• 제목/요약/키워드: Reflection ellipsometry

검색결과 21건 처리시간 0.024초

단축 이방성 박막들이 코팅된 시료의 타원식 (Ellipsometric Expressions for a Sample Coated with Uniaxially Anisotropic Layers)

  • 김상열
    • 한국광학회지
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    • 제26권5호
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    • pp.275-282
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    • 2015
  • 단축이방성 박막들과 등방성 박막들이 코팅되어 있는 시료에 비스듬히 입사한 빛의 유효반사계수 표현들을 유도하였다. 단축 이방성 박막 내에서의 다중반사 효과를 반영하여 여러 층의 등방성 박막들과 이방성 박막들이 섞여 있는 시료의 유효반사계수 표현들과 타원상수 표현들을 제시함으로써 시료면에 수직한 방향으로 균일하지 않은 단축이방성 분포를 가진 시료의 광학이방성을 여러 개의 단축이방성 박막으로 나누어 분석할 수 있도록 하였다.

Determination of the Optical Functions of Various Liquids by Rotating Compensator Multichannel Spectroscopic Ellipsometry

  • Bang, Kyung-Yoon;Lee, Seung-Hyun;Oh, Hye-Keun;An, Il-Sin;Lee, Hai-Won
    • Bulletin of the Korean Chemical Society
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    • 제26권6호
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    • pp.947-951
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    • 2005
  • Rotating compensator multichannel spectroscopic ellipsometry has been employed to determine the optical functions of various liquids used in chemistry. We attempted three different measurement configurations: (1) air-liquid interface, (2) prism-liquid interface, and (3) liquid-sample interface. In prism-liquid interface, we found that the prism surface had roughness and it should be considered in analysis for accurate results. In liquidsample interface, we had much higher reflection, better sensitivity, and less limitation compared to the other two configurations when crystalline silicon was used as reference sample. We discuss the merit of each configuration and present the optical functions of various liquids. Also we demonstrate Bruggeman effective medium theory to determine the optical properties of mixed liquid.

Properties of Indium Tin Oxide Multilayer Fabricated by Glancing Angle Deposition Method

  • Oh, Gyujin;Lee, Kyoung Su;Kim, Eun Kyu
    • 한국진공학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국진공학회 2013년도 제44회 동계 정기학술대회 초록집
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    • pp.367-367
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    • 2013
  • Commercial applications of indium tin oxide (ITO) can be separated into two useful areas. As it is perceived to bear electrical properties and optical transparency at once, its chance to apply to promising fields, usually for an optical device, gets greater in the passing time. ITO is one of the transparent conducting oxides (TCO), and required to carry the relative resistance less than $10^{-3}{\Omega}$/cm and transmittances over 80 % in the visible wavelength of light. Because ITO has considerable refractive index, there exist applications for anti-reflection coatings. Anti-reflection properties require gradual change in refractive index from films to air. Such changes are obtained from film density or nano-clustered fractional void. Glancing angle deposition (GLAD) method is a well known process for adjusting nanostructure of the films. From its shadowing effects, GLAD helps to deposit well-controlled porous films effectively. In this study, we are comparing the reference sample to samples coated with controlled ITO multilayer accumulated by an e-beam evaporation system. At first, the single ITO layer samples are prepared to decide refractive index with ellipsometry. Afterwards, ITO multilayer samples are fabricated and fitted by multilayer ellipsometric model based on single layer data. The structural properties were measured by using atomic force microscopy (AFM), and by scanning X-ray diffraction (XRD) measurements. The ellipsometry was used to determine refractive indices and extinction coefficient. The optical transmittance of the film was investigated by using an ultraviolet-visible (UV-Vis) spectrophotometer.

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Spectroscopic Ellipsometry를 이용한 표면 및 박막의 분석 (Analysis of Surface and Thin Films Using Spectroscopic Ellipsometry)

  • 김상열
    • 한국광학회지
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    • 제1권1호
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    • pp.73-86
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    • 1990
  • The technique of Spectroscopic Ellipsometry (SE) has been examined with emphasis on its inherent sensitivity to the existence of thin films or surface equivalents. A brief review of related theories like the Fresnel reflection coefficients, the effect of a multilayer upon reflectivities, together with the validity of the effective medium theory and the modelling procedure, is followed by a short description of the experimental setup of a rotating polarizer type SE as well as the necessful expressions which lead to tan and cos. Out of its numerous, successful applications, a few are exampled to convince a reader that SE can be applied to a variety of research fields related to surface, interface and thin films. Specifically, those are adsorption and/or desorption on metals or semiconductors, oxidation process, formation of passivation layers on an electrode, thickness determination, interface between semiconductor and its oxide, semiconductor heterojunctions, surface microroughness, void distribution of dielectric, optical thin films, depth profile of multilayered samples, in-situ or in-vitro characterization of a solid surface immersed in electrolyte during electrochemical, chemical, or biological treatments, and so on. It is expected that the potential capability of SE will be widely utilized in a very near future, taking advantage of its sensitivity to thin films or surface equivalents, and its nondestructive, nonperturbing characteristics.

