• Title/Summary/Keyword: North-finding

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An Analysis on the State of Adjustment on Mathematical Education for Adolescent North Korean Defectors (새터민 청소년의 수학학습 실태 및 적응 요인 분석)

  • Yeon, Bo-Ra;Kim, Hong-Chan
    • Journal of the Korean School Mathematics Society
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    • v.15 no.3
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    • pp.467-486
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    • 2012
  • By identifying the state of adjustment regarding mathematical education for adolescents who escaped from North Korea and analyzing the relevant factors from multiple perspectives, this study is aimed at finding improvement methods for their math education adoptability. To fulfill such objective, this paper-reviewed the existing literature and research, conducted participatory observation, collected and analyzed survey research on math education adoptability for 43 students who are currently attending an alternative school for North Korean defectors. The results of this research are as follows: There is a serious pattern of maladjustment concerning math education of adolescents who defected from North Korea. The lack of basic skills in mathematical principles due to the gap in their studies results in poor academic performance, particularly in the advanced stages of learning. In the process of defection, environmental challenges, such as the loss of basic study skills which naturally results from the gap in their studies and differences in the educational curriculum between North and South Korea, are posing difficulties for these students.

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An Analysis of Trends in Quantitative Studies on Female North Korean Refugees (탈북여성 관련 양적 연구동향 분석)

  • Lee, Soon Min;Shim, Woochan
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.18 no.7
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    • pp.470-483
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    • 2018
  • This study was conducted to analyze the trend of quantitative research regarding female North Korean refugees in order to broaden our understanding of North Korean women and provide directions for future research. In August 2017, the Korean studies Information Service System (KISS) and Nuri Media (DBpia) databases were used to search academic peer reviewed journal articles with the following keywords: "North Korean female", "North Korean female refugees" and "North Korean female defectors". Trend analysis included a content analysis of the study finding section, along with analysis of the general characteristics of the study such as published journals, year of publication, study methodologies, and subject of the study. The main findings are as follows: First, Korean Journal of Woman Psychology was the journal with the most studies on female North Korean refugees. Second, as a result of looking at research trends by year, there was only one study on North Korean female refugees published between 2000 and 2004, and the number started to increase in 2010(8 articles, 22.22%). Third, according to the analysis of research trends by research methods, survey method was most frequently used. Fourth, statistical analysis was most often utilized analysis methodology(34 studies, 94.44%). Fifth, in the content analysis, North Korean female refugees' mental health and emotional issues(17 studies, 47.22%) were the most often the focus of studies being analyzed, followed by social adjustment issues((5 studies, 13.89%). Based on these results, directions for future studies were suggested.

A Comparative Study of the Way of Introducing Fractions in Mathematics Textbooks of South and North Korea (남북한 초등학교 교과서의 분수 도입 방식 비교)

  • Park Kyo Sik;Lee Kyung Hwa;Yim Jae Hoon
    • Journal of Educational Research in Mathematics
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    • v.14 no.4
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    • pp.367-385
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    • 2004
  • This study intends to compare the way of introducing fractions in elementary mathematics textbooks of south and those of north Korea. After thorough investigations of the seven differences were identified. First, the mathematics textbooks of south Korea use concrete materials like apples when they introduce equal partition context, while those of north Korea do not use that kind of concrete materials. Second, in the textbooks of south Korea, equal partition of discrete quantities are considered after continuous ones are introduced. This is different from the approach of the north Korean text-books in which both quantities are regarded at the same time. Third, the quantitative fraction which refers to the rational number with unit of measure at the end of it, is hardly used in the textbooks of south. However, the textbooks of north Korea use it as the main representations of fractions. Fourth, in the textbooks of south Korea, vanous activities related to fractions are more emphasized, while in the textbooks of north Korea, various meanings of fractions textbooks from south and north Korea focused on the ways of introducing partition approach and equivalence relation as operational schemes of fractions, the following play an important role before defining fraction. Fifth, the textbooks of south Korea introduce equivalent fractions with number one using number bar, and do not consider the reason why that sort of fractions are regarded. On the contrary, the textbooks of north Korea introduce structural equivalence relation by using various contexts including length measure and volume measure situations. Sixth, whereas real-life contexts are provided for introducing equivalent fractions in the textbooks of south Korea, visual explanations and mathematical representations play an important role in the textbooks of north Korea. Seventh, the means of finding equivalent fractions are provided directly in the textbooks of south Korea, whereas the nature of equivalent fractions and the methods of making equivalent fractions are considered in the textbooks of north Korea.

