• Title/Summary/Keyword: Social practices-based education

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An Analysis of Teaching Strategies of Science Teacher's Teaching in Science Museum (과학관 학습 실행에서 나타난 과학 교사의 교수 전략 분석)

  • Han, Moonjung;Yang, Chanho;Noh, Taehee
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.34 no.6
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    • pp.559-569
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    • 2014
  • In this case study, we investigated teaching strategies of science teacher's teaching in science museum. Two secondary science teachers who completed a teacher training course on teaching in science museums participated in this study. We conducted interviews about their perceptions on teaching in science museum and their teaching plans before teaching. Then, we observed and recorded their teaching practices in the science museum throughout one semester, and collected all of the teaching materials. The interviews were also conducted after every lessons and at the end of the semester. For the analysis of teaching strategies, we used a framework that was revised from the framework for museum practice (FMP). The analysis of results revealed that the teachers understood the significance of planning the activities in a series of pre-visit, during-visit, and post-visit, so that they structured their teaching as continuous activities, not as an one-time event. However, they showed differences in the extent of connecting the activities with the national science curriculum according to their teaching objectives. In addition, there were differences in strategies such as promoting social interaction, evoking students' curiosity and interest, providing students with choices and control, and inducing engagement and challenge depending on each teacher's perceptions and experiences on teaching in science museum. These results suggest that science teacher education for the professional development of teaching in science museum should systematically provide knowledge and experiences on teaching strategies based on appropriate perceptions on teaching in science museum.

Identity Development of Science Teachers Involved in Teacher Communities: Based on the Theory of "Community of Practice" (과학교사들의 교사모임에의 참여 경험과 교사 정체성 형성과정에 대한 탐색 -실천공동체 이론을 중심으로-)

  • Kim, Hyojeong;Chung, Kayoun;Lee, Hyunju
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.33 no.2
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    • pp.390-404
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    • 2013
  • The premise of the study is that teacher communities or teacher interest groups are one of the representative examples of Communities of Practice (CoP) formed by teachers who engage in the process of collective learning regarding science teaching. Based on the theory of CoP, we investigated and interpreted the process of identity development of six science teachers who have been actively involved in teacher communities. We conducted 2-3 individual interviews with the teachers in order to explore their narratives and personal experiences of being involved in the communities over the years. Results indicated that a teacher community is a place where the teachers not only generated and shared repertories of ideas, documents on teaching and learning, or routines (i.e. practices), but also formulated a set of relationships through social participation. Teacher communities actively provide the teachers a sense of joint enterprise and identity, and where the teachers have an opportunity to develop themselves personally and professionally as science teachers playing major roles in their communities.

The Relationships between Orthodontic Treatment, Oral Health-Related Quality of Life, and Happiness of among Some High School Students (일부 고등학생들의 교정치료와 구강건강 관련 삶의 질, 행복감과의 관련성)

  • Lee, Hyun-Ok;Park, Ji-Young
    • Journal of dental hygiene science
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    • v.18 no.4
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    • pp.234-240
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    • 2018
  • The purpose of this study was to provide basic data on counseling, education, and treatment related to orthodontic practices through an understanding of the relationships between orthodontic treatment, oral health-related quality of life, and happiness of high school students. The subjects in this study were 500 students in Grades 1~3 of a high school in Jeollabuk-do. We conducted a survey targeting this group; the results revealed the following: in the social support item, peer support showed significant differences in the matter of orthodontic treatment (p<0.05). In oral health-related quality of life, the students without orthodontic treatment showed 14.09 scores that were higher than the students with treatment (p<0.05). Regarding happiness, the students with orthodontic treatment showed higher scores which were significantly different from the those of the non-orthodontic treatment group (p<0.05). Additionally, upon examining the correlations between self-esteem, social support, oral health-related quality of life, and happiness, oral health-related quality of life, peer support, and happiness showed the negative (-) correlations while the rest of the variables showed the positive correlations (p<0.05). The factors having effects on oral health-related quality of life included the stress, matter of orthodontic treatment, and teachers support (p<0.05). The factors having effects on happiness included self-esteem, peer support, and family support (p<0.05). Based on the above results, even though dental orthodontic treatment had negative effects on oral health-related quality of life, it had positive effects on happiness. Consequently, it would seem necessary to seek active methods to increase oral health-related quality of life. This improvement could be achieved by minimizing inconveniences, such as mastication, in the process of dental orthodontic treatment, and developing programs that could enhance happiness.

