• Title/Summary/Keyword: Textbook Development

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An Analysis of High School Technology·Home Economics Textbooks' Activities to Improve the Resilience of Youth (청소년의 회복탄력성에 대한 고등학교 기술·가정 교과서 활동과제 분석)

  • Choi, Yoo-ri;Kim, Eun-Jong;Lee, So-Young;Lee, Gi-Sen;Lim, So-Jin;Park, Mi-Jeong
    • Journal of Korean Home Economics Education Association
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    • v.30 no.4
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    • pp.37-55
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    • 2018
  • The purpose of this study is to contribute to the improvement of the resilience of adolescents through the analysis of activities in high school Technology·Home Economics textbooks developed according to the 2015 revised high school Technology·Home Economics curriculum. For this purpose, we analyzed the activities of 12 high school Technology·Home Economics textbooks in the 'human development and family' and 'family life and safety' areas based on the sub-factors of resilience. A total of 303 activities were extracted from 12 textbooks. After analyzing the activities of the three people, the process of revising and supplementing the analysis criteria through consultation was conducted three times and then reviewed by three experts. The analysis found that although there were differences in the number of activities to be dealt with, it was common to focus on raising interpersonal ability(54.8%) among the sub-factors of resilience. Followed by self-regulation(39.4%) and positive(5.8%). Second, the analysis of the activities by core concepts showed that the most activities dealing with the sub-factors of resilience were in the 'family life and safety' area, which deals with 'safety (44.3%)' as a core concept. And in the area of human development and family, which deals with development (25.1%) and relationships (36%) as core concept, the sub-factors of resilience were also covered. This can be inferred that the home curriculum is suitable for systematic education of resilience, and that the term resilience in the curriculum has been considered and dealt with resilience before it is specifically mentioned. I hope that the results of this study will be used as basic data for the development of home and resilience education programs in the future.

Three Teaching-Learning Plans for Integrated Science Teaching of 'Energy' Applying Knowledge-, Social Problem-, and Individual Interest-Centered Approaches (지식내용, 사회문제, 개인흥미 중심의 통합과학교육 접근법을 적용한 '에너지' 주제의 교수.학습 방안 개발(II))

  • Lee, Mi-Hye;Son, Yeon-A;Young, Donald B.;Choi, Don-Hyung
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.21 no.2
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    • pp.357-384
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    • 2001
  • In this paper, we described practical teaching-learning plans based on three different theoretical approaches to Integrated Science Education (ISE): a knowledge centered ISE, a social problem centered ISE, and an individual interest centered ISE. We believe that science teachers can understand integrated science education through this paper and they are able to apply simultaneously our integrated science teaching materials to their real instruction in classroom. For this we developed integrated science teaching-learning plans for the topic of energy which has a integrated feature strongly among integrated science subject contents. These modules were based upon the teaching strategies of 'Energy' following each integrated directions organized in the previous paper (Three Strategies for Integrated Science Teaching of "Energy" Applying Knowledge, Social Problem, and Individual Interest Centered Approaches) and we applied instruction models fitting each features of integrated directions to the teaching strategies of 'Energy'. There is a concrete describing on the above three integrated science teaching-learning plans as follows. 1. For the knowledge centered integration, we selected the topic, 'Journey of Energy' and we tried to integrate the knowledge of physics, chemistry, biology, and earth science applying the instruction model of 'Free Discovery Learning' which is emphasized on concepts and inquiry. 2. For the social problem centered integration, we selected the topic, 'Future of Energy' to resolve the science-related social problems and we applied the instruction model of 'Project Learning' which is emphasized on learner's cognitive process to the topic. 3. For the individual interest centered integration, we selected the topic, 'Transformation of Energy' for the integration of science and individual interest and we applied the instruction model of 'Project Learning' centering learner's interest and concern. Based upon the above direction, we developed the integrated science teaching-learning plans as following steps. First, we organized 'Integrated Teaching-Learning Contents' according to the topics. Second, based upon the above organization, we designed 'Instructional procedures' to integrate within the topics. Third, in accordance with the above 'Instructional Procedures', we created 'Instructional Coaching Plan' that can be applied in the practical world of real classrooms. These plans can be used as models for the further development of integrated science instruction for teacher preparation, textbook development, and classroom learning.

