• Title/Summary/Keyword: Repeated learning

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Consistency of 1-day and 3-day average dietary intake and the relationship of dietary intake with blood glucose, hbA1c, BMI, and lipids in patients with type 2 diabetes (제2형 당뇨병 환자의 1일과 3일 평균 식이섭취량의 일관성과 혈당, 당화혈색소, 체질량지수, 지질과의 관련성)

  • DaeEun, Lee;Haejung, Lee;Sangeun, Lee; MinJin, Lee;Ah Reum, Khang
    • Journal of Korean Biological Nursing Science
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    • v.25 no.1
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    • pp.20-31
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    • 2023
  • Purpose: This study aimed to determine the consistency of 1-day and 3-day average dietary intake using the 24-hour diet recall method and to investigate the relationship of diet intake with physiological indicators potentially associated with diabetic complications in patients with diabetes. Methods: This study conducted a secondary data analysis using pretest data of a nursing intervention study entitled "Development of deep learning based AI coaching program for diabetic patients with high risk and examination of its effects." Data were analyzed through descriptive analysis, one-way repeated-measures analysis of variance, and Pearson correlation coefficients using SPSS 26.0. Results: The average total daily calorie intake over 3 days was 1,494.48 ± 436.47 kcal/day: 1,510.90 ± 547.76 kcal/day on the first day, 1,414.22 ± 527.58 kcal/day on the second day, 1,558.34 ± 645.83 kcal/ day on the third day, showing significant differences (F = 3.59, p = .031). The correlation coefficient between the 1-day and 3-day average dietary intake was 0.41-0.77 for each nutrient and 0.62-0.80 for each food group. Vegetable intake showed negative correlations with body mass index (BMI; r = -.19, p = .023) and triglycerides (r = -.18, p = .036), whereas dairy intake was positively associated with low-density lipoprotein-cholesterol (LDL; r = -0.18, p = .034) and triglycerides (r = .40, p<.001). Conclusion: This study demonstrated that 1-day dietary intake was highly correlated with 3-day average dietary intake using the 24-hour diet recall method. Food groups showed significant associations with physiological indicators of potential diabetic complications such as BMI, triglycerides, and LDL levels. Further studies are needed to improve the knowledge base on the relationships between physiological indicators and food groups.

A Study on MRD Methods of A RAM-based Neural Net (RAM 기반 신경망의 MRD 기법에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Dong-Hyung;Kim, Seong-Jin;Park, Sang-Moo;Lee, Soo-Dong;Ock, Cheol-Young
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.14 no.9
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    • pp.11-19
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    • 2009
  • A RAM-based Neural Net(RBNN) which has multi-discriminators is more effective than RBNN with a discriminator. Experience Sensitive Cumulative Neural Network and 3-D Neuro System(3DNS) that accumulate the features point improved the performance of BNN, which were enabled to train additional and repeated patterns and extract a generalized pattern. In recognition process of Neural Net with multi-discriminator, the selection of class was decided by the value of MRD which calculates the accumulated sum of each class. But they had a saturation problem of its memory cells caused by learning volume increment. Therefore, the decision of MRD has a low performance because recognition rate is decreased by saturation. In this paper, we propose the method which improve the MRD ability. The method consists of the optimum MRD and the matching ratio prototype to generalized image, the cumulative filter ratio, the gap of prototype response MRD. We experimented the performance using NIST database of NIST without preprocessor, and compared this model with 3DNS. The proposed MRD method has more performance of recognition rate and more stable system for distortion of input pattern than 3DNS.

