• 제목/요약/키워드: Spatial Statistical

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Classification of Daily Precipitation Patterns in South Korea using Mutivariate Statistical Methods

  • Mika, Janos;Kim, Baek-Jo;Park, Jong-Kil
    • Journal of Environmental Science International
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    • v.15 no.12
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    • pp.1125-1139
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    • 2006
  • The cluster analysis of diurnal precipitation patterns is performed by using daily precipitation of 59 stations in South Korea from 1973 to 1996 in four seasons of each year. Four seasons are shifted forward by 15 days compared to the general ones. Number of clusters are 15 in winter, 16 in spring and autumn, and 26 in summer, respectively. One of the classes is the totally dry day in each season, indicating that precipitation is never observed at any station. This is treated separately in this study. Distribution of the days among the clusters is rather uneven with rather low area-mean precipitation occurring most frequently. These 4 (seasons)$\times$2 (wet and dry days) classes represent more than the half (59 %) of all days of the year. On the other hand, even the smallest seasonal clusters show at least $5\sim9$ members in the 24 years (1973-1996) period of classification. The cluster analysis is directly performed for the major $5\sim8$ non-correlated coefficients of the diurnal precipitation patterns obtained by factor analysis In order to consider the spatial correlation. More specifically, hierarchical clustering based on Euclidean distance and Ward's method of agglomeration is applied. The relative variance explained by the clustering is as high as average (63%) with better capability in spring (66%) and winter (69 %), but lower than average in autumn (60%) and summer (59%). Through applying weighted relative variances, i.e. dividing the squared deviations by the cluster averages, we obtain even better values, i.e 78 % in average, compared to the same index without clustering. This means that the highest variance remains in the clusters with more precipitation. Besides all statistics necessary for the validation of the final classification, 4 cluster centers are mapped for each season to illustrate the range of typical extremities, paired according to their area mean precipitation or negative pattern correlation. Possible alternatives of the performed classification and reasons for their rejection are also discussed with inclusion of a wide spectrum of recommended applications.

A study on the location and school district of elementary schools at Chongro-gu, Seoul (GIS를 이용한 학군 설정의 시론적 연구 -종로구 국민학교 학군을 중심으로-)

  • ;;Choi, Woun-Sik;Yoon, Sung-Hee
    • Journal of the Korean Geographical Society
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    • v.30 no.3
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    • pp.311-323
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    • 1995
  • This study attempts to examine the location and district of elementary schools at Chongro-gu. For the convenience of the analysis, the data are analysed with the methods of GIS network model. For the purpose data was collected from Statistical Yearbook of Education in 1994 and Census of Housing and Population in 1990. Results may be summarized as follows. First of all, spatial pattern of elementary school at Chongro-gu shows outward diffusion because of problems, rising of land value, and out-migration of population in the area. Secondly, for the analysis of locational situation this paper uses the data such as population of 5-9 age, the number of housing, accessibility, and land value. The location of elementary school is ciassified into 4 types; the best area, better area, worse area, the worst area. The best area is Pyongchana-dong, Buam-dong, and Ewha-dong and the worst area is Chongro 1ga-dona, Chonaro 2ga-dong and Sechongno-dong. Thirdly, the alternative plans of school district are presented for the maximum equity and efficience, and security of school attendantes. The former emphasizes the minimization of commuting distance, the later emphasizes the minimization of the an comfortable facilities such as main streets in school district. Present school district which is based upon administrative dong should be changed to roadbased school district.

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Walking Analysis in Dementia using GAITRite Ambulation System (GAITRite보행시스템을 이용한 치매노인의 보행분석)

  • Kim, Jong-Min;Kim, Jin-Ju;Park, Su-Yeon;Cha, Jae-Hyeon;Kim, Min-Jung;Kim, Jin-A
    • Journal of Korean Clinical Health Science
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    • v.5 no.1
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    • pp.816-824
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    • 2017
  • Purpose. This study was classified into normal and demented elderly through K-MMSE. The purpose of this study was to analyze gait characteristics of normal elderly and demented peoples using GAITRite walking system. Methods. The subjects of this study were selected as elderly people receiving home visit physical therapy. An independent t-test was conducted to verify the statistical significance of the time-space variables of the elderly with dementia. Results. Step time(p=0.041), cycle time(p=0.037), distance(p=0.024), and cadence(p=0.048) were significantly shorter in the normal elderly than in the demented elderly on flat place. The mean age was significantly longer in normal elderly than in elderly persons with dementia. Step time(p=0.022), cycle time(p=0.023), distance(p=0.019), and cadence(p=0.015) were significantly shorter in the mat walking. The mean age was significantly longer in normal elderly than in elderly patients with dementia. Stretch time, cycle time, distance, and hair support time were significantly shorter in the mat walking. The mean age of the elderly was significantly longer than that of the elderly with dementia. The spinal support time, which is a spatial variable, was significantly shorter in the normal elderly than in the demented elderly. Conclusions. It compares the various gait characteristics of the normal and demented elderly people, thereby increasing the walking ability of the elderly person more effectively. This study should be utilized as basic data for preventing fall-down.

