• Title/Summary/Keyword: Use efficiency

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Estimation of Optimum Raate of Cattle Slurry Application for Forage Production Using Idled Rice Paddy I. The Effect of cattle slurry application on annual dry matter yield in reed canarygrass. (유휴 논토양에서 조사료 생산을 위한 적정 액상구비 시용수준의 추정 I. 액상구비의 시용이 Reed Canarygrass의 연 건물수량에 미치는 영향)

  • 이주삼;조익환;김성규;안종호
    • Journal of The Korean Society of Grassland and Forage Science
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    • v.14 no.1
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    • pp.50-56
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    • 1994
  • This study was investigated for the purposes of securing forage resource using idled rice paddy recently increased in accordance to a current trend of farm products' liberalization and also of presevation of environment by using cattle sluny as liquid manure, which is seriously increasing these days. In this study, mean annual dry matter yield and its seasonal variation with reed canarygrass, and a optimum rate of cattle sluny application were investigated. The results are as follows: 1. According to the conditions of cutting frequencies(3, 4 and 5 cutting per year), mean annual dry matter yield was recorded from 8.9 tons to 10.9 tons per hectare and was the highest at 3 cutting frequency. 2. The use of cattle sluny with the levels of between 300 and 360 kg N per hectare showed a significantly higher mean annual dry matter yield than that of the control (non-fertilization). 3. The treatments with 3 and 4 cutting frequencies(90 kg Nhdyear, 120 kg Nhdyear) recorded higher dry matter yields than the control of the former level by 1.23 tons and 2.34 tons respectively and in the treatment of 5 cutting frequency, the second level with cattle sluny of 300 kg Nhdyear showed an increased dry matter yield of 2.11 tons compared to the former level(l50 kg Nhdyear). With regards to nitrogen efficiency, one kg of nitrogen is applied to 13.7, 19.4 and 14.1 kg of dry matter yields in the conditions of 3, 4 and 5 cutting frequencies respectively. 4. In view of seasonal variance of annual dry matter yield, the second cut in 3 cutting frequency, the third cut in 4 cutting frequency and the third in 5 cutting frequency showed the highest ratio as 42, 37 and 32% respectively compared to the total. 5. Under the conditions of this study, the 'Input-Output curve' from 5 cutting frequency was the closest to sigmaformed process(i=0.9993) of various cutting frequencies, and the maximum marginal yield in the treatment was obtained at the level of 250 kg Nha with cattle sluny. The economic level of cattle sluny was between 371.0 and 402.2 kg N and the highest dry matter yield was obtained at 489.3 kg Mdyear in the same treatment

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Effect of Organic Matter Ratios in Substrate and Mulching Materials on Growth of Liatris spicata under Non-irrigated Green Roofs (무관수 옥상녹화에서 유기질 비료와 멀칭재에 따른 리아트리스(Liatris spicata) 생육 반응)

  • Ju, Jin-Hee;Yoon, Yong-Han
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.40 no.2
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    • pp.130-137
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    • 2012
  • This research evaluated the effectiveness of organic matter ratios in substrate and mulching materials under mn-irrigated condition green roofs by measuring the effects on growth of Liatris spicata. Four mulching materials were installed, i. e. nun-mulched control(CON), volcanic ash soils(VAS), non-woven black fabric mat(NBM) and pine bark(PAK). Three levels of organic maller volume percentage in an amended soil were evaluated, amended soil: organic matter=100:0(A1O0), amended soil: organic matter=80:20(A4O1) and amended soil: organic matter=50:50(A1O1). Plant height, number of leaves, diameter of flower stalk, number of florets, chlorophyll contents, shoot fresh and dry weight were recorded from April to September, 2010, and survival rate was examined on May 2011 of the following year. In the A1O0, the number of leaves, number of florets and chlorophyll contents were higher in Liatris spicata grown on NBM than other mulching treatments. Especially, plant height, shoot fresh and dry weight were significantly higher. However, it resulted the lowest survival rate than other mulching treatments. 2. In the A4O1, the plant height, number of leaves, number of florets, shoot fresh and dry weight were higher than other mulching treatments, but there was no significant difference except for the plant height of Liatris spicata grown on NBM. The survival rate was decreased by 40~60%, compared with A1O0, after overwintering. 3. In the A1O1, the plant height, number of leaves, diameter of flower stalk, number of florets, chlorophyll contents, shoot fresh and dry weight were slightly higher than other mulching treatments, but there was no significant difference from Liatris spicata grown on NBM and VAS. The survival rate was observed by 0% over all mulching treatments after overwintering. Therefore, the non-woven black fabric mat(NBM) promoted the Liatris spicata's growth and flowering compared with other mulching treatments. However, the survival rate was decreased significantly, and the organic matter ratios were increased after overwintering under non-irrigated green roofs.