A Study on the Experience of Photo graphic Activity of the Middle-Class Men in Their 50s: Based on the Perspective of Cultural Capital Theory (50대 중산층 남성들의 사진 활동 이야기 - 문화자본론의 관점에서 -)

  • Lee, Ye Ji
    • Korean Association of Arts Management
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    • no.58
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    • pp.5-47
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    • 2021
  • This paper is a story about five middle-aged men in their 50s who suddenly began their photographic activities as they reached middle age. In the perspective of Borudieu's cultural capital theory, this study observes five men in their 50s by implementing in-depth interviews about the motivation behind taking photographs, the experience of photography activities, and the rewards of these activities. The theory has undergone a theoretical revision with the criticism that factors other than the class can be influential. Based on these ideas, I have proceeded my study by preferentially grasping the notion of the 'field' in accordance with the specific history of Korean society. Therefore, this study sought to more specifically understand the various photographic activities of middle-class men in their 50s by referring Coskuner-Balli and Thompson's argument(2013), which revised 2018's cultural captial theory and proposed the concept of 'subordinate cultural capital' and 'leisure capital' who proposed by Backlund, E. A. & Kuentzel, W. F.(2013). As a middle-class men in their 50s, research participants have grown up and worked in a social atmosphere where economic capital is recognized as an individual's ability. However, they are faced with the value that the knowledge and taste towards culture and arts is one's identity. In addition to the subjective deprivation that arises from this situation, the lifespan characteristic of their age that it is on the brink of the old age appeared to have influenced them to put their psychological motivation immediately into practice. Economic capital was the main conversion terms to move form interest to practice, which includes 'time' as a resource as well as money. With the cultural practices being expanded since their creation of photographs, the reason that these expansions can be maintained more actively lies in their identity as 'cultural artist' that is consolidated in new relationships in the sharing of photographic activities. In this way, photographic activities grant a symbolic status of 'a middle-aged man who actively builds and expresses his identity' through the conversion of accumulating cultural capital and the conversion into social capital. Furthermore, the recognized scope of the symbolic capital acquired by the research participants is in the domain of the private life that is family and acquaintance. Especially, they were gaining a great psychological reward from their children's recognition that they are not just a 'breadwinner' but 'dad who cultivates himself with a culture and arts'. Accordingly, by considering that 'generation' other than class can be a meaningful discussion point when understanding Korea society from the perspective of cultural theory, this study is meaningful that a more flexible understanding of cultural theory can give a glimpse into the possibility of a more specific and diverse approach that will arise in the discussion of culture and arts education.

A Study on the Factors Affecting Health Promoting Lifestyles of Some Workers (일부 직업인의 건강증진생활양식에 영향을 미치는 요인 연구)