Grid Based Nonpoint Source Pollution Load Modelling

  • Niaraki, Abolghasem Sadeghi;Park, Jae-Min;Kim, Kye-Hyun;Lee, Chul-Yong
    • 한국공간정보시스템학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2007.06a
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    • pp.246-251
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    • 2007
  • The purpose of this study is to develop a grid based model for calculating the critical nonpoint source (NPS) pollution load (BOD, TN, TP) in Nak-dong area in South Korea. In the last two decades, NPS pollution has become a topic for research that resulted in the development of numerous modeling techniques. Watershed researchers need to be able to emphasis on the characterization of water quality, including NPS pollution loads estimates. Geographic Information System (GIS) has been designed for the assessment of NPS pollution in a watershed. It uses different data such as DEM, precipitation, stream network, discharge, and land use data sets and utilizes a grid representation of a watershed for the approximation of average annual pollution loads and concentrations. The difficulty in traditional NPS modeling is the problem of identifying sources and quantifying the loads. This research is intended to investigate the correlation of NPS pollution concentrations with land uses in a watershed by calculating Expected Mean Concentrations (EMC). This work was accomplished using a grid based modelling technique that encompasses three stages. The first step includes estimating runoff grid by means of the precipitation grid and runoff coefficient. The second step is deriving the gird based model for calculating NPS pollution loads. The last step is validating the gird based model with traditional pollution loads calculation by applying statistical t-test method. The results on real data, illustrate the merits of the grid based modelling approach. Therefore, this model investigates a method of estimating and simulating point loads along with the spatially distributed NPS pollution loads. The pollutant concentration from local runoff is supposed to be directly related to land use in the region and is not considered to vary from event to event or within areas of similar land uses. By consideration of this point, it is anticipated that a single mean estimated pollutant concentration is assigned to all land uses rather than taking into account unique concentrations for different soil types, crops, and so on.

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Effects of Lumbar Stabilization Exercise Program on the Ratio of Abdominal and Back Muscle Strength in White Collar Workers

  • Kim, Bo-Ram;Park, Sun-Wook;Lee, Han-Suk
    • The Journal of Korean Physical Therapy
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    • v.27 no.6
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    • pp.419-424
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    • 2015
  • Purpose: This study aimed to evaluate the effects of lumbar stabilization exercise on the abdominal muscle-back muscle ratio in white-collar workers. Methods: Forty white-collar workers without any pain who worked at an information technology (IT) company located in the Gyeonggi province were included in this study. Of these, 20 subjects were randomly allocated to the lumbar stabilization exercise group, whereas the remaining 20 were randomly allocated to the control group. The lumbar stabilization exercise group performed a 40-minute-long exercise once a week for 8 weeks. The strength of the abdominal and back muscles was measured using the CENTAUR 3-D Spatial Rotation Device (BFMC, Germany). Data analysis was conducted using SPSS 18.0 for Windows. The Paired t-test was performed to compare the values measured before and after exercise within each group. The independent sample t-test was performed to analyze the differences between the 2 groups. The statistical significance for all the analyses was set at .05. Results: The strength of the abdominal muscles after the exercise significantly differed between the lumbar stabilization exercise group and the control group (p<0.05). However, the increase in the abdominal muscle-back muscle ratio was significant in only the lumbar stabilization exercise group (p<0.05), but not in the control group (p>0.05). Conclusion: The improvement of the abdominal muscle-back muscle ratio through lumbar stabilization exercise may have positive effects on lumbar stabilization. Moreover, lumbar stabilization exercise is considered beneficial for the prevention of back pain and musculoskeletal diseases.

Observation of the Earth's Magnetic field from KOMPSAT-1

  • Hwang, Jong-Sun;Kim, Sung-Yong;Lee, Seon-Ho;Min, Kyung-Duck;Kim, Jeong-Woo;Lee, Su-Jin
    • Proceedings of the KSRS Conference
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    • 2003.11a
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    • pp.1236-1238
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    • 2003
  • The Earth's total magnetic field was extracted from on board TAM (Three Axis Magnetometer) observations of KOMPSAT-1 satellite between June 19th and 21st, 2000. In the pre-processing, the TAM's telemetry data were transformed from ECI (Earth Centered Inertial frame) to ECEF (Earth Centered Earth Fixed frame) and then to spherical coordination, and self-induced magnetic field by satellite bus itself were removed by using an on-orbit magnetometer data correction method. The 2-D wavenumber correlation filtering and quadrant-swapping method were applied to the pre-processed data in order to eliminate dynamic components and track-line noise, respectively. Then, the spherical harmonic coefficients are calculated from KOMPSAT-1 data. To test the validity of the TAM's geomagnetic field, Danish/NASA/French ${\phi}$rsted satellite's magnetic model and IGRF2000 model were used for statistical comparison. The correlation coefficient between ${\phi}$rsted and TAM is 0.97 and IGRF and TAM is 0.96. It was found that the data from on board magnetometer observations for attitude control of Earth-observing satellites can be used to determinate the Earth's total magnetic field and that they can be efficiently used to upgrade the global geomagnetic field coefficients, such as IGRF by providing new information at various altitudes with better temporal and spatial coverage.

