• Title/Summary/Keyword: Performance Bias

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Effects for kangaroo care: systematic review & meta analysis (캥거루 케어가 미숙아와 어머니에게 미치는 효과 : 체계적 문헌고찰 및 메타분석)

  • Lim, Junghee;Kim, Gaeun;Shin, Yeonghee
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.17 no.3
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    • pp.599-610
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    • 2016
  • This paper reports the results of a systematic review (SR) and meta-analysis research to compare the effect of Kangaroo care, targeting mothers and premature infants. A randomized clinical trial study was performed until February 2015. The domestic literature contained the non-randomized clinical trial research without restriction according to the level of the study design. A search of the Ovid-Medline, CINAHL, PubMed and KoreaMed, the National Library of KOREA, the National Assembly Library, NDSL, KISS and RISS. Through the KMbase we searched and combined the main term ((kangaroo OR KC OR skin-to-skin) AND (care OR contact)) AND (infant OR preterm OR Low Birth Weight OR LBW), ((kangaroo OR kangaroo OR kangaroo) AND (care OR nursing care OR management OR skin contact)) was made; these were all combined with a keywords search through the selection process. They were excluded in the final 25 studies (n=3051). A methodology checklist for randomized controlled trials (RCTs) designed by SIGN (Scottish Intercollegiate Guidelines Network) was utilized to assess the risk of bias. The overall risk of bias was regarded as low. In 16 studies that were evaluated as a grade of "++", 9 studies were evaluated as a grade of "+". As a result of meta-analysis, kangaroo care regarding the effects of premature mortality, severe infection/sepsis had an insignificant effect. Hyperthermia incidence, growth and development (height and weight), mother-infant attachment, hypothermia incidence, length of hospital days, breast feeding rate, sleeping, anxiety, confidence, and gratification of mothering role were considered significant. In satisfaction of the role performance, depression and stress presented contradictory research results for individual studies showing overall significant difference. This study has some limitations due to the few RCTs comparing kangaroo care in the country. Therefore, further RCTs comparing kangaroo care should be conducted.

A 10b 25MS/s $0.8mm^2$ 4.8mW 0.13um CMOS ADC for Digital Multimedia Broadcasting applications (DMB 응용을 위한 10b 25MS/s $0.8mm^2$ 4.8mW 0.13um CMOS A/D 변환기)

  • Cho, Young-Jae;Kim, Yong-Woo;Lee, Seung-Hoon
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea SD
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    • v.43 no.11 s.353
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    • pp.37-47
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    • 2006
  • This work proposes a 10b 25MS/s $0.8mm^2$ 4.8mW 0.13um CMOS A/D Converter (ADC) for high-performance wireless communication systems such as DVB, DAB and DMB simultaneously requiring low voltage, low power, and small area. A two-stage pipeline architecture minimizes the overall chip area and power dissipation of the proposed ADC at the target resolution and sampling rate while switched-bias power reduction techniques reduce the power consumption of analog amplifiers. A low-power sample-and-hold amplifier maintains 10b resolution for input frequencies up to 60MHz based on a single-stage amplifier and nominal CMOS sampling switches using low threshold-voltage transistors. A signal insensitive 3-D fully symmetric layout reduces the capacitor and device mismatch of a multiplying D/A converter while low-noise reference currents and voltages are implemented on chip with optional off-chip voltage references. The employed down-sampling clock signal selects the sampling rate of 25MS/s or 10MS/s with a reduced power depending on applications. The prototype ADC in a 0.13um 1P8M CMOS technology demonstrates the measured DNL and INL within 0.42LSB and 0.91LSB and shows a maximum SNDR and SFDR of 56dB and 65dB at all sampling frequencies up to 2SMS/s, respectively. The ADC with an active die area if $0.8mm^2$ consumes 4.8mW at 25MS/s and 2.4mW at 10MS/s at a 1.2V supply.

Comparison of Egg Testing Devices for Internal Egg Quality Measurements (계란 할란검사장비의 성능 비교)

