• Title/Summary/Keyword: Pose Detection

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SHM data anomaly classification using machine learning strategies: A comparative study

  • Chou, Jau-Yu;Fu, Yuguang;Huang, Shieh-Kung;Chang, Chia-Ming
    • Smart Structures and Systems
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    • v.29 no.1
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    • pp.77-91
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    • 2022
  • Various monitoring systems have been implemented in civil infrastructure to ensure structural safety and integrity. In long-term monitoring, these systems generate a large amount of data, where anomalies are not unusual and can pose unique challenges for structural health monitoring applications, such as system identification and damage detection. Therefore, developing efficient techniques is quite essential to recognize the anomalies in monitoring data. In this study, several machine learning techniques are explored and implemented to detect and classify various types of data anomalies. A field dataset, which consists of one month long acceleration data obtained from a long-span cable-stayed bridge in China, is employed to examine the machine learning techniques for automated data anomaly detection. These techniques include the statistic-based pattern recognition network, spectrogram-based convolutional neural network, image-based time history convolutional neural network, image-based time-frequency hybrid convolution neural network (GoogLeNet), and proposed ensemble neural network model. The ensemble model deliberately combines different machine learning models to enhance anomaly classification performance. The results show that all these techniques can successfully detect and classify six types of data anomalies (i.e., missing, minor, outlier, square, trend, drift). Moreover, both image-based time history convolutional neural network and GoogLeNet are further investigated for the capability of autonomous online anomaly classification and found to effectively classify anomalies with decent performance. As seen in comparison with accuracy, the proposed ensemble neural network model outperforms the other three machine learning techniques. This study also evaluates the proposed ensemble neural network model to a blind test dataset. As found in the results, this ensemble model is effective for data anomaly detection and applicable for the signal characteristics changing over time.

A Feasibility Study on the Estimation of a Ship's Susceptibility Based on the Effectiveness of its Anti-Air Defense Systems (함정 대공방어시스템의 효과도를 활용한 피격성 추정 가능성 연구)

  • GeonHui Lee;SeokTae Yoon;YongJin Cho
    • Journal of the Society of Naval Architects of Korea
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    • v.60 no.1
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    • pp.57-64
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    • 2023
  • Recently, the increased use of anti-ship guided missiles, a weapon system that detects and attacks targets in naval engagement, has come to pose a major threat to the survivability of ships. In order to improve the survivability of ships in response to such anti-ship guided missiles, many studies of means to counteract them have been conducted in militarily advanced countries. The integrated survivability of a ship can be largely divided into susceptibility, vulnerability, and recoverability, and is expressed as the conditional probability, if the ship is hit, of damage and recovery. However, as research on susceptibility is a major military secret of each country, access to it is very limited and there are few publicly available data. Therefore, in this study, a possibility of estimating the susceptibility of ships using an anti-air defense system corresponding to anti-ship guided missiles was reviewed. To this, scenarios during engagement, weapon systems mounted to counter threats, and maximum detection/battle range according to the operational situation of the defense weapon system were defined. In addition, the effectiveness of the anti-air defense system and susceptibility was calculated based on the performance of the weapon system, the crew's ability to operate the weapon system, and the detection probability of the detection/defense system. To evaluate the susceptibility estimation feasibility, the sensitivity of the detailed variables was reviewed, and the usefulness of the established process was confirmed through sensitivity analysis.

A computer vision-based approach for crack detection in ultra high performance concrete beams

  • Roya Solhmirzaei;Hadi Salehi;Venkatesh Kodur
    • Computers and Concrete
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    • v.33 no.4
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    • pp.341-348
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    • 2024
  • Ultra-high-performance concrete (UHPC) has received remarkable attentions in civil infrastructure due to its unique mechanical characteristics and durability. UHPC gains increasingly dominant in essential structural elements, while its unique properties pose challenges for traditional inspection methods, as damage may not always manifest visibly on the surface. As such, the need for robust inspection techniques for detecting cracks in UHPC members has become imperative as traditional methods often fall short in providing comprehensive and timely evaluations. In the era of artificial intelligence, computer vision has gained considerable interest as a powerful tool to enhance infrastructure condition assessment with image and video data collected from sensors, cameras, and unmanned aerial vehicles. This paper presents a computer vision-based approach employing deep learning to detect cracks in UHPC beams, with the aim of addressing the inherent limitations of traditional inspection methods. This work leverages computer vision to discern intricate patterns and anomalies. Particularly, a convolutional neural network architecture employing transfer learning is adopted to identify the presence of cracks in the beams. The proposed approach is evaluated with image data collected from full-scale experiments conducted on UHPC beams subjected to flexural and shear loadings. The results of this study indicate the applicability of computer vision and deep learning as intelligent methods to detect major and minor cracks and recognize various damage mechanisms in UHPC members with better efficiency compared to conventional monitoring methods. Findings from this work pave the way for the development of autonomous infrastructure health monitoring and condition assessment, ensuring early detection in response to evolving structural challenges. By leveraging computer vision, this paper contributes to usher in a new era of effectiveness in autonomous crack detection, enhancing the resilience and sustainability of UHPC civil infrastructure.

