• Title/Summary/Keyword: MOS structure

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Electrical Characteristics of the Dual Gate Emitter Switched Thyristor (Dual Gate Emitter Switched Thyristor의 전기적 특성)

  • Kim, Nam-Soo;Lee, Eung-Rae;Cui, Zhi-Yuan;Kim, Yeong-Seuk;Kim, Kyoung-Won;Ju, Byeong-Kwon
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Electrical and Electronic Material Engineers
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    • v.18 no.5
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    • pp.401-406
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    • 2005
  • Two dimensional MEDICI simulator is used to study the electrical characteristics of Dual Gate Emitter Switched Thyristor. The simulation is done in terms of the current-voltage characteristics with the variations of p-base impurity concentrations and current flow. Compared with the other power devices such as MOS Controlled Cascade Thyristor(MCCT), Conventional Emitter Switched Thyristor(C-EST) and Dual Channel Emitter Switched Thyristor(DC-EST), Dual Gate Emitter Switched Thyristor(DG-EST) shows to have tile better electrical characteristics, which is the high latch-up current density and low forward voltage-drop. The proposed DG-EST which has a non-planer u-base structure under the floating N+ emitter indicates to have the better characteristics of latch-up current and breakover voltage in spite of the same turn-off characteristics.

Charge trapping characteristics of the zinc oxide (ZnO) layer for metal-oxide semiconductor capacitor structure with room temperature

  • Pyo, Ju-Yeong;Jo, Won-Ju
    • Proceedings of the Korean Vacuum Society Conference
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    • 2016.02a
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    • pp.310-310
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    • 2016
  • 최근 NAND flash memory는 높은 집적성과 데이터의 비휘발성, 낮은 소비전력, 간단한 입, 출력 등의 장점들로 인해 핸드폰, MP3, USB 등의 휴대용 저장 장치 및 노트북 시장에서 많이 이용되어 왔다. 특히, 최근에는 smart watch, wearable device등과 같은 차세대 디스플레이 소자에 대한 관심이 증가함에 따라 유연하고 투명한 메모리 소자에 대한 연구가 다양하게 진행되고 있다. 대표적인 플래시 메모리 소자의 구조로 charge trapping type flash memory (CTF)가 있다. CTF 메모리 소자는 trap layer의 trap site를 이용하여 메모리 동작을 하는 소자이다. 하지만 작은 window의 크기, trap site의 열화로 인해 메모리 특성이 나빠지는 문제점 등이 있다. 따라서 최근, trap layer에 다양한 물질을 적용하여 CTF 소자의 문제점을 해결하고자 하는 연구들이 진행되고 있다. 특히, 산화물 반도체인 zinc oxide (ZnO)를 trap layer로 하는 CTF 메모리 소자가 최근 몇몇 보고 되었다. 산화물 반도체인 ZnO는 n-type 반도체이며, shallow와 deep trap site를 동시에 가지고 있는 독특한 물질이다. 이 특성으로 인해 메모리 소자의 programming 시에는 deep trap site에 charging이 일어나고, erasing 시에는 shallow trap site에 캐리어들이 쉽게 공급되면서 deep trap site에 갇혀있던 charge가 쉽게 de-trapped 된다는 장점을 가지고 있다. 따라서, 본 실험에서는 산화물 반도체인 ZnO를 trap layer로 하는 CTF 소자의 메모리 특성을 확인하기 위해 간단한 구조인 metal-oxide capacitor (MOSCAP)구조로 제작하여 메모리 특성을 평가하였다. 먼저, RCA cleaning 처리된 n-Si bulk 기판 위에 tunnel layer인 SiO2 5 nm를 rf sputter로 증착한 후 furnace 장비를 이용하여 forming gas annealing을 $450^{\circ}C$에서 실시하였다. 그 후 ZnO를 20 nm, SiO2를 30 nm rf sputter로 증착한 후, 상부전극을 E-beam evaporator 장비를 사용하여 Al 150 nm를 증착하였다. 제작된 소자의 신뢰성 및 내구성 평가를 위해 상온에서 retention과 endurance 측정을 진행하였다. 상온에서의 endurance 측정결과 1000 cycles에서 약 19.08%의 charge loss를 보였으며, Retention 측정결과, 10년 후 약 33.57%의 charge loss를 보여 좋은 메모리 특성을 가지는 것을 확인하였다. 본 실험 결과를 바탕으로, 차세대 메모리 시장에서 trap layer 물질로 산화물 반도체를 사용하는 CTF의 연구 및 계발, 활용가치가 높을 것으로 기대된다.