An Investigation of Science Teachers' Questioning Considering the Context of Discourse and Exploring Factors Influencing Their Questioning (담화맥락을 고려한 과학교사의 발문 활용에서 나타나는 특징과 발문 활용에 영향을 미치는 요인 탐색)

  • Sunghoon Kim;Junbeen Lim;Taehee Noh
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.44 no.5
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    • pp.473-485
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    • 2024
  • In this study, three secondary science teachers' questioning considering the context of discourse were investigated, and the factors influencing their questioning were explored. The questions were categorized into questions that elicit students' opinions or probe their thinking, questions in response to student utterances, questions for classroom management, and rhetorical questions. The results showed that questions related to scientific concepts were classified differently depending on the teachers' intent. Only one teacher frequently used questions that related to students' everyday life experiences. Two teachers, when using "questions asking for students' thoughts," mostly led students to give short or limited option answers. These teachers primarily considered the interactive aspect of questioning but did not account for the cognitive aspect. Teachers often used "questions utilizing student utterances" when students provided answers aligned with scientific concepts. Teachers also used "questions that simply repeated student utterances" with varying intonation to indicate whether the students' responses were correct or incorrect. "Affective questions" were rarely used by the teachers. One teacher did not use "management questions" to check students' understanding or progress, failing to confirm students' comprehension. Characteristics of students, the teachers' teaching and learning beliefs, knowledge about questioning, and subject matter knowledge collectively influenced the teachers' questioning strategies. Based on the results, practical implications for improving science teachers' questioning skills were discussed.

Analysis of Chemistry Teachers' Perceptions of AI Utilization in Education: Focusing on Participants in First-Grade Teacher Qualification Level Training (AI 활용 교육에 대한 화학 교사의 인식 분석 -1급 정교사 자격 연수 참여자를 중심으로-)

  • Sungki Kim
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.44 no.5
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    • pp.511-518
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    • 2024
  • This study investigated the perceptions of chemistry teachers regarding the use of AI in education, focusing on their stages of concern, expected effects, and factors impeding implementation. Data were collected through a survey of 79 chemistry teachers who participated in first-grade teacher qualification training in 2024. The stages of concern were analyzed both overall and individually, and differences in stages of concern based on background variables were examined using the Kruskal-Wallis H test. The expected effects were measured across seven aspects, with differences were analyzed using repeated measures ANOVA and the Bonferroni method. Factors impeding implementation were analyzed through keyword analysis, focusing on internal and external factors. The results showed that overall concern was relatively low, with informational concern (Stage 1) and unconcerned (Stage 0) being high at 35.4% and 34.2%, respectively. Among active teachers, significant differences in stages of concern were observed depending on whether they had training experience (p<.05). The expected effects of AI in education showed significant statistical differences across the seven aspects (p<.05). Teachers rated 'providing diverse learning experiences' as the highest effect, while 'enhancing understanding of scientific concepts', 'improving scientific inquiry skills', and 'cultivating scientific literacy' were rated relatively low (p<.05). Internal factors were found to impede implementation more than external factors, with key internal factors including 'resistance to change', 'lack of capability', and 'teachers' negative perceptions of AI in education'. Based on these findings, recommendations were made to enhance the implementation of AI in educational settings.

The Effect of Samul-tanggahyangbuja on Depression and Learning on Repeated Stress in Ovariectomized Rats (사물탕가향부자(四物湯加香附子)가 난소적출 흰쥐의 우울 및 학습에 미치는 영향)

  • Lee, Soon-Yee;Kim, Song-Baek;Seo, Yun-Jung;Choi, Chang-Min;Cho, Han-Baek
    • The Journal of Korean Obstetrics and Gynecology
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    • v.26 no.3
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    • pp.1-17
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    • 2013
  • Objectives: In this research, the effect of samul-tanggahyangbuja on depression and learning in ovariectomized rats subjected to repetitive stress were assessed. Samul-tanggahyangbuja is the prescription consisting of Samul-tang and Cyperi Rhizoma. Methods: Ovariectomized rats were repeatedly stressed over a 2-week period. After being orally medicated with samul-tanggahyangbuja (100 or 400 mg/kg), rats performed the Morris water maze test and forced swimming test, and social exploration was assessed in a behavior test. As well, sucrose intake was measured and measurements of blood serum corticosterone and the change of interleukin-$1{\beta}$ (IL-$1{\beta}$) and tumor necrosis factor-${\alpha}$ (TNF-${\alpha}$) in blood samples were made. Results: 1. In the Morris water maze test, rats medicated with 100 mg samul-tanggahyangbuja mastered the maze in a shorter time on the 4th day in comparison with the control group, while rats medicated with 400 mg samul-tanggahyangbuja mastered the maze more quickly (p<0.05 on the 3rd day ; p<0.01 on the 4th day, as compared to control). 2. Immobility time in the forced swimming test was significantly decreased in rats receiving 400 mg samul-tanggahyangbuja compared with the control group (p<0.05). 3. Sucrose intake and active social behavior of rats receiving 400 mg samul-tanggahyangbuja were markedly increased in comparison with the control group (p<0.01). 4. Blood serum corticosterone measurements revealed decreased blood serum corticosterone level after medicating with samul-tanggahyangbuja. But it was not statistically significant. 5. Treatment with either dose of samul-tanggahyangbuja significantly reduced IL-$1{\beta}$ and TNF-${\alpha}$ (p<0.05). Conclusions: These results suggest that samul-tanggahyangbuja possesses the anti-depressant and cognitive-enhancing activities related to menopause.