Driver Assistance System for Integration Interpretation of Driver's Gaze and Selective Attention Model (운전자 시선 및 선택적 주의 집중 모델 통합 해석을 통한 운전자 보조 시스템)

  • Kim, Jihun;Jo, Hyunrae;Jang, Giljin;Lee, Minho
    • The Journal of the Institute of Internet, Broadcasting and Communication
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    • v.16 no.3
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    • pp.115-122
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    • 2016
  • This paper proposes a system to detect driver's cognitive state by internal and external information of vehicle. The proposed system can measure driver's eye gaze. This is done by concept of information delivery and mutual information measure. For this study, we set up two web-cameras at vehicles to obtain visual information of the driver and front of the vehicle. We propose Gestalt principle based selective attention model to define information quantity of road scene. The saliency map based on gestalt principle is prominently represented by stimulus such as traffic signals. The proposed system assumes driver's cognitive resource allocation on the front scene by gaze analysis and head pose direction information. Then we use several feature algorithms for detecting driver's characteristics in real time. Modified census transform (MCT) based Adaboost is used to detect driver's face and its component whereas POSIT algorithms are used for eye detection and 3D head pose estimation. Experimental results show that the proposed system works well in real environment and confirm its usability.

User Detection and Main Body Parts Estimation using Inaccurate Depth Information and 2D Motion Information (정밀하지 않은 깊이정보와 2D움직임 정보를 이용한 사용자 검출과 주요 신체부위 추정)

  • Lee, Jae-Won;Hong, Sung-Hoon
    • Journal of Broadcast Engineering
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    • v.17 no.4
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    • pp.611-624
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    • 2012
  • 'Gesture' is the most intuitive means of communication except the voice. Therefore, there are many researches for method that controls computer using gesture input to replace the keyboard or mouse. In these researches, the method of user detection and main body parts estimation is one of the very important process. in this paper, we propose user objects detection and main body parts estimation method on inaccurate depth information for pose estimation. we present user detection method using 2D and 3D depth information, so this method robust to changes in lighting and noise and 2D signal processing 1D signals, so mainly suitable for real-time and using the previous object information, so more accurate and robust. Also, we present main body parts estimation method using 2D contour information, 3D depth information, and tracking. The result of an experiment, proposed user detection method is more robust than only using 2D information method and exactly detect object on inaccurate depth information. Also, proposed main body parts estimation method overcome the disadvantage that can't detect main body parts in occlusion area only using 2D contour information and sensitive to changes in illumination or environment using color information.

Real-Time Object Tracking Algorithm based on Pattern Classification in Surveillance Networks (서베일런스 네트워크에서 패턴인식 기반의 실시간 객체 추적 알고리즘)

  • Kang, Sung-Kwan;Chun, Sang-Hun
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.14 no.2
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    • pp.183-190
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    • 2016
  • This paper proposes algorithm to reduce the computing time in a neural network that reduces transmission of data for tracking mobile objects in surveillance networks in terms of detection and communication load. Object Detection can be defined as follows : Given image sequence, which can forom a digitalized image, the goal of object detection is to determine whether or not there is any object in the image, and if present, returns its location, direction, size, and so on. But object in an given image is considerably difficult because location, size, light conditions, obstacle and so on change the overall appearance of objects, thereby making it difficult to detect them rapidly and exactly. Therefore, this paper proposes fast and exact object detection which overcomes some restrictions by using neural network. Proposed system can be object detection irrelevant to obstacle, background and pose rapidly. And neural network calculation time is decreased by reducing input vector size of neural network. Principle Component Analysis can reduce the dimension of data. In the video input in real time from a CCTV was experimented and in case of color segment, the result shows different success rate depending on camera settings. Experimental results show proposed method attains 30% higher recognition performance than the conventional method.

Replay Attack based Neutralization Method for DJI UAV Detection/Identification Systems (DJI UAV 탐지·식별 시스템 대상 재전송 공격 기반 무력화 방식)

  • Seungoh Seo;Yonggu Lee;Sehoon Lee;Seongyeol Oh;Junyoung Son
    • Journal of Aerospace System Engineering
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    • v.17 no.4
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    • pp.133-143
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    • 2023
  • As drones (also known as UAV) become popular with advanced information and communication technology (ICT), they have been utilized for various fields (agriculture, architecture, and so on). However, malicious attackers with advanced drones may pose a threat to critical national infrastructures. Thus, anti-drone systems have been developed to respond to drone threats. In particular, remote identification data (R-ID)-based UAV detection and identification systems that detect and identify illegal drones with R-ID broadcasted by drones have been developed, and are widely employed worldwide. However, this R-ID-based UAV detection/identification system is vulnerable to security due to wireless broadcast characteristics. In this paper, we analyze the security vulnerabilities of DJI Aeroscope, a representative example of the R-ID-based UAV detection and identification system, and propose a replay-attack-based neutralization method using the analyzed vulnerabilities. To validate the proposed method, it is implemented as a software program, and verified against four types of attacks in real test environments. The results demonstrate that the proposed neutralization method is an effective neutralization method for R-ID-based UAV detection and identification systems.