Impact of Solar Energe Facility on the Landscape Experience of Traditional Temple - Focused on the Entrance Way of Tongdosa - (태양열시설이 전통사찰의 경관경험에 미치는 영향 - 통도사 진입경관을 중심으로 -)

  • Yi, Young-Kyoung;Kim, Jeong-Eun;Lee, Seo-Youl
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Traditional Landscape Architecture
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    • v.28 no.3
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    • pp.114-121
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    • 2010
  • Traditional temples in Korea are the important cultural heritage because of artistic traditonal buildings and structures, paintings, sculptures, and big forest areas which are most ecological and beautiful in Korea. Since traditional temples still function as religious places for very long time, the sense of places intrinsic to the temples are very strong and vivid. The sense of place is very closely related to the conservation of the original landscape type. Recently however, there is a strong tendency to use solar energy in traditional temples because of the low energy efficiency of the old traditional architecture which may have negative impact on landscape which again in turn may lead to the destruction of the sense of place. The purpose of this study was to suggest some landscape design guidelines to protect the sense of place of traditional temple by investigating the impact of solar energy facility on the landscape experience of traditional temple. In order to do perform this purpose, Tongdosa was selected as a study site and four kinds of measurement tools(landscape image, temple identity, landscape satisfaction, degree of landscape improvement) were used as questionnaire items. 180 college students participated in the questionnaire survey. The analysis showed that the solar energy facility had very negative impact on landscape experience such as three landscape image factors(scenic beauty, openness, complexity), landscape satisfaction, temple identity, and landscape improvement. Based on the results, three landscape improvement plans were suggested. First, solar energy facility should be built in the forest in order not to be exposed to visitors, if possible. Second, the landscape management of traditional temple should emphasize on sustaining scenic beauty and temple identity along with the provision of openness. Lastly, detailed landscape guideline should be prepared to regulate the scale, ratio, and the form of the artificial buildings and structures to protect the sense of place of traditional temple.

A Study for the Methodology of Analyzing the Operation Behavior of Thermal Energy Grids with Connecting Operation (열 에너지 그리드 연계운전의 운전 거동 특성 분석을 위한 방법론에 관한 연구)

  • Im, Yong Hoon;Lee, Jae Yong;Chung, Mo
    • KIPS Transactions on Computer and Communication Systems
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    • v.1 no.3
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    • pp.143-150
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    • 2012
  • A simulation methodology and corresponding program based on it is to be discussed for analyzing the effects of the networking operation of existing DHC system in connection with CHP system on-site. The practical simulation for arbitrary areas with various building compositions is carried out for the analysis of operational features in both systems, and the various aspects of thermal energy grids with connecting operation are highlighted through the detailed assessment of predicted results. The intrinsic operational features of CHP prime movers, gas engine, gas turbine etc., are effectively implemented by realizing the performance data, i.e. actual operation efficiency in the full and part loads range. For the sake of simplicity, a simple mathematical correlation model is proposed for simulating various aspects of change effectively on the existing DHC system side due to the connecting operation, instead of performing cycle simulations separately. The empirical correlations are developed using the hourly based annual operation data for a branch of the Korean District Heating Corporation (KDHC) and are implicit in relation between main operation parameters such as fuel consumption by use, heat and power production. In the simulation, a variety of system configurations are able to be considered according to any combination of the probable CHP prime-movers, absorption or turbo type cooling chillers of every kind and capacity. From the analysis of the thermal network operation simulations, it is found that the newly proposed methodology of mathematical correlation for modelling of the existing DHC system functions effectively in reflecting the operational variations due to thermal energy grids with connecting operation. The effects of intrinsic features of CHP prime-movers, e.g. the different ratio of heat and power production, various combinations of different types of chillers (i.e. absorption and turbo types) on the overall system operation are discussed in detail with the consideration of operation schemes and corresponding simulation algorithms.

