• Title/Summary/Keyword: Model of problem solving

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Enhancing the Creative Problem Solving Skill by Using the CPS Learning Model for Seventh Grade Students with Different Prior Knowledge Levels

  • Cojorn, Kanyarat;Koocharoenpisal, Numphon;Haemaprasith, Sunee;Siripankaew, Pramuan
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.32 no.8
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    • pp.1333-1344
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    • 2012
  • This study aimed to enhance creative problem solving skill by using the Creative Problem Solving (CPS) learning model which was developed based on creative problem solving approach and five essential features of inquiry. The key strategy of the CPS learning model is using real life problem situations to provide students opportunities to practice creative problem solving skill through 5 learning steps: engaging, problem exploring, solutions creating, plan executing, and concepts examining. The science content used for examining the CPS learning model was "matter and properties of matter" that consists of 3 learning units: Matter, Solution, and Acid-Base Solution. The process to assess the effectiveness of the learning model used the experimental design of the Pretest-Posttest Control-Group Design. Seventh grade-students in the experimental group learned by the CPS learning model. At the same time, students at the same grade level in the control group learned by conventional learning model. The learning models and students' prior knowledge levels were served as the independent variables. The creative problem solving skill was classified in to 4 aspects in: fluency, flexibility, originality, and reasoning. The results indicated that in all aspects, the students' mean scores of creative problem solving between students in experimental group and control group were significantly different at the .05 level. Also, the progression of students' creative problem solving skills was found highly progressed at the later instructional periods. When comparing the creative problem solving scores between groups of students with different levels of prior knowledge, the differences of their creative problem solving scores were founded at .05 level. The findings of this study confirmed that the CPS learning model is effective in enhancing the students' creative problem solving skill.

A Study on the Development and Evaluation of a Collaborative Problem-Solving Learning Model for Nursing Students

  • Lee, Sowon;Kim, Boyoung
    • International Journal of Advanced Culture Technology
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.168-176
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    • 2021
  • This study developed and evaluated a learning model to improve collaborative problem-solving skills for nursing students taking physiology courses. This one-group pretest-posttest design used the jigsaw cooperative learning method on 30 nursing students from one local university. We analyzed the effect of a cooperative problem- solving learning model using SPSS 21.0 to compare changes in the students' collaborative self-efficacy, problem-solving abilities, and team-member exchange. As a result, the participants showed significant increases in collaborative self-efficacy, problem-solving ability, and team-member exchange after experiencing cooperative problem- solving learning model. Therefore, we will help nursing students improve their communication skills by enhancing their collaborative self-efficacy and help them solve problems effectively in conflict situations.

Development of Internet Based Problem Solving Learning Model (인터넷 기반 문제 해결 학습 모형 개발)

  • Lee, Chul-Hyun;Koo, Duk-Hoi
    • Journal of The Korean Association of Information Education
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    • v.6 no.2
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    • pp.187-200
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    • 2002
  • In this study, we developed Internet Based Problem Solving Learning Model based on difficulty of internet based problem solving teaching and learning. For these, firstly we developed 7 Steps Problem Solving Model applying ICT-EUS into proper step. Next, we developed Internet Based Problem Solving Learning Model reflecting 7 Steps Problem Solving Model and searched an outline and characteristics of support system to apply the model into instruction. The teaching and learning model is composed of four steps of (1) design (2) preparation (3) teaching and learning execution (4) management, and 7 Steps Problem Solving Model is the core of teaching and learning execution step. The 7 Steps Problem Solving Model and Internet Based Problem Solving Learning Model are not for functional use but for general use. In other words they can be used commonly in all subjects.

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A model of problem solving instruction for improving practical skill-competence in technical high school (공업계 고등학교에서의 문제해결식 실기수업 모형)

  • Kim, Ik-Su;Ryu, Chang-Yol
    • 대한공업교육학회지
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    • v.30 no.1
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    • pp.1-18
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    • 2005
  • The purpose of this study was to development a model of problem solving instruction for improving practical skill-competence in technical high school. For the study, various literature researches were reviewed intensively about problem solving process, laboratory instruction's approaches and learning principals. The problem solving instruction process was composed with identifying problems, generating alternative solutions, investigation and research, choosing a solution, acting on a plan, modeling of problem solving, testing and evaluating, redesigning and improving. The skills schema combines a four domain of skilled activity, that is, cognitive skills, psychomotor skills, reactive skills and interactive skills. The problem solving instruction was composed with five major learning systems-emotional, social, cognitive, physical, and reflective-that can be used extensively as generic lesson plashing. The teacher serves as a coach or guide for student learning. As a facilitator, the teacher challenges, questions, and stimulates the students in their thinking, problem solving and self-directed study. In this process, students represent problem with think aloud, assume responsibility for their learning and move from teacher-centered to student-centered education.

An exploratory study on the factors of creative problem-solving ability (창의적 문제해결력의 요인에 관한 탐색적 연구)

  • Yoo, Sang-Mi;Kim, Hyoungbum
    • The Journal of the Institute of Internet, Broadcasting and Communication
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    • v.21 no.3
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    • pp.193-200
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    • 2021
  • This study was conducted to explore factors for evaluating creative problem-solving ability and to identify measurement items. After reviewing the previous study, a questionnaire was conducted, and from that, 7 factors and 26 preliminary questions were obtained. Regarding the creative problem-solving ability, problem-discovery ability, idea generation ability, idea evaluation ability, and idea execution ability were confirmed in the problem-solving process. In addition, the factors of interaction ability between problem solving practitioners and creative efficacy of problem solving practitioners were explored. Finally, in the above results, metaphors and figurative cognitive thinking ability and evaluation items for creative problem-solving ability of HTE creative education model were presented. Through subsequent studies, we hope to serve as the groundwork of the evaluation model of HTE creative education.

