• Title/Summary/Keyword: Montgomery inverse

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Efficient Hardware Montgomery Modular Inverse Module for Elliptic Curve Cryptosystem in GF(p) (GF(p)의 타원곡선 암호 시스템을 위한 효율적인 하드웨어 몽고메리 모듈러 역원기)

  • Choi, Piljoo;Kim, Dong Kyue
    • Journal of Korea Multimedia Society
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    • v.20 no.2
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    • pp.289-297
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    • 2017
  • When implementing a hardware elliptic curve cryptosystem (ECC) module, the efficient design of Modular Inverse (MI) algorithm is especially important since it requires much more computation than other finite field operations in ECC. Among the MI algorithms, binary Right-Shift modular inverse (RS) algorithm has good performance when implemented in hardware, but Montgomery Modular Inverse (MMI) algorithm is not considered in [1, 2]. Since MMI has a similar structure to that of RS, we show that the area-improvement idea that is applied to RS is applicable to MMI, and that we can improve the speed of MMI. We designed area- and speed-improved MMI variants as hardware modules and analyzed their performance.

Low-latency Montgomery AB2 Multiplier Using Redundant Representation Over GF(2m)) (GF(2m) 상의 여분 표현을 이용한 낮은 지연시간의 몽고메리 AB2 곱셈기)

  • Kim, Tai Wan;Kim, Kee-Won
    • IEMEK Journal of Embedded Systems and Applications
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.11-18
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    • 2017
  • Finite field arithmetic has been extensively used in error correcting codes and cryptography. Low-complexity and high-speed designs for finite field arithmetic are needed to meet the demands of wider bandwidth, better security and higher portability for personal communication device. In particular, cryptosystems in GF($2^m$) usually require computing exponentiation, division, and multiplicative inverse, which are very costly operations. These operations can be performed by computing modular AB multiplications or modular $AB^2$ multiplications. To compute these time-consuming operations, using $AB^2$ multiplications is more efficient than AB multiplications. Thus, there are needs for an efficient $AB^2$ multiplier architecture. In this paper, we propose a low latency Montgomery $AB^2$ multiplier using redundant representation over GF($2^m$). The proposed $AB^2$ multiplier has less space and time complexities compared to related multipliers. As compared to the corresponding existing structures, the proposed $AB^2$ multiplier saves at least 18% area, 50% time, and 59% area-time (AT) complexity. Accordingly, it is well suited for VLSI implementation and can be easily applied as a basic component for computing complex operations over finite field, such as exponentiation, division, and multiplicative inverse.

Modified Multi-bit Shifting Algorithm in Multiplication Inversion Problems (개선된 역수연산에서의 멀티 쉬프팅 알고리즘)

  • Jang, In-Joo;Yoo, Hyeong-Seon
    • The Journal of Society for e-Business Studies
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    • v.11 no.2
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    • pp.1-11
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    • 2006
  • This paper proposes an efficient inversion algorithm for Galois field GF(2n) by using a modified multi-bit shifting method based on the Montgomery algorithm. It is well known that the efficiency of arithmetic algorithms depends on the basis and many foregoing papers use either polynomial or optimal normal basis. An inversion algorithm, which modifies a multi-bit shifting based on the Montgomery algorithm, is studied. Trinomials and AOPs (all-one polynomials) are tested to calculate the inverse. It is shown that the suggested inversion algorithm reduces the computation time up to 26 % of the forgoing multi-bit shifting algorithm. The modified algorithm can be applied in various applications and is easy to implement.

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Multiplexer-Based Finite Field Multiplier Using Redundant Basis (여분 기저를 이용한 멀티플렉서 기반의 유한체 곱셈기)

  • Kim, Kee-Won
    • IEMEK Journal of Embedded Systems and Applications
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    • v.14 no.6
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    • pp.313-319
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    • 2019
  • Finite field operations have played an important role in error correcting codes and cryptosystems. Recently, the necessity of efficient computation processing is increasing for security in cyber physics systems. Therefore, efficient implementation of finite field arithmetics is more urgently needed. These operations include addition, multiplication, division and inversion. Addition is very simple and can be implemented with XOR operation. The others are somewhat more complicated than addition. Among these operations, multiplication is the most important, since time-consuming operations, such as exponentiation, division, and computing multiplicative inverse, can be performed through iterative multiplications. In this paper, we propose a multiplexer based parallel computation algorithm that performs Montgomery multiplication over finite field using redundant basis. Then we propose an efficient multiplexer based semi-systolic multiplier over finite field using redundant basis. The proposed multiplier has less area-time (AT) complexity than related multipliers. In detail, the AT complexity of the proposed multiplier is improved by approximately 19% and 65% compared to the multipliers of Kim-Han and Choi-Lee, respectively. Therefore, our multiplier is suitable for VLSI implementation and can be easily applied as the basic building block for various applications.