Elementary Schooler's Recognition and Understanding of the Scientific Units in Daily Life (초등학교 학생들의 생활 속 과학단위 인식과 이해)

  • Kim, Sung-Kyu
    • Journal of Science Education
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    • v.36 no.2
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    • pp.235-250
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    • 2012
  • This paper aims to find out whether or not elementary school students recognize and understand scientific units that they encounter in their everyday life. To select appropriate units for the survey, first, scientific units in elementary textbooks of science and other science related subjects were analyzed. Then it was examined how these units were related to the learners' daily life. The participants in the current survey were 320 elementary school 6th graders. A questionnaire consisted of 11 units of science, such as kg for mass, km for distance, L for volume, V for voltage, s for time, $^{\circ}C$ for temperature, km/h for speed, kcal for heat, % for percentage, W for electric power, pH for acidity, which can often be seen and used in daily life. The students were asked to do the following four tasks, (1) to see presented pictures and select appropriate scientific units, (2) to write reasons for choosing the units, (3) to answer what the units are used for, and (4) to check where to find the units. The data were analyzed in terms of the percentage of the students who seemed to well recognize and understand the units, using SPSS 17.0 statistical program. The results are as follows: Regarding the general use of the units, it was revealed that almost the same units were repeated in science and other subject textbooks from the same grade. With an increase of the students' grade more difficult units were used. As for the use of each unit, it was found that they seemed to relatively well understand what these units kg, km, L, $^{\circ}C$, kcal, km/h, and W stand for, showing more than 91% right. However, the units of V, s, in particular, %, and pH did not seem to be understood. With respect to the recognition of the units, most students did not recognize such units as L for volume and pH for acidity, probably because the units are difficult at the elementary level in comparison to other scientific units. The students indicated that schools were the best place where they could learn and find scientific units related to life, followed by shops/marts, newspapers/broadcasting, streets/roads, homes, and others in that order. The results show that scientific unit learning should be conducted in a systematic way at school and that teachers can play a major role in improving students' understanding and use of the units.

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Effects of Artistic and Technological Context on Physics Problem Solving for High School Students (예술적 상황과 기술적 상황이 고등학생들의 물리 문제해결에 미치는 효과)

  • Lee, Sua;Park, Yunebae
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.35 no.6
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    • pp.985-995
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    • 2015
  • This study examines the effects of the introduction of artistic and technological factors on science problems for the activation of creative and integrated thinking. We developed problems consisting of STA(problems that introduced technological and artistic factors on the College Scholastic Ability Test) and TA(problems that introduced artistic factors in a technological context). Subjects of the study included 60 high school senior students in Daegu. Their problem solving processes for STA were examined. Four students were interviewed using the retrospective interview method. Also, after finishing TA, the problem solving processes of four students were examined. The results of the study are as follows. First, students selected scientific context more than artistic and technological contexts. It was found that students preferred short length problem in order to solve problems in a short time. Second, students were more interested in artistic and technological contexts of STA than scientific context, but felt that they were more difficult. Moreover, students were more interested about the context of TA than scientific context. Third, irrespective of the given contexts in STA, students have a tendency to solve problems through relatively brief ways by using core scientific knowledge. This can seem to mean that there is a possibility to stereotype the problem solving process through repeated learning. Logical thinking and elaboration were observed, but creativity was not conspicuous. In addition, integrated thinking was not observed in all contexts of STA. Fourth, science related problems of TA showed similar results. However, in problems related to everyday life, students made original descriptions that they based on their daily lives. Particularly, in creative design, original ideas and integrated thinking were observed.