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Resource Allocation to Support QoE in Hierarchical Macrocell-Femtocell Networks (계층화된 매크로-펨토셀 망에서 QoE를 지원하기 위한 자원할당 방법)

  • Lee, Gi-Sung;Lee, Jong-Chan
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.17 no.12
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    • pp.708-715
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    • 2016
  • Quality of experience (QoE) for multimedia services in macro-femtocell networks is one of the key issues for 5G mobile and wireless communications. A service management structure needs to guarantee the QoE for mobile users based on end-to-end negotiation to support service continuity. Resource management is necessary to maintain the QoE requirements of different multimedia applications, because service continuity may be impeded by delays. This paper proposes four types of resource management scheme to support consistent QoE for different multimedia services. For this purpose, a QoE structure is suggested, and a resource allocation scheme is proposed by utilizing a fixed amount of radio resources reserved for dedicated use to support QoE. Various multimedia services with different requirements (such as voice, image, and data) can be serviced simultaneously, because QoE can be provided under our proposed scheme. Simulation results show that our scheme provides better performance than a conventional scheme with respect to outage probability and total data throughput.

Environmental Education Program in Small Planning Community -In Cases of yamagiscism Village, Findhorn & Dongsasup Program- (공동체 학습 프로그램의 환경교육적 실현 -야마기시, 핀드혼 공동체와 동사섭 프로그램을 중심으로-)

  • 김태경
    • Hwankyungkyoyuk
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.72-89
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    • 1996
  • Environmental problem and eco-crisis don't mean pollution itself any more, although general people have believed that environmental problems can be resolves by removing pollution. The mos important is environmental problems are linked with social structure which individualism, rationalism is extremely prevailed in the market oriented capitalism society, so public value is ignored especially. In the point of environmental education, this is very important because environmental education is not completed through schooling process, such s class learning, discussion. observation etc, but in the our practical life itself. This means that environmental education can be done by changing of lifestyle anywhere we live, and anytime. But any places governed our social life are polluted by efficiency pursuiting individualism in market oriented capitalism society. So environmental education can't hold the water in this system, in the aspect that we can't stimulate feelings of the student and general people, getting to public resource value and harmony with nature by throwing individual mind away. It is big problem. In this field, I have thought the unique space and social structure which can be used as environmental education place is small-planning community, such as Kibbutz in Israel, educational community Finhorn in Scotland, harmony community Yamagicism Village in Japan and DURE in Korea etc. For the research of this educational possibility in these small community, I visited and investigated immediately, and confirmed. In this thesis, I insist that the training process and practical life experience in this community themselves are good environmental education. So, in case of YAMAGICISM in Japan and FINDHORN in Scotland, DONGSASUP program in Korea, I introduce these small community environmental- education program.

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The Design of CMOS-based High Speed-Low Power BiCMOS LVDS Transmitter (CMOS공정 기반의 고속-저 전압 BiCMOS LVDS 구동기 설계)

  • Koo, Yong-Seo;Lee, Jae-Hyun
    • Journal of IKEEE
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    • v.11 no.1 s.20
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    • pp.69-76
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    • 2007
  • This paper presents the design of LVDS (Low-Voltage-Differential-Signaling) transmitter for Gb/s-per-pin operation. The proposed LVDS transmitter is designed using BiCMOS technology, which can be compatible with CMOS technology. To reduce chip area and enhance the robustness of LVDS transmitter, the MOS switches of transmitter are replaced with lateral bipolar transistor. The common emitter current gain($\beta$) of designed bipolar transistor is 20 and the cell size of LVDS transmitter is $0.01mm^2$. Also the proposed LVDS driver is operated at 1.8V and the maximum data rate is 2.8Gb/s approximately In addition, a novel ESD protection circuit is designed to protect the ESD phenomenon. This structure has low latch-up phenomenon by using turn on/off character of P-channel MOSFET and low triggering voltage by N-channel MOSFET in the SCR structure. The triggering voltage and holding voltage are simulated to 2.2V, 1.1V respectively.

