• Title/Summary/Keyword: Sanitary Facilities

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Study on the characterization of dissolved organic matters in Nakdong River (낙동강의 용존 유기물질 특성에 관한 연구)

  • Heo, Seong-Nam;Park, Jeong-Min;Im, Tae-Hyo;Shin, Chan-Ki
    • Journal of environmental and Sanitary engineering
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    • v.22 no.3
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    • pp.13-26
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    • 2007
  • Changes in the characteristics of dissolved organic matter was studied at selected stations in the Nakdong river basin using physical and chemical methods. Characteristics of dissolved organic matters were analysed and assessed. Production of disinfection byproducts were also investigated. 1. Result of relatedness study among each items of analyses showed that relatedness on BOD values were highest with cattle excrement treatment facilities where there is no synthetic organic materials and relatedness on $COD_{Mn}$ were highest at the mainstream Nakdong river. In case of $COD_{Cr}$ (which has more oxidative power than $COD_{Mn}$), the values were higher in the sidestreams indicating the higher content of recalcitrant compounds. The relatedness values for the $UV_{254}$ also showed higher values in the sidestreams and treatment facilities than mainstream indicating the presence of organic aromatic compounds. 2. Ratio of DOC on total organic carbon were higher in the mainstream which is attributable to the influent particulate organic materials produced by agricultural activities. The values were 10-15% higher in the mainstream compared with sidestreams. 3. Result of biodegradability test indicate that concentrations of recalcitrant DOC were higher in the sidestreams than in the mainstream. The values of recalcitrant DOC were higher with the forest stream indicating the effect of soil oriented humic substances. 4. Result of THM production test carried out at 10 stations in the Nakdong river show that $CHCl_3$ was detected with the highest value and the value was highest at Waekwan station.

The Content Analysis of the Articles related to Global Etiquette In Chosun Daily Newspaper (조선일보의 글로벌 에티켓에 관한 기사 내용분석)

  • 최배영
    • Journal of Families and Better Life
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    • v.20 no.4
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    • pp.179-188
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    • 2002
  • This paper aims to provide the basic data for the educational direction of global etiquette through the analyses of 1,028 articles appearing in Chosun Daily Newspaper the results of this study are as follows: 1. The articles of global etiquette were classified into the life in public places, the traffic and the public behavior. 1) The contents of the life in public places dealt with restaurants(29.3%), the neighborhood(24.7%), theaters and stadiums(9.7%), hotels and sanitary facilities(8.8%), stores(7.7%), schools and offices(7.0%), airports and public offices(6.6%) and resorts(6.2%). 2) The contents of traffic dealt with the motorists(29.3%), buses(24.7%), taxis(12.3%), subways(10.3%), trains(8.2%), elevators and pedestrian crossing(6.2%), airplanes(4.6%) and parking(4.4%). 3) The contents of public behavior contained the kindness(45.6%), the use of cellular Phone(12.4%), the concession and queues(10.8%), the greeting(10.3%), the responsibility and obeying laws(7.9%), the cleanliness(7.7%), the commercial transaction(2.9%) and the table manner(2.4%). 2. Koreans were negatively evaluated on 1) the kindness at restaurants, the neighbor and strangers and the motorists, 2) there aren't enough greetings being practiced within the neighborhood and at restaurants, 3) The use of cellular phone at theaters and stadiums, schools and offices, buses and subways, 4) The table manner at restaurants, 5) The concession and queues at theaters and stadiums, resorts, the motorists and subways, 6) The responsibility and obeying laws of the motorists, 7) the commercial transaction at restaurants and stores, 8) The cleanliness at restaurants, resorts and hotels and public sanitary facilities. According to this finding, it is recommended that we develop the educational contents and programs of global etiquette which are focused on educating the public on the connection between the living area and how the public should adapt and behave

