• Title/Summary/Keyword: Personal Value

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The comparison of lesion localization methods in breast lymphoscintigraphy (Breast lymphoscintigraphy 검사 시 체표윤곽을 나타내는 방법의 비교)

  • Yeon, Joon ho;Hong, Gun chul;Kim, Soo yung;Choi, Sung wook
    • The Korean Journal of Nuclear Medicine Technology
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    • v.19 no.2
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    • pp.74-80
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    • 2015
  • Purpose Breast lymphoscintigraphy is an important technique to present for body surface precisely, which shows a lymph node metastasis of malignant tumors at an early stage and is performed before and after surgery in patients with breast cancer. In this study, we evaluated several methods of body outline imaging to present exact location of lesions, as well as compared respective exposure doses. Materials and Methods RANDO phantom and SYMBIA T-16 were used for obtaining imaging. A lesion and an injection site were created by inserting a point source of 0.11 MBq on the axillary sentinel lymph node and 37 MBq on the right breast, respectively. The first method for acquiring the image was used by drawing the body surface of phantom for 30 sec using $Na^{99m}TcO_4$ as a point source. The second, the image was acquired with $^{57}Co$ flood source for 30 seconds on the rear side and the left side of the phantom, the image as the third method was obtained using a syringe filled with 37 MBq of $Na^{99m}TcO_4$ in 10 ml of saline, and as the fourth, we used a photon energy and scatter energy of $^{99m}Tc$ emitting from phantom without any addition radiation exposure. Finally, the image was fused the scout image and the basal image of SPECT/CT using MATLAB$^{(R)}$ program. Anterior and lateral images were acquired for 3 min, and radiation exposure was measured by the personal exposure dosimeter. We conducted preference of 10 images from nuclear medicine doctors by the survey. Results TBR values of anterior and right image in the first to fifth method were 334.9 and 117.2 ($1^{st}$), 266.1 and 124.4 ($2^{nd}$), 117.4 and 99.6 ($3^{rd}$), 3.2 and 7.6 ($4^{th}$), and 565.6 and 141.8 ($5^{th}$). And also exposure doses of these method were 2, 2, 2, 0, and $30{\mu}Sv$, respectively. Among five methods, the fifth method showed the highest TBR value as well as exposure dose, where as the fourth method showed the lowest TBR value and exposure dose. As a result, the last method ($5^{th}$) is the best method and the fourth method is the worst method in this study. Conclusion Scout method of SPECT/CT can be useful that provides the best values of TBR and the best score of survey result. Even though personal exposure dose when patients take scout of SPECT/CT was higher than another scan, it was slight level comparison to 1 mSv as the dose limit to non-radiation workers. If the scout is possible to less than 80 kV, exposure dose can be reduced, and also useful lesion localization provided.

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The Consideration of nuclear medicine technologist's occupational dose from patient who are undergoing 18F-FDG Whole body PET/CT : Aspect of specific characteristic of patient and contact time with patient (18F-FDG Whole Body PET/CT 수검자의 거리별 선량 변화에 따른 방사선 작업종사자의 유효선량 고찰: 환자 고유특성 및 응대시간 측면)

  • Kim, Sunghwan;Ryu, Jaekwang;Ko, Hyunsoo
    • The Korean Journal of Nuclear Medicine Technology
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    • v.22 no.1
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    • pp.67-75
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    • 2018
  • Purpose The purpose of this study is to investigate and analyze the external dose rates of $^{18}F-FDG$ Whole Body PET/CT patients by distance, and to identify the main factors that contribute to the reduction of radiation dose by checking the cumulative doses of nuclear medicine technologist(NMT). Materials and Methods After completion of the $^{18}F-FDG$ Whole Body PET/CT scan($75.4{\pm}3.3min$), the external dose rates of 106 patients were measured at a distance of 0, 10, 30, 50, and 100 cm from the chest. Gender, age, BMI(Body Mass Index), fasting time, diabetes mellitus, radiopharmaceutical injection information, creatine value were collected to analyze individual factors that could affect external dose rates from a patient's perspective. From the perspective of NMT, personal pocket dosimeters were worn on the chest to record accumulated dose of NMT who performed the injection task($T_1$, $T_2$ and $T_3$) and scan task($T_4$, $T_5$ and $T_6$). In addition, patient contact time with NMT was measured and analyzed. Results External dose rates from the patient for each distance were calculated as $246.9{\pm}37.6$, $129.9{\pm}16.7$, $61.2{\pm}9.1$, $34.4{\pm}5.9$, and $13.1{\pm}2.4{\mu}Sv/hr$ respectively. On the patient's aspect, there was a significant difference in the proximity of gender, BMI, Injection dose and creatine value, but the difference decreased as the distance increased. In case of dialysis patient, external dose rates for each distance were exceptionally higher than other patients. On the NMT aspect, the doses received from patients were 0.70, 1.09, $0.55{\mu}Sv/person$ for performing the injection task($T_1$, $T_2$, and $T_3$), and were 1.25, 0.82, $1.23{\mu}Sv/person$ for performing the scan task($T_4$, $T_5$, $T_6$). Conclusion we found that maintaining proper distance with patient and reducing contact time with patient had a significant effect on accumulated doses. Considering those points, efforts such as sufficient water intake and encourage of urination, maintaining the proper distance between the NMT and the patient(at least 100 cm), and reducing the contact time should be done for reducing dose rates not only patient but also NMT.

