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Greenhouse Environment and Growth of Green Pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) in Greenhouse Covered with CEM BIO Film (CEM BIO Film 피복시설의 환경특성과 풋고추 생육)

  • Chun, Hee;Kim, Kyung-Je;Kwon, Young-Sam;Kim, Hyun-Hwan;Lee, Si-Young
    • Journal of Bio-Environment Control
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    • v.9 no.3
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    • pp.161-165
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    • 2000
  • Spectroradiometric light transmittance from 300 to 1,100nm in the greenhouse covered with the CEM BIO polyethylene film was greater than that in the greenhouse covered with polyethylene film (control). As a whole, solar radiation transmittance into greenhouse was a half level, due to shades caused by double layer covering, frame and equipment. Net radiation energy emitted throughout surface of the greenhouse covered with CEM BIO polyethylene film was 5,424.5W.m2 , which was lower by 2.9% as compared to that of the greenhouse covered with polyethylene film. Photosynthetically active radiation from 400 to 700nm of the greenhouse covered with CEM BIO polyethylene film was 3,861.2W.m2 , which was higher by 3.8% as compared to hat of the greenhouse covered with polyethylene film. Accumulated minimum air temperature from Oct. 7, 1997 to Oct. 16, 1997 of the greenhouse covered with CEM BIO polyethylene film was 100.5C, which was higher by 2.5C as compared to that of the greenhouse covered with polyethylene film. As results, height, stem diameter, leaf count, leaf area, fresh weight and dry weight of green pepper plants and canopy production structure measured at 30 days after transplanting were enhanced. Mean fruit weight n the greenhouse covered with CEM BIO polyethylene film was 11.28 g and 1.25 g greater as compared to that in the greenhouse covered with polyethylene film, due to increased fruit diameter and flesh thickness. Percent marketable fruits produced in the greenhouse covered with CEM BIO polyethylene film were 96.1%, and was greater by 2.7% thant that of the greenhouse covered with polyethylnee film due to decreased infection, sterility, severe curve and twisted fruits. The green pepper yield of the greenhouse covered with CEM BIO polyethylene film from Nov. 19, 1997 to Feb. 3, 1998 was greater by 974 kg per hectare than that of the greenhouse covered with polyethylene film, but the total fruit had no difference.

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Initial results from spatially averaged coherency, frequency-wavenumber, and horizontal to vertical spectrum ratio microtremor survey methods for site hazard study at Launceston, Tasmania (Tasmania 의 Launceston 시의 위험 지역 분석을 위한 공간적 평균 일관성, 주파수-파수, 수평과 수직 스펙트럼의 비율을 이용한 상신 진동 탐사법의 일차적 결과)

  • Claprood, Maxime;Asten, Michael W.
    • Geophysics and Geophysical Exploration
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.132-142
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    • 2009
  • The Tamar rift valley runs through the City of Launceston, Tasmania. Damage has occurred to city buildings due to earthquake activity in Bass Strait. The presence of the ancient valley, the Tamar valley, in-filled with soft sediments that vary rapidly in thickness from 0 to 250mover a few hundreds metres, is thought to induce a 2D resonance pattern, amplifying the surface motions over the valley and in Launceston. Spatially averaged coherency (SPAC), frequency-wavenumber (FK) and horizontal to vertical spectrum ratio (HVSR) microtremor survey methods are combined to identify and characterise site effects over the Tamar valley. Passive seismic array measurements acquired at seven selected sites were analysed with SPAC to estimate shear wave velocity (slowness) depth profiles. SPAC was then combined with HVSR to improve the resolution of these profiles in the sediments to an approximate depth of 125 m. Results show that sediments thicknesses vary significantly throughout Launceston. The top layer is composed of as much as 20m of very soft Quaternary alluvial sediments with a velocity from 50 m/s to 125 m/s. Shear-wave velocities in the deeper Tertiary sediment fill of the Tamar valley, with thicknesses from 0 to 250m vary from 400 m/s to 750 m/s. Results obtained using SPAC are presented at two selected sites (GUN and KPK) that agree well with dispersion curves interpreted with FK analysis. FK interpretation is, however, limited to a narrower range of frequencies than SPAC and seems to overestimate the shear wave velocity at lower frequencies. Observed HVSR are also compared with the results obtained by SPAC, assuming a layered earth model, and provide additional constraints on the shear wave slowness profiles at these sites. The combined SPAC and HVSR analysis confirms the hypothesis of a layered geology at the GUN site and indicates the presence of a 2D resonance pattern across the Tamar valley at the KPK site.

