• Title/Summary/Keyword: Teacher's quality

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Features of Student Engagement in Chinese Middle School Mathematics Classrooms

  • Ye, Lijun;Si, Haixia
    • Research in Mathematical Education
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    • v.14 no.4
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    • pp.333-345
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    • 2010
  • This study focuses on student engagement in Chinese middle school mathematics classrooms. By the recording and quantitative analysis on video case, this study explored the main acts and time of student engagement. The data showed that among the student engagements: (1) Students' responses to teacher's question occurred most frequently; (2) Collective responses were much more than the individual responses; (3) Students' responses and classroom practice spent the longest time; (4) The most frequent student engagements occurred in the aspects of classroom practice; and (5) Students rarely asked a question to teachers. The study also suggested that teacher's effective guidance could improve the level of student engagement and the content of classroom practice is very important to the quality of student engagement.

A study on TPACK of mathematics teachers : Focusing on recognitions and educational needs of TPACK (수학교사의 테크놀로지 교수 내용 지식(TPACK)에 대한 연구 : TPACK에 대한 인식 및 교육요구도 분석 중심으로)

  • Lee, Da-Hee;Whang, Woo-Hyung
    • The Mathematical Education
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    • v.57 no.1
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    • pp.1-36
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    • 2018
  • The purpose of this study is to examine the relationship between utilization of technology and TPACK in mathematics teachers, and to analyze needs and retentions, difference between needs and retentions, and educational needs of TPACK in mathematics teachers. Furthermore, we will prioritize TPACK items that mathematics teachers want to change, and provide implications for teacher education related to TPACK in the future. To do this, we analyzed 328 mathematics teachers nationwide by using survey on the utilization of technology, averages of TPACK's needs and retentions, t-test of two averages, Borich's educational needs analysis, and the Locus for Focus model. The results are as follows. Firstly, the actual utilization rate was lower than the positive recognition of utilization of technology by mathematics teachers, and many mathematics teachers mentioned the lack of knowledge related to TPACK. Secondly, the characteristics of in-service mathematics teacher's needs and retentions for TPACK were clear, and TPACK's starting line of in-service mathematics teacher can be different from pre-mathematics teacher's. The retentions was high in the order of CK, PCK and PK, and the needs was higher in the order of TPACK, TCK, TK and TPK. All of the higher retentions were knowledge related to PCK, and the value of CK was extremely high among them. In addition, mathematics teachers recognized needs for integrated knowledge related to technology, and they needed more TCK than TPK. The difference between needs and retentions showed that all items except two items in the PK were significant. Retentions of all items in CK was higher than needs, needs of all items in TK, TCK, TPK and TPACK was higher than retentions, PK and PCK were mixed. Thirdly, based on the analysis of Borich's educational needs and the Locus for Focus model, teacher education on TPACK for mathematics teachers needs to focus on TPACK, TK, TCK, and TPK. Specifically, TPACK needs to combine technology in terms of creativity-convergence, mathematical connections, communication, improvement of evaluation quality, and TK needs to new technology acquisition, function of utilizing technology, troubleshoot problems with technology, TCK needs to mathematical value(esthetic, practical) with technology, and TPK needs to consider technology in terms of evaluation methods, teaching and learning methods, improvement of pedagogy. Therefore, when determining the direction of teacher education related to TPACK in the future, if they try to reflect these items in detail, the teachers could participate more actively and receive practical help.

A Study on the Components of Teacher In-Service Training Program to Improve the Professionalism in the Elementary Environmental Education (초등환경교육의 전문성 신장을 위한 교사 연수 프로그램의 구성 요소 탐색)

  • Lee, Sung-Hee;Choi, Don-Hyung
    • Hwankyungkyoyuk
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    • v.20 no.2
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    • pp.54-66
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    • 2007
  • The purpose of this study is to find identity of the elementary environmental education and inquire elements of professionalism in environmental education that elementary teachers should have. This study performed a half-structured interview in twice to the eight of elementary teachers who completed the environmental education curriculum course in a graduate school or participated in the teacher training program before. As a result, this study found that the identity of the elementary environmental education consists of the unification comprehending various subjects, the well-rounded sensitivity balancing intellectual, emotional and behavioral aspects, and the grounding in forming environmentally friendly living-habit and academic basis of environments. Moreover, this study found that the teacher training program for the specialty of the elementary environmental teachers should comprise of the following twelve components: the knowledge of overall environmental curriculum, environmental life guidance and environmental classroom management, environmental teaching skills and function, the passion and commitment about environmental education, environmental sensitivity, understanding of education studies, the values and attitude about environment, environmental behavior, understanding the relationship between environmental psychology and developing stage of child, the general education and communication/cooperation with colleagues or local community, understanding of the role as an teacher for the elementary environmental education. More importantly, it would be very crucial that the teachers themselves who are the main body of education system should recognize the their role as the professionals in order to improve the quality of education.