The Role of Social Capital and Identity in Knowledge Contribution in Virtual Communities: An Empirical Investigation (가상 커뮤니티에서 사회적 자본과 정체성이 지식기여에 미치는 역할: 실증적 분석)

  • Shin, Ho Kyoung;Kim, Kyung Kyu;Lee, Un-Kon
    • Asia pacific journal of information systems
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    • v.22 no.3
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    • pp.53-74
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    • 2012
  • A challenge in fostering virtual communities is the continuous supply of knowledge, namely members' willingness to contribute knowledge to their communities. Previous research argues that giving away knowledge eventually causes the possessors of that knowledge to lose their unique value to others, benefiting all except the contributor. Furthermore, communication within virtual communities involves a large number of participants with different social backgrounds and perspectives. The establishment of mutual understanding to comprehend conversations and foster knowledge contribution in virtual communities is inevitably more difficult than face-to-face communication in a small group. In spite of these arguments, evidence suggests that individuals in virtual communities do engage in social behaviors such as knowledge contribution. It is important to understand why individuals provide their valuable knowledge to other community members without a guarantee of returns. In virtual communities, knowledge is inherently rooted in individual members' experiences and expertise. This personal nature of knowledge requires social interactions between virtual community members for knowledge transfer. This study employs the social capital theory in order to account for interpersonal relationship factors and identity theory for individual and group factors that may affect knowledge contribution. First, social capital is the relationship capital which is embedded within the relationships among the participants in a network and available for use when it is needed. Social capital is a productive resource, facilitating individuals' actions for attainment. Nahapiet and Ghoshal (1997) identify three dimensions of social capital and explain theoretically how these dimensions affect the exchange of knowledge. Thus, social capital would be relevant to knowledge contribution in virtual communities. Second, existing research has addressed the importance of identity in facilitating knowledge contribution in a virtual context. Identity in virtual communities has been described as playing a vital role in the establishment of personal reputations and in the recognition of others. For instance, reputation systems that rate participants in terms of the quality of their contributions provide a readily available inventory of experts to knowledge seekers. Despite the growing interest in identities, however, there is little empirical research about how identities in the communities influence knowledge contribution. Therefore, the goal of this study is to better understand knowledge contribution by examining the roles of social capital and identity in virtual communities. Based on a theoretical framework of social capital and identity theory, we develop and test a theoretical model and evaluate our hypotheses. Specifically, we propose three variables such as cohesiveness, reciprocity, and commitment, referring to the social capital theory, as antecedents of knowledge contribution in virtual communities. We further posit that members with a strong identity (self-presentation and group identification) contribute more knowledge to virtual communities. We conducted a field study in order to validate our research model. We collected data from 192 members of virtual communities and used the PLS method to analyse the data. The tests of the measurement model confirm that our data set has appropriate discriminant and convergent validity. The results of testing the structural model show that cohesion, reciprocity, and self-presentation significantly influence knowledge contribution, while commitment and group identification do not significantly influence knowledge contribution. Our findings on cohesion and reciprocity are consistent with the previous literature. Contrary to our expectations, commitment did not significantly affect knowledge contribution in virtual communities. This result may be due to the fact that knowledge contribution was voluntary in the virtual communities in our sample. Another plausible explanation for this result may be the self-selection bias for the survey respondents, who are more likely to contribute their knowledge to virtual communities. The relationship between self-presentation and knowledge contribution was found to be significant in virtual communities, supporting the results of prior literature. Group identification did not significantly affect knowledge contribution in this study, inconsistent with the wealth of research that identifies group identification as an important factor for knowledge sharing. This conflicting result calls for future research that examines the role of group identification in knowledge contribution in virtual communities. This study makes a contribution to theory development in the area of knowledge management in general and virtual communities in particular. For practice, the results of this study identify the circumstances under which individual factors would be effective for motivating knowledge contribution to virtual communities.

