• Title/Summary/Keyword: SNS 정보 특성

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SNS-based 'cinnan' Site Development Incorporating Marketing Element (마케팅요소를 접목한 SNS기반 '신난'사이트 개발)

  • Park, Jin-Ju;Bea, Cho-Rong;Lee, So-Jeong;Ha, Yan
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Computer Information Conference
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    • 2011.01a
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    • pp.171-172
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    • 2011
  • 본 논문에서는 사람들의 관심사를 충족시킬 주제로, 소셜 네트워크(SNS)를 활성화 하여 다자간의 대화를 통한 비즈니스 마케팅을 유도하며 기존의 블로그 형식의 커뮤니티와 쇼핑몰의 형태를 결합한 신개념 네트워크를 제안하고 구현한다. 소셜 네트워크를 활성화 시키고, 패션이라는 주제로 사람들의 개성을 살릴 수 있는 아이템을 선정. 각자의 특성이 담긴 "아바타"를 제작, 본 논문 내에서 각자가 특성이 담긴 패셔니스타가 될 수 있는 공간이 된다. 실제 의류, 소품과 제법 유사하게 만든 이미지를 나와의 신체 비율이 비슷한 아바타에 직접 피팅을 시킬 수 있으며 자신이 직접 입어보지 않고, 시간과 공간의 제약을 받지 않는 것이 특징이다. 다자간의 실시간 커뮤니케이션을 통해 네트워킹도 활성화 될 뿐더러 기업과의 연계를 통해 구매로까지 이어질 수 있는 공간을 만든다.

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A Study on the Vitalization Strategy Based on Current Status Analysis of National Archives (국내외 국립기록관의 트위터 운용 현황 분석 및 활성화 방안)

  • Gang, JuYeon;Kim, TaeYoung;Choi, JungWon;Oh, Hyo-Jung
    • Journal of the Korean Society for information Management
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    • v.33 no.3
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    • pp.263-285
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    • 2016
  • Nowadays, Social Network Service (SNS), which has been in the spotlight as a way of communication, has become a most effective tool to improve easy of information use and accessibility for users. In this paper, we chose Twitter as the most representative SNS services because of automatic crawling and investigated tweet data gathered from domestic and foreign National Archives - NARA of U.S.A., TNA of U.K.. NAA of Australia, and National Archives of Korea. We also conducted information genres analysis and trend analysis by timeline. Information genres analysis shows how archives satisfied users' information needs as well as trends analysis of tweets helps to understand how users' interestedness was changed. Based on comparison results, we distilled four characteristics of National Archives and suggested vitalization ways for National Archives of Korea.

An Analysis of Social Networking Service on the Organizational Performance: Mediating effect on Transactive Memory Capabilities and Moderating effect on Time (소셜네트워킹서비스와 업무성과와의 관계 연구 : 트랜스엑티브 메모리역량의 매개효과와 사용시간의 조절효과를 중심으로)

  • Lee, Miran;Kim, Yongwon
    • Journal of Internet Computing and Services
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    • v.17 no.1
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    • pp.109-118
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    • 2016
  • As Internet technology further develops, a social networking service (SNS) also develops. But most studies on SNS are not appropriate for business purposes since they mainly focus on personal characteristics. Unlike previous studies, however, this study tries to understand the effect of SNS on performance in the perspective of business. As the result of analysis, SNSE(Social Networking Service Engagement) appears to have positive effect on TMC(Transactive Memory Capability) and PER(Performance), and TMC also seems to affect PER. On the assumption that there should be some parameters between SNSE and PER that earlier studies did not consider, this study has proved that a new way of memories, or TMC, forms the bridge between SNS and PER. It also found out that the time spent on SNS is positively controlled when SNSE affects TMC. These results are different from those of the previous studies arguing that SNS has nothing to do with PER.

Study on Personal Information Protection Behavior in Social Network Service Using Health Belief Model (건강신념모델을 이용한 소셜네트워크서비스에서의 개인정보보호행위에 관한 연구)

