.

Functional Brain Mapping Using $H_2^{15}O$ Positron Emission Tomography ( II ): Mapping of Human Working Memory ($H_2^{15}O$ 양전자단층촬영술을 이용한 뇌기능 지도 작성(II): 작업 기억의 지도 작성)

  • Lee, Jae-Sung;Lee, Dong-Soo;Lee, Sang-Kun;Nam, Hyun-Woo;Kim, Seok-Ki;Park, Kwang-Suk;Jeong, Jae-Min;Chung, June-Key;Lee, Myung-Chul
    • The Korean Journal of Nuclear Medicine
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    • v.32 no.3
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    • pp.238-249
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    • 1998
  • Purpose: To localize and compare the neural basis of verbal and visual human working memory, we performed functional activation study using $H_2^{15}O$ PET. Materials and Methods: Repeated $H_2^{15}O$ PET scans with one control and three different activation tasks were performed on six right-handed normal volunteers. Each activation task was composed of 13 match-ing trials. On each trial, four targets, a fixation dot and a probe were presented sequentially and subject's task was to press a response button to indicate whether or not the probe was one of the previous targets. Short meaningful Korean words, simple drawings and monochromic pictures of human faces were used as matching objects for verbal or visual memory. All the images were spatially normalized and the differences between control and activation states were statistically analyzed using SPM96. Results: Statistical analysis of verbal memory activation with short words showed activation in the left Broca's area, promoter cortex, cerebellum and right cingulate gyrus. In verbal memory with simple drawings, activation was shown in the larger regions including where activated with short words and left superior temporal cortex, basal ganglia, thalamus, prefrontal cortex, anterior portion of right superior temporal gyrus and right infero-lateral frontal cortex. On the other hand, the visual memory task activated predominantly right-sided structures, especially inferior frontal cortex, supplementary motor cortex and superior parietal cortex. Conclusion: The results are consistent with the hypothesis of the laterality and dissociation of the verbal and visual working memory from the invasive electrophysiological studies and emphasize the pivotal role of frontal cortex and cingulate gyrus in working memory system.

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Theory and practice of the interlibrary loan service (상호대차(相互貸償) 제도의 이론(理論)과 응용)

  • Chun Myung Sook
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Library and Information Science
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    • v.13
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    • pp.39-71
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    • 1986
  • Interlibrary loan has been a very common library service in the developed countries but it is yet to be actualized formerly in Korea. As Korea is moving toward an information society where all the individual user's request in the library should be met, we need to understand, in detail, the theory and practice of interlibrary loan service. As various information technology has been applied to the libraries, the libraries became the open system. Thus, the libraries become more cooperative, form networks, and make interlibrary loan service available. This study is based on the following three hypothesis formulated from the systems theory. 1. If libraries cooperate each other and form some kind of networks by mail, computers or telecommunications, they become the open system. 2. If a library develops as the open system, interlibrary loan becomes available in the library. 3. If the interlibrary loan system works, the role of the librarians will be changed. The research was carried out by analyzing the various studies about interlibrary loan service and by examining the interlibrary loan systerns presently working in the U.S.. The conclusions are reached deductively from the data. Some of the terminology used are defined as follows: System: a network of interrelated procedures that are joined together to perform an activity or to accomplish a specific objective. It is, in effect, all the ingredient which make up the whole. Cooperation: Working together to benefit participant libraries. Network: a much more structured type of cooperation in which definite regions or areas are connected by electronic or other means to promote interlibrary loaning of materials, in-service traing & other sharing of resources. Interlibrary loan: the lending of books between libraries. The model of cooperation or networks was used to be (1) a star type, (2) a hieranchical type, (3) a distributed type or (4) the combination of aforementioned three. However, the development of the telecommunications and computers enables all kinds of libraires cooperate together. Interlibrary loan service starts with the needs of user's information. The information have to be logically accessed through bibliographies, computers, electronic mails and satellite communications. And the logical access requires the information technology and the libraries become cooperative. The physical access to the information follows next but only traditional method of mail and some commercial service are currently available for this purpose. Therefore, researches are needed to develop this physical access. If the libraries form networks, the microaspect of library changes accordingly as the macroaspect changes. If the libraries . cooperate to become one large world library, the librarians plan, organize, control library operations and report the results. And the librarians work inside and outside of the library to cooperate with other libraries. Only the cooperation of the libraries will enhance interlibrary loan and the Korean librarians have to be prepared to accept the new role of librarianship for the interlibrary loan service.

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The Research on the Influence of the Mobbing by Forming on Alienation in Job Attitude of the Private Security Guards and Control of Self-esteem : focused on Seoul-Kyunggi area (직장 내 소외감형성의 따돌림이 민간경호원의 직무태도에 대한 영향 및 자아 존중감의 조절효과에 관한 연구 : 서울·경기지역을 중심으로)

  • Kim, Yonghak;Park, Seungbyeol;Kim, Taebock;Kim, Hyunmi
    • Journal of the Society of Disaster Information
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    • v.11 no.3
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    • pp.365-375
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    • 2015
  • This study is significant in the sense that it minimize the negative effect of workplace bullying, ultimately it maximize organizational performance and keep private security guards physical and mental health. We tested the hypothesis that workplace bullying negatively impacts private security guard's office attitude, but there will be significant difference in influence with their level of self-esteem scale. First of all, as the result of the correlation analysis of each of variables, a positive correlation was found between self-esteem and job satisfaction but negative correlation between self-esteem they have, the more job satisfaction they get, the lower turnover intention they have. Second, we tried to find out how self-esteem affect them on their job satisfaction. Using regression analysis, we can see that job satisfaction is affected by age, workplace bullying, relational aggression and self-esteem. For example, job satisfaction is increased as they get old and self-esteem is improved, on the other hand, workplace bullying and relational aggression is decreased. Third, to find out how self-esteem affects their turnover intention, we did regression analysis. The result shows that turnover intention is affected by age, working period, workplace bulling, relational aggression and self-esteem. For example, turnover intention if higher as working period, workplace bullying, relational aggression is increased while age and self-esteem is decreased.