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The Development on Core Competency Model of Scientist and Its Verification for Competency-Based Science Gifted Education (역량 중심의 과학 영재 교육을 위한 과학자의 핵심 역량 모델 개발 및 타당화)

  • Park, Jae-Jin;Yoon, Jihyun;Kang, Seong-Joo
    • Journal of Gifted/Talented Education
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    • v.24 no.4
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    • pp.509-541
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    • 2014
  • There was a great need to consider a core competency-based approach as a new direction of the science education for gifted students according to the value and vision of the 21st century knowledge-based societies. Therefore we developed a core competency model of scientist and examined its validity as a prerequisite for a core competency-based education of science gifted students. In order to this, the survey was conducted after developing questionnaire through the theoretical review of the various resources such as paper, book, and newspaper articles and the qualitative analysis of the behavioral event interview, and then an exploratory factor analysis was performed to validate the factor structure based on the results of the survey. The results revealed that the core competency model with the 5 cluster units of competency and the 15 core competencies was potentially constituted. And the reliability, convergent validity, and discriminant validity of the core competency model were verified through the confirmatory factor analysis. The cognitive cluster consisted of 5 competencies and they were as follows: creative, comprehensive, exploratory, analytical, and conceptual thinking competency. The achievement-orientation cluster consisted of 3 competencies and they were as follows: initiative, preparation & problem solving, and strategic influence competency. The scientific attitude cluster consisted of 3 competencies and they were as follows: flexible thinking & attitude, passion for research, and views about science competency. The personal effectiveness cluster consisted of 2 competencies and they were as follows: diverse experiences and global attitude competency. Finally, the networking cluster consisted of 2 competencies and they were as follows: personal understanding and communication competency. Findings were expected to provide the basic data for developing programs and establishing strategies based on the core competency as well as introducing the core competency model of scientist to science education for gifted students effectively.

Legal Interest in Damages Regarding Loss of Treatment Chance (치료기회상실로 인한 손해배상에 있어서 피침해법익)

  • Eom, Bokhyun
    • The Korean Society of Law and Medicine
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    • v.20 no.3
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    • pp.83-139
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    • 2019
  • Recognition of liability for damages due to medical malpractice has been developed largely on the basis of two paths. First is the case where there is an error in a physician's medical practice and this infringes upon the legal interests of life and body, and the compensation for monetary and non-monetary damages incurred from such infringement on life and body becomes an issue. Second is the case where there is a breach of a physician's duty of explanation that results in a infringement on the patient's right of autonomous decision, and the compensation for non-monetary damages incurred from such infringement becomes an issue. However, even if there is a medical error, since it is difficult to prove the causation between the medical error of a physician and the infringement upon legal interests, the physician's responsibility for damage compensation is denied in some cases. Consider, for example, a case where a patient is already in the final stage of cancer and has a very low possibility of a complete recovery even if proper treatment is received from the physician. Here, it is not appropriate to refuse recognition of any damage compensation based on the reason that the possibility of the patient dying is very high even in the absence of a medical error. This is so because, at minimum, non-monetary damage such as psychological suffering is incurred due to the physician's medical error. In such a case, our courts recognize on an exceptional basis consolation money compensation for losing the chance to receive proper treatment. However, since the theoretical system has not been established in minutiae, what comes under the benefit and protection of the law is not clearly explicated. The recent discourse on compensating for damages incurred by patients, even when the causation between the physician's medical error and infringement upon the legal interests of life and body is denied, by establishing a new legal interest is based on the "legal principle of loss of opportunity for treatment." On what should be the substance of the new legal interest, treatment possibility argument, expectation infringement argument, considerable degree of survival possibility infringement argument and loss of opportunity for treatment argument are being put forth. It is reasonable to see the substance of this protected legal interest as "the benefit of receiving treatment appropriate to the medical standard" according to the loss of opportunity for treatment argument. The above benefit to the patient is a value inherent to human dignity that should not be infringed upon or obstructed by anyone, and at the same time, it is a basic desire regarding life and a benefit worthy of protection by law. In this regard, "the benefit of receiving treatment appropriate to the medical standard" can be made concrete as one of the general personal rights related to psychological legal interest.