Development of the Algorithm for Traffic Accident Auto-Detection in Signalized Intersection (신호교차로 내 실시간 교통사고 자동검지 알고리즘 개발)

  • O, Ju-Taek;Im, Jae-Geuk;Hwang, Bo-Hui
    • Journal of Korean Society of Transportation
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    • v.27 no.5
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    • pp.97-111
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    • 2009
  • Image-based traffic information collection systems have entered widespread adoption and use in many countries since these systems are not only capable of replacing existing loop-based detectors which have limitations in management and administration, but are also capable of providing and managing a wide variety of traffic related information. In addition, these systems are expanding rapidly in terms of purpose and scope of use. Currently, the utilization of image processing technology in the field of traffic accident management is limited to installing surveillance cameras on locations where traffic accidents are expected to occur and digitalizing of recorded data. Accurately recording the sequence of situations around a traffic accident in a signal intersection and then objectively and clearly analyzing how such accident occurred is more urgent and important than anything else in resolving a traffic accident. Therefore, in this research, we intend to present a technology capable of overcoming problems in which advanced existing technologies exhibited limitations in handling real-time due to large data capacity such as object separation of vehicles and tracking, which pose difficulties due to environmental diversities and changes at a signal intersection with complex traffic situations, as pointed out by many past researches while presenting and implementing an active and environmentally adaptive methodology capable of effectively reducing false detection situations which frequently occur even with the Gaussian complex model analytical method which has been considered the best among well-known environmental obstacle reduction methods. To prove that the technology developed by this research has performance advantage over existing automatic traffic accident recording systems, a test was performed by entering image data from an actually operating crossroad online in real-time. The test results were compared with the performance of other existing technologies.

Model-Based Plane Detection in Disparity Space Using Surface Partitioning (표면분할을 이용한 시차공간상에서의 모델 기반 평면검출)

  • Ha, Hong-joon;Lee, Chang-hun
    • KIPS Transactions on Software and Data Engineering
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    • v.4 no.10
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    • pp.465-472
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    • 2015
  • We propose a novel plane detection in disparity space and evaluate its performance. Our method simplifies and makes scenes in disparity space easily dealt with by approximating various surfaces as planes. Moreover, the approximated planes can be represented in the same size as in the real world, and can be employed for obstacle detection and camera pose estimation. Using a stereo matching technique, our method first creates a disparity image which consists of binocular disparity values at xy-coordinates in the image. Slants of disparity values are estimated by exploiting a line simplification algorithm which allows our method to reflect global changes against x or y axis. According to pairs of x and y slants, we label the disparity image. 4-connected disparities with the same label are grouped, on which least squared model estimates plane parameters. N plane models with the largest group of disparity values which satisfy their plane parameters are chosen. We quantitatively and qualitatively evaluate our plane detection. The result shows 97.9%와 86.6% of quality in our experiment respectively on cones and cylinders. Proposed method excellently extracts planes from Middlebury and KITTI dataset which are typically used for evaluation of stereo matching algorithms.

A Study on the Efficacy of Edge-Based Adversarial Example Detection Model: Across Various Adversarial Algorithms

  • Jaesung Shim;Kyuri Jo
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.29 no.2
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    • pp.31-41
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    • 2024
  • Deep learning models show excellent performance in tasks such as image classification and object detection in the field of computer vision, and are used in various ways in actual industrial sites. Recently, research on improving robustness has been actively conducted, along with pointing out that this deep learning model is vulnerable to hostile examples. A hostile example is an image in which small noise is added to induce misclassification, and can pose a significant threat when applying a deep learning model to a real environment. In this paper, we tried to confirm the robustness of the edge-learning classification model and the performance of the adversarial example detection model using it for adversarial examples of various algorithms. As a result of robustness experiments, the basic classification model showed about 17% accuracy for the FGSM algorithm, while the edge-learning models maintained accuracy in the 60-70% range, and the basic classification model showed accuracy in the 0-1% range for the PGD/DeepFool/CW algorithm, while the edge-learning models maintained accuracy in 80-90%. As a result of the adversarial example detection experiment, a high detection rate of 91-95% was confirmed for all algorithms of FGSM/PGD/DeepFool/CW. By presenting the possibility of defending against various hostile algorithms through this study, it is expected to improve the safety and reliability of deep learning models in various industries using computer vision.