  • Kim, Dong Jun;Jeon, Seung Yob;Kim, Hee Won;Won, Jea Sun;Lee, Jae Cheong;Lee, Kyung-Woo
    • Korean Journal of Poultry Science
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    • v.43 no.4
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    • pp.229-233
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    • 2016
  • This study was conducted to compare three commercially available egg testing devices for measuring egg quality. The devices used were a Laser-type (automatic), a Ultrasonic-type (automatic), and a Probe-type (manual). Fresh eggs weighing 60~68 grams were obtained from a commercial hen farm. Three trials were conducted. In Trial 1, a total of 50 eggs were successively analyzed by the three egg testing devices. In Trial 2, fresh eggs were successively analyzed by a combination of two egg testing devices. In Trial 3, a total of 600 eggs (weighing 60~68 grams) laid by same flock were selected, further divided into three sub-groups with a total of 200 eggs, and analyzed by an egg testing device. In Trials 1 and 2, no apparent difference was observed in egg weight between egg testing devices. However, albumin height was scored highest in the Ultrasonic-type egg tester followed by the Probe-type and Laser-type (Trials 1 and 2). Consequently, the Haugh unit was similarly altered. Yolk color was highest in the Laser-type egg tester followed by the Ultrasonic-type and Probe-type (Trials 1 and 2). When fresh eggs laid by a single flock were independently analyzed by three devices, egg weight did not differ, but albumin height and Haugh unit were higher (p<0.05) in the Ultrasonic-type egg tester than in the Probe-type or Laser-type testers. However, Laser-type testers produced higher (p<0.05) yolk color values than the Ultrasonic-type or Probe-type egg testers. In conclusion, the commercially available egg testing devices exhibited performance differences in measuring egg qualities, which warrants further consideration as to whether the magnitude of bias and precision between the devices could be acceptable in the egg grading system, especially when assessing eggs stored for certain durations.

Bias Correction for GCM Long-term Prediction using Nonstationary Quantile Mapping (비정상성 분위사상법을 이용한 GCM 장기예측 편차보정)

  • Moon, Soojin;Kim, Jungjoong;Kang, Boosik
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.46 no.8
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    • pp.833-842
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    • 2013
  • The quantile mapping is utilized to reproduce reliable GCM(Global Climate Model) data by correct systematic biases included in the original data set. This scheme, in general, projects the Cumulative Distribution Function (CDF) of the underlying data set into the target CDF assuming that parameters of target distribution function is stationary. Therefore, the application of stationary quantile mapping for nonstationary long-term time series data of future precipitation scenario computed by GCM can show biased projection. In this research the Nonstationary Quantile Mapping (NSQM) scheme was suggested for bias correction of nonstationary long-term time series data. The proposed scheme uses the statistical parameters with nonstationary long-term trends. The Gamma distribution was assumed for the object and target probability distribution. As the climate change scenario, the 20C3M(baseline scenario) and SRES A2 scenario (projection scenario) of CGCM3.1/T63 model from CCCma (Canadian Centre for Climate modeling and analysis) were utilized. The precipitation data were collected from 10 rain gauge stations in the Han-river basin. In order to consider seasonal characteristics, the study was performed separately for the flood (June~October) and nonflood (November~May) seasons. The periods for baseline and projection scenario were set as 1973~2000 and 2011~2100, respectively. This study evaluated the performance of NSQM by experimenting various ways of setting parameters of target distribution. The projection scenarios were shown for 3 different periods of FF scenario (Foreseeable Future Scenario, 2011~2040 yr), MF scenario (Mid-term Future Scenario, 2041~2070 yr), LF scenario (Long-term Future Scenario, 2071~2100 yr). The trend test for the annual precipitation projection using NSQM shows 330.1 mm (25.2%), 564.5 mm (43.1%), and 634.3 mm (48.5%) increase for FF, MF, and LF scenarios, respectively. The application of stationary scheme shows overestimated projection for FF scenario and underestimated projection for LF scenario. This problem could be improved by applying nonstationary quantile mapping.

Availability Assessment of Single Frequency Multi-GNSS Real Time Positioning with the RTCM-State Space Representation Parameters (RTCM-SSR 보정요소 기반 1주파 Multi-GNSS 실시간 측위의 효용성 평가)

  • Lee, Yong-Chang;Oh, Seong-Jong
    • Journal of Cadastre & Land InformatiX
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    • v.50 no.1
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    • pp.107-123
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    • 2020
  • With stabilization of the recent multi-GNSS infrastructure, and as multi-GNSS has been proven to be effective in improving the accuracy of the positioning performance in various industrial sectors. In this study, in view that SF(Single frequency) GNSS receivers are widely used due to the low costs, evaluate effectiveness of SF Real Time Point Positioning(SF-RT-PP) based on four multi-GNSS surveying methods with RTCM-SSR correction streams in static and kinematic modes, and also derive response challenges. Results of applying SSR correction streams, CNES presented good results compared to other SSR streams in 2D coordinate. Looking at the results of the SF-RT-PP surveying using SF signals from multi-GNSS, were able to identify the common cause of large deviations in the altitude components, as well as confirm the importance of signal bias correction according to combinations of different types of satellite signals and ionospheric delay compensation algorithm using undifferenced and uncombined observations. In addition, confirmed that the improvement of the infrastructure of Multi-GNSS allows SF-RT-SPP surveying with only one of the four GNSS satellites. In particular, in the case of code-based SF-RT-SPP measurements using SF signals from GPS satellites only, the difference in the application effect between broadcast ephemeris and SSR correction for satellite orbits/clocks was small, but in the case of ionospheric delay compensation, the use of SBAS correction information provided more than twice the accuracy compared to result of the Klobuchar model. With GPS and GLONASS, both the BDS and GALILEO constellations will be fully deployed in the end of 2020, and the greater benefits from the multi-GNSS integration can be expected. Specially, If RT-ionospheric correction services reflecting regional characteristics and SSR correction information reflecting atmospheric characteristics are carried out in real-time, expected that the utilization of SF-RT-PPP survey technology by multi-GNSS and various demands will be created in various industrial sectors.

