• Title/Summary/Keyword: Visual cue

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Multiple Cues Based Particle Filter for Robust Tracking (다중 특징 기반 입자필터를 이용한 강건한 영상객체 추적)

  • Hossain, Kabir;Lee, Chi-Woo
    • Annual Conference of KIPS
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    • 2012.11a
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    • pp.552-555
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    • 2012
  • The main goal of this paper is to develop a robust visual tracking algorithm with particle filtering. Visual Tracking with particle filter technique is not easy task due to cluttered environment, illumination changes. To deal with these problems, we develop an efficient observation model for target tracking with particle filter. We develop a robust phase correlation combined with motion information based observation model for particle filter framework. Phase correlation provides straight-forward estimation of rigid translational motion between two images, which is based on the well-known Fourier shift property. Phase correlation has the advantage that it is not affected by any intensity or contrast differences between two images. On the other hand, motion cue is also very well known technique and widely used due to its simplicity. Therefore, we apply the phase correlation integrated with motion information in particle filter framework for robust tracking. In experimental results, we show that tracking with multiple cues based model provides more reliable performance than single cue.

A Review of the motor learning stratige to improve handwriting function in Parkinson's disease (파킨슨병 환자의 Handwriting 기능 향상을 위한 운동학습 전략에 대한 문헌 고찰)

  • Yoo, Yeon-Hwan;Park, Jin-Hyuck;Lee, Joo-Hyun
    • Therapeutic Science for Rehabilitation
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    • v.4 no.1
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    • pp.29-38
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    • 2015
  • Objective : The purpose of the study is to propose the treatment methods for problem of handwriting, micrographia in Parkinsons disease. Methods : For this purpose, foreign literatures on the subjects with Parkinsons disease was researched. Results : The results of this review is summarized as follows. The treatment methods for micrographia were applied to external cue and feedback among motor learning strategies in order to improve motor initiation. The external cues included visual, auditory, and verbal stimulations, and feedback strategy was visual stimulation. For writing with external cue or visual feedback, result in expanding the size of the letters in addition, writing task performance is maintained for a short period without those. Conclusion : Further studies are needed to examine the strategy maintained effect for long periods.

L2 Proficiency Effect on the Acoustic Cue-Weighting Pattern by Korean L2 Learners of English: Production and Perception of English Stops

  • Kong, Eun Jong;Yoon, In Hee
    • Phonetics and Speech Sciences
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    • v.5 no.4
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    • pp.81-90
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    • 2013
  • This study explored how Korean L2 learners of English utilize multiple acoustic cues (VOT and F0) in perceiving and producing the English alveolar stop with a voicing contrast. Thirty-four 18-year-old high-school students participated in the study. Their English proficiency level was classified as either 'high' (HEP) or 'low' (LEP) according to high-school English level standardization. Thirty different synthesized syllables were presented in audio stimuli by combining a 6-step VOTs and a 5-step F0s. The listeners judged how close the audio stimulus was to /t/ or /d/ in L2 using a visual analogue scale. The L2 /d/ and /t/ productions collected from the 22 learners (12 HEP, 10 LEP) were acoustically analyzed by measuring VOT and F0 at the vowel onset. Results showed that LEP listeners attended to the F0 in the stimuli more sensitively than HEP listeners, suggesting that HEP listeners could inhibit less important acoustic dimensions better than LEP listeners in their L2 perception. The L2 production patterns also exhibited a group-difference between HEP and LEP in that HEP speakers utilized their VOT dimension (primary cue in L2) more effectively than LEP speakers. Taken together, the study showed that the relative cue-weighting strategies in L2 perception and production are closely related to the learner's L2 proficiency level in that more proficient learners had a better control of inhibiting and enhancing the relevant acoustic parameters.