A Study on the Guideline of Toilets Design for Elementary Lower-Grade Students - Based on the Survey for Elementary Schools under Seoul Gangseo District Office of Education - (초등학교 저학년 화장실 공간디자인 개선에 관한 연구 - 서울강서교육지원청 관할 초등학교 사례조사를 바탕으로 -)

  • Yoon, Hyun-Young;Jeong, Yoo-Na
    • Korean Institute of Interior Design Journal
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    • v.22 no.1
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    • pp.307-317
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    • 2013
  • Elementary school's physical environment is critical to lower grade students. Among the many physical conditions, Toilet, which belongs to health and sanitation category is very important to those who start school for the first time. The purpose of this study is for suggesting the guidelines of toilet design reflecting psychological and behavioral aspects of lower grade students. The research was executed as follows. Firstly, focused survey groups were carefully chosen. Five elementary schools were selected, being all open after 2005 under Seoul Gangseo District Office of Education. Secondly, field study was executed to find out toilet usage, during the period between April to June 2012, by visiting schools to see basic facilities, taking pictures and making actual measurement in each toilets. The architectural analysis was focused on location, moving line, actual size and space zoning, while the interior analysis being on finishing materials and the design of sanitary equipments. And the design elements such as color, lighting fixture, art works or signage were analysed, too. Finally, questionnaire survey was done to find out preferences of lower grade students. As a result, the guidelines of toilet design can be divided into two main parts, Physical and Psychological. For the Physical part, it is necessary for related facilities to be concentrated in order to give easy access. In addition, good ventilation, better lighting and to install sanitary equipments ergonomically are required. Furthermore, safe and clean maintenance should be considered. Psychologically, the design should be directed for making lower grade students come to toilets with comfort and more pleasantly.

A study on the concentration of formaldehyde in public Facilities in Cheon-An area (천안지역 일부 다중이용시설의 포름알데히드 농도에 관한 연구)

  • Jeon, Hye-li;Jo, Su-Yeon;Jo, Hye-Ran;Cho, Tae-Jin;Park, Jong-An;Son, Bu-Soon
    • Journal of environmental and Sanitary engineering
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    • v.24 no.2
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    • pp.1-8
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    • 2009
  • This study was conducted at a Terminal, a Parking Lot, an Underground shopping center, a Funeral hall and a Hospital waiting room of Cheon An area in August 2008 to examine the concentration level of HCHO(formaldehyde). The concentration level of the remodeled sites were $39.4\;{\pm}\;12.0\;{\mu}g/m^3$ in the terminal, $32.7\;{\pm}\;7.3\;{\mu}g/m^3$ in the parking, and $97.8\;{\pm}\;29.4\;{\mu}g/m^3$ in the underground shopping center. The underground shopping center had the highest level and followed by the terminal and the parking. On the contrary, the site remodeling had the level of $17.7\;{\pm}\;12.4\;{\mu}g/m^3$ in the funeral hall and $17.9\;{\pm}\;0.6\;{\mu}g/m^3$ in the hospital waiting room. The funeral hall had highest level than that of the hospital waiting room. Both the remodeled sites and the not remodeled site had concentration level of HCHO below the standard level, but it was higher in the remodeled sites. There were no relations among the HCHO, the temperature and the humidity in facilities of Cheon An area.

A Research on Using Satisfaction and Situation Survey of Common Meal Facilities for Seniors in Rural Areas - Focusing on the Pilot Project of Common Facilities for Rural Seniors from 2014 to 2015- (농촌고령자 공동급식시설의 현황 및 이용 만족도 연구 - 2014~15년 농촌고령자 공동시설지원 시범사업을 중심으로 -)