Detection of Phantom Transaction using Data Mining: The Case of Agricultural Product Wholesale Market (데이터마이닝을 이용한 허위거래 예측 모형: 농산물 도매시장 사례)

  • Lee, Seon Ah;Chang, Namsik
    • Journal of Intelligence and Information Systems
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    • v.21 no.1
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    • pp.161-177
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    • 2015
  • With the rapid evolution of technology, the size, number, and the type of databases has increased concomitantly, so data mining approaches face many challenging applications from databases. One such application is discovery of fraud patterns from agricultural product wholesale transaction instances. The agricultural product wholesale market in Korea is huge, and vast numbers of transactions have been made every day. The demand for agricultural products continues to grow, and the use of electronic auction systems raises the efficiency of operations of wholesale market. Certainly, the number of unusual transactions is also assumed to be increased in proportion to the trading amount, where an unusual transaction is often the first sign of fraud. However, it is very difficult to identify and detect these transactions and the corresponding fraud occurred in agricultural product wholesale market because the types of fraud are more intelligent than ever before. The fraud can be detected by verifying the overall transaction records manually, but it requires significant amount of human resources, and ultimately is not a practical approach. Frauds also can be revealed by victim's report or complaint. But there are usually no victims in the agricultural product wholesale frauds because they are committed by collusion of an auction company and an intermediary wholesaler. Nevertheless, it is required to monitor transaction records continuously and to make an effort to prevent any fraud, because the fraud not only disturbs the fair trade order of the market but also reduces the credibility of the market rapidly. Applying data mining to such an environment is very useful since it can discover unknown fraud patterns or features from a large volume of transaction data properly. The objective of this research is to empirically investigate the factors necessary to detect fraud transactions in an agricultural product wholesale market by developing a data mining based fraud detection model. One of major frauds is the phantom transaction, which is a colluding transaction by the seller(auction company or forwarder) and buyer(intermediary wholesaler) to commit the fraud transaction. They pretend to fulfill the transaction by recording false data in the online transaction processing system without actually selling products, and the seller receives money from the buyer. This leads to the overstatement of sales performance and illegal money transfers, which reduces the credibility of market. This paper reviews the environment of wholesale market such as types of transactions, roles of participants of the market, and various types and characteristics of frauds, and introduces the whole process of developing the phantom transaction detection model. The process consists of the following 4 modules: (1) Data cleaning and standardization (2) Statistical data analysis such as distribution and correlation analysis, (3) Construction of classification model using decision-tree induction approach, (4) Verification of the model in terms of hit ratio. We collected real data from 6 associations of agricultural producers in metropolitan markets. Final model with a decision-tree induction approach revealed that monthly average trading price of item offered by forwarders is a key variable in detecting the phantom transaction. The verification procedure also confirmed the suitability of the results. However, even though the performance of the results of this research is satisfactory, sensitive issues are still remained for improving classification accuracy and conciseness of rules. One such issue is the robustness of data mining model. Data mining is very much data-oriented, so data mining models tend to be very sensitive to changes of data or situations. Thus, it is evident that this non-robustness of data mining model requires continuous remodeling as data or situation changes. We hope that this paper suggest valuable guideline to organizations and companies that consider introducing or constructing a fraud detection model in the future.

Analyses of User Behavior and Preference Factors in the Outdoor Spaces of Psychiatric Hospitals (정신병원 옥외공간의 이용행태 및 선호요인 분석)

  • Ahn, Deug-Soo
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.42 no.6
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    • pp.72-88
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    • 2014
  • This study was conducted in order to analyze user behavior and preference factors in the outdoor spaces of mental hospitals. Among hospitals with 250 or more beds, 5 hospitals were selected in consideration of size of garden and diversity of garden elements. The subject of the study was restricted to mild cases of schizophrenia while 30~50 patients were selected on the recommendation of their doctor from 5 hospitals, respectively. The physical environment was analyzed, focusing on space components, after visiting the sites of study. A face to face interview method was selected in consideration of patients' cognitive abilities, a total of 230 questionnaires were used for the analysis. The results of the study can be summarized as follows. Rest facilities occupy the largest numbers in the components of garden, and those are followed by landscape facilities, walking/exercise facilities, and experience facilities. Outdoor walking/exercise programs are classified into group walks and free walks with most patients taking group walks. Most of the patients visit these outdoor spaces every day but some of them rarely use the outdoor areas. In order to increase the efficiency of using these outdoor spaces, the percentage of space for ensuring a sense of control should properly harmonize with the percentage of space to facilitate patients in having social contact. With regard to the reasons for preferring the most widely-used outdoor spaces, landscape/environment property was the most important, followed by functionality and then accessibility. Major activities in the preferred space are mainly composed of walking/exercise and rest. The preferred facilities are waterscape facilities such as ponds, waterfalls and fountains, rest facilities such as pergolas and shade trees, and lawn. It was understood that naturalness should be considered to be the most important factor in constructing a new healing garden, followed by aesthetics and amenities. Single facilities rated by preference for introduction were flower beds, trails, and lawn. According to type, waterscape facilities such as fountains, ponds, waterfalls and waterwheels were most preferred. Space for natural distraction and programs for the cultivation of flower beds were also preferred. The ideal image of a healing garden should be bright, familiar, and orderly as a whole, having plenty of introduced facilities. Open spaces were preferred to enclosed spaces. Finally, the image of a garden that helps patients feel calm was thought to be that of the most ideal garden.