  • Shin, Se-mi;Kim, Seong-jun;Kwon, Do-soon
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information Security & Cryptology
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    • v.26 no.6
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    • pp.1619-1637
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    • 2016
  • With wide distribution of smart phones and development of mobile network, social network service (SNS) is displaying remarkable growth rates. Users build new social relations by sharing their interests, which brings surging growth to the SNS based on the combination between the strength of expanding the place for communication and distribution of smart phones featured with easy portability. This study is designed to understand impact factors of SNS on users in Korea and to conduct empirical research on casual relationship between the factors above and the factors affecting personal information behavior through the privacy protection and self-efficacy. In order to accomplish the objective above, the study presented a research model applied with key variables of the Health Belief Model (HBM) predicting behaviors capable of recognizing and preventing individual diseases in the field of health communication. To perform empirical verification on the research model of this study, a survey was conducted upon college students at N university located in Chungcheongnam-do and K university in rural area, who have experiences using the SNS. Through this survey, a total of 186 samples were collected, and path analysis was performed in order to analyze the relationship between the factors. Based on the findings from the survey, first, variables Perceived probability, Perceived severity, Perceived impairment of the HBM, key factors of personal information protection behavior on the SNS, were found to exhibit negative relationship with self-efficacy, and Perceived probability, Perceived benefit, Perceived impairment were found to exhibit negative relationship with privacy protection. But the above, Perceived severity showed positive relationship with privacy protection, and Perceived benefit and self-efficacy also displayed positive relationship. Second, although self-efficacy, a parameter, showed positive relationship with privacy protection, it demonstrated negative relationship with personal information protection behavior. Lastly, privacy protection exhibited positive relationship with personal information protection behavior. By presenting theoretical model reflected with characteristics of prevention based on these findings above unlike previous studies on personal information protection using technologies threatening personal information, this study is to provide theoretical and operational foundation capable of offering explanations how to predict personal information protection behavior on the SNS in the future.

An Exploratory Analysis on the User Response Pattern and Quality Characteristics of Marketing Contents in the SNS of Regional Government (지역마케팅 콘텐츠의 사용자 반응패턴과 품질특성에 관한 탐색적 분석: 지방자치단체가 운영하는 SNS를 중심으로)

  • Jeong, Yeon-Su;Jeong, Dae-Yul
    • The Journal of Information Systems
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    • v.26 no.4
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    • pp.419-442
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    • 2017
  • Purpose The purpose of this study is to explore the pattern of user response and it's duration time through social media content response analysis. We also analyze the characteristics of content quality factors which are associate with the user response pattern. The analysis results will provide some implications to develop strategies and schematic plans for the operator of regional marketing on the SNS. Design/methodology/approach This study used mixed methods to verify the effects and responses of social media contents on the users who have concerns about regional events such as local festival, cultural events, and city tours etc. Big data analysis was conducted with the quantitative data from regional government SNSs. The data was collected through web crawling in order to analyze the social media contents. We especially analyzed the contents duration time and peak level time. This study also analyzed the characteristics of contents quality factors using expert evaluation data on the social media contents. Finally, we verify the relationship between the contents quality factors and user response types by cross correlation analysis. Findings According to the big data analysis, we could find some content life cycle which can be explained through empirical distribution with peak time pattern and left skewed long tail. The user response patterns are dependent on time and contents quality. In addition, this study confirms that the level of quality of social media content is closely relate to user interaction and response pattern. As a result of the contents response pattern analysis, it is necessary to develop high quality contents design strategy and content posting and propagation tactics. The SNS operators need to develop high quality contents using rich-media technology and active response contents that induce opinion leader on the SNS.

A Study on the Agri-food Consumers' Type using the SNS (SNS를 활용한 농식품 소비자 특성 연구)

  • Kim, Young-Chul;Lee, Seog-Won;Oh, Sang-Heon;Hwang, Dea-Yong
    • Annual Conference of KIPS
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    • 2012.11a
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    • pp.1125-1128
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    • 2012
  • 최근 FTA 체결은 국내의 농식품 소비자들을 값싼 외국산 농식품으로 소비 패턴을 변화시킬 수 있다. 또한 유통시장의 변화 즉, 소비자-생산자 간의 직거래 형태는 개인이 프로슈머로서 농식품 관련 컨텐츠의 제작과 생산이 더욱 활발해지도록 하며 소비자들이 구매의사 결정에 중요하게 작용하고 있다. 따라서 농식품의 효과적인 마케팅 전략읠 수립 및 실행을 위하여 소비자가 무엇을 원하고 인식하지 못한 욕구가 있는지 소비자 유형을 분석 할 필요가 있다. 본 논문에서는 농식품 소비자 구매의도를 통한 제품이나 서비스의 이용의도로서 종속변수로 설정하여 구매의도에 영향을 미치는 요인을 분석하였다. 또한 연구 모형을 위해 교류빈도, 친밀감, 호혜성, 감정의 강도라는 SNS 특성을 도출하여 분석하였다.

Detection of inappropriate advertising content on SNS using k-means clustering technique (k-평균 군집화 기법을 활용한 SNS의 부적절한 광고성 콘텐츠 탐지)

  • Lee, Dong-Hwan;Lim, Heui-Seok
    • Annual Conference of KIPS
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    • 2021.11a
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    • pp.570-573
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    • 2021
  • 오늘날 SNS를 사용하는 사람들이 증가함에 따라, 생성되는 데이터도 많아지고 종류도 매우 다양해졌다. 하지만 유익한 정보만 존재하는 것이 아니라, 부정적, 반사회적, 사행성 등의 부적절한 콘텐츠가 공존한다. 때문에 사용자에 따라 적절한 콘텐츠를 필터링 할 필요성이 증가하고 있다. 따라서 본 연구에서는 SNS Instagram을 대상으로 콘텐츠의 해시태그를 수집하여 데이터화 했다. 또한 k-평균 군집화 기법을 적용하여, 유사한 특성의 콘텐츠들을 군집화하고, 각 군집은 실루엣 계수(Silhouette Coefficient)와 키워드 다양성(Keyword Diversity)을 계산하여 콘텐츠의 적절성을 판단하였다.