  • Kim, Seung-Geun
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Rural Architecture
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    • v.18 no.4
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    • pp.41-51
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    • 2016
  • This The purpose of this study is to evaluate user satisfaction with village bathhouses, selected from a two-year pilot project of common facilities for senior in rural areas from 2014 to 2015. A survey was conducted using a questionnaire to evaluate user satisfaction, and 135 questionnaires were collected from 18 common meal facilities. User satisfaction was evaluated in five categories with a five-point scale: location and spatial composition; emotions and intimacy; safety; nutrition; and maintenance and management. The results are as follows. First, when overall user satisfaction was evaluated on a five-point scale, the average score stood at 4.24 out of five points and 90.03 out of 100 points. These findings suggest that users were generally satisfied with the common meal facilities. Among five categories, scores except safety stood at four points or higher, indicating higher user satisfaction. Second, communal meal in rural areas have been carried out already but the environment for communal meal like cooking equipment, wastewater disposal, and space have been poor. However, the environment is improved through this pilot project, which has a positive effect to user satisfaction. Third, space planning for barrier-free or sanitary in storage of food containers are not adequate, which is necessary to detailed planning and concrete guideline.

Analysis on Facilities & Basic Equipment of School Foodservice Safety in Pohang area (포항지역 학교급식의 안전성을 위한 학교 급식 조리실의 기본 시설.설비 조사)

  • Yun, Mi-Yeon;Lee, In-Suk
    • Journal of the Korean Dietetic Association
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    • v.12 no.3
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    • pp.264-276
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    • 2006
  • The purpose of this study was to propose HACCP system implementation properly and to secure the food safety of school foodservices in Pohang city since the proper facilities and equipment should be key factors in food safety and production. So this study was designed to evaluate existing equipment in food production area, receiving and dining area, and employee facilities. Questionnaire was mailed to 107 school foodservice dietitians in Pohang area and 97 were responded (90.7% response rate). Approximately sixty percent of foodservices were not available separate receiving or polluted area, fifty one percent were installed screen door for insecticidal and temperature and humidity control, and these environmental conditions were hard to keep kitchen dry and sanitary condition. Usually public schools were better equipped than private schools. Forty three percent of school foodservice had initial use of non-foodservice, opened before 1994, and thirty three percent of elementary school foodservice. Among employee facilities, hand washing sanitation stand was prepared seventy nine percent (78.9%) of school foodservices. Dietitians chose outworn equipment and facilities (30.9%), difficulties of maintaining standard temperature and humidity for foodservice (20.6%), lacking separate receiving or polluted area (13.4%), indirect contamination of water hoss (10.3%), and lacking employee facilities (10.3%) as critical points to correct in school foodservice. Therefore governmental regulating agencies must review and approval of plans prior to new construction or extensive remodeling of school foodservice facilities. In addition to these requirement, plan must be set-up step by step to implement HACCP system properly.

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The influence on air quality of the surroundings by the facility of the district heating (집단 에너지 시설에 의한 주변 대기질 영향)

  • 연익준;주소영;이민희;손종렬;김광렬
    • Journal of environmental and Sanitary engineering
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    • v.17 no.2
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    • pp.18-25
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    • 2002
  • The comparison of the air quality with the evaluation of the environmental assessment before and after operations of the heat source and of the flue-gas desulfurization facilities were studied. First of all, several sites were selected for the representative sample points, and then they were examined air quality of the surroundings. The results were that TSP(total suspended particulate) analysis after an operation of the heat source facility was $74~81{\mu}g/m^3$, PM-10 was $31~94{\mu}g/m^3$, and $SO_2$concentration was 0.002~0.009ppm, respectively. As the result of examination to the concentrations of diffused pollutants, there was no relations between TSP concentration of sample points and the effect of air quality according to the heating source. When we compared the neighbored area of the heating source with the other area, the concentration of air pollutants after an operation of the facility of the heating source was similar to the heating source, the neighbored area, and the other area. So we concluded that there was no the effect of the air pollution by producted pollutants from the heating source.