Development and Application of the High Speed Weigh-in-motion for Overweight Enforcement (고속축하중측정시스템 개발과 과적단속시스템 적용방안 연구)

  • Kwon, Soon-Min;Suh, Young-Chan
    • International Journal of Highway Engineering
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    • v.11 no.4
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    • pp.69-78
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    • 2009
  • Korea has achieved significant economic growth with building the Gyeongbu Expressway. As the number of new road construction projects has decreased, it becomes more important to maintain optimal status of the current road networks. One of the best ways to accomplish it is weight enforcement as active control measure of traffic load. This study is to develop High-speed Weigh-in-motion System in order to enhance efficiency of weight enforcement, and to analyze patterns of overloaded trucks on highways through the system. Furthermore, it is to review possibilities of developing overweight control system with application of the HS-WIM system. The HS-WIM system developed by this study consists of two sets of an axle load sensor, a loop sensor and a wandering sensor on each lane. A wandering sensor detects whether a travelling vehicle is off the lane or not with the function of checking the location of tire imprint. The sensor of the WIM system has better function of classifying types of vehicles than other existing systems by detecting wheel distance and tire type such as single or dual tire. As a result, its measurement errors regarding 12 types of vehicle classification are very low, which is an advantage of the sensor. The verification tests of the system under all conditions showed that the mean measurement errors of axle weight and gross axle weight were within 15 percent and 7 percent respectively. According to the WIM rate standard of the COST-323, the WIM system of this study is ranked at B(10). It means the system is appropriate for the purpose of design, maintenance and valuation of road infrastructure. The WIM system in testing a 5-axle cargo truck, the most frequently overloaded vehicle among 12 types of vehicles, is ranked at A(5) which means the system is available to control overloaded vehicles. In this case, the measurement errors of axle load and gross axle load were within 8 percent and 5 percent respectively. Weight analysis of all types of vehicles on highways showed that the most frequently overloaded vehicles were type 5, 6, 7 and 12 among 12 vehicle types. As a result, it is necessary to use more effective overweight enforcement system for vehicles which are seriously overloaded due to their lift axles. Traffic volume data depending upon vehicle types is basic information for road design and construction, maintenance, analysis of traffic flow, road policies as well as research.

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Effect of Milk Vetch Utilization Rice Cultivation to Reduce Application Amount of Nitrogen at Plowing Time in Paddy Field (자운영 후작(後作) 벼 재배시(栽培時) 경운시기별(耕耘時期別) 질소시비량(窒素施肥量) 절감효과(節減效果))

  • Yang, Chang-Hyu;Yoo, Chul-Hyun;Kang, Seung-Won;Han, Sang-Soo
    • Korean Journal of Soil Science and Fertilizer
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    • v.35 no.6
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    • pp.352-360
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    • 2002
  • This study was carried out to find out the effect of Milk vetch(Astragalus sinicus L.) on growth, and yield of rice, physicochemical properties of soil, reduction rate of nitrogen fertilization, and soil improvement under the different plowing time with Milk vetch cultivated in paddy field, plowing at maximum blooming, last blooming, fruiting stages. The fresh weight of Milk vetch at each plowing time of maximum blooming, last blooming and fruiting stage was 22,500, 20,000, 12,500kgha1 respectively. Content of total nitrogen at three plowing times was 2.95, 2.66, and 2.47% and the C/N ratio were 15.7, 18.0, and 19.2, respectively. Physico-chemical properties of soil were improved in cultivated milk vetch, the content of T-N. OM and porosity ratio were increased while the content of P2O5 and bulk density, solidphase ratio were decreased compared to noncultivated milk vetch. Content of NH4N in soil was highest plowing at maximum blooming stage and appeared an increasing tendency according to increased nitrogen level. Amount of nitrogen fertilizer by rice was highest plowing at maximum blooming stage and appeared an increasing tendency according to increased nitrogen level. Nitrogen-use efficiency was high in 33kgha1 nitrogen level at three plowing times. The number of spikelets per m2 was high in plowing at maximum blooming stage, last blooming stage and the percentage of ripeness was high in fruiting stage of milk vetch. So the rice yield was increased 9%, 8% in 55kgha1 nitrogen level plowing at maximum blooming stage, last blooming stage and 1% in 77kgha1 nitrogen level plowing at fruiting stage compared to conventional cultivation.