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Analysis of Scientific Inquiry Activities in the Astronomy Section of School Science Textbooks (과학 교과서 천문 단원의 탐구 활동 분석)

  • Kim, Kyoung-Mi;Park, Young-Shin;Choe, Seung-Urn
    • Journal of the Korean earth science society
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    • v.29 no.2
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    • pp.204-217
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    • 2008
  • This study analyzed the inquiry activities appearing in the astronomy sections of elementary, middle and highschool level science textbooks according to the five essential features of inquiry in the classroom as proposed by the National Science Education Standards (NRC, 2000), and SAPA (Science-A Process Approach). On the basis of this analysis, it is clear that the science textbook inquiry activities released the limitation to meet the goal of science education, namely scientific literacy, as it has been laid out by the 7th Science Educational Curriculum. This study revealed that the features of scientific inquiry which are most frequently used in the astronomy sections of science textbooks are 'data collection' and 'form explanation', whereas the features of 'oriented-question', 'evaluate explanations' and 'communicate and justify' rarely appeared. The analysis of inquiry activities by SAPA showed that the basic inquiry skills of 'observing', 'communicating' and 'manipulating materials' were used with increasing frequency according to grade level, and the integrated skills of 'investigating', 'creating models', 'interpreting data' and 'experimenting' were more emphasized in the textbooks. Therefore, it is suggested that students be provided with more opportunities to experience all the features of scientific inquiry and scientific processes as envisioned by the 7th Science Educational Curriculum in order to achieve the stated goal of scientific literacy. Science educators should be required to develop new lesson modules which will allow students to experience authentic scientific inquiry. It is crucial for science teachers to reflect upon and develop their understanding and teaching strategies regarding scientific inquiry through professional development programs in teacher education.

Viewing Africa based on 'Factual Contents' and 'Representation' : Centered on Africa Contents in Elementary and Middle School Social Studies Textbooks ('사실'과 '재현'의 관점에서 아프리카 다시 보기 -초.중학교 사회 교과서 아프리카 서술 내용을 중심으로-)

  • Kim, Da-Won;Han, Geon-Soo
    • Journal of the Korean Geographical Society
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    • v.47 no.3
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    • pp.440-458
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    • 2012
  • This study analyzed the ignorance and prejudice with regard to African culture, which can be seen at the textbook and class course centering the geography class from 1990's to the present, and reviewed critically the related education and learning effects for mutual understanding. This study results are as follows: First, in the geographic environment contents, the image regarding huge continent, the local image regarding the various physical environments and the geographical importance as the ancient civilization birthplace were not included in the description. Second, the description regarding the African culture and history was focused to the singular African image, so the fixed concept and distorted image has been rooted into the formation of cultural meta-knowledge. Third, the negative sides rather than positive development and the past backward facts rather than changed status have been emphasized in the description regarding African resources and industry as well, so only the region surrounded with the various problems including poverty and the image as underdeveloped country have been rooted into the description. Now, real Africa view, an image for a variety of attractive and vibrant Africa rather than the same culture and characteristics of African must be learned in text books.

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Reanalysis of Realistic Mathematics Education Perspective in Relation to Cultivation of Mathematical Creativity (현실적 수학교육 이론의 재음미 : 수학적 창의성 교육의 관점에서)

  • Lee, Kyeong-Hwa
    • Journal of Educational Research in Mathematics
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    • v.26 no.1
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    • pp.47-62
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    • 2016
  • Cultivating mathematical creativity is one of the aims in the recently revised mathematics curricular. However, there have been lack of researches on how to nurture mathematical creativity for ordinary students. Perspective of Realistic Mathematics Education(RME), which pursues education of creative person as the ultimate goal of mathematics education, could be useful for developing principles and methods for cultivating mathematical creativity. This study reanalyzes RME from the points of view in mathematical creativity education. Major findings are followed. First, students should have opportunities for mathematical creation through mathematization, while seeking and creating certainty. Second, it is vital to begin with realistic contexts to guarantee mathematical creation by students, in which students can imagine or think. Third, students can create mathematics in realistic contexts by modelling. Fourth, students create the meaning of 'model of(MO)', which models the given context, the meaning of 'model for(MF)', which models formal mathematics. Then, students create MOs and MFs that are equivalent to the intial MO and MF given by textbook or teacher. Flexibility, fluency, and novelty could be employed to evaluate the MOs and the MFs created by students. Fifth, cultivation of mathematical creativity can be supported from development of local instructional theories by thought experiment, its application, and reflection. In conclusion, to employ the education model of cultivating mathematical creativity by RME drawn in this study could be reasonable when design mathematics lessons as well as mathematics curriculum to include mathematical creativity as one of goals.