Classification of Contradiction Relations and their Solving Dimensions based on the Butterfly Model for Contradiction Solving for Physical Contradiction of TRIZ (트리즈의 물리적 모순에 대한 모순해결 나비모형의 모순관계와 해결차원 분류)

  • Hyun, Jung Suk;Park, Chan Jung
    • Knowledge Management Research
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    • v.15 no.4
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    • pp.15-34
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    • 2014
  • Creative problem solving has become an important issue in many fields. Among problems, dilemma need creative solutions. New creative and innovative problem solving strategies are required to handle the contradiction relations of the dilemma problems because most creative and innovative cases solved contradictions inherent in the dilemmas. Among various kinds of problem solving theories, TRIZ provides the concept of physical contradiction as a common problem solving principle in inventions and patents. In TRIZ, 4 separation principles solve the physical contradictions of given problems. The 4 separation principles are separation in time, separation in space, separation within a whole and its parts, and separation upon conditions. Despite this attention, an accurate definitions of the separation principles of TRIZ is missing from the literature. Thus, there have been several different interpretations about the separation principles of TRIZ. The different interpretations make problems more ambiguous to solve when the problem solvers apply the 4 separation principles. This research aims to fill the gap in several ways. First, this paper classify the types of contradiction relations and the contradiction solving dimensions based on the Butterfly model for contradiction solving. Second, this paper compares and analyzes each contradiction relation type with the Butterfly diagram. The contributions of this paper lies in reducing the problem space by recognizing the structures and the types of contradiction problems exactly.

A Study on Creative Design and Practice using CPS(Creative Problem Solving) (CPS(Creative Problem Solving)를 활용한 창의적 설계 및 실습에 관한 연구)

  • Hong, Sung-Do;Huh, Yong-Jeong
    • The Journal of Korean Institute for Practical Engineering Education
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    • v.4 no.2
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    • pp.1-6
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    • 2012
  • This paper introduces a model of practice education for creative problem solving, using five steps on CPS. Learners can get the motivation about development of creative thinking and problem solving skill through the theory of CPS. Furthermore, they can apply problem solving skill to various problem. As a result of the study, the learners could realize the importance of the problem definition and the creative problem solving method. We proposed a guideline about five steps of CPS method and a method about idea evaluation. So, we established the education model about leaners can get the creative problem-solving skill more efficiently.

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Analysis of Structural Relationships Among Predictors of Creative Problem Solving in Engineering (공학분야 대학생의 창의적 문제해결에 영향을 미치는 지식융합 변인의 구조적 관계 분석)

  • PARK, Sung-Mi;YANG, Hwang-Kyu
    • Journal of Fisheries and Marine Sciences Education
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    • v.27 no.4
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    • pp.963-972
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    • 2015
  • This study examined the impact of variables(collaboration, convergence motive, convergence thinking) on the creativity problem solving of engineering college students. 522 students among engineering colleges in Pusan and Ulsan were sampled. For the statistical analysis, analysis of covariance structure by AMOS 18.0 was applied. Results from structural equation modeling analyses indicated that a hypothesized model produced a better fit to the data than a comparative structural model. The hypothesized model shows the following results. On the basis of the hypothesized model, collaboration effected to directly convergence motive and creative problem solving, and convergence motive effected to directly convergence thinking, convergence motive effected to directly creative problem solving, convergence thinking effected to directly creative problem solving, and collaboration effected to indirectly convergence thinking by convergence motive. Therefore this study suggested the collaboration, convergence motive and convergence thinking are significantly variables to facilitate the creative problem solving for knowledge fusion in engineering.

A Case study on the Effects of Mathematically Gifted Creative Problem Solving Model in Mathematics Learnings for Ordinary students (수학 영재의 창의적 문제해결 모델(MG-CPS)을 일반학생의 수학 학습에 적용한 사례연구)

  • Kim, Su Kyung;Kim, Eun Jin;Kwean, Hyuk Jin;Han, HyeSook
    • The Mathematical Education
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    • v.51 no.4
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    • pp.351-375
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    • 2012
  • This research is a case study of the changes of students's problem solving ability and affective characteristics when we apply to general students MG-CPS model which is creative problem solving model for gifted students. MG-CPS model which was developed by Kim and Lee(2008) is a problem solving model with 7-steps. For this study, we selected 7 first grade students from girl's high school in Seoul. They consisted of three high level students, two middle level students, and two low level students and then we applied MG-CPS model to these 7 students for 5 weeks. From the study results, we found that most students's describing ability in problem understanding and problem solving process were improved. Also we observed that high level students had improvements in overall problem solving ability, middle level students in problem understanding ability and guideline planning ability, and that low level students had improvements in the problem understanding ability. In affective characteristics, there were no significant changes in high and middle level classes but in low level class students showed some progress in all 6 factors of affective characteristics. In particular, we knew that the cause of such positive changes comes from the effects of information collection step and presenting step of MG-CPS model.

The effect of the Problem Posing Teaching Model on Problem Solving and Learning Attitude (문제설정 수업모형이 문제해결력과 수학 태도에 미치는 효과)

  • 이상원
    • The Mathematical Education
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    • v.43 no.3
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    • pp.233-255
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    • 2004
  • Problem solving in math education is of great importance. The interest on problem solving in math education is growing all over the world. Problem solving ability is important throughout the fourth-sixth national curriculum in Korea and this is also necessary in the seventh national curriculum. The writer has implemented a proper model for problem posing and this is also necessary in the seventh national curriculum that emphasizes self-leading for improvement in the classroom. This model has advantages to cultivate a good habit of students who tries to solve the problems with concrete strategies, to take part in the problem solving activity and to change their mathematical attitude.

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