An effect on the Job-satisfaction and Service quality of the effect factor on Job-satisfaction of Family Restaurant Service Staff (외식업체 종사원의 직무만족 영향요인이 직무만족과 서비스품질에 미치는 영향)

  • 이형백;노진옥
    • Journal of Applied Tourism Food and Beverage Management and Research
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    • v.16 no.2
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    • pp.175-199
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    • 2005
  • Family Restaurant is a service business of a kind. The role of service operator is to improve a sales of service goods through maximizing the service value with customer satisfaction at the moment of MOT(moment of truth). Family Restaurant come to the great growth on the face of it. In future, it will place emphasis more and more on not hardware but software including service quality. The purpose of this study, therefore, is to research the effect on service quality of the job satisfaction of Family Restaurant's service staff. Data was collected from the employee who are working at Family Restaurant located in Taegu. The empirical research has been done over 50days from 1April, 2004 to 20May, 2004. In conclusion of empirical analysis, 4 hypotheses were significant among 7 hypotheses suggested in this study. The research showed as follows : First, the organic trait among the effect factor of job satisfaction perceived by Family Restaurant service staff showed positive influence on job satisfaction. Second, the personal trait among the effect factor of job satisfaction perceived by Family Restaurant service staff showed positive influence on service quality. Third, the official trait among the effect factor of job satisfaction perceived by Family Restaurant service staff showed negative influence on job satisfaction. Fourth, the organic trait among the effect factor of job satisfaction perceived by Family Restaurant service staff showed positive influence on service quality. Fifth, the personal trait among the effect factor of job satisfaction perceived by Family Restaurant service staff showed negative influence on service quality. Sixth, the organic trait among the effect factor of job satisfaction perceived by Family Restaurant service staff showed negative influence on service quality. Seventh, the job satisfaction of Family Restaurant service staff showed positive influence on service quality. Besides, the critical points of this study are as follows; First, we designated the subject of research to the employee of Family Restaurant only. Second, multi-situations(time, holiday) which can happen as service was offered, wasn't concerned. Third, as service quality was estimated by general service quality, the research in future should subdivide service quality more. I, finally, applied the pervious researches on job satisfaction and service quality in the employee of Family Restaurant. To extend more this research model in future, the variables like customer satisfaction should be added.

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"A Study on Hebrews Clothing in the Old Testament" - Especially on Hair Styles, Headgears, Footwear and Personal Ornaments - (구약성서(舊約聖書)에 나타난 히브리인의 복식(服飾) - 두식(頭飾), 신발 및 장신구(裝身具) 중심(中心)으로 -)

  • Park, Chan-Boo
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Costume
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    • v.10
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    • pp.63-80
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    • 1986
  • The Old Testament cotains mention of the history of creation and clothing in ancient Hebrew. This study dealt with Hebrew dress customs especially aimed at the manners of their hair styles, headgears, footwear and personal ornaments. References are Korean Revised Version, English King James Version and Revised Standard Version. There is little mention of hair styles and headgears in the Old Testament. Some sort of turban was worn by priests, and soldiers protected themselves with helmets, but most Israelitish men went bareheaded except on special occasions and often wear simple headbands. It was more common for women to use headwear of some type-turbans, scarves, and veils concealing the face. The veil was the distinctive female wearing apparel. All females, with the exception of maidservants and women in a low condition of life, wore a veil. It was the custom for women to wear a veil entirely covering their head in the public. Through most of the Old Testament periods long and thick hair was admired on men and women alike. The Hebrews were proud to have thick and abundant long hair, and they gave much attention to the care of their hair. The caring of hair was deeply related to their rituals. Nazirites never took a razor to their hair during his vow-days, but instead let it grow long, as an offering to God. Men would not cut their beards, but allow them to grow long. The Israelites' standard footwear was a pair of simple leather sandals. This was one of the items of clothing not highly prized. In a colloquial saying of the time, a pair of shoes signified something of small value, and to be barefoot except in times of mourning or on holy place, was a sign either of extreme poverty or humiliation, as in the case of war prisoners. Because precious stones were not mined in the Palestine-Syria region, Hebrews imported them from foreign country. They were consumer-to a large degree limited by their very modest standard of living-but not producers. Hebrews liked the precious stones and were motivated to acquire and wear jewels. Besides their use for adornment and as gifts, the precious or semiprecious stones were regarded by Jews of property. The Hebrews were not innovators in the field of decorative arts. The prohibition of the Law against making any "graven image" precluded the development of painting, sculpture, and other forms of representational art. Jewish men did not indulge in extravagances of dress, and there was little ornamentation among them. Men wore a signet ring on their right hand or sometimes suspended by a cord or chain around the neck. The necklaces, when worn by a male, also bore any symbol of his authority. Bracelets were extremely popular with both men and women, men usually preferring to wear them on their upper arms. The girdle was a very useful part of a man's clothing. It was used as a waist belt, or used to fasten a man's sword to his body, or served as a pouch in which to keep money and other things. Men often carried a cane or staff, which would be ornamented at the top. Among the women there was more apt to be ornamentation than among the men. Hebrew women liked to deck themselves with jewels, and ornamentation of the bride were specially luxurious and numerous. They wore rings on their fingers or On toes, ankle rings, earrings, nosering, necklace, bracelets. Their shapes were of cresent, waterdrops, scarab, insect, animal or plant. Sometimes those were used as amulets. They were made of ceramics, gold, silver, bronze, iron, and various precious stones which were mostly imported from Egypt and Sinai peninsular. Hebrews were given many religious regulations by Moses Law on their hair, headgears, sandals and ornamentation. Their clothing were deeply related with their customs especially with their religions and rituals. Hebrew religion was of monotheism and of revealed religion. Their religious leaders, the prophets who was inspired by God might need such many religious regulations to lead the idol oriented people to God through them.

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A Study of the Factors Influencing Behavioral Intention for Organic Food: Using the Theory of Planned Behavior (유기농식품에 대한 소비자의 구매의도 영향요인 분석 계획적 행동이론을 중심으로)

  • Choi, Hwa-Sun;Lee, Kwang-Keun
    • Journal of Distribution Science
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    • v.10 no.2
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    • pp.53-62
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    • 2012
  • Well-being is a reflection of current sociocultural trends that focus on the quality of life based on economic growth. Furthermore, organic food is believed to help people maintain good health and therefore leads to increased consumption of organic foods. Therefore, consumer interest in organic food is increasing, causing its market to grow, and this trend will be maintained in the future. The abuse of agricultural pesticides, gene manipulation, and bovine spongiform encephalopathy has caused consumers to worry about food safety. The well-being trend has also contributed to consumers' growing interest inorganic food and organic agricultural products. A consumer's choice offood is a complex processes affected by various factors. In particular, organic food is considered an individualistic merit good, considering the consumers' preferences related to certification policies. Therefore, various factors such as personal characteristics and sense of value could affect consumers' decisions. This research focused on an analysis of the factors influencing consumers' purchasing intention for organic food on the basis of an increase in organic food consumption. The research method was based on the theory of planned behavior (TPB). Factors such as consumer characteristics regarding food consumption, purchasing frequency, and other factors affecting purchasing intention were presented. The hypothesis was set using advanced research and stated that it is easier to forecast purchasing intentions by combining the theory of planned behavior and personal characteristics of consumer. The results show that two dimensions, attitude and perceived behavioral control, have statistically significant influence on the purchasing intention. It can be said that a positive attitude toward organic foods in particular increases the possibility of purchasing intention. In addition, consumers who consume more organic food products are more likely to have positive attitudes, and, in the past, purchasing frequency has positively influenced purchasing intention of organic foods. Consumers' negative feelings about the non-purchase of organic foods also showed a negative influence on purchasing intentions. In other words, even though consumers feel uncomfortable when not consuming organic food products, they do not try to purchase such products because of this feeling of discomfort. Furthermore, the subjective norm and the behavioral control of food-related involvement do not have a statistically significant influence on the purchasing intention or attitudes. This research verified the influence of factors related to purchasing intention. This study has several limitations: (1) even though consumers' responses can change based on the type of food, the types of food were not classified in this study; (2) future studies are necessary to analyze the attitudes of consumers on the basis of their purchasing experiences with organic foods.

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PIRS : Personalized Information Retrieval System using Adaptive User Profiling and Real-time Filtering for Search Results (적응형 사용자 프로파일기법과 검색 결과에 대한 실시간 필터링을 이용한 개인화 정보검색 시스템)

  • Jeon, Ho-Cheol;Choi, Joong-Min
    • Journal of Intelligence and Information Systems
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    • v.16 no.4
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    • pp.21-41
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    • 2010
  • This paper proposes a system that can serve users with appropriate search results through real time filtering, and implemented adaptive user profiling based personalized information retrieval system(PIRS) using users' implicit feedbacks in order to deal with the problem of existing search systems such as Google or MSN that does not satisfy various user' personal search needs. One of the reasons that existing search systems hard to satisfy various user' personal needs is that it is not easy to recognize users' search intentions because of the uncertainty of search intentions. The uncertainty of search intentions means that users may want to different search results using the same query. For example, when a user inputs "java" query, the user may want to be retrieved "java" results as a computer programming language, a coffee of java, or a island of Indonesia. In other words, this uncertainty is due to ambiguity of search queries. Moreover, if the number of the used words for a query is fewer, this uncertainty will be more increased. Real-time filtering for search results returns only those results that belong to user-selected domain for a given query. Although it looks similar to a general directory search, it is different in that the search is executed for all web documents rather than sites, and each document in the search results is classified into the given domain in real time. By applying information filtering using real time directory classifying technology for search results to personalization, the number of delivering results to users is effectively decreased, and the satisfaction for the results is improved. In this paper, a user preference profile has a hierarchical structure, and consists of domains, used queries, and selected documents. Because the hierarchy structure of user preference profile can apply the context when users perfomed search, the structure is able to deal with the uncertainty of user intentions, when search is carried out, the intention may differ according to the context such as time or place for the same query. Furthermore, this structure is able to more effectively track web documents search behaviors of a user for each domain, and timely recognize the changes of user intentions. An IP address of each device was used to identify each user, and the user preference profile is continuously updated based on the observed user behaviors for search results. Also, we measured user satisfaction for search results by observing the user behaviors for the selected search result. Our proposed system automatically recognizes user preferences by using implicit feedbacks from users such as staying time on the selected search result and the exit condition from the page, and dynamically updates their preferences. Whenever search is performed by a user, our system finds the user preference profile for the given IP address, and if the file is not exist then a new user preference profile is created in the server, otherwise the file is updated with the transmitted information. If the file is not exist in the server, the system provides Google' results to users, and the reflection value is increased/decreased whenever user search. We carried out some experiments to evaluate the performance of adaptive user preference profile technique and real time filtering, and the results are satisfactory. According to our experimental results, participants are satisfied with average 4.7 documents in the top 10 search list by using adaptive user preference profile technique with real time filtering, and this result shows that our method outperforms Google's by 23.2%.

Manifest Weeds and Self-Actualization of Patients with Essential Hypertension (본태성 고혈압 환자의 자기실현 및 욕구구조에 관한 연구)