The influence of occlusal loads on stress distribution of cervical composite resin restorations: A three-dimensional finite element study (교합력이 치경부 복합레진 수복물의 응력분포에 미치는 영향에 관한 3차원 유한요소법적 연구)

  • Park, Chan-Seok;Hur, Bock;Kim, Hyeon-Cheol;Kim, Kwang-Hoon;Son, Kwon;Park, Jeong-Kil
    • Restorative Dentistry and Endodontics
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    • v.33 no.3
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    • pp.246-257
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    • 2008
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate the influence of various occlusal loading sites and directions on the stress distribution of the cervical composite resin restorations of maxillary second premolar, using 3 dimensional (3D) finite element (FE) analysis. Extracted maxillary second premolar was scanned serially with Micro-CT (SkyScan1072; SkyScan, Aartselaar, Belgium). The 3D images were processed by 3D-DOCTOR (Able Software Co., Lexington, MA, USA). HyperMesh (Altair Engineering, Inc., Troy, USA) and ANSYS (Swanson Analysis Systems, Inc., Houston, USA) was used to mesh and analyze 3D FE model. Notch shaped cavity was filled with hybrid (Z100, 3M Dental Products, St. Paul, MN, USA) or flowable resin (Tetric Flow, Vivadent Ets., FL-9494-Schaan, Liechtenstein) and each restoration was simulated with adhesive layer thickness (40μm). A static load of 200 N was applied on the three points of the buccal incline of the palatal cusp and oriented in 20 increments, from vertical (long axis of the tooth) to oblique 40 direction towards the buccal. The maximum principal stresses in the occlusal and cervical cavosurface margin and vertical section of buccal surfaces of notch-shaped class V cavity were analyzed using ANSYS. As the angle of loading direction increased, tensile stress increased. Loading site had little effect on it. Under same loading condition, Tetric Flow showed relatively lower stress than Z100 overall, except both point angles. Loading direction and the elastic modulus of restorative material seem to be important factor on the cervical restoration.

Electrochemical Characterization of Anti-Corrosion Film Coated Metal Conditioner Surfaces for Tungsten CMP Applications (텅스텐 화학적-기계적 연마 공정에서 부식방지막이 증착된 금속 컨디셔너 표면의 전기화학적 특성평가)

  • Cho, Byoung-Jun;Kwon, Tae-Young;Kim, Hyuk-Min;Venkatesh, Prasanna;Park, Moon-Seok;Park, Jin-Goo
    • Journal of the Microelectronics and Packaging Society
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    • v.19 no.1
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    • pp.61-66
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    • 2012
  • Chemical Mechanical Planarization (CMP) is a polishing process used in the microelectronic fabrication industries to achieve a globally planar wafer surface for the manufacturing of integrated circuits. Pad conditioning plays an important role in the CMP process to maintain a material removal rate (MRR) and its uniformity. For metal CMP process, highly acidic slurry containing strong oxidizer is being used. It would affect the conditioner surface which normally made of metal such as Nickel and its alloy. If conditioner surface is corroded, diamonds on the conditioner surface would be fallen out from the surface. Because of this phenomenon, not only life time of conditioners is decreased, but also more scratches are generated. To protect the conditioners from corrosion, thin organic film deposition on the metal surface is suggested without requiring current conditioner manufacturing process. To prepare the anti-corrosion film on metal conditioner surface, vapor SAM (self-assembled monolayer) and FC (Fluorocarbon) -CVD (SRN-504, Sorona, Korea) films were prepared on both nickel and nickel alloy surfaces. Vapor SAM method was used for SAM deposition using both Dodecanethiol (DT) and Perfluoroctyltrichloro silane (FOTS). FC films were prepared in different thickness of 10 nm, 50 nm and 100 nm on conditioner surfaces. Electrochemical analysis such as potentiodynamic polarization and impedance, and contact angle measurements were carried out to evaluate the coating characteristics. Impedance data was analyzed by an electrical equivalent circuit model. The observed contact angle is higher than 90o after thin film deposition, which confirms that the coatings deposited on the surfaces are densely packed. The results of potentiodynamic polarization and the impedance show that modified surfaces have better performance than bare metal surfaces which could be applied to increase the life time and reliability of conditioner during W CMP.