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A Theoretical Study on Free Gyroscopic Compass

  • Jeong, Tae-Gweon;Park, Sok-Chu
    • Journal of Navigation and Port Research
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    • v.30 no.9
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    • pp.729-734
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    • 2006
  • The authors aim to establish the theory necessary for developing the free gyroscopic compass and focus on mainly two points. One is to suggest north-finding principle by the angular velocity of the earth's rotation, and the other is to suggest orthogonal coordinate transformations of the motion rate of the spin axis, which transforms the components of motion rate in the free gyro frame into those in the platform frame and that this transformed rate is, in turn, transformed into the NED(north-east-down) navigation frame. Subsequently, ship's heading is obtained by using the fore-aft and athwartship components of the motion rate of the spin axis in the NED frame. In addition it was found how to solve the transformation matrix necessary for transforming each frame.

Association between Solar Variability and Teleconnection Index

  • Kim, Jung-Hee;Chang, Heon-Young
    • Journal of Astronomy and Space Sciences
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    • v.36 no.3
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    • pp.149-157
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    • 2019
  • In this study, we investigate the associations between the solar variability and teleconnection indices, which influence atmospheric circulation and subsequently, the spatial distribution of the global pressure system. A study of the link between the Sun and a large-scale mode of climate variability, which may indirectly affect the Earth's climate and weather, is crucial because the feedbacks of solar variability to an autogenic or internal process should be considered with due care. We have calculated the normalized cross-correlations of the total sunspot area, the total sunspot number, and the solar North-South asymmetry with teleconnection indices. We have found that the Southern Oscillation Index (SOI) index is anti-correlated with both solar activity and the solar North-South asymmetry, with a ~3-year lag. This finding not only agrees with the fact that El $Ni{\tilde{n}}o$ episodes are likely to occur around the solar maximum, but also explains why tropical cyclones occurring in the solar maximum periods and in El $Ni{\tilde{n}}o$ periods appear similar. Conversely, other teleconnection indices, such as the Arctic Oscillation (AO) index, the Antarctic Oscillation (AAO) index, and the Pacific-North American (PNA) index, are weakly or only slightly correlated with solar activity, which emphasizes that response of terrestrial climate and weather to solar variability are local in space. It is also found that correlations between teleconnection indices and solar activity are as good as correlations resulting from the teleconnection indices themselves.

The Concept of Finding Aids

  • Sinn, Dong-Hee
    • Journal of Korean Society of Archives and Records Management
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    • v.3 no.1
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    • pp.93-109
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    • 2003
  • Finding aids have existed from the time when ancient archives appeared, With this long history, they have been used in most of Western archives, and thus, it is one of the most familiar tasks generally performed by archivists. However, ironically, this accustomed concept has not been an academic object to many researchers. Especially, in this electronic age, finding aids are even more complicated in their forms and meanings. This paper intends to address the concept(s) of finding aids as reflected in the archival literature in North America. The paper will attempt to illustrate how the concept of finding aid has evolved both conceptually and practically in archives and archival science and how circumstantial and social elements affect this concept. It Seems that the concept of finding aids has developed from the broad and integrated concept of provenance and pertinence to the narrower and practical sense considering the use by the public. It also turns out that the concept has advanced from a mere technical tool for describing records to an access tool for maximum availability. Not surprisingly, the concept of finding aids have changed as archival science and the profession has advanced and diversified. It is crucial for the archival community to understand changes in the practice and the concept of finding aids that will enable the preparation of higher quality finding aids enabling the optimum use of archives.

Exploratory study on the Moral Injury among Female North Korean Refugees: Qualitative Content Analysis of Qualitative Studies on Female North Korean Refugees (탈북여성들이 경험하는 도덕적 손상에 관한 탐색적 연구: 탈북여성을 대상으로 한 질적 선행연구물 내용분석)