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Analysis of Trends on Disaster Safety Information based on Language Network Analysis Methods (언어네트워크 분석을 통한 재난안전정보와 관련한 국내 연구동향 분석)

  • Jeong, Ji-Na;Jeong, Him-Chan;Kim, Yong
    • Journal of the Korean BIBLIA Society for library and Information Science
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    • v.28 no.3
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    • pp.67-93
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    • 2017
  • This study aims to investigate research trends on disaster safety Information based on the language network analysis methods. To accomplish it, we collected 312 Korean thesis and scholarly articles on disaster safety information published between 2008 and 2017 from RISS (Research Information Sharing Service) site. With the collected data, this study performed the statistical analysis based on bibliographic data. Also, this study performed the analysis of frequency and language network on keyword extracted from titles on the collected scholarly articles and thesis. This study found out that researches recently on Bigdata related to disaster safety information have been rapidly increased. Also, the needs of sharing and utilizing disaster safety information have increased. Also the various types of disaster safety information such as spatial data, real-time information, geographic information has been used for the disaster response.

A Fast Moving Object Tracking Method by the Combination of Covariance Matrix and Kalman Filter Algorithm (공분산 행렬과 칼만 필터를 결합한 고속 이동 물체 추적 방법)

  • Lee, Geum-boon
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
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    • v.19 no.6
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    • pp.1477-1484
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    • 2015
  • This paper proposes a robust method for object tracking based on Kalman filters algorithm and covariance matrix. As a feature of the object to be tracked, covariance matrix ensures the continuity of the moving target tracking in the image frames because the covariance is addressed spatial and statistical properties as well as the correlation properties of the features, despite the changes of the form and shape of the target. However, if object moves faster than operation time, real time tracking is difficult. In order to solve the problem, Kalman filters are used to estimate the area of the moving object and covariance matrices as a feature vector are compared with candidate regions within the estimated Kalman window. The results show that the tracking rate of 96.3% achieved using the proposed method.

GLIBP: Gradual Locality Integration of Binary Patterns for Scene Images Retrieval

  • Bougueroua, Salah;Boucheham, Bachir
    • Journal of Information Processing Systems
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    • v.14 no.2
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    • pp.469-486
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    • 2018
  • We propose an enhanced version of the local binary pattern (LBP) operator for texture extraction in images in the context of image retrieval. The novelty of our proposal is based on the observation that the LBP exploits only the lowest kind of local information through the global histogram. However, such global Histograms reflect only the statistical distribution of the various LBP codes in the image. The block based LBP, which uses local histograms of the LBP, was one of few tentative to catch higher level textural information. We believe that important local and useful information in between the two levels is just ignored by the two schemas. The newly developed method: gradual locality integration of binary patterns (GLIBP) is a novel attempt to catch as much local information as possible, in a gradual fashion. Indeed, GLIBP aggregates the texture features present in grayscale images extracted by LBP through a complex structure. The used framework is comprised of a multitude of ellipse-shaped regions that are arranged in circular-concentric forms of increasing size. The framework of ellipses is in fact derived from a simple parameterized generator. In addition, the elliptic forms allow targeting texture directionality, which is a very useful property in texture characterization. In addition, the general framework of ellipses allows for taking into account the spatial information (specifically rotation). The effectiveness of GLIBP was investigated on the Corel-1K (Wang) dataset. It was also compared to published works including the very effective DLEP. Results show significant higher or comparable performance of GLIBP with regard to the other methods, which qualifies it as a good tool for scene images retrieval.

Analysis on Characteristics of Time Allotments for Activities of Rural Elder Population (생활시간 분석을 통한 고령 농가의 정주활동구조 연구)

  • Lee, Yoonhee;Bae, Yeonjoung;Lee, Jimin;Lee, JeongJae;Suh, Kyo
    • Journal of Korean Society of Rural Planning
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    • v.18 no.4
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    • pp.91-101
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    • 2012
  • The time management and allotments for various activities of daily life is much different by age groups. This study analyzes time allotments of different age groups for various activities of daily life to figure out the change of main activity by aging through 2009 time use survey by National Statistical Office. Especially we focus on time allotments of rural elderly population and intangible factors for life quality of people instead of physical and environmental elements. The results show that there is a large gap of time allotments for paid and unpaid working time of rural and urban elderly population. Whereas the time for leisure of elderly women in rural areas is much shorter than that of urban elderly women and rural elderly men spend more time to provide community services and help to other households. However, the percentage leisure time of rural elderly people for passive activities such as TV, radio, magazine etc. is longer than that of urban elderly people. We hope that our analysis data could be used for developing new policies and project to improve the life quality of rural elderly population.