Modeling and mapping fuel moisture content using equilibrium moisture content computed from weather data of the automatic mountain meteorology observation system (AMOS) (산악기상자료와 목재평형함수율에 기반한 산림연료습도 추정식 개발)

  • Lee, HoonTaek;WON, Myoung-Soo;YOON, Suk-Hee;JANG, Keun-Chang
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.22 no.3
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    • pp.21-36
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    • 2019
  • Dead fuel moisture content is a key variable in fire danger rating as it affects fire ignition and behavior. This study evaluates simple regression models estimating the moisture content of standardized 10-h fuel stick (10-h FMC) at three sites with different characteristics(urban and outside/inside the forest). Equilibrium moisture content (EMC) was used as an independent variable, and in-situ measured 10-h FMC was used as a dependent variable and validation data. 10-h FMC spatial distribution maps were created for dates with the most frequent fire occurrence during 2013-2018. Also, 10-h FMC values of the dates were analyzed to investigate under which 10-h FMC condition forest fire is likely to occur. As the results, fitted equations could explain considerable part of the variance in 10-h FMC (62~78%). Compared to the validation data, the models performed well with R2 ranged from 0.53 to 0.68, root mean squared error (RMSE) ranged from 2.52% to 3.43%, and bias ranged from -0.41% to 1.10%. When the 10-h FMC model fitted for one site was applied to the other sites, $R^2$ was maintained as the same while RMSE and bias increased up to 5.13% and 3.68%, respectively. The major deficiency of the 10-h FMC model was that it poorly caught the difference in the drying process after rainfall between 10-h FMC and EMC. From the analysis of 10-h FMC during the dates fire occurred, more than 70% of the fires occurred under a 10-h FMC condition of less than 10.5%. Overall, the present study suggested a simple model estimating 10-h FMC with acceptable performance. Applying the 10-h FMC model to the automatic mountain weather observation system was successfully tested to produce a national-scale 10-h FMC spatial distribution map. This data will be fundamental information for forest fire research, and will support the policy maker.

An exploratory study on the characteristics of technology innovation persistence of Korean firms (한국 기업의 기술혁신 지속 특성에 대한 탐색적 연구)

  • Song, Changhyeon;Lee, Jungwoo;Jang, Pilseong
    • Journal of Technology Innovation
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    • v.29 no.3
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    • pp.1-31
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    • 2021
  • With the growing importance of technology innovation as a key factor for firms' competitive advantage, 'innovation persistence' became also an important research subject. 'Innovation Persistence' is a concept that indicates whether or not firms' innovation activity or performance continues. However, the data used for innovation studies are carried out as cross-sectional surveys in most countries. For this reason, studies dealing with longitudinal aspect of innovation persistence are rare. In particular, there is almost no research on innovation persistence using Korean innovation survey data. This study reviews the concepts and characteristics of innovation persistence based on extant literature, and perform an empirical analysis on the status and features of Korean firms' technology innovation persistence. Based on the data of the Korean Innovation Survey (KIS) conducted every other year from 2012 to 2018, panel data on 3,379 firms which observed multiple times are constructed. As a result, only part of the firms with persistent innovation were observed (for innovation performance 10~12%, for innovation activity 15~17%), and it was found that the persistence of non-innovation was remarkable(about 52~57%). And it was confirmed that the persistence of innovation activities is stronger than that of innovation performance. Besides, some features by sub-types of innovation appeared. Product innovation showed higher persistence than process innovation, and internal R&D also showed higher persistence than joint/external R&D. As a result of additional logit analysis to identify factors, it was found that radical or gradual product innovation is the most influential factor in persisting innovation in the next period. Since the sample selection bias due to a limitations of raw data might exist in the panel data constructed in this study, it should be noted that faulty generalization of the results are not allowed. Nevertheless, this is the first study to examine the technology innovation persistence targeting Korean firms and is expected to be a starting point for follow-up studies. It is anticipated that advanced research results will be drawn through the establishment of official panel data and improved methodologies.