A Fast Inversion for Low-Complexity System over GF(2 $^{m}$) (경량화 시스템에 적합한 유한체 $GF(2^m)$에서의 고속 역원기)

  • Kim, So-Sun;Chang, Nam-Su;Kim, Chang-Han
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea SD
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    • v.42 no.9 s.339
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    • pp.51-60
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    • 2005
  • The design of efficient cryptosystems is mainly appointed by the efficiency of the underlying finite field arithmetic. Especially, among the basic arithmetic over finite field, the rnultiplicative inversion is the most time consuming operation. In this paper, a fast inversion algerian in finite field $GF(2^m)$ with the standard basis representation is proposed. It is based on the Extended binary gcd algorithm (EBGA). The proposed algorithm executes about $18.8\%\;or\;45.9\%$ less iterations than EBGA or Montgomery inverse algorithm (MIA), respectively. In practical applications where the dimension of the field is large or may vary, systolic array sDucture becomes area-complexity and time-complexity costly or even impractical in previous algorithms. It is not suitable for low-weight and low-power systems, i.e., smartcard, the mobile phone. In this paper, we propose a new hardware architecture to apply an area-efficient and a synchronized inverter on low-complexity systems. It requires the number of addition and reduction operation less than previous architectures for computing the inverses in $GF(2^m)$ furthermore, the proposed inversion is applied over either prime or binary extension fields, more specially $GF(2^m)$ and GF(P) .

A Scalable Hardware Implementation of Modular Inverse (모듈러 역원 연산의 확장 가능형 하드웨어 구현)

  • Choi, Jun-Baek;Shin, Kyung-Wook
    • Journal of IKEEE
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    • v.24 no.3
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    • pp.901-908
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    • 2020
  • This paper describes a method for scalable hardware implementation of modular inversion. The proposed scalable architecture has a one-dimensional array of processing elements (PEs) that perform arithmetic operations in 32-bit word, and its performance and hardware size can be adjusted depending on the number of PEs used. The hardware operation of the scalable processor for modular inversion was verified by implementing it on Spartan-6 FPGA device. As a result of logic synthesis with a 180-nm CMOS standard cells, the operating frequency was estimated to be in the range of 167 to 131 MHz and the gate counts were in the range of 60,000 to 91,000 gate equivalents when the number of PEs was in the range of 1 to 10. When calculating 256-bit modular inverse, the average performance was 18.7 to 118.2 Mbps, depending on the number of PEs in the range of 1 to 10. Since our scalable architecture for computing modular inversion in GF(p) has the trade-off relationship between performance and hardware complexity depending on the number of PEs used, it can be used to efficiently implement modular inversion processor optimized for performance and hardware complexity required by applications.

A small-area implementation of public-key cryptographic processor for 224-bit elliptic curves over prime field (224-비트 소수체 타원곡선을 지원하는 공개키 암호 프로세서의 저면적 구현)

  • Park, Byung-Gwan;Shin, Kyung-Wook
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
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    • v.21 no.6
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    • pp.1083-1091
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    • 2017
  • This paper describes a design of cryptographic processor supporting 224-bit elliptic curves over prime field defined by NIST. Scalar point multiplication that is a core arithmetic function in elliptic curve cryptography(ECC) was implemented by adopting the modified Montgomery ladder algorithm. In order to eliminate division operations that have high computational complexity, projective coordinate was used to implement point addition and point doubling operations, which uses addition, subtraction, multiplication and squaring operations over GF(p). The final result of the scalar point multiplication is converted to affine coordinate and the inverse operation is implemented using Fermat's little theorem. The ECC processor was verified by FPGA implementation using Virtex5 device. The ECC processor synthesized using a 0.18 um CMOS cell library occupies 2.7-Kbit RAM and 27,739 gate equivalents (GEs), and the estimated maximum clock frequency is 71 MHz. One scalar point multiplication takes 1,326,985 clock cycles resulting in the computation time of 18.7 msec at the maximum clock frequency.

A Lightweight Hardware Accelerator for Public-Key Cryptography (공개키 암호 구현을 위한 경량 하드웨어 가속기)

  • Sung, Byung-Yoon;Shin, Kyung-Wook
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
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    • v.23 no.12
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    • pp.1609-1617
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    • 2019
  • Described in this paper is a design of hardware accelerator for implementing public-key cryptographic protocols (PKCPs) based on Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC) and RSA. It supports five elliptic curves (ECs) over GF(p) and three key lengths of RSA that are defined by NIST standard. It was designed to support four point operations over ECs and six modular arithmetic operations, making it suitable for hardware implementation of ECC- and RSA-based PKCPs. In order to achieve small-area implementation, a finite field arithmetic circuit was designed with 32-bit data-path, and it adopted word-based Montgomery multiplication algorithm, the Jacobian coordinate system for EC point operations, and the Fermat's little theorem for modular multiplicative inverse. The hardware operation was verified with FPGA device by implementing EC-DH key exchange protocol and RSA operations. It occupied 20,800 gate equivalents and 28 kbits of RAM at 50 MHz clock frequency with 180-nm CMOS cell library, and 1,503 slices and 2 BRAMs in Virtex-5 FPGA device.