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Star-formation Properties of High-redshift (z~1) Galaxy Clusters Connected to the Large-scale Structure

  • Lee, Seong-Kook;Im, Myungshin;Hyun, Minhee;Park, Bomi;Kim, Jae-woo;Kim, Dohyung;Kim, Yongjung
    • The Bulletin of The Korean Astronomical Society
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    • v.42 no.2
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    • pp.40.2-40.2
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    • 2017
  • At local, majority of galaxies in the dense environment, such as galaxy cluster, are red and quiescent with little star-formation (SF) activity. However, a different picture emerges as we go to high redshift: (1) there exist non-negligible fraction of galaxies still forming stars actively even in dense environment, and (2) there is a significant cluster-by-cluster variation in the SF properties, such as quiescent galaxy fraction. In this presentation, we show the results of our study about the variation of quiescent galaxy fraction among high-redshift (z~1) galaxy clusters, based on the multi-object spectroscopic (MOS) observation with IMACS on the Magellan telescope. Our main result is that galaxy clusters which are connected with significant large-scale structure (LSS), well beyond the cluster scale, are more active in their SF activity, i.e., the quiescent galaxy fraction for these clusters is lower compared to the clusters which are detached from LSS.

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Low-temperature crystallization of high-dielectric (Ba,Sr)$TiO_3$ thin films for embedded capacitors

  • Cho, Kwang-Hwan;Kang, Min-Gyu;Kang, Chong-Yun;Yoon, Seok-Jin
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Electrical and Electronic Material Engineers Conference
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    • 2010.03a
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    • pp.21-21
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    • 2010
  • (Ba,Sr)$TiO_3$ (BST) thin film with a perovskite structure has potential for the practical application in various functional devices such as nonvolatile-memory components, capacitor, gate insulator of thin-film transistors, and electro-optic devices for display. Normally, the BST thin films derived from sol-gel and sputtering are amorphous or partially crystalline when processed below $600^{\circ}C$. For the purpose of integrating BST thin film directly into a Si-based read-out integrated circuit (ROIC), it is necessary to process the BST film below $400^{\circ}C$. The microstructural and electrical properties of low-temperature crystallized BST film were studied. The BST thin films have been fabricated at $350^{\circ}C$ by UV-assisted rapidly thermal annealing (RTA). The BST films are in a single perovskite phase and have well-defined electrical properties such as high dielectric constant, low dielectric loss, low leakage current density, and high breakdown voltage. Photoexcitation of the organics contained in the sol-gel-derived films by high-intensity UV irradiation facilitates elimination of the organics and formation of the single-crystalline phase films at low temperatures. The amorphous BST thin film was transformed to a highly (h00)-oriented perovskite structure by high oxygen pressure processing (HOPP) at as low as $350^{\circ}C$. The dielectric properties of BST film were comparable to (or even better than) those of the conventionally processed BST films prepared by sputtering or post-annealing at temperature above $600^{\circ}C$. When external pressure was applied to the well-known contractive BST system during annealing, the nucleation energy barrier was reduced; correspondingly, the crystallization temperature decreased. The UV-assisted RTA and HOPP, as compatible with existing MOS technology, let the BST films be integrated into radio-frequency circuit and mixed-signal integrated circuit below the critical temperature of $400^{\circ}C$.