The effect of Ca-P coatings of anodized implant surface on response of osteoblast-like cells in vitro (임플란트 표면의 Ca-P 코팅 방법이 MG63 골모유사세포 반응에 미치는 영향에 대한 in vitro 연구)

  • Kim, Il-Yeon;Jung, Sung-Min;Hwang, Soon-Jung;Shin, Sang-Wan
    • The Journal of Korean Academy of Prosthodontics
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    • v.47 no.4
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    • pp.376-384
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    • 2009
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the response of osteoblast-like cells to Ca-P coated surface obtained via Ion beam-assisted deposition (IBAD) method and Sol-Gel process on anodized surface by cellular proliferation and differentiation. Material and methods: The surface of a commercially pure titanium (Grade IV) discs with dimension of 10mm diameter and 2 mm thickness was modified by anodic oxidation under a constant voltage of 300 V. The experimental groups were coated with Ca-P by the IBAD method and Sol-Gel process on anodized surface. The surface roughness (Ra) of specimens was measured by optical interferometer and each surface was examined by SEM. To evaluate cell response, MG63 cells were cultured and cell proliferation, ALP activity and the ability of cell differentiation were examined. Also, cell morphology was examined by SEM. The significant of each group was verified by Kruskal-Wallis Test (α=.05). Results: The Ra value of Ca-P coated surface by IBAD method was significantly higher than Ca-P coated surface by Sol-gel process (P < .05). The level of cell proliferation and ALP activity was higher in Ca-P coated surface by IBAD method (P<.05). The expression of ALP showed higher level expression in Ca-P coated surface by IBAD method. Cells grown on Ca-P coated surface by IBAD method were uniformly distributed and developed a very close layer. Conclusion: These experiments showed better performances of Ca-P coated surface by IBAD method with respect to Ca-P coated surface by Sol-gel process. Ca-P coated surface by IBAD method appear to give rise more mature osteoblast characteristics and might result in increased bone growth and bone-implant contact.


  • Kim, Woo-Chan;Lee, Chong-Heon;Kim, Kyung-Wook;Kim, Chang-Jin
    • Maxillofacial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery
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    • v.21 no.2
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    • pp.89-109
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    • 1999
  • Vascular spasm which has been reported to occur in 25% of clinical cases continues to be a problem in microvascular surgery; When prolonged and not corrected, it can lead to low flow, thrombosis, and replant or free flap failure. Ischemia, intimal damage, acidosis and hypovolemia have been implicated as contributors to the vascular spasm. Although much work has been done on the etiology and prevention of vasospasm, a spasmolytic agent capable of firmly protecting against or reversing vasospasm has not been found. Therefore vascular freezing was introduced as a new safe method that immediately and permanently relieves the vasospasm and can be applied to microsurgical transfers. Cryosurgery can be defined as the deliberate destruction of diseased tissue or relief the vascular spasm in microvascular surgery by freezing in a controlled manner. 96 Sprague Dawley rats each weighing within 250g were used and divided into 2 group, experimental 1 and 2 group. In the experimental 1 group, right epigastric vessels (artery and vein) were freezed with a cryoprobe using N2O gas for 1 min. In the experimental 2 group, after freezing for 1 min, thawing for 30 secs and repeat freezing for 30 secs. Left side was chosen as control group in both group. We sacrified the experimental animals by 1 day, 3 days, 1 week, 2 weeks, 4 weeks & 5 months and observed the sequential change that occur during regeneration of epigastric vessels using a histologic, histomorphometric, immunohistochemical and SEM study after the vascular freezing. The results were as follows1. In epigastric arteries, internal diameters had statistically significant enlargement in 1 day, 3 days of Exp-1 group and 1 day, 3 days, 1 week & 2 weeks of Exp-2 group. Wall thickness had statistically significant thinning in 2 weeks of Exp-2 group. 2. In epigastric veins, internal diameters had enlargement of statistical significance in 1 day of Exp-1 and Exp-2 group. 3. The positive PCNA reactions in smooth muscle appeared in 1 week and increased until 2 weeks, decreased in 4 weeks. There was no statistical significance between Exp-1 and Exp-2 group. 4. The positive α-SMA reaction in smooth muscles showed weak responses until 1 week and slowly increased in 2 weeks and showed almost control level in 4 weeks. 5. The positive S-100 reactions in the perivascular nerve bundles showed markedly decrease in 1 day, 3 days and increased after 1 week and showed almost control level in 4 weeks. Exp-1 group had stronger response than Exp-2 group. 6. In SEM, we observed defoliation of endothelial cell and flattening of vessel wall. Exp-2 group is more destroyed and healing was slower than Exp-1 group. To sum up, relief of vasospasm (vasodilatation) by freezing with cryoprobe was originated from the damage of smooth muscle layer and perivascular nerve bundle and the enlargement of internal diameter in vessels was similar to expeimental groups, but Exp-2 group had slower healing course and therefore vessel freezing in microsurgery can be clinically used, but repeat freezing time needs to be studied further.