Change of Predator Recognition Depends on Exposure of Predation Risk Source in Captive Breed Endangered Freshwater Fish, Microphysogobio rapidus (인공증식된 멸종위기종 여울마자의 포식 위험원 노출에 따른 포식자 인지 변화)

  • Moon-Seong Heo;Min-Ho Jang;Ju-Duk Yoon
    • Korean Journal of Ecology and Environment
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    • v.56 no.4
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    • pp.406-413
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    • 2023
  • Captive breeding and reintroduction are crucial strategies for conserving endangered species populations. However, fish raised in predator-free environments, show a lack of recognition of predationrelated stimuli such as chemical and visual signals. It is critical to recognize chemical signals from injured conspecifics, also known as alarm signals, and the order or shape of predators to indicate the spread of predation risk in the habitat. We conducted a laboratory experiment to determine and adjust the optimal exposure period to induce appropriate anti-predator behavior response to different types of stimuli (Chemical, Visual and Chemical+Visual) for the endangered species Microphysogobio rapidus. Our results demonstrate that predator avoidance behavior varies depending on the types of stimuli and the duration of predation risk exposure. First, the results showed captive-breed M. rapidus show lack of response against conspecific alarm signal (Chemical cue) before the predation risk exposure period and tend to increase response over predation risk exposure time. Second, response to predator (visual cue) tend to peak at 48 hours cumulative exposure, but show dramatic decrease after 72 hours cumulative exposure. Finally, response to the mixed cue (Chemical+visual) tend to peak prior to the predation risk exposure period and show reduced response during subsequent exposure periods. This experiment confirms the lack of responsiveness to conspecific alarm signals in captive-bred M. rapidus and the need for an optimal nature behavior enhancement program prior to release of endangered species. Furthermore, responsiveness to predator visual signal peak at 48 hours cumulative exposure, suggest an optimal predation risk exposure period of up to 48 hours.

The Effect of Consistency between Represented Location of the Cue and the Target on Attention Mechanism (단서자극과 표적자극의 표상된 위치의 일치성이 주의기제의 작용에 미치는 영향)

  • Seo, Jun-Ho;Li, Hyung-Chul O.
    • Korean Journal of Cognitive Science
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    • v.20 no.4
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    • pp.481-506
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    • 2009
  • The purpose of the present research was to examine whether the attention mechanism employs physical or represented location of the cue and target. To achieve this, we have employed the paradigm of facilitation of response as well as inhibition of return. In the experiments, valid and invalid conditions were defined by the position consistency of the cue and the target in the aspect of either physical or represented location. We used auditory cue and visual target in Experiment 1 while visual cue and auditory target in Experiment 2. As a results, in Experiment 1, effect of facilitation of response in valid condition was found when the valid/invalid conditions were defined in the aspect of represented location. In Experiment 2, effect of facilitation of response in valid condition was found when the valid/invalid conditions were defined in the aspect of represented location. In all the other conditions, no effect was found when the conditions were defined in the aspect of physical location. No effects of inhibition of return were found in Experiment 2. These results imply the possibility that attention mechanism operates based on objects' represented location rather than on their physical location. More importantly, the present research suggests that it is necessary to separate represented location from physical location of the target and the cue in the experiment of facilitation of response and inhibition of return in the future.

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Improving visual relationship detection using linguistic and spatial cues

  • Jung, Jaewon;Park, Jongyoul
    • ETRI Journal
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    • v.42 no.3
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    • pp.399-410
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    • 2020
  • Detecting visual relationships in an image is important in an image understanding task. It enables higher image understanding tasks, that is, predicting the next scene and understanding what occurs in an image. A visual relationship comprises of a subject, a predicate, and an object, and is related to visual, language, and spatial cues. The predicate explains the relationship between the subject and object and can be categorized into different categories such as prepositions and verbs. A large visual gap exists although the visual relationship is included in the same predicate. This study improves upon a previous study (that uses language cues using two losses) and a spatial cue (that only includes individual information) by adding relative information on the subject and object of the extant study. The architectural limitation is demonstrated and is overcome to detect all zero-shot visual relationships. A new problem is discovered, and an explanation of how it decreases performance is provided. The experiment is conducted on the VRD and VG datasets and a significant improvement over previous results is obtained.

