• Title/Summary/Keyword: Research Tool

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A Study on eDesign Platform for Effective Communication and Information sharing - with an emphasis on process and template (효과적인 커뮤니케이션과 정보공유를 위한 e디자인 플랫폼 구축에 관한 연구 - 프로세스와 템플릿을 중심으로)

  • 윤주현
    • Archives of design research
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    • v.17 no.2
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    • pp.425-436
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    • 2004
  • A new design field called eDesign appears as if eBiz is an online related business in which an industrialized design creates the individual value added facing a digital revolution. The field of eDesign requires a special design process and management methodology regardless of the fact that human sensitivity will be satisfied through a dehumanized computer technique. However, it is the reality of eDesign that has been dependent upon a simple process or project management tool of general design. In this study, we develop an eDesign platform based on an eDesign process and template mainly focused on eBusiness in order to overcome the wrong situation. The template is a kind of document that has a standardization form. We aim to establish a general process through various case projects, store information using a necessary template, and use for the way of visual communication. We propose a standard of eDesign platform that can be widely applied to the field of design, medium and small enterprises focused on IT businesses or design-team through this project performed as an educational-industrial study. It makes it possible to get a detailed process methodology, which can be applied to many small design related companies that don't have their own process yet, and will be a scale for comparing their own process in which the company has a process of opened standard eDesign with it. In addition, it makes possible a systematic control of the own projects within and outside the firm, accumulating information for the firm through the database, and easy communication. Furthermore, it can be applied to check the process of the project as a checklist, and then it will reduce trial and error repeated for every project that has been done.

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Patient Setup Aid with Wireless CCTV System in Radiation Therapy (무선 CCTV 시스템을 이용한 환자 고정 보조기술의 개발)

  • Park, Yang-Kyun;Ha, Sung-Whan;Ye, Sung-Joon;Cho, Woong;Park, Jong-Min;Park, Suk-Won;Huh, Soon-Nyung
    • Radiation Oncology Journal
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    • v.24 no.4
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    • pp.300-308
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    • 2006
  • $\underline{Purpose}$: To develop a wireless CCTV system in semi-beam's eye view (BEV) to monitor daily patient setup in radiation therapy. $\underline{Materials\;and\;Methods}$: In order to get patient images in semi-BEV, CCTV cameras are installed in a custom-made acrylic applicator below the treatment head of a linear accelerator. The images from the cameras are transmitted via radio frequency signal (${\sim}2.4\;GHz$ and 10 mW RF output). An expected problem with this system is radio frequency interference, which is solved utilizing RF shielding with Cu foils and median filtering software. The images are analyzed by our custom-made software. In the software, three anatomical landmarks in the patient surface are indicated by a user, then automatically the 3 dimensional structures are obtained and registered by utilizing a localization procedure consisting mainly of stereo matching algorithm and Gauss-Newton optimization. This algorithm is applied to phantom images to investigate the setup accuracy. Respiratory gating system is also researched with real-time image processing. A line-laser marker projected on a patient's surface is extracted by binary image processing and the breath pattern is calculated and displayed in real-time. $\underline{Results}$: More than 80% of the camera noises from the linear accelerator are eliminated by wrapping the camera with copper foils. The accuracy of the localization procedure is found to be on the order of $1.5{\pm}0.7\;mm$ with a point phantom and sub-millimeters and degrees with a custom-made head/neck phantom. With line-laser marker, real-time respiratory monitoring is possible in the delay time of ${\sim}0.17\;sec$. $\underline{Conclusion}$: The wireless CCTV camera system is the novel tool which can monitor daily patient setups. The feasibility of respiratory gating system with the wireless CCTV is hopeful.

Mouse model system based on apoptosis induction to crypt cells after exposure to ionizing radiation (방사선에 전신 조사된 마우스 음와 세포의 아포토시스 유도를 이용한 생물학적 선량 측정 모델 개발 연구)