Recent Development of Drinking Water Quality Standard and its Application (음용수질 기준과 관리방안)

  • 권숙표
    • Journal of environmental and Sanitary engineering
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    • v.7 no.2
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    • pp.83-94
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    • 1992
  • Recently water demand is increasing as the industry prospers. The increase of water demand is followed by the increase of wastewater discharge which pollutes rivers and ground water extensively. These rivers, reservoirs and ground water are sources for drinking water and their contamination affects the quality of water supply and other potable water. In Korea there are 776 water treatment plants which supply drinking water from main rivers or reservoirs. Rivers are the biggest water source for drinking water is being contaminated, the innovation of treatment process is needed. The construction and operation of water supply facilities is under the control of the Ministry of Construction and the water supply offices of cities and provinces. However, drinking water quality is under the control of the bureau of sanitation in the Ministry of Health and Social Affairs. There are 33 items in drinking water quality standards of Korea. Trihalomethanes, Selenium, Diazinone and other three of pesticides have been included lately, The Ministry of Health and Social Affairs is planning to enhance. the level of $VOC_S$(Vola-tile Organic Compounds) standard. Drinking water quality standard is the goal to protect the quality of supply water and ground water. In order to protect the source water from domestic or industrial water, technological improvement and adequate investment should be urgently made. The ultimate goal of drinking water quality is safety and health of consumers. The more stringent the standard are, the better the water quality will be. As the drinking water quality standards become more stringent this year, various and positive solutions by the authorities concerned must be prepared.

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A Study on the Indoor Air Pollution Levels in the Classrooms at Public Schools in Suwon (수원지역 초.중.고등학교 교실의 실내 공기오염도에 관한 연구)

  • 신은상;김진우
    • Journal of environmental and Sanitary engineering
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    • v.17 no.1
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    • pp.20-27
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    • 2002
  • This study has researched the indoor air Pollution in the school classrooms. It focused on the school classrooms in which the students take part in many loaming activities for a long time, not focused on the offices or underground facilities that have occupied the interest so far. First, I investigated the origination sources of indoor air pollution which influences on our health, and researched the data on the consequences of it on the human body. Second, I measured the indoor air Pollution level of the classrooms in which the students take part in activities. I selected CO, $CO_2,{\;}SO_2,{\;}NO_2$and $PM_{10}$ as the research items. Each two schools were chosen in the elementary schools, middle schools and high schools as the ones for measurement. And I distinguished the boys' schools from the girls' schools in the middle and high schools. CO, $SO_2{\;}and{\;}NO_2$were comparatively low comparing with the recommendation of the Ministry of Environment. But, $CO_2{\;}and{\;}PM_{10}$ exceeded the standard concentration in most schools and there was a difference between boys'classrooms and girls'classrooms about them. Also, it was different by the number of members a classrooms. Third, I made a questionnaire on the on the indoor air pollution. The questionnaire showed that many students feel the indoor air pollution directly and they are under the influence of it.

Implementation of HACCP System of Dairy Products for Safety and Hygienic Quality in Korea (낙농제품의 안전관리 체계 구축)

  • Kim, Ok-Kyung
    • Journal of Dairy Science and Biotechnology
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    • v.18 no.1
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    • pp.9-21
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    • 2000
  • Dairy products eatable instantly have lots of nutriment, but on the other hand they are susceptible to putrefy with careless. Therefore, dairy products should be implemented the critical control points to produce both standard good qualities and hygiene ones without the contamination of hazards, because they could not been produced the perfect products only with ISO 9000 application like other industry. The application of HACCP system for dairy products produced domestically is important to certify hygiene quality and safety. It is necessary to examine regular inspection for the persistent maintenance of HACCP system. If environmental changes and improvement of manufacture facilities by expansion of new system in factory turn shift into HACCP plan, then, it is persistently accomplished the supplementation of deficiency for new hazard analysis through the periodical inspection. So far, HACCP system is mainly applied in dairy plants. If farms producing milk directly set up a sanitary plan, it can also practice sanitary control from farm to table in our country. The only dairy products produced in these conditions can be compatible to ones of other countries, they can be provided consumers over forty million with reliable foods, and contributed to the improvement of public health.

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