Application Effect of Food Waste Compost Abundant in NaCl on the Growth and Cationic Balance of Rice Plant in Paddy Soil (NaCl을 다량 함유한 음식물쓰레기 퇴비 시용이 논 토양에서 벼의 생육과 체내 양이온 균형에 미치는 영향)

  • Lee, Sang-Eun;Ahn, Hyun-Jin;Youn, Seung-Kil;Kim, Seak-Min;Jung, Kwang-Young
    • Korean Journal of Soil Science and Fertilizer
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    • v.33 no.2
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    • pp.100-108
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    • 2000
  • High sodium contents in food-waste compost(FWC) is the greatest limitation to recycle it to arable lands in Korea. The effects of the FWC application to paddy soil on the growth of rice plants, cationic balance in plants, and the sodicity of soil have been studied in pot trials. The effects of FWC application were compared with those of NaCl compound and swine manure compost(SMC) application. Na2O contents of FWC were high as 2.2%. Immediately after transplanting, rice plants in three treatments showed severe wilting in the order of 40Mg FWC ha1 > NPK+900kg NaClha1 > 20Mg FWC ha1. The high EC value and volatile acid contents of soil solution were regarded as the cause of severe wilting of young rice plants. Increase of NaCl application rate upto 900kgha1 showed no significant reduction of dry matter yield at harvesting stage. Regardless of application rates FWC reduced the dry matter yield at harvesting stage, while SMC increased it with increase of application rates upto 40Mgha1. In NPK+NaCl and FWC treatments, Na contents and equivalent ratio in plants increased linearly with increase of Na application rates. Between Na and K equivalent ratio negative correlation with high significance was shown. In contrast to much difference of Na, K, and Na/K equivalent ratio among treatments, little difference of Na+K indicated the physiological substitution of Na for K in rice plants. Na use efficiency in NPK+NaCl and FWC treatments showed 12-22%.

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Effects of Nitrogen Fertilization on the Yield and Effective Components of Chrysanthemum boreale M. (질소시비가 산국의 수량과 유효성분에 미치는 영향)

  • Lee, Kyung-Dong;Yang, Min-Suk;Lee, Young-Bok;Kim, Pil-Joo
    • Korean Journal of Soil Science and Fertilizer
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    • v.35 no.1
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    • pp.38-46
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    • 2002
  • Chrysanthemum boreale M. (hereafter, C. boreale M.), a perennial flower, has been historically used as a natural medicine in Korea. With increasing concerns for health-improving foods, the demand for C. boreale M. has become higher than ever. Howevr, the amount of wild C. boreale M. collected from mountainous areas is not enough to cover all demands. The cultivation system and fertilization strategy are required to meet increasing demand on C. boreale M. with a good quality. We investigated the effects of nitrogen application on plant growth and effective components of C. boreale M. to suggest optimum rate of nitrogen fertilization. C. boreale M. was cultivated in a pot scale (1/2000a scale), and nitrogen applied with rate of 0(N0), 50(N50), 100(N100), 150(N150), 200(N200), and 250(N250)kgha1. Phosphate and potassium were applied at the same level (P2O5K2O=8080kgha1) in all treatments. Maximum yield achieved in 246 and 226kgha1 N treatment on the whole plant and the flower part, a valuable part as a herbal medicine, respectively. Proline was the most abundant amino acid in the flower of C boreal M. and the contents of amino acids increased with increasing nitrogen application rate in flower. Nitrogen recovery efficiency was high more than 41% in all nitrogen treatments and increased to 61.8% in nitrogen N100 treatment. From the nitrogen content, the high nitrogen uptake, the low residue of mineral N and the reasonably good apparent fertilizer recovery, it can be inferred that C. boreale M. made efficient use of the available nitrogen. In flower, contents of Cumambrin A. which is a sesquiterpene compound and has the effect of blood-pressure reduction, decreased with increasing nitrogen application. However, the amount of Cumambrin A in flower increased as nitrogen rate increased, because of increasing flower yield. Conclusively, nitrogen fertilization could increase yields and enhance quality. The optimum nitrogen application rate might be on the range of 225250kgha1 in a mountainous soil.