A Reading Trainning Program offering Visual-Auditory Cue with Noise Cancellation Function (잡음제거 기능을 갖춘 시-청각 단서 제공 읽기 훈련 프로그램)

  • Bang, D.H.;Kang, H.D.;Kil, S.K.;Lee, S.M.
    • Journal of rehabilitation welfare engineering & assistive technology
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    • v.2 no.1
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    • pp.35-43
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    • 2009
  • In this paper, we introduce a reading training program offering visual-auditory cue with noise cancellation function (RT program) developed by us. The RT program provides some training sentences with visual-auditory cues. Motor speech disorder patients can use the visual and/or auditory cues for reading training. To provide convenient estimation of training result, we developed a noise cancellation algorithm. The function of the algorithm is to remove noise and auditory-cues which are recorded with reading speech at the same time while patient read the sentences in PC monitor. In addition, we developed a function for finding out the first starting time of reading sound after a patient sees a sentence and begins to read the sentence. The recorded speeches are acquired from six people(three male, three female) in four noisy environments (interior noise, white noise, car interior noise, babble noise). We evaluated the timing error for starting time between original recorded speech and processed speech in condition of executing noise cancellation function and not executing. The timing error was improved as much as $4.847{\pm}2.4235[ms]$ as the effect of noise cancellation. It is expected that the developed RT program helps motor speech disorder patient in reading training and symptom evaluation.

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A Study on Environmental Design Treatments of Subway Stations in Terms of Visual Cues for Place Indication - Focused on the Cases of Seoul, Tokyo and Taipei - (장소지시단서로서의 지하철역 환경디자인 기법에 관한 연구 -서울, 동경, 타이페이 사례를 중심으로-)

  • Park, Hey-Kyung
    • Archives of design research
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    • v.19 no.5 s.67
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    • pp.351-362
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    • 2006
  • Currently, finding one's way in the underground spaces associated with subway stations in large cities is becoming a serious problem, and an environment that facilitates wayfinding is becoming more important. This study investigated interior treatments that function as visual cues in the subway stations of Seoul, Tokyo, and Taipei in order to develop design guidelines that would improve the place-cognition environment. A theoretical study has shown that there are three categories of visual cue for place cognition: marked trails, regional differentiation, and landmarks. The case study showed that marked trails involve treatments like vertical markers, confrontational positioning, and subway color codes. Regional differentiation involves patterns on the floors and walls, and accent colors on the walls and columns. Landmarks include treatments such as super graphics, symbolic features, artistic decoration and special lights. In the cases of Seoul, marked trails and regional differentiation were predominant. In addition, the Olympic symbol 'Hodori' and the ancient Korean character "Hunminjungeum" were used as landmarks. In the cases of Tokyo, regional differentiation predominated over marked trails because of the complexity of the spatial structure and subway line connection system. In the cases of Taipei, simple, unified images predominated, and there was minimal dependence on marked trails and landmarks. The need for regional differentiation was weak, because the stations studied have open structures that guarantee an open field of view. The results of this research could be used as design guidelines, after further experimental verification, that would help to improve the public environment in terms of wayfinding.

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Individual differences in categorical perception: L1 English learners' L2 perception of Korean stops

  • Kong, Eun Jong
    • Phonetics and Speech Sciences
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    • v.11 no.4
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    • pp.63-70
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    • 2019
  • This study investigated individual variability of L2 learners' categorical judgments of L2 stops by exploring English learners' perceptual processing of two acoustic cues (voice onset time [VOT] and f0) and working memory capacity as sources of variation. As prior research has reported that English speakers' greater use of the redundant cue f0 was responsible for gradient processing of native stops, we examined whether the same processing characteristics would be observed in L2 learners' perception of Korean stops (/t/-/th/). 22 English learners of L2 Korean with a range of L2 proficiency participated in a visual analogue scaling task and demonstrated variable manners of judging the L2 Korean stops: Some were more gradient than others in performing the task. Correlation analysis revealed that L2 learners' categorical responses were modestly related to individuals' utilizations of a primary cue for the stop contrast (VOT for L1 English stops and f0 for L2 Korean stops), and were also related to better working memory capacity. Together, the current experimental evidence demonstrates adult L2 learners' top-down processing of stop consonants where linguistic and cognitive resources are devoted to a process of determining abstract phonemic identity.