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Improvement of Elementary Instruction via a Teacher Community: Focused on the Implementation of Five Practices for Orchestrating Productive Mathematics Discussions (교사 공동체를 중심으로 한 초등 수학 수업 개선: 효과적인 수학적 논의를 위한 5가지 관행의 적용)

  • Pang, Jeongsuk;Kim, Juhyeon;Choi, Yewon;Kwak, Eunae;Kim, Jeongwon
    • Education of Primary School Mathematics
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    • v.25 no.4
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    • pp.433-457
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    • 2022
  • An effective teacher community helps the participating teachers improve their instructional quality. This study reports a teacher community consisting of 15 elementary school teachers and one teacher educator. This paper analyzed 15 mathematics lessons in which the teachers implemented the five practices for orchestrating productive mathematics discussions by Smith and Stein (2018) based on the grade-specific discussions as well as the whole community's discussions. The results of this study showed that the overall levels of each practice either increased gradually or maintained at the highest Level 4, as mathematics lessons had been implemented. Specifically, the following practices were quite successful: setting goals for a lesson, selecting an appropriate task, anticipating student responses, and selecting student solutions. However, both sequencing and connecting student solutions were implemented at various levels. Monitoring student work tended to remain at Level 2 which included incorrect implementation of the practice. This paper closes with implications related to the skillful implementation of the five practices through a teacher community.

Analysis of Teacher's Needs on a Life-cycle System of the Educational Digital Contents through a Case Study of EDUNET (에듀넷 사례를 통한 교육용 디지털 콘텐츠 수명주기에 대한 교사 요구사항 분석)

  • Cha, Hyunjin;Hwang, Yunja
    • The Journal of Korean Association of Computer Education
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    • v.22 no.3
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    • pp.101-112
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    • 2019
  • This study aims to draw implications on a life-cycle system of digital contents through a case study about EDUNET in order to maintain the quality and efficiency of the service for educational digital contents in the primary and secondary education area. To achieve the objective, lead teachers in EDUNET service participated in requirements analysis about the life-cycle of the digital contents, for example, contents utilization periods, the periods for being updated, etc. From the results, it was found that a systematic life-cycle framework should be established to re-evaluate the contents in service and provide a quality of contents, responding to consistent changes for educational environments in teaching-learning and for educational topics/directions, or according to educational content's substance such as curriculum or extra-curriculum. This study contributes to suggesting needs to implement the systematic management of contents based on a life-cycle system by analyzing user's requirements in order to provide user-friendly service for the K-12 educational digital contents.

An Analysis on Clinical Education of Pediatric Nursing (아동간호학 임상실습교육 현황)

  • Kwon In-Soo
    • Child Health Nursing Research
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    • v.8 no.3
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    • pp.344-356
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    • 2002
  • This study was conducted to analyse the current clinical education of pediatric nursing in baccalaurate nursing program, then to give basic data for enhancing the quality of future clinical education of pediatric nursing. Data were collected through self-reported questionnaire by mail from December 2001 to February 2002. The subjects were 29 schools of 50 baccalaurate nursing education programs. The data were analysed by double raters, researcher and assistant researcher. The results were summarized as follows: 1. Twenty-eight schools had the objectives of the clinical education of pediatric nursing, and 28 schools in pediatric ward, 23 schools in nursery, 22 schools in neonatal intensive care unit(NICU), 15 schools in objectives related to profession by clinical site. 2. Credits on clinical education of pediatric nursing were most 15 schools of 3 credits. 3. The clinical sites were mainly the hospital that sick children were admitted in. 4. The clinical teacher were 9 types including pediatric professor and field nurse. 5. On teacher's role, the professor instructed the case study and conference, and field nurse instructed the patient assignment and nursing procedures. 6. All of schools used explanation and conference as a method of clinical education, 1 or 2 schools used PBL or role play or field study. 7. On clinical education content, most of school included Apgar scoring system, physical examination in newborn assessment, respira- tion maintenance, temperature maintenance, infection prevention, nutrition, and bath in newborn care. 8. On clinical education content, most of school included care of incubator, phototheraty, infusion, gavage feeding and how to use the instruments in NICU. Eighteen schools included attachment promotion, and 20 schools case study. 9. On clinical education content, most of school included a checklist of nursing procedures, case study, assessment of growth and development in pediatric ward and other sites. 10.There were various evaluation types in scores, measuring items. In conclusion, the results of this study revealed that there were some discrepancy in the objectives and contents, clinical sites on hospital focused, teacher's role, and diversity of measurement items and ratings in clinical education of pediatric nursing. There is a need for a standardization of content, clinical site, and evaluation tool to improve a quality of clinical education of pediatric nursing based on this study.