  • Lee Eun-Kyoung;An Byung-Sang;Yu Taek-Su;Kim Seoung-Cheon;Jeung Jea-Yeal;Park Young-Shin;Jahng Doo-Sub;Song Yung-Sun;Lee Ki-Nam
    • Journal of Society of Preventive Korean Medicine
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    • v.4 no.2
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    • pp.119-141
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    • 2000
  • The current industrial health service is shifting to health improvement business with 1st primary prevention-focused service from secondary and tertiary prevention-focused business, and Oriental medicine can provide such primary prevention-focused service due to the characteristics of its science. In particular, the advanced concept of health improvement can match the science of health care of Oriental medicine. Notably, what is most important in health improvement is our lifestyle, This does not underestimate the socio-environmental factors, which have lessened their importance due to modernism. The approach of Oriental medicine weighs more individuals' lifestyle and health care through self-cultivation. This matches the new model of advanced health business. Oriental medicine is less systemized than Western medicine, but it can provide ample contents that enhance health. If we conceive health-improvement program based on the advantages provided by these two medical systems, this will influence workers to the benefit of their health. Also, health Program needs to define factors that determine individual lives, and to provide information and technologies essential to our lives. The Oriental medicine approach puts more stress on a subject's capabilities than it does on the effect his surrounding environment can have. This needs to be supported theoretically by not only defining the relations between an individual's health state and his lifestyle, but also identifying the degree to which an individual in the industrial work place practices health improvement lifestyle . This is the first step toward initiating health-improvement business . In order to do this, this researcher conducted a survey by taking random samplings from workers, and can draw the following conclusions from it. 1 The sampled group is categorized into', by sender, female 6.6%, and male 93.4%, with males dominant; by marriage status , unmarried 43.9% and married 55.6%, with both similar percentage, and, by age, below 30, 48.4%, between 30 and 39, 27.4%, between 40 and 49, 18.2%, and over 50, 6.0%. The group further is categorized into; by education, middle school or under 1.7%, high school 30.5%, and junior college or higher 65.8% with high school and higher dominant: and by income, below 1.7 million won 24.2%, below 2.4 million won 14.8%, and above 2.4 million 6.3% Still, the group by job is categorized into collegians with 23.9%, office worker with 10.3%, and professionals with 65.8% , and this group does not include workers engaged in production that are needed for this research, but mostly office workers . 2. The subjects selected for this survey show their degree of practicing health-improvement lifestyle at an average of 2.63, health management pattern at 2.64, and health-related awareness at 2.62 The sub-divisions of health-improvement lifestyle show social emotion (2.87), food (2.66). favorite food (2.59), and leisure activities (2.52), in this order for higher points. It further shows health awareness (2.47) and safety awareness (2.40), lower points than those in health management pattern . 3. In the area of using leisure time for health-improvement, males, older people, married, and people with higher income earn higher marks. And, in the area of food management, the older and married earn higher marks . In the area of favorite food management, females, lower-income bracket, and lower-educated show higher degree of practice , while in the area of social emotion management, the older. married, and higher-income bracket show higher marks. In addition, in the area of health awareness, the older, married, and people with higher-income show higher degree of practice. 4. To look at correlation by overall and divisional health-improvement practice degree , this researcher has analyzed the data using Person's correlation coefficient. The lifestyle shows significant correlation with its six sub-divisions, and use of leisure time, food, and health awareness all show significant correlation with their sub-divisions. And. the social emotion and safety awareness show significant correlation with all sub-divisions except favorite food management.

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The Effect of the Recognition of Educational Training for Hotel Employees on Internalization and Job Commitment (호텔 종사원의 교육 훈련 인식이 내재화와 직무 몰입에 미치는 영향)

  • Lee, Mi-Suk;Jung, Dong-Ju;Choi, Sung-Woong;Kang, Dae-Hoon
    • Culinary science and hospitality research
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    • v.15 no.3
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    • pp.1-14
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    • 2009
  • One of the tasks given to the hotel business is to improve ES(Employee Satisfaction) through educational training for enhancing job efficiency and service quality, not product competition. In the current domestic field, however, ES(Employee Satisfaction) based on appropriate educational training hasn't been established yet. The purpose of this study is to verify the effect of educational training including recognizing the necessity of frequency, the level of lecture conscience, motivation, and internalization along with job commitment. The cohort of women(n=128, 44.4%) and men(n=160, 55.6%) was monitored by the questionnaire data from October 13th to 31st, 2007. It was assessed by (1) the recognition of educational training, (2) educational training practices, (3) organizational identification, (4) brand identification, and (5) job commitment. Statistical analysis was conducted using SPSS (Statistical Package for Social Science), data coding, and the data cleaning system. As a result, it was proved that frequency, the level of lecture conscience, motivation, the recognition of necessity are in proportion to brand identification and organization identification. In addition, identification through educational training can raise the efficiency of job commitment.

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A Survey on the Knowledge and Preferences for Korean Food Targeting Germans Residing in Korea (주한 독일인의 한국 음식에 대한 인식 및 기호도 조사)

  • Jang, Jung-Ja;Jeong, Hee-Sun
    • Culinary science and hospitality research
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    • v.17 no.5
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    • pp.1-14
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    • 2011
  • This study has been conducted to research the interests and tastes in Korean cuisine aiming at Germans who have lived in Korea for over 6 months, create new Korean menu items to their taste, and provide preliminary data for the globalization of Korean cuisine. Germans living in Korea tend to prefer Korean dishes as much as German dishes, and males have more opportunities to have different Korean dishes than females through social activities. Most of them answered that they barely cook Korean food and gave low marks for the globalization of Korean food and ease of cooking. The main reason given for not cooking Korean food themselves was that it is complicated to cook, which is a direct indication of the lack of knowledge of the recipes. Therefore, the importance of simplification and standardization of recipes for the globalization of Korean food was revealed. From the study on Korean food preferences based on the restaurant frequenting practices of Germans, the most popular Korean restaurants were those which were located in popular restaurant districts or within walking distance and those with an elegant or tranquil ambience. To promote the globalization of Korean food, development of diverse easy recipes or education about Korean dishes for foreigners would enhance their understanding and familiarity of Korean cuisine.