Poststructural Curriculum and Topic-centered Framework of The New Science Curriculum (후기 구조주의 교육과정과 새 과학과 교육과정의 주제 중심 내용 구성)

  • Kwak, Young-Sun;Lee, Yang-Rak
    • Journal of the Korean earth science society
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    • v.28 no.2
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    • pp.169-178
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    • 2007
  • In this research we diagnosed the actual status of the 7th National science elective curriculum and suggested a way to select and organize the content of the new science elective curriculum. The first science education reform was grounded in the structuralism where the structure of discipline was valued above everything else. On the other hand, the second science education reform suggested alternative interpretations of students' opportunity to learn, putting a brake on the structuralist thinking. According to the survey result, the majority of the science elective courses are in need for revision because the contents are overcrowded, too difficult in light of students' learning readiness, failed to draw students' interest in science, and are overlapped and repeated among the 10th grade science, high school science I and II. In particular, Earth Science II and physics II are the most unfavorable courses among students. Thus, we recommended a fundamental change be made in the new curriculum in addition to the optimization of the content. In this paper, we suggested 'topic-centered content organization' for the science elective course I, i.e., Physics I, Chemistry I, Biology I and Earth Science I that is designed for both science track and non-science track students. Since curriculum provides students with an 'opportunity to learn', a curriculum study should focus on what the 'opportunity to learn' is that students ought to be offered. Based on the result of this study, we recommended one way to select and organize the content of high school elective curriculum.

A Comparative Study on the Effect of Smoking Cessation Education between CAI(Computer Assisted Instruction) and Lecture - Focused on Vocational High School Male Students - (CAI 개별 학습 프로그램을 적용한 금연 교육과 강의식 금연 교육의 효과 비교 - 실업계 남자 고등학생을 대상으로 -)