  • Shim, Woochan;Lee, Soon Min
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.18 no.4
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    • pp.636-652
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    • 2018
  • This study is about applying the concept of moral injury in reinterpreting and understanding the experience of female North Korean refugees who have experienced psychological trauma and are struggling with adjusting in their everyday lives. The database KISS and DBpia were used to search for academic peer-reviewed articles published before August 13th in 2017, using 'female or women North Korean,' 'female or women relocated North Korean,' and 'female or women North Korean defector' as keywords. In total 51 studies were finally selected for content analysis and the result were the following. First, listing from the most often occurring study topic to the least occurring topic in order: post-defection adjustment related, mothering experience, experience of North Korean regime and Korean War, work or job or employment related, recovering from psychological trauma as well as growth and resilience related, experiences in China, trauma and psychological difficulties, anxiety treatment process and effects. Second, words related to psychological aspect of moral injury appeared 260 times in 51 selected studies, changes in the existential belief appeared 82 times, cognitive aspects of moral injury appeared 71 times, and behavioral aspects 21 times. Third, two main contexts emerged to be the antecedent that led to moral injury and they were 'identity denial' and 'dismantled family.' In attempts to find opposite cases or stories where aspects of moral injury were not found despite the existence of its antecedents and it was 'identity restructuring.' Based on the finding, practice implications that could help female North Korean refugees prevent or recover from moral injury were suggested.

Prosodic Conditions for Epenthetic Nasals

  • Kim, Soo-Jung
    • Speech Sciences
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    • v.7 no.4
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    • pp.123-148
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    • 2000
  • This paper investigates prosodic conditions for the epenthetic /n/ in Korean. It has been claimed that an epenthetic /n/ appears across prosodic words (Han 1994, Lee 1996). However, using acoustic data as well as aerodynamic data, I argue that the epenthetic /n/ does not always surface across all prosodic words, but that its appearance is prosodically restricted. I further demonstrate that it appears only across prosodic words within an accentual phrase. This finding provides empirical support for the intonation-based model of Korean prosodic structure studies.

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The Effect of Police Satisfaction on Trust in the Police: Focusing on the North Korean Refugees (경찰서비스를 경험한 시민의 만족도가 경찰신뢰에 미치는 영향: 북한이탈주민을 중심으로)

  • Hong, Moonki;Park, Jongsun
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.18 no.9
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    • pp.63-70
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    • 2020
  • This study examines whether citizen's satisfaction with police response to their victimization has an effect on the trust in the police. The data (N = 214) were collected from the North Koreans refugees residing in South Korea. One key finding shows that the North Koreans who were dissatisfied with policemen's response to their crime victimization cases report lower trust in the South Korean police. Also, the people who had ever reported a crime to the police increase their trust in the police. However, sex, education experience, car ownership, household victimization preventive measures, crime trends decrease their trust in the police. The implications and limitations were discussed for the future research.

Prediction of potential spread areas of African swine fever virus through wild boars using Maxent model

  • Lim, Sang Jin;Namgung, Hun;Kim, Nam Hyung;Oh, Yeonsu;Park, Yung Chul
    • Journal of Ecology and Environment
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    • v.46 no.1
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    • pp.54-61
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    • 2022
  • Background: In South Korea, African swine fever virus (ASFV) has spread among wild boars through Gangwon-do to Dangyang-gun, Chungcheongbuk-do on the southern border of Gangwon-do. To prevent the spread of ASFV to African swine fever (ASF)-free areas, it is necessary to identify areas with a high probability of finding ASFV-infected carcasses and to reduce the density of wild boars in those areas. In this study, we described the propagation trend of ASFV among wild boars, constructed the habitat suitability maps for ASFV-infected carcasses, and suggested areas with a high probability of finding ASFV-infected carcasses and an important route of ASFV transmission. Results: Despite the active quarantine policies in Korea to prevent the spread of ASFV through wild boars, there was no significant difference in the monthly average of number of ASFV-infected carcasses observed between 2020 and 2021. The ASFV-infected carcasses were found more in winter and spring (January to April). Since the first ASF outbreak in wild boars on October 2, 2019, the maximum width of ASFV-infected carcass distribution area was 222.7 km for about 26 months till November 20, 2021. The habitat suitability map, based on GPS coordinates of ASFV-infected wild boar carcasses, shows that highly detectable areas of ASFV-infected carcasses were sporadically dispersed in western and southwestern parts of Gangwon-do, and ranged from north to south of the province along the Baekdudaegan Mountains, whereas poorly detectable areas ranged along the north to the south in the middle parts of the province. Conclusions: Our suitability model, based on the GPS coordinates of ASFV-infected carcasses, identifies potential habitats where ASFV-infected carcasses are likely to be found and ponential routes where ASFV is likely to spread. Among ASF-free areas, the areas with high suitability predicted in this study should be given priority as survey areas to find ASFV-infected carcasses and hunting areas to reduce wild boar populations.