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Theoretical Analysis of Bragg-Reflector Type FBAR with Resonance Mode (공진 모드에 따른 Bragg-Reflector Type FBAR 의 이론적 분석)

  • 조문기;윤영섭
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea SD
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    • v.40 no.11
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    • pp.9-18
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    • 2003
  • Two configurations of Film Bulk Acoustic Wave Resonators with acoustic quater-wave bragg reflector layers are theoretically analyzed using equivalent circuits and the difference of their characteristics are discussed. We compare the characteristics of λ/2 mode to those of ideal FBAR with top and bottom electrode contacting air and the characteristics of λ/4 mode to those of ideal FBAR with top electrode contacting air and bottom electrode clamped. We assume that the piezoelectric film is ZnO, the electrode is A1 and the substrate is Si, ABCD parameters are extracted and input impedance is calculated by converting the equivalent circuit from Mason equivalent circuits to the simplified equivalent circuits that ABCD parameters are extracted possible, From the variation of resonance frequency due to the change of thickness of reflector layers and the variation of electrical Q due to the change of mechanical Q of reflector layers, it is confirmed that the reflector layer just under the bottom electrode have the greatest effect on the varation of resonance frequency and electrical Q. It is shown that the number of reflector layers required for the saturation of electrical Q decreases with the increase of the impedance ratio of reflector layers and electrical Q of λ/2 mode is larger than that of λ/4 mode, Electromechanical coupling factor is independent of the number of layers, The impedance ratio of reflector layers becomes larger as the electromechanical coupling factor becomes larger, The electromechanical coupling factor of the two mode are smaller than those of ideal FBARs because of the trapping of acoustic energy in the reflector layers, The insertion loss of the ladder filter decreases with the increase of the number of reflector layers but the bandwidth is not affected much by the number of reflector layers, As the impedance ratio of reflector layers becomes larger the insertion loss becomes smaller and the bandwidth becomes wider, In our analysis of the two mode, characteristics of λ/2 mode appear to be slightly more favorable than that of λ/4 mode

Characterization of SiC nanowire Synthesized by Thermal CVD (열 화학기상증착법을 이용한 탄화규소 나노선의 합성 및 특성연구)

  • Jung, M.W.;Kim, M.K.;Song, W.;Jung, D.S.;Choi, W.C.;Park, C.J.
    • Journal of the Korean Vacuum Society
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    • v.19 no.4
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    • pp.307-313
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    • 2010
  • One-dimensional cubic phase silicon carbide nanowires (β-SiC NWs) were efficiently synthesized by thermal chemical vapor deposition (TCVD) with mixtures containing Si powders and nickel chloride hexahydrate (NiCl26H2O) in an alumina boat with a carbon source of methane (CH4) gas. SEM images are shown that the growth temperature (T) of 1,300C is not enough to synthesize the SiC NWs owing to insufficient thermal energy for melting down a Si powder and decomposing the methane gas. However, the SiC NWs could be synthesized at T>1,300C and the most efficient temperature for growth of SiC NWs is T=1,400C. The synthesized SiC NWs have the diameter with an average range between 50~150 nm. Raman spectra clearly revealed that the synthesized SiC NWs are forming of a cubic phase (β-SiC). Two distinct peaks at 795 and 970cm1 in Raman spectra of the synthesized SiC NWs at T=1,400C represent the TO and LO mode of the bulk β-SiC, respectively. XRD spectra are also supported to the Raman spectra resulting in the strongest (111) peaks at 2Θ=35.7, which is the (111) plane peak position of 3C-SiC. Moreover, the gas flow rate of 300 sccm for methane is the optimal condition for synthesis of a large amount of β-SiC NW without producