• Title/Summary/Keyword: Subjectivity study

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A Study on Revitalization of Rooftop Garden by Assessing the Publicness : a Case of Mullae Roof Garden, Mullae-dong, Seoul (옥상텃밭의 공공성 평가에 따른 이용 활성화 방안 연구)

  • Kwang, Nae-Young
    • Journal of Korean Society of Rural Planning
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    • v.22 no.3
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    • pp.131-142
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    • 2016
  • Urban agriculture, which can be defined as agriculture performed in a city, is suggested as an alternative solution to restore deserted community and expand green land in city area through cultivation activities. In Korea, 'Urban Agriculture Promotion and Support Act' was enforced from May 2012. In addition, in the same year, Seoul Metropolitan Government declared 'the beginning of urban agriculture era,' established municipal ordinance, and increased budget to actively support urban agriculture. As a result, urban agriculture practices have been increasing every year. Yet, the way of developing urban agriculture in a uniform way of expanding green land has led to difficulties of securing proper spaces. Accordingly, 'roof top' spaces have gained attention. This study analyzes rooftop garden, one of the spaces of carrying out urban agriculture, from the publicness perspective. The study selected a case study of a public rooftop garden in Mullae-dong, Yeongdeungpo-gu, investigated present conditions and usage features of the garden, and explored the conditions to be a 'public' roof top garden. Through theoretical analysis, both physical and non-physical indicators were derived for analysis framework; physical aspects- accessibility, locality, openness, comfortness, and non-physical aspects- subjectivity, cooperativeness, and a sense of community. The results of this study are as follows. First, openness and locality scores were the highest, and comfortness scored the lowest, in ensuring the publicness of Mullae roof top garden. Second, non-physical indicators had stronger effect than physical indicators on rooftop garden users' awareness on publicness and building a garden community. In conclusion, in order to vitalize roof top garden, users should be engaged from the very first planning stage of building a garden, opening hours should not be limited, and more importance should be put on users to subjectively manage the operation of rooftop garden than merely creating a physical environment.

Let's Think about My Partner: Using the Subjective Study (나의 배우자를 생각해보다: 주관성 연구를 활용하여)

  • Lee, Doh-Hee;Kim, Da-Yo;Park, Haeng-Nim
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.18 no.3
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    • pp.320-329
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    • 2018
  • This study was conducted to explore and classify the types of the subjectivity on the perception of the spouse using Q methodology. In this study, 42 Q statements were selected as the Q sample through interview. 42 people who married person with their spouse as P samples were forced to distribute 42 Q samples on 9 point scale. The collected data was analyzed using PC QUANL program. The results of the analysis are defined as two distinctive types. First, Type I(n=36) was defined as 'Love-Ties Type' and Type II(n=6) as 'Skein of thread-Person in charge Type'. Type I perceived their spouse as fate and ties emphasizing love for their spouse. And Type II recognized their spouse as someone requires effort like unravelling a thread and a person to be responsible for. In the result of this study, structural differences between the two types were found. And it will be used as a basic resource to support a healthy and happy marriage.

Typology Study on Brand and National Image: Focus on Q-methodology Application (국가 이미지와 브랜드에 관한 유형화 연구: Q방법론 적용을 중심으로)

  • Lee, Jei-Young;Choi, Young-Keun
    • Korean journal of communication and information
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    • v.38
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    • pp.7-39
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    • 2007
  • The purpose of this study is to find trend & paradigm of national image ; to review process to be global corporate ; to evaluate brand value of SAMSUNG. Researcher made a study with SWOT analysis and depth survey interview about Interaction and influence between national image and global corporate. The result reveal five type that divided '1 ; Nation-Leading Type(n=10)', '2 ; International Superiority Type(n=6)', '3 ; Typical Influence Type(n=4)'. It found that is very different type. In conclusion, it was ascertained a proposition about 'growth of global corporate is in accord with development of brand value in Korea' through this study. Above all, in this article, the result of this works was provide a momentum ; it is the diverse effects to the global corporate inside and outside of the country.

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A Q-Methodological Study on the Radiologist's Image of Radiology College Students Experienced Clinical Practice (임상실습을 경험한 방사선과 학생의 방사선사 이미지에 대한 주관성 연구)

  • Kim, Young-Ran
    • Journal of the Korea Convergence Society
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    • v.11 no.7
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    • pp.51-57
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    • 2020
  • This study was conducted to examine the type of subjective perceptions and characteristics of the type toward the image of students enrolled in the Department of Radiology who experienced clinical training by applying Q Methodology which is aiming at the research of human subjectivity, and provide basic data for educational programs for the Department of Radiology to establish the image of a radiological technologist based on the result. This study conducted convenience sampling with 30 students of the Department of Radiology who experienced their first clinical training for 8 weeks as a P sample, forcing 33 Q samples to be distributed on the nine-point scale Q distribution chart. After that, this study processed collected data with principal factor analysis by QUANL program. Study results show that Eigen value was more than 1.0, which was divided into 2 types. Type 1 was "Patient-oriented" and type 2 was "Organization-oriented". These results can be helpful as a basic resources to understand Radiology Students who will choose a job by using different sense of value of their job.

A Study on the Aesthetic Characteristics and Sociocultural Meanings of Outerization (속옷의 겉옷화 현상(outerization)의 미적 특성과 사회문화적 의미)

  • Lee, Sung-Hee;Cho, Kyu-Hwa
    • Journal of Fashion Business
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    • v.14 no.4
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    • pp.23-40
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    • 2010
  • The purpose of this study is to explore the aesthetic characteristics of outerization phenomenon of contemporary fashion. Outerization, transforming underwear as outerwear, is one of the most dominant and widespread fashion trends in the dawning of new millenium. Fashion always exists for living body and tributes to express idealized beauty of human body and aesthetics of the era. If so, exploring the formative expressions and aesthetic characteristics of outerization would be an meaningful guideline to deduce changed relationship between fashion and body of the 21st century. The methodology of this study is to research of fashion collections such as Paris, Milan and New York which were held the first decade of new millenium, from 2000 Spring/Summer to 2009 Spring/Summer. The styles expressing outerization were selected and assorted based on the main formative expression. Then the aesthetic characteristics were classified. The way of expression of outerization is categorized into 4 parts ; Transition, Exposure, Transparency, and Deconstruction. Aesthetic Characters of outerization is classified 4 assortments as well ; Eroticism, Fun with parody and kitch, cyber culture, Gender politics, and Power fetish. Eroticism is the most clearly identified one. Coming out of underwear imply naked body itself, so it has erotic appeal. Fun is the second character. A pleasant sensation from the outerization of undergarments maximizes a disposition of play from parody, kitch, and cyber culture. The third is Gender Politics and it introspects how the society consumes woman body in history and modern times. Power Fetish, the last one, speaks for the female body with changed vision for femininity underneath the sphere of influence of feminism and post modernism, then emphasizes the subjectivity and independence of woman. From the research above, this study will help to understand the overwhelming outerization phenomenon and contribute to expansion of the horizon of the study of fashion aesthetics. It will serve fashion creative source through various outerization cases as well.

A Qualitative Case Study on the Educational Culture Experienced by Married Immigrant Women and their Acculturation (여성결혼이민자가 체험한 교육문화와 문화적응에 관한 질적 사례연구)

  • Kim, Seunghee
    • Journal of Family Resource Management and Policy Review
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    • v.16 no.4
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    • pp.153-170
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    • 2012
  • This study investigated the educational culture experienced by married immigrant women in their own country, as well as their internalizing process of the educational culture in Korea, using a qualitative case study. The purpose of this study was to help married immigrant women solve the problem of acculturation based on their own educational and cultural experiences and to overcome limitations of previous studies, which dealt with the problem of acculturation superficially. Participants were 17 married immigrant women from eight countries who resided in Jeonnam and Jeonbuk provinces. They were selected by the sampling strategy of maximum variation. Data were collected through archives and in-depth interviews and analyzed using within-case analysis and cross-case analysis. The results showed that married immigrant women had no experience of attending private institutions and had good memories of their school life. Based on these kinds of experiences, they criticized Korean mothers who urged their children to attend private institutions. They respected their children's opinions and allowed their children to select private institutions. Despite married immigrant women apparently suffering from acculturation, they educate their children according to their own philosophy and method of education. That is, they solve the problem of acculturation actively and independently. Consequently, in order to help married immigrant women solve the problem of acculturation, it is necessary to respect the difference in the cultures and frame a system that develops the activity and subjectivity of married immigrant women.

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A Study on the tendencies of Expressional Methods of Koreaness In Contemporary Korean Interior Design - Focused on the Analysis of Design Methods of Korean Primary Designers' Works since 1990 - (한국 현대 실내디자인에서 한국성 표현방법의 경향에 관한 연구 - 1990년대 이후 주요 작가작품의 디자인 방법 분석을 중심으로 -)

  • Lee Sook-Kyoung;Choi Sang-Hun
    • Korean Institute of Interior Design Journal
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    • v.15 no.1 s.54
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    • pp.39-46
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    • 2006
  • There lies more subjectivity in the methods and process of showing the Koreaness, and design methods cannot be defined with only one answer key, which is probable to cause much difficulty. Until now, the traditional Korean features have been tried by quite a few designers whose approaches deserves for the reference to understand the trends of expressing the Koreaness and develop the ways of its expression. Therefore, this study first considers the trial processes of design methods in reconsidering the Koreaness done by many artists in terms of previous studies and researches. Then this tries to make a frame to analyze the Koreaness theoretically after studying the approaches knowledge about traditional architecture designs widely used as design concepts, and to examine specific cases which reflects them in their interior architecture. All of these studies are aimed at get the understandings on trends and methods demonstrating the Koreaness in modern interior design. This study ranges from the artists, who have made efforts to express Koreaness in 1990s and after, to their artworks. As study methods, pre-study and reference researches had been done to examine the knowledge factors on the ground of the theory of D.G Jansson, to give a theory to the understanding of its methods and tendencies, and to build the frame for case analysis. As a result, in traditional architecture, spacial design gets the prominent priority and other factors are not far from different. In formative approachesthe expression inclination on material factor is outstanding. Consequently, these two approaches have analytic elements in difference but spacial design and materiality have prominently in common to express the Koreaness.

A study on types of AIDS perception : Focus on Q-methodology Application (AIDS인식 유형에 대한 연구 : Q방법론 적용을 중심으로)

  • Ahn, Lee-Su
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.17 no.10
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    • pp.46-53
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    • 2016
  • The purpose of this study is to analyze the cognizance of AIDS by applying the Q methodology, as well as to provide preliminary data for developing AIDS prevention campaigns. A Q population was identified from a literature search and in-depth interviews. The study process analyzed the P sample, the study participants, using the Q-sorting methodology to produce the Q sample, which is composed of statements from October 20 to 27, 2014. 20 participants (analyzed) 27 statements and 3 types of AIDS cognizance were produced as a result. These types are 1(N=9), 2(N=6), and 3(N=5), which correspond to denial, social support, and selfish motivation, respectively. The members of the denial type had a strongly negative opinion about AIDS, whereas the social support type showed a friendly gesture. The selfish motivation type took a neutral stance. The common and different points, as well as the distinctive features of these types, were studied. The accomplishments of this study include suggesting an efficient strategy for making an AIDS control policy, as well as a qualitative analysis, through the employment of the Q-methodology, which is useful for understanding human beings' (internal viewpoint).

Subjectivity Study on the Employment Supporting for Students with Disabilities in College (대학의 장애학생 취업지원에 관한 주관성 연구)

  • Lee, Jae-Hwan;Sung, Hyeok-Je
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.197-210
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    • 2015
  • The purpose of this study is to find out subjective perception types and needs of interested group on the employment supporting for students with disabilities in college by Q methodology, then to search for political measures to support employment for students with disabilities in the implication of the sorted subjective perception types. The result of the study showed that there are four major sorts of subjectivities on the employment supporting for students with disabilities in college : external dependence(Type1), disability-friendly (Type2), demand tailored(Type3), internal role emphasis(Type4). The result of the study could check that there was necessary reconstruction to disability-friendly infrastructure based on interset and willness on the employment supporting for students with disabilities in college. In addition to that there was necessary to job creation of government, to build network of industry to successful labor market entry of students with disabilities.

A Study on the Image of Radiological Technologists in Private Hospitals Perceived by University Students Majoring in Radiology (방사선과 대학생이 생각하는 개인병원에 근무하는 방사선사의 이미지 연구)

  • Young-Ran, Kim
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Radiology
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    • v.16 no.6
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    • pp.727-733
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    • 2022
  • This study was conducted aiming at understanding types of the image of radiological technologists in private hospitals targeting university students majoring in radiology, and suggesting a strategy for improving the image of radiological technologists in private hospitals according to the categorized types. To achieve the foregoing objectives, this study applied Q methodology which is suitable for research of human subjectivity. With 31 university students majoring in radiology as a P-sample, this study employed forced distribution method with 20 Q-samples. Results show that the image of radiological technologist in private hospitals perceived by university students majoring in radiology was divided into three types as 'Unstable future type', 'Affirmative working atmosphere type' and 'Dissatisfied organizational system type'. This study understood characteristics of each type and is expected to be used as basic data for improvement of radiological technologists in private hospitals.