Curriculum Development for the Department of Marine Products Marketing in Fisheries High Schools (수산계 고등학교 수산물유통과 교육과정 개발)

  • Kim, Sam-Kon;Shin, Jin-Han
    • Journal of Fisheries and Marine Sciences Education
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    • v.13 no.1
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    • pp.1-18
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    • 2001
  • The purpose of this research was to develop curricula for the department of marine products marketing in fisheries high schools. The specific objectives were as follows; 1) To investigate the demand of students, teachers in fisheries high schools, and workers in marine products marketing for the educational program. 2) To analyze the jobs of the marine products marketing fields. 3) To develop curricula for the department of marine products marketing on the basis of the theoretical background and the result of the objective 1) and 2). In order to achieve these objectives, domestic and foreign literatures, research reports, and theses were referred to in order to know the academic classification of fisheries economics and curricula of junior colleges and universities were collected and analyzed. To achieve the first objective, the degree of the students' knowledge of marine products marketing through fisheries management textbook was investigated. And the questionnaire survey of the demand was conducted on the subject of professors at the departments of fisheries management, teachers in the charge of the related courses and those who work for marine products marketing-related firms. The questionnaire was composed of 22 items about the knowledge of marine products marketing and 27 items about the job capacity. To achieve the second objective, the occupations were surveyed on the subjects of the works who work for marine products marketing. They were sampled randomly among the marine products buyers, wholesalers, auctioneers and salespersons. The results of this research were as follows; Taking grades and credits at each subject were made out on the consultation of the experts in marine products marketing. The curriculum of the professional subjects related to marine products marketing in fisheries high schools is suggested as follows; General Fisheries(10th grade, 6 credits, curricular discretionary class), General Oceanography(10th grade, 4 credits, curricular discretionary class), Fisheries Marine Transportation Information(11th grade, 8-12 credits), Marine Products Marketing(11th grade, 8-12 credits), Fishery Sale and Management(11th grade, 8-12 credits), General Fisheries Management(11th grade, 6-8 credits), Accounting Principle(11th grade, 4-6 credits), Marine Products Processing(12th grade, 4-8 credits), Commercial Law(12th grade, 4-6 credits), Management Practice(12th grade, 4-6 credits), Computer Practical Business(12th grade, 4-6 credits), Marketing(12th grade, 4-8 credits), General Marketing Management(12th grade, 6-8 credits), Marketing Information Practical Business(12th grade, 4-6 credits) Marketing Management I(12th grade, 4-6 credits), Marketing Management II(12th grade, 4-6 credits). If this curriculum is adopted, it will meet the demands of the educational aims and the industrial society.

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A Study on the Development of Teaching Materials about Utilizing Counterexmples Focusing on Proposition in High School (고등학교 명제 단원에서 반례 활용에 관한 교수·학습 자료 개발 연구)

  • Oh, Se Hyun;Ko, Ho Kyoung
    • Communications of Mathematical Education
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    • v.30 no.3
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    • pp.393-418
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    • 2016
  • Theory and fundamentals of mathematics consist mostly of proposition form. Activities by research of the proposition which leads to determine the true or false, justify the true propositions and refute with counterexample improve logical reasoning skills of students in emphases on mathematics education. Also, utilizing of counterexamples in school mathematics combines mathematical knowledge through the process of finding a counterexample, help the concept study and increase the critical thinking. These effects have been found through previous research. But many studies say that the learners have difficulty in generating counterexamples for false propositions and materials have not been developed a lot for the counterexample utilizing that can be applied in schools. So, this study analyzed the current textbook and examined the use of counterexamples and developed educational materials for counterexamples that can be applied at schools. That materials consisted of making true & false propositions and students was divided into three groups of academic achievement level. And then this study looked at the change of the students' thinking after counterexample classes. As a study result, in all three groups was showed a positive change in the cognitive domain and affective domain. Especially, in top-level group was mainly showed a positive change in the cognitive domain, in upper-middle group was mainly showed in the cognitive and the affective domain, in the sub-group was mainly found a positive change in the affective domain. Also in this study shows that the class that makes true or false propositions in education of utilizing counterexample, made students understand a given proposition, pay attention to easily overlooked condition, carefully observe symbol sign and change thinking of cognitive domain helping concept learning regardless of academic achievement levels of learners. Also, that class gave positive affect to affective domain that increase interest in the proposition and gain confidence about proposition.