Designing and Realizing the Ground Station Receiver Low Noise Amplifier of the Next-Generation Aeronautical Surveillance System (차세대 항공 감시시스템(ADS-BES) 지상국 수신기 저잡음 증폭기 설계 및 구현)

  • Cho, Ju-Yong;Yoon, Jun-Chul;Park, Chan-Sub;Park, Hyo-Dal;Kang, Suk-Youb
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
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    • v.17 no.10
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    • pp.2273-2280
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    • 2013
  • This article introduces the next-generation air surveillance system and investigates how to design of front-end low noise amplifier of the ground station receiver. In consideration of the international standard documentation and the performance of existing products, the study conducts the link budget on the entire system so that it can be competitive in terms of receive sensitivity or reliability. To obtain a proper low noise amplifier, standards of design are decided so that such factors as gain, gain flatness, and reflective loss can be optimal. In its design, the bias circuit appropriate for the characteristics of low power, low noise, or high gain was built, and according to the results of the simulation conducted after the optimal design, its gain was 16.24dB, noise factor was 0.36dB, input-output reflective loss was -18dB and -28dB each, and frequency stability was 1.11. According to the results measured after the design, its gain was 17dB, noise factor was 0.51dB, gain flatness was 0.23dB, and input-output reflective loss was -18.28dB and -24.50dB each, so the results gained were suitable for building the overall system.

A joint modeling of longitudinal zero-inflated count data and time to event data (경시적 영과잉 가산자료와 생존자료의 결합모형)

  • Kim, Donguk;Chun, Jihun
    • The Korean Journal of Applied Statistics
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    • v.29 no.7
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    • pp.1459-1473
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    • 2016
  • Both longitudinal data and survival data are collected simultaneously in longitudinal data which are observed throughout the passage of time. In this case, the effect of the independent variable becomes biased (provided that sole use of longitudinal data analysis does not consider the relation between both data used) if the missing that occurred in the longitudinal data is non-ignorable because it is caused by a correlation with the survival data. A joint model of longitudinal data and survival data was studied as a solution for such problem in order to obtain an unbiased result by considering the survival model for the cause of missing. In this paper, a joint model of the longitudinal zero-inflated count data and survival data is studied by replacing the longitudinal part with zero-inflated count data. A hurdle model and proportional hazards model were used for each longitudinal zero inflated count data and survival data; in addition, both sub-models were linked based on the assumption that the random effect of sub-models follow the multivariate normal distribution. We used the EM algorithm for the maximum likelihood estimator of parameters and estimated standard errors of parameters were calculated using the profile likelihood method. In simulation, we observed a better performance of the joint model in bias and coverage probability compared to the separate model.

Defect-related yellowish emission of un doped ZnO/p-GaN:Mg heterojunction light emitting diode

  • Han, W.S.;Kim, Y.Y.;Ahn, C.H.;Cho, H.K.;Kim, H.S.;Lee, J.H.
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Electrical and Electronic Material Engineers Conference
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    • 2009.06a
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    • pp.327-327
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    • 2009
  • ZnO with a large band gap (~3.37 eV) and exciton binding energy (~60 meV), is suitable for optoelectronic applications such as ultraviolet (UV) light emitting diodes (LEDs) and detectors. However, the ZnO-based p-n homojunction is not readily available because it is difficult to fabricate reproducible p-type ZnO with high hall concentration and mobility. In order to solve this problem, there have been numerous attempts to develop p-n heterojunction LEDs with ZnO as the n-type layer. The n-ZnO/p-GaN heterostructure is a good candidate for ZnO-based heterojunction LEDs because of their similar physical properties and the reproducible availability of p-type GaN. Especially, the reduced lattice mismatch (~1.8 %) and similar crystal structure result in the advantage of acquiring high performance LED devices. In particular, a number of ZnO films show UV band-edge emission with visible deep-level emission, which is originated from point defects such as oxygen vacancy, oxygen interstitial, zinc interstitial[1]. Thus, defect-related peak positions can be controlled by variation of growth or annealing conditions. In this work, the undoped ZnO film was grown on the p-GaN:Mg film using RF magnetron sputtering method. The undoped ZnO/p-GaN:Mg heterojunctions were annealed in a horizontal tube furnace. The annealing process was performed at $800^{\circ}C$ during 30 to 90 min in air ambient to observe the variation of the defect states in the ZnO film. Photoluminescence measurements were performed in order to confirm the deep-level position of the ZnO film. As a result, the deep-level emission showed orange-red color in the as-deposited film, while the defect-related peak positions of annealed films were shifted to greenish side as increasing annealing time. Furthermore, the electrical resistivity of the ZnO film was decreased after annealing process. The I-V characteristic of the LEDs showed nonlinear and rectifying behavior. The room-temperature electroluminescence (EL) was observed under forward bias. The EL showed a weak white and strong yellowish emission colors (~575 nm) in the undoped ZnO/p-GaN:Mg heterojunctions before and after annealing process, respectively.

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