  • Lee Eun Suk;Kim Chung Nam
    • Journal of Korean Public Health Nursing
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    • v.19 no.1
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    • pp.74-94
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    • 2005
  • The purpose of this study was to compare the effect of education between CAI(Computer Assisted Instruction) and lectures for smoking cessation among male students who attended vocational high schools. Conducted from February 24th to April 26th, 2003, the study design was quasi-experimental with nonequivalent control group pretest-posttest design. The study subjects were 60 male students in K vocational high school in Daegu city, who were present smokers and had more than 7.0 ppm concentration level of carbon monoxide. Thirty students were randomly chosen as the experimental group which applied CAI education method for smoking cessation. The other 30 students served as the control group which received lecture education method of 40 minutes on four consecutive days. CAI education for smoking cessation was composed of ready-made individual learning contents, counseling by using cyber-communication, writing a letter to stop smoking, and writing a written agreement for smoking cessation. Lecture education for smoking cessation was composed of a ready-prepared lecture for the group, writing a letter to stop smoking, and writing a written agreement for smoking cessation. To measure smoking related knowledge, Jeong Ree Roh(1996)'s smoking related knowledge scale$(Cronbach's\;{\alpha}=0.84)$ was modified and used by the researcher. To measure smoking related attitude, Jeong Ree Roh(1996)'s smoking related attitude scale$(Cronbach's\;{\alpha}=0.91)$ was modified and used by the researcher. Smoking related knowledge scale's Cronbach's $\alpha$ was 0.83 in the pilot study and 0.93 in this study. Smoking related attitude scale's Cronbach's a was 0.80 in the pilot study and 0.98 in this study. To determine the smoking amount, the number of cigarettes smoked per day was checked. The concentration level of CO in the exhaled breath was measured (Micro CO Cat. No. MCO2, UK). Data was analyzed by $x^2-test$, t-test, repeated measures ANOVA. simple main effects, and time contrast test with SPSS/Win 11.0 program. The results of this study were as follows: 1. The first hypothesis. that 'Smoking-related knowledge score in the experimental group by using CAI education for smoking cessation will be higher than that in the control group by using lecture education for smoking cessation', was not supported. 2. The second hypothesis, that 'Smoking-related attitude in the experimental group by using CAI education for smoking cessation will be higher than that in the control group by using lecture education for smoking cessation'. was supported(F=6490.79. p=0.000). 3. The third hypothesis. that 'Smoking amount in the experimental group by using CAI education for smoking cessation will be less than that in the control group by using lecture education for smoking cessation'. was supported. 1) The third-1st sub-hypothesis. that 'The number of cigarettes smoked per day in the experimental group by using CAI education for smoking cessation will be less than that in the control group by using lecture education for smoking cessation'. was supported(F=134.19. p=0.000). 2) The third-2nd sub-hypothesis. that 'The concentration level of CO by ppm per one exhaled breath in the experimental group by using CAI education for smoking cessation will be lower than that in the control group by using lecture education for smoking cessation"' was supported(F=268.55. p=0.000). From the above results. CAI education can be an effective intervention to improve smoking-related knowledge and attitude. and to reduce the number of cigarettes smoked per day and the concentration level of CO by ppm per one exhaled breath. Lecture education can be effective to improve smoking-related knowledge. In the future, when CAI education and lecture education for smoking cessation are applied on the school nursing field. the students can gain a comprehensive understanding of smoking cessation, changes in smoking-related knowledge. smoking-related attitude and reducing smoking amount. Furthermore, CAI education for smoking cessation could be developed as an individual self initiative program and could give a guideline to apply CAI education for smoking cessation in other field.

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Effects of Total Sleep Deprivation on Fine Motor Performance (전수면박탈이 정상인의 미세운동수행 능력에 미치는 영향)

  • Lee, Heon-Jeong;Song, Hyung-Seok;Ham, Byung-Joo;Suh, Kwang-Yoon;Kim, Leen
    • Sleep Medicine and Psychophysiology
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    • v.8 no.2
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    • pp.129-137
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    • 2001
  • Objectives: The purpose of this study is to investigate the effects of 38-hour sleep deprivation on fine motor performance. The Motor Performance Series (MPS) in the Vienna Test System (computerized neurocognitive function tests) was used in this study. Methods: Twenty four subjects participated in this study. Subjects had no past history of psychiatric disorders and physical illness. Subjects had normal sleep-waking cycle without current sleep disturbances and were all right-handed (Annett's Hand Preference Questionnaire: above +9 points). To minimize the learning effects, familiarization with the Vienna Test System was performed one day before the study. Subjects were to get up at 6:00 in the morning after getting enough sleep according to his or her usual sleep-wake cycle. After awakening, subjects remained awake for 38 hours under continuous surveillance. During two consecutive study days, the subjects tested MPS at 7 AM and 7 PM each day, which means the MPS was done four times in total. During the experiment, anything that could affect the subjects' sleep such as coffee, tea, alcohol, a nap, tiring sports, and all medications were prohibited. Results: In MPS, the fine motor functions of both hands decreased after 38 hours of sleep deprivation. The decrement in motor performance was prominent in the dominant right hand. In the right hand, the total number of tapping was reduced (p<.005), and the number of misses (p<.05) and the length of misses (p<.05) of line tracking, the total length of inserting a short pin (p<.01), the total length of inserting a long pin (p<.05), and the number of misses in aiming (p<.05) increased. Such performance decrement was distinct in the morning sessions. Conclusions: These results suggest that fine motor performance decrement during sleep deprivation is predominant in the right hand, which exerts maximal motor function. The finding of decrement in motor function in tapping during sleep deprivation also suggested that the time required for exhaustion of muscles is shortened during sleep deprivation. More deterioration of motor performance was shown in the morning, which could be explained as circadian rhythm effects.

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