The analysis of duplicated contents of 'Food and Nutrition unit' of Home Economics and other subject textbooks for the middle school students (중학교 가정교과와 타 교과 교과서의 '식생활 단원' 중복 내용 분석 - 2009 개정 교육과정에 따른 중학교 가정, 과학, 도덕, 체육, 보건교과서를 중심으로 -)

  • Yang, Su Joeng;Chae, Jung Hyun;Yu, Nan Sook;Park, Mi Jeong
    • Journal of Korean Home Economics Education Association
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    • v.27 no.1
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    • pp.31-50
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    • 2015
  • The purpose of this study was to analyze duplicated contents of 'Food and Nutrition unit' of Home Economics and other subject textbooks for the middle school students. In order to achieve the purpose, the textbooks of "Home Economics I II", "Science I II III", "Ethics I II", "Physical education", and "Health education" were analyzed. The results of the analyses were as follows. According to the analyses of the common contents with other subjects related to the 'Food and Nutrition unit' in the "Home Economics I II" textbooks for the middle school students under the 2009 revised curriculum, the high percentages of the common contents were found in "Science" curriculum and "Health education" curriculum, followed by "Physical education" and "Ethics". It was observed that the Home Economics curriculum provided not only the theoretical basis about the dietary issues that the youth faces but also a plan to address those issues, as "Home Economics" textbooks were focused on 'dietary problems of the youth', 'balanced diet', 'green diet', and 'Korean-style diet'. The "Science" curriculum focused on scientific theories and principles, as the "Physical Education"and the "Health education" focused on health. In contrast, it was revealed that the "Ethics" curriculum considered 'Koreans' identity' and 'environment'. Overall as for the strength of 'Food and Nutrition unit' of "Home Economics"compared to those of other subjects, comprehensive contents for dietary life had been dealt with according to the development of the adolescent in "Home Economics", while other subjects focused on specific contents or examples concerned with 'Food and Nutrition unit'. In this regard, the dietary education for the middle school students will be more effectively conducted by "Home Economics", as compared with other subjects.

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Improvements and Enhancements to the Direction of Current Elementary Mathematics Textbooks (현행 초등 수학 교과서에 대한 개선점과 개선 방향)

  • Ahn, Byoung Gon
    • Journal of Elementary Mathematics Education in Korea
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    • v.19 no.3
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    • pp.289-304
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    • 2015
  • In this study, connections between the NURI curriculum for 5 years old children and the contents of teacher's manual books according to it and the contents of elementary 1st grade mathematics curriculum and textbooks was analyzed to find the implications that can help to link the two curricula in the development of kindergarten and elementary school mathematics curriculum. The five following implications could be obtained from the analysis. First, it is necessary to connect the contents of the NURI curriculum for 5 years old children which were completed in that curriculum like 'spatial relation'in geometric figure domain and 'data collection'in probability and statistics domain to the contents of the 1st grade curriculum. Second, in the case of the contents not connected between the NURI curriculum for 5 years old children and the contents of elementary 1st grade mathematics curriculum but connected between the NURI curriculum for 5 years old children and the contents of elementary 2nd ~6th grade mathematics curriculum, it is necessary to re-adjust the hierarchy based on one of the curricula. Third, it is necessary to check whether $\ll$K-teacher's manual book$\gg$ obey the NURI curriculum for 5 years old children or not. Fourth, it is necessary to review the related elements of the NURI curriculum for 5 years old children and elementary 2nd ~6th grade mathematics curriculum in [activity] in $\ll$K-teacher's manual book$\gg$. Fifth, it is necessary to handle the mathematics contents explicitly and systematically in [activity] in $\ll$K-teacher's manual book$\gg$.

A Study on Development and Effect of Information Communication Technology (lCT) Based Science Unit - Focusing on 'Reproduction' of Science 10 (정보통신기술(ICT)을 활용한 과학학습지도안 개발과 효과에 관한 연구 - 10학년 과학 '생식' 단원을 중심으로)

  • Cho, Jung-Il;Yoo, Hyung-Bin;Kim, Hyun-A;Park, Soo-Jung
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.24 no.2
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    • pp.193-201
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    • 2004
  • The purpose of this study was to assess the effect of ICT on tenth grade students' understandings of and attitude toward reproduction. The subject of the study was 8 classes of 267 students. Four classes learned with help of lCT, but another four classes learned on the basis of a textbook. Understanding of reproduction and the attitude were assessed using a written test and a survey, respectively. The lCT was found to be effective to foster understanding of reproduction concepts and consciousness toward human reproduction. Discussions in the web enabled students get some feedbacks on their preconceptions from other students.