Motive on Social Networking Service Usage of Restaurant Customers (외식소비자의 소셜네트워킹서비스(SNS) 활용 동기에 관한 연구)

  • Shin, Seo-Young;Cha, Sung-Mi
    • Culinary science and hospitality research
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    • v.19 no.1
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    • pp.121-138
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    • 2013
  • The purpose of this study was to examine the structural relationships among the motives on Social Networking Service(SNS) of restaurants customers, attitude toward SNS, and intention to use. Using a quota sampling method, data were collected from 273 residents of the whole country who were in their 10~50s. The PASW Statistics 18.0 and AMOS 17.0 statistical package were used for the analysis. The hypothesized relationships of the model were tested simultaneously using a structural equation model(SEM). The proposed model provided an adequate fit to the data, ${\chi}^2$=287.558(df=155) p<.000, CMIN/df=1.855 GFI=0.905 NFI=0.887, IFI=0.944, TLI=0.931, CFI=0.943, RMSEA=0.056, RMR=0.025. The results showed that recreational motive(${\beta}$=0.238) and functional motive(${\beta}$=0.467) had a positive effect on the attitude toward SNS. Attitude had a positive effect on the intention of using SNS. The results enable the marketers of restaurants to develop SNS marketing strategies that motivate customers.

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The effect of reliability of Social Media information on the selection factors of nail shops according to the use of nail shops through Social Media (SNS를 통한 네일샵의 활용실태 및 SNS 정보 신뢰도가 네일샵 선택요인에 미치는 영향)

  • Hyun-Ji Ham;Jae-Nam Lee;Eun-Sun Lee
    • Journal of the Korean Applied Science and Technology
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    • v.41 no.3
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    • pp.842-855
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    • 2024
  • This study was conducted to investigate the reliability of Social Media information according to the actual use of nail shops through Social Media and the effect of nail shops on the selection factors, and to contribute to the management strategy of nail companies by securing loyal customers through effective promotion and customer satisfaction through Social Media. The survey was conducted by analyzing the final 403 copies of adult women in their 20s and 50s who used nail shops using Social Media. As a result of the study, it was found that there is a difference according to each factor in the actual use of nail shops through Social Media according to general characteristics. Second, there were differences in information reliability according to the actual use of nail shops through Social Media and Social Media nail shop selection factors. Third, there was a difference in the reliability of Social Midea information and selection factors according to the use of nail shops Social Media. Fourth, it was found that the reliability of Social Midea information affects the selection factors of nail shops through Social Media. Therefore, it can be helpful in revitalizing the nail beauty market by increasing the satisfaction of consumers who use nail shops and basic data for establishing nail shop management strategies.

A Study on the Effect of the Interaction and Flow of Consumers within the Company SNS on the Consumers' Affection (기업 SNS 내 소비자의 상호작용과 몰입이 소비자의 애착에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Han-Joo
    • Management & Information Systems Review
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    • v.34 no.3
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    • pp.231-250
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    • 2015
  • This study is about the effect of interaction and flow of consumers within the company SNS on the consumers' affection. Verification took place through empirical analysis based on the theoretical background. The following is the summary of the research results generated based on the research results. First, correlation between aspect of the motivation for the use of contents and interactivity is as follows. Mutual sense of solidarity (Hypothesis 1-1), influence (Hypothesis 1-2), connectivity (Hypothesis 1-3) and reactivity (Hypothesis 1-4) exerted positive(+) on the interaction. Second, correlation between aspect of the motivation for the use of contents and flow is as follows. Mutual sense of solidarity (Hypothesis 2-1), influence (Hypothesis 2-2) and connectivity (Hypothesis 2-3) exerted positive(+) effect on immersion. Meanwhile, reactivity (Hypothesis 1-4) was not statistically significant when it comes to flow. Third, interaction between contents characteristics and interaction exerted positive(+) positive on the interactivity of entertainingness (Hypothesis 3-1) and informativity (Hypothesis 3-2). Fourth, correlation between contents characteristics and flow was examined, which demonstrated that only informativity (Hypothesis 4-2) exerted positive(+) effect on the immersion. Meanwhile, entertainingness was not statistically significant when it comes to the immersion. Lastly, correlation between interaction, flow and affection is as follows. Correlation between interactivity and flow(Hypothesis 5) was not statistically significant while interactivity(Hypothesis 6) and Flow(Hypothesis 7) exerted positive(+) effect on the affection. This study presents diverse implications and significances to the working level people who use the company SNS based on these results.

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