  • Kim, Tae-Hwan
    • Korean Journal of Veterinary Research
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    • v.41 no.4
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    • pp.571-578
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    • 2001
  • To evaluate if the apoptotic fragment assay could be used to estimate the dose prediction after radiation exposure, we examined apoptotic mouse crypt cells per 1,000 cells after whole body $^{60}Co$ $\gamma$-rays and 50MeV ($p{\rightarrow}Be^+$) cyclotron fast neutron irradiation in the range of 0.25 to 1 Gy, respectively. The incidence of apoptotic cell death rose steeply at very low doses up to 1 Gy, and radiation at all doses tigger rapid changes in crypt cells in stem cell region. These data suggest that apoptosis may play an important role in homeostasis of damaged radiosensitive target organ by removing damaged cells. The curve of dose-effect relationship for the data of apoptotic fragments was obtained by the linear-quadratic model $y=0.18+(9.728{\pm}0.887)D+(-4.727{\pm}1.033)D^2$ ($r^2=0.984$) after $\gamma$-rays irradiation, while $y=0.18+(5.125{\pm}0.601)D+(-2.652{\pm}0.7000)D^2$ ($r^2=0.970$) after neutrons in mice. The dose-response curves were linear-quadratic, and a significant dose-response relationship was found between the frequency of apoptotic cell and dose. These data show a trend towards increase of the numbers of apoptotic crypt cells with increasing dose. Both the time course and the radiation dose-response curve for high and low linear energy transfer (LET) radiation modalities were similar. The relative biological effectiveness (RBE) value for crypt cells was 2.072. In addition, there were significant peaks on apoptosis induction at 4 and 6h after irradiation, and the morpholoigcal findings of the irradiated groups were typical apoptotic fragments in crypt cells that were hardly observed in the control group. Thus, apoptosis in crypt cells could be a useful in vivo model for studying radio-protective drug sensitivity or screening test, microdosimetric indicator and radiation-induced target organ injury. Since the apoptotic fragment assay is simple, rapid and reproducible in the range of 0.25 to 1 Gy, it will also be a good tool for evaluating the dose response of radiation-induced organ damage in vivo and provide a potentially valuable biodosimetry for the early dose prediction after accidental exposure.

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Comparison of Perception on Science Teacher Preparation Courses by Beginner and Experienced Science Teachers (과학교사양성과정에 대한 심층면담을 통한 경력과학교사들과 초임과학교사들의 인식 비교)

  • Kim, Young-Min;Mun, Ji-Seon;Park, Jung-Suk;Lim, Gil-Sun
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.30 no.8
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    • pp.1002-1016
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    • 2010
  • The purpose of this study is to investigate beginner and experienced Korean science teachers' perceptions about the science teacher preparation courses from which they graduated, and to compare them. The study was conducted as a qualitative study using in-depth interviews. For the study, interview questions were developed by the authors based on the questionnaire of 'The IMPPACT project' that was being conducted in America. The interview tool includes questions about their experience of science subject matter content knowledge, science pedagogical content knowledge, and general pedagogical content knowledge in their preparation courses. For the interview, seven beginning science teachers, less than five years of teaching experience, and five experienced science teachers, more than five years of teaching experience, were sampled from secondary schools in Korea. The research results are as follows: First, most of the beginner and experienced science teachers perceived that the teaching methods in the classes of science subject matter were not good model for teaching science in their secondary school, because they were not diverse enough and entailed mostly knowledge transfer just through lecture without teacher-student interaction. Second, most of the beginner science teachers perceived that they were affected positively by the teaching strategies and evaluation methods in the classes for science pedagogical subject matter and they could apply those strategies and methods in their current science teaching. Lastly, most of the beginner and experienced science teachers perceived that general pedagogical subject matter is important and prerequisite for science teaching in their schools, but the courses that they experienced at their university were not appropriate for their current teaching.

A Case Study of Software Architecture Design by Applying the Quality Attribute-Driven Design Method (품질속성 기반 설계방법을 적용한 소프트웨어 아키텍처 설계 사례연구)

  • Suh, Yong-Suk;Hong, Seok-Boong;Kim, Hyeon-Soo
    • The KIPS Transactions:PartD
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    • v.14D no.1 s.111
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    • pp.121-130
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    • 2007
  • in a software development, the design or architecture prior to implementing the software is essential for the success. This paper presents a case that we successfully designed a software architecture of radiation monitoring system (RMS) for HANARO research reactor currently operating in KAERI by applying the quality attribute-driven design method which is modified from the attribute-driven design (ADD) introduced by Bass[1]. The quality attribute-driven design method consists of following procedures: eliciting functionality and quality requirements of system as architecture drivers, selecting tactics to satisfy the drivers, determining architectures based on the tactics, and implementing and validating the architectures. The availability, maintainability, and interchangeability were elicited as duality requirements, hot-standby dual servers and weak-coupled modulization were selected as tactics, and client-server structure and object-oriented data processing structure were determined at architectures for the RMS. The architecture was implemented using Adroit which is a commercial off-the-shelf software tool and was validated based on performing the function-oriented testing. We found that the design method in this paper is an efficient method for a project which has constraints such as low budget and short period of development time. The architecture will be reused for the development of other RMS in KAERI. Further works are necessary to quantitatively evaluate the architecture.