  • 강익화
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing
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    • v.8 no.1
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    • pp.163-180
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    • 1978
  • Much of a person's energy is spent in the effort of becoming a productive member of to-day's complex society. This activity may cause tension, and chronic unrelieved tension is an influential factor in blood pressure elevation. The problem of this study was to identify manifest needs and self-actualization of patients with essential hypertension, and to analyse and compare their manifest needs and selt-actualization with the selected general characteristics of We, sex, religion, occupation and level of education with a control group of patients with normal blood pressure readings. The purpose was to contribute to the planning of nursing interventions toward reducing the impact of complex psycho-somatic factors on the anxiety of patients with essential hypertension. The instruments used included selected items from the Edwards (1959) Personal Preference Schedule (EPPS) as adapted by Hwang (1965) and from the Personal Orientation Inventory (POI) (Shostrom 1964, 1974) adapted by Kim and Lee (1977) to measure manifest needs and self-actualization. The convenience sample was chosen from 149 persons who presented themselves for general physical examinations at Ewha University Medical Centre and 41 patients diagnosed with essential hypertension at three general hospitals in Seoul during June 1 and August 31, 1977. Forty-nine persons from the Ewha group with blood-pressure readings exceeding 150/90 were added to the experimental group. Data were analysed by the S.P.S.S. computer programme using t-test and tests for statistical significance. Statistically significant findings were as follows: A. Blood Pressure and Manifest Needs. 1. with the exception of Autonomy, patients with hypertension had significantly high scores on all variables Abasement, Achievement, Affiliation, Aggression, Dominance, Emotionality, Exhibitionism and Sex. 2. When mean scores of normal persons were compared by age groups, normal persons had higher scores in the following order on Abasement (50's, 40's, 20's, 30's), Achievement (50's, 30's, 40's, 20's), Affiliation (50's, 40's, 30's, 20's), Dominance (50's, 40's, 40's, 20's) and Exhibitionism (30's, 50's, 40's, 20's). In each case, there was a significant difference between the first and last age group scores. 3. When the mean scores of normal persons were compared by sex, normal men had higher scores than women on Achievement, Affiliation, Aggression, Dominance, Exhibitionism and Sex. Male patients had higher scores than female patients on Achievement, Dominance, Exhibitionism and Sex, but female patients scored higher in Emotionality. 4. Normal persons had higher scores related to religion in the following order on Achievement (Buddhism, no religion, Christianity). Hyper tensive patients had higher scores on. Exhibitionism (no religion, Christianity, Buddhism). 5. Normal persons had higher scores related to occupation in the following order on Achievement and Exhibitionism (unemployed, office workers, teachless, businessmen), Emotionality (office workers, unemployed, businessmen, teacher) and Sex (office workers, unemployed, teachers, businessmen). Hypertensive patients had higher scores on Achievement and Aggression (teachers, businessmen, office worker, unemployed), Dominance and Exhibitionism (businessmen, teacher, of ace workers, unemployed) and Sex (teachers, office worker, businessmen, unemployed). 6. Normal persons had higher scores related to level of edification in the following order on Abasement, Emotionality and Autonomy (secondary school graduation, university). Hypertensive patients had higher scores on Abasement (no education, primary, university, secondary), Achievement (no education, secondary, university, primary) , Dominance (university, no education, secondary, primary), Exhibitionism (university, secondary, no education, primary), and Sex (university, secondary, primary, no education). B. Blood Pressure and Self_Actualization 1, Patients with hypertension had significantly lower scores on all variables. 2. Normal persons had higher scores related to age groups in the following order on Existentiality (20's, 30's, 40's, 50's). Hypertensive patients showed no significantly different scores. 3. Normal women had higher scores than men on Time Competence. Normal men had higher scores on Feeling Reactivity. Male patients had higher scores than women on Self-Actualizing Value and Self-Regard. 4. Normal persons ha 1 higher scores related to religion on spontaneity (Buddhism, no religion, Christianity). Hypertensive patients had higher scores on Time Competence and Nature of Man (Buddhism, Christianity, no religion). 5. Normal persons had higher scores related to occupation in the following order on Existentiality (teachers, office workers, businessmen, unemployed) and Self-Regard (unemployed, office workers, teachers, businessmen). Hypertensive patients showed no significantly different scores. 6. Normal persons had higher scores related to level of education in the following order on Existentiality and Self-Acceptance (university, secondary). Hypertensive patients had higher scores on inner-Director (university, secondary, no education, primary) and Existentiality (university, secondary, primary, no education). Recommendations for nursing interventions with hypertensive patients with emotional problems or low self-actualization were made. 1. The nurse should encourage the patient through her interactions with other members of the medical team to accept counselling and health education. 2. Through her therapeutic interpersonal relationships with the patient, the nurse should help him discover the causes of his emotional tension. 3. Through her health teaching with the family, the nurse should encourage them to participate with the medical team in the patient's therapeutic plan and in providing him with the minimum possible emotional support. 4. Through frequent counselling with the obsessive-thinking and inflexible patient, the nurse should reevaluate the patient's behaviour and her interventions. 5. Seriously ill patients should be given needed reeducation by members of the professional medical team.

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