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Analysis of the Evacuation Safety in a Fire at Welfare Center for Disabled (장애인복지관 화재 시 피난안전성 분석)

  • Park, Sunah;Lee, Jai Young
    • Journal of the Korea Convergence Society
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    • v.12 no.12
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    • pp.315-322
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    • 2021
  • This study analyzes the Required Safe Egress Time (RSET), in the event of a fire at a welfare center for the disabled, using the emergency passage according to the floor arrangement of users to evaluate the safety and the difference in RSET for each emergency passage using the Pathfinder simulation program to suggest an efficient evacuation method. As a result of RSET, it was found that there is no problem in evacuation safety for the current state of the facility's personnel allocation by satisfying the standard RSET in case of fire, and evacuation can be completed safely by evacuating through stairs rather than using elevators if possible. It is necessary for employees to be provided sufficient education and training in advance so that they can evacuate effectively with the disabled in case of fire. This study gives significance in saving many precious lives and safely evacuate in case of fire as evacuation routes were secured through the design, construction and operation of facilities for the disabled and the RSET was shortened through regular evacuation practices. It is necessary to discuss the further RSET studies based on the automatic fire shutters open or not when a fire occurs at a specific location following the installation of automatic fire shutter at the entrance of each floor of the facilities.

A Conceptual Analysis on Instructional Coaching, Instructional Supervision, and Instructional Consulting (수업코칭, 수업장학, 수업컨설팅에 대한 개념적 분석)

  • Lee, Eunhye;Park, Innwoo
    • 교육공학연구
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    • v.33 no.1
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    • pp.105-135
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    • 2017
  • The purpose of this study is to clarify conceptually the difference of instructional coaching, instructional supervision, and instructional consulting by analyzing their own characteristics. The practices for instructional improvement are common in that fundamental objectives are improvement of instruction and development of teacher's professionalism in instruction. However, each area changed according to the social flow and the demands of the educational field and created a unique activity system. So, in order to get rid of this mixed use of these terms, it is meaningful to distinguish the concepts, attributes, and areas of each activity. The specific study questions were 1) what is the origin of coaching, supervision, and consulting? 2) how are instructional coaching, instructional supervision, and instructional consulting defined in existing research in korea? 3) how can we conceptually distinguish instructional coaching, instructional supervision, and instructional consulting? Based on reviewing various existing studies, First, this study investigated the conceptual origins and lexicons of coaching, supervision, and consulting, respectively, in addition reviewd the prior studies conducted in Korea with regard to instructional coaching, instructional supervision, and instructional consulting, and summarized how each concept is defined according to the researcher. Second, this study compared each two concept with another one. Finally, the existing definitions of instructional coaching, instructional supervision, and instructional consulting were analyzed to find out the inherent and common attributes of each concept. In conclusion, this study suggest that the concept of instructional consulting needs to be redefined to better reflect the characteristics of activities, and that studies that rethink the relationship between instructional coaching and instructional supervision are needed.

Current Research Trends and Future Directions on Supports Intensity Scale: Focusing on Studies published in 2004-2017 in the United States (지적장애인 지원정도척도 연구 동향과 과제: 2004년-2017년 미국 연구를 중심으로)

  • Seo Hyojeong;Jeon Byung-un;Lim Kyoungwon
    • Journal of Intellectual Disabilities
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    • v.20 no.2
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    • pp.41-66
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    • 2018
  • There has been a growing emphasis on social-ecological perspective of disability in the field of special education. Correspondingly, the role of supports that assist students with intellectual disability to meaningfully participate in various activities is highlighted. Supports Intensity Scale (SIS) is a standardized tool that is designed to measure support needs of people with intellectual and developmental disabilities. There are two types of Supports Intensity Scale: Supports Intensity Scale - Adult Version (16-64 years old) and Supports Intensity Scale - Children's Version (5-16 years old). Although SIS has been translated in various countries, relatively limited studies have been conducted in Korea. Considering this aspect, the purpose of this study is twofold. First, we discussed two versions of SIS in depth (e.g., purpose of administration, constructs that is measured, sub-domains, administration method). Second, we conducted a literature review to provide (a) an overview of SIS existing studies (e.g., publication year, study theme, participant, study method, study result) and (b) specific study findings based on study categories (psychometric properties, the role and function of SIS, analyses on support needs and relevant variables, and research efforts to update SIS). Implications for future studies and practices are provided.