Scaling of the Individual Differences to Cognize the Image of the City - Focusing on Seong-Nam- (개인차 척도법을 이용한 도시 이미지 인지 경향 연구 - 성남시를 중심으로 -)

  • Byeon, Jae-Sang
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.36 no.4
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    • pp.83-99
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    • 2008
  • Images of Seong-Nam appears different according to diverse conditions. This study was intended to analyze the differences of cognition by personal characteristics such as age, gender, location, and period when an individual evaluates an urban image. This research focused on the interpretation of the visualized results from Multidimensional Scaling (MDS) and Individual Difference Scaling (INDSCAL) with two questionnaires. This study can be summarized as follows: 1. Namhan Sansung was ranked as the first symbolic property by citizens in Seong-Nam. Next was Yuldong Park, followed by Bundang Central Park, Seohyun Station including Samsung Plaza, and, finally, Moran Market. This trend also similarly appeared in the selection of preferred places. 2. There were no statistical differences in trends of choice of symbolic landmarks and preferred places according to age, gender, and period; however, there were meaningful differences according to location. 3. The total image of Seong-Nam was positioned to be separated from images of other districts and landmarks on the image spatial plot by MDS; however, images of the old and new district were plotted close to symbolic landmarks where located around each district. 4. INDSCAL illustrated that men weighted the historical meaning while women weighted preference and city size when evaluating an urban image. On the other hand, there was no difference in cognitive trends according to age, location, and period. Until now, an individual difference in the cognition and evaluation of an urban image was a socially accepted notion. However, this study verified the difference according to personal characteristics and developed a practical tool to analyze an individual cognition trend about a city image.

Development of the Perceived Stress Response Inventory (스트레스반응 지각척도의 개발)

  • Koh, Kyung-Bong;Park, Joong-Kyu;Kim, Chan-Hyung
    • Korean Journal of Psychosomatic Medicine
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    • v.7 no.1
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    • pp.26-41
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    • 1999
  • The perceived stress response inventory(PSRI) was developed to measure 4 types of current stress responses : emotional, somatic, cognitive, and behavioral responses. 242 patients with psychiatric disorders(71 patients with anxiety disorders, 73 patients with depressive disorders, 47 patients with somatoform disorders, 51 patients with psychosomatic disorders) and 215 healthy subjects completed the questionnaire including the PSRI. Global assessment of recent stress(GARS) scale, perceived stress questionnaire(PSQ) and symptom checklist-90-revised(SCL-90-R) were also administered at the same time. Factor analysis for each of 4 types of stress responses yielded 8 factors : negative emotional responses, general somatic symptoms, specific somatic symptoms, lowered cognitive function and general negative thinking, self-depreciative thinking, impulsive-aggressive thinking, passive-responsive and careless behavior, and impulsive-aggressive behavior. Both test-restest reliability(r= .83 -.93) and internal consistency(Cronbach's alpha : .79 -.96 for each of 8 subscales and .98 for total items of the scale) were all at statistically significant levels. Total scores of the PSRI significantly correlated with total scores of GARS scale, PSQ, and global indicies of SCL-90-R, respectively. The patient group had significantly higher scores than healthy subjects in each of all the subscales except impulsive-aggressive behavior subscale. These results suggest that the PSRI is a reliable and valid tool stable over time which may be effectively used for the research in stress-related field including psychosomatic medicine.

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Risk Ranking Determination of Combination of Foodborne Pathogens and Livestock or Livestock Products (식중독 세균과 주요 축산식품 및 가공품 조합에 대한 위해순위 결정)

  • Hong, Soo-Hyeon;Park, Na-Yoon;Jo, Hye-Jin;Ro, Eun-Young;Ko, Young-Mi;Na, Yu-Jin;Park, Keun-Cheol;Choi, Bum-Geun;Min, Kyung-Jin;Lee, Jong-Kyung;Moon, Jin-San;Yoon, Ki-Sun
    • Journal of Food Hygiene and Safety
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    • v.30 no.1
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    • pp.1-12
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    • 2015
  • This study was performed to determine risk ranking of the combination of pathogen-livestock or livestock products to identify the most significant public health risks and to prioritize risk management strategies. First, we reviewed foodborne outbreak data related to livestock products and determined main vehicles and pathogens according to the number of outbreak and case. Second, expert's opinion about management priority of pathogen-livestock product pairing was surveyed with 19 livestock experts in the university, research center, and government agency. Lastly, we used the outcome of Risk Ranger (semi-quantitative risk ranking tool) of 14 combinations of pathogen and livestock or livestock products. We have classified the combination of pathogen-livestock products into group I (high risk), II (medium risk), and III (low risk) according to their risk levels and management priority. Group I, which is the highest risk for foodborne outbreak, includes Salmonella spp./egg and egg products, Campylobacter spp./poultry, pathogenic E. coli/meat and processed ground meat. In conclusion, the results of this study will provide the specific guideline of mid- and long-term planning for risk assessment and risk management prioritization of the combination of pathogen and livestock, or livestock product.

A Study on the Plan for Creating a Youth Entrepreneurship Education Environment (청소년 기업가정신 교육 환경 조성을 위한 방안 연구)

  • Kang, Kyoung-Kyoon
    • 대한공업교육학회지
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    • v.42 no.2
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    • pp.67-88
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    • 2017
  • The purpose of this research was educational needs of experts for revitalizing youth entrepreneurship education and creating effective conditions for such education. The subjects of the survey were chosen 100 teachers who had participated in entrepreneurship-related professional training for teachers were selected and surveyed. A total of 100 questionnaires were collected, of which 92 (92.00%) were used for the analysis. Eight were excluded as they were not properly answered. As for the used survey tool, a total of 8 areas and 30 items were derived from the review of the literature, and the validity of the contents was examined through expert meetings. The data were analyzed using the SPSS (ver. 20.0) statistical program. The analysis was conducted in terms of the required competency level, perceived competency level and educational needs. As for the used analytical methods, first, the averages of the required competency level and perceived competency level were calculated and the education needs were calculated using Borich's formula, and then the averages were compared through paired t-test. The results turned out to be statistically significant (p<.000). The details are as follows: As a result of the calculation of the educational needs the educational needs in all areas turned out to be very high with the average being 4.94 points, which indicates that the teachers strongly feel the need for educational strengthening in relation to entrepreneurship. These results show that all the educational conditions such as entrepreneurship-related curriculum, teacher professionalism, educational environment, educational support and the perception among school community members are insufficient in the current school settings. For the improvement of the current status, the education conditions in the following areas should be improved: the cooperation from school community members including principals, teacher support such as an exclusive responsibility teacher system, the development of an entrepreneurship curriculum, the securing of teacher professionalism through the implementation of the curriculum, teacher training support for the enhancement of their professionalism and the provision of educational environment and facilities. For enhancing the perception of parents and society regarding entrepreneurship, it is necessary to establish the precise concept of entrepreneurship and promote it based on such work.

Automatic Interpretation of Epileptogenic Zones in F-18-FDG Brain PET using Artificial Neural Network (인공신경회로망을 이용한 F-18-FDG 뇌 PET의 간질원인병소 자동해석)

  • 이재성;김석기;이명철;박광석;이동수
    • Journal of Biomedical Engineering Research
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    • v.19 no.5
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    • pp.455-468
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    • 1998
  • For the objective interpretation of cerebral metabolic patterns in epilepsy patients, we developed computer-aided classifier using artificial neural network. We studied interictal brain FDG PET scans of 257 epilepsy patients who were diagnosed as normal(n=64), L TLE (n=112), or R TLE (n=81) by visual interpretation. Automatically segmented volume of interest (VOI) was used to reliably extract the features representing patterns of cerebral metabolism. All images were spatially normalized to MNI standard PET template and smoothed with 16mm FWHM Gaussian kernel using SPM96. Mean count in cerebral region was normalized. The VOls for 34 cerebral regions were previously defined on the standard template and 17 different counts of mirrored regions to hemispheric midline were extracted from spatially normalized images. A three-layer feed-forward error back-propagation neural network classifier with 7 input nodes and 3 output nodes was used. The network was trained to interpret metabolic patterns and produce identical diagnoses with those of expert viewers. The performance of the neural network was optimized by testing with 5~40 nodes in hidden layer. Randomly selected 40 images from each group were used to train the network and the remainders were used to test the learned network. The optimized neural network gave a maximum agreement rate of 80.3% with expert viewers. It used 20 hidden nodes and was trained for 1508 epochs. Also, neural network gave agreement rates of 75~80% with 10 or 30 nodes in hidden layer. We conclude that artificial neural network performed as well as human experts and could be potentially useful as clinical decision support tool for the localization of epileptogenic zones.

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