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A $64\times64$ IRFPA CMOS Readout IC for Uncooled Thermal Imaging (비냉각 열상장비용 $64\times64$ IRFPA CMOS Readout IC)

  • 우회구;신경욱;송성해;박재우;윤동한;이상돈;윤태준;강대석;한석룡
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Telematics and Electronics C
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    • v.36C no.5
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    • pp.27-37
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    • 1999
  • A CMOS ReadOut Integrated Circuit (ROlC) for InfraRed Focal Plane Array (IRFPA) detector is presented, which is a key component in uncooled thermal imaging systems. The ROIC reads out signals from $64\times64$ Barium Strontium Titanate (BST) infrared detector array, then outputs pixel signals sequentially after amplifying and noise filtering. Various design requirements and constraints have been considered including impedance matching, low noise, low power dissipation and small detector pitch. For impedance matching between detector and pre~amplifier, a new circuit based on MOS diode structure is devised, which can be easily implemented using standard CMOS process. Also, tunable low pass filter with single~pole is used to suppress high frequency noise. In additions, a clamping circuit is adopted to enhance the signal~to-noise ratio of the readout output signals. The $64\times64$ IRFPA ROIC is designed using $0.65-\mu\textrm{m}$ 2P3M (double poly, tripple metal) N~Well CMOS process. The core part of the chip contains 62,000 devices including transistors, capacitors and resistors on an area of about $6.3-mm\times6.7-mm$.

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[ $8{\sim}10.9$ ]-GHz-Band New LC Oscillator with Low Phase-Noise and Wide Tuning Range for SONET communication (SONET 통신 시스템을 위한 $8{\sim}10.9$ GHz 저 위상 잡음과 넓은 튜닝 범위를 갖는 새로운 구조의 LC VCO 설계)

  • Kim, Seung-Hoon;Cho, Hyo-Moon;Cho, Sang-Bock
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea SD
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    • v.45 no.1
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    • pp.50-55
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    • 2008
  • In this paper, New LC VCO with $8{\sim}10.9$ GHz Band has been designed using commercial $0.35-{\mu}m$ CMOS technology. This proposed circuit is consisted of the parallel construction of the typical NMOS and PMOS cross-coupled pair which is based on the LC tank, MOS cross-coupled pair which has same tail current of complementary NMOS and PMOS, and output buffer. The designed LC VCO, which is according to proposed structure in this paper, takes a 29% improvement of the wide tuning range as 8 GHz to 10.9 GHz, and a 6.48mW of low power dissipation. Its core size is $270{\mu}m{\times}340{\mu}m$ and its phase noise is as -117dBc Hz and -137dBc Hz at 1-MHz and 10-MHz offset, respectively. FOM of the new proposed LC VCO gets -189dBc/Hz at a 1-MHz offset from a 10GHz center frequency. This design is very useful for the 10Gb/s clock generator and data recovery integrated circuit(IC) and SONET communication applications.

A Fully-Integrated Low Phase Noise Multi-Band 0.13-um CMOS VCO using Automatic Level Controller and Switched LC Tank (자동 크기 조절 회로와 Switched LC tank를 이용한 집적화된 저위상 잡음 다중 대역 0.13-um CMOS 전압 제어 발진기)

  • Choi, Jae-Won;Seo, Chul-Hun
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea TC
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    • v.44 no.1
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    • pp.79-84
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    • 2007
  • In this paper, a fully-integrated low phase noise multi-band CMOS VCO using automatic level controller (ALC) and switched LC tank has been presented. The proposed VCO has been fabricated in a 0.13-um CMOS process. The switched LC tank has been designed with a pair of capacitors and two pairs of inductors switched using MOS switch. By using this structure, four band (2.986 ${\sim}$ 3.161, 3.488 ${\sim}$ 3.763, 4.736 ${\sim}$ 5.093, and 5.35 ${\sim}$ 5.887 GHz) operation is achieved in a single VCO. The VCO with 1.2 V power supply has phase noise of -118.105 dBc/Hz @ 1 MHz at 2.986 GHz and -113.777 dBc/Hz @ 1 MHz at 5.887 GHz, respectively. The reduced phase noise has been approximately -1 ${\sim}$ -3 dBc/Hz @ 1 MHz in the broadest tuning range, 2.986 ${\sim}$ 5.887 GHz. The VCO has consumed 4.2 ${\sim}$ 5.4 mW in the entire frequency band.