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Exploring the OECD ITP(Initial Teacher Preparation) Program and Its Implications for Future Teacher Education and Induction Policy (OECD 교원양성 국제비교 연구(ITP)가 한국의 중등교원양성제도 개혁에 주는 시사점)

  • Jeon, Sue-Bin
    • Korean Journal of Comparative Education
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    • v.28 no.4
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    • pp.1-21
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    • 2018
  • The OECD ITP project has looked at the black box of each participating countries' teacher education system. In the 2000s, various countries have tried to reform their professional development systems for teachers, including teacher education and induction, as an initial yet crucial step to improve the quality of education. Since 2015, OECD member countries have been conducting an international comparison study on teacher education and induction programs(i.e. ITP). The ITP project is an in-depth comparative study among the member countries that have expressed willingness to participate voluntarily. This paper introduces the progress of the ITP project and analyzed the national background report on the teacher education and induction system of the participating countries and compared the features of the systems. In addition, this study explores the common issues surrounding the teacher education and induction system. Moreover, the researcher has tried to derive some suggestions for improvement of teacher education and induction system in Korea.

Analyzing College Students' Perception of Quality Computer Class (좋은 컴퓨터 수업에 대한 대학생들의 인식 유형 분석)

  • Kim, Dugyu;Lee, Jaemu
    • Journal of The Korean Association of Information Education
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    • v.24 no.3
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    • pp.225-232
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    • 2020
  • This study is to clarify how college students think about quality computer classes. Q methodology is applied to extract the subjective thinking of college students. After extracting the statements through students' interviews and advanced study, the 54 Q samples were selected. The P sample consisted of 50 college students. They performed Q sort against the Q sample questionnaire. The Q sort results were analyzed by performing QUANL program. As a result of the analysis, four types of perceptions of quality computer classes based on college students' ideas were extracted. There were no differences between male and female students, but there was a clear difference between general college and teacher's college students by type. The types were divided into four categories which we named as follows: is 'Value change-oriented class through creative problem-solving', is 'Improving computer application skills through the learner's competition', is 'Improving advanced computer technology with programming skills' and is 'Learner centered pleasant class'.

For Improving Quality of Classes in Liberal Arts Programming Classes Analysis of role of Instructor and Learning Achievement and Satisfaction (교양 프로그래밍 수업에서 수업의 질적 개선을 위한교수자의 역할과 학습 성취도 및 만족도 분석)

  • Kim Hyun Ah
    • The Journal of the Convergence on Culture Technology
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    • v.9 no.3
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    • pp.745-752
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    • 2023
  • This study aims to improve the quality of classes by analyzing the role and learning achievement of instructors in programming subjects for non-major students. In order to improve the quality of university education, universities provide various programs to strengthen the teaching capacity of instructors. Ultimately, in order to improve the quality of classes, instructors increase student participation in classes, respond sincerely to students' inquiries, and provide feedback that can assist students in various situations that occur during class and learning, thereby improving class satisfaction and achievement. should try to improve. In this paper, based on the teaching method, learning achievement, and teacher role satisfaction survey conducted in the liberal arts programming course of K University, we study the influence of the teacher's role on the quality improvement of the class. Examine the relationship with satisfaction.

The Effect Analysis of Teacher Training Program to Enhance Scientific Creative Problem Solving Abilities (과학 창의적 문제 해결력 신장을 위한 초등교사 연수 프로그램에 대한 평가)

  • Paik, Seoung-Hey;Kim, Jung-Eun
    • Journal of Gifted/Talented Education
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    • v.23 no.2
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    • pp.133-160
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    • 2013
  • The purposes of this research are to develop and to evaluate the teacher training program for enhancing scientific creative problem-solving abilities. For this purpose, by considering previous studies, this study suggested 'scientific creative problem solving process'. In the course of elementary teacher program development, the present study followed Instructional Systems Development stages, where Kirkpatrick's four-step evaluation model was applied for a quality of evaluation. As a result of evaluation, it was found that teachers' recognition of competency to teach the scientific creative problem solving process was increased. In addition, teachers' evalution of the program was positive and their willingness to apply it to the field was found high, which indicated that the training program's applicability to schools would be positive.