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Rotating Compensator Spectroscopic Ellipsometer의 개발 및 응용 (Development and Application of Rotating Compensator Spectroscopic Ellipsometer)

  • 이재호;방경윤;박준택;오혜근;안일신
    • 반도체디스플레이기술학회지
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    • 제2권2호
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    • pp.1-4
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    • 2003
  • We have developed a rotating compensator spectroscopic ellipsometer (RCSE). As the ellipsometry measures a change in the polarization state of a light wave upon non-normal reflection from surface, the degree of sensitivity is enhanced greatly through the detection of relative phase change. RCSE acquires additional information from the non-ideal surface of sample and operates over the photon energy range from 1.5 to 4.5 eV. We applied RCSE to measure the optical properties of films and the line-width of patterned PR films on crystalline silicon.

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Ellipsometric Characterization of Rubbed Polyimide Alignment Layer in Relation with Distribution of Liquid Crystal Molecules in Twisted Nematic Cell

  • Cho, Sung Yong;Park, Sang Uk;Yang, Sung Mo;Kim, Sang Youl
    • Current Optics and Photonics
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    • 제2권2호
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    • pp.185-194
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    • 2018
  • Ultra-small optical anisotropy of a rubbed polyimide (PI) alignment layer is quantitatively characterized using the improved reflection ellipsometer. Twisted nematic (TN) cells are fabricated using the rubbed PIs of known surface anisotropy as alignment layers. Distribution of liquid crystal (LC) molecules in the TN cell is characterized using transmission ellipsometry. The retardation of the rubbed PI surface increases as rubbing strength increases. The tilt angle of the optic axis of the rubbed PI surface decreases as rubbing strength especially as the angular speed of the rubbing roller increases. Pretilt angle of LC molecules in the TN cell shows strong correlation with tilt angle of the optic axis of the rubbed PI surface. Both the apparent order parameter and the effective twist angle of the LC molecules in the TN cell decrease as the pretilt angle of LC molecules increases.

반투명 기층에 의한 후면반사를 고려한 회전검광자 방식의 타원측정 및 분석 (Analysis of the Spectro-ellipsometric Data with Backside Reflection from Semi-transparent Substrate by Using a Rotating Polarizer Ellipsometer)

  • 서영진;박상욱;양성모;김상열
    • 한국광학회지
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    • 제22권4호
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    • pp.170-178
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    • 2011
  • 기층의 후면에서 반사한 빛이 미치는 영향을 고려하여 반투명한 기층 위에 박막이 있는 시료의 분광타원상수를 모델링 분석하였다. 후면반사가 타원상수에 미치는 영향을 기층의 복소굴절률과 두께를 사용하여 나타내었고 이를 모델링 분석에 적용하였다. 유리 기층 위에 ITO 박막이 있는 시료에 대해 후면반사를 고려한 표현들을 사용하여 박막의 두께와 복소굴절률 등을 구한 결과가 후면에서 반사된 빛을 제거하여 측정, 분석하는 통상적인 타원법에 의한 결과와 일치함을 보였다.

반사방지 코팅기술 기반 자외선 차단 기능의 고굴절률 안경렌즈 (Anti-Reflection Coating Technology Based High Refractive Index Lens with Ultra-Violet Rays Blocking Function)

  • 김기출
    • 한국산학기술학회논문지
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    • 제17권12호
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    • pp.482-487
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    • 2016
  • 파장 400 nm 이하의 자외선은 눈 건강에 매우 해롭다. 특히 UVA (315 nm ~ 400 nm)는 백내장, 설안염, 초자체경화 등을 유발할 수 있고, UVB (280 nm ~ 315 nm)는 결막염, 각막염 및 설안염 등을 일으킬 수 있다. 따라서 폴리머 안경렌즈를 사용함에 있어서 자외선의 차단 기능과 가시광선 영역에서 투과되는 빛을 증가시키고, 안경렌즈 표면에서 형성되는 허상을 방지하는 반사방지 기능은 매우 중요하다. 본 연구에서는 m-자일릴렌 디이소시아네이트 모노머와 2,3-Bis-1-propanethiol 모노머 및 벤조트리아졸 UV 흡수제 (SEESORB 709), 안료 혼합물, 이염화 이부틸 주석 촉매제, 알킬인산 에스터 이형제 등의 혼합물을 인젝션 몰드 방법으로 열중합 공정을 적용하여, 굴절률 1.67의 고굴절률 폴리머 안경렌즈를 제조하였다. 폴리머 안경렌즈 표면에서의 반사를 줄이기 위하여 렌즈 양면에 다층박막 반사방지 코팅을 E-beam 증착 시스템으로 코팅하였다. 자외선 차단 폴리머 안경렌즈의 광학적 특성을 UV-visible spectrometer로 분석하였고, 반사방지층을 구성하는 박막의 굴절률, 표면거칠기 등과 같은 박막소재 특성을 각각 Ellipsometry 및 원자힘 현미경으로 분석하였다. 분석 결과 제조된 안경렌즈는 395 nm 파장 이하의 자외선을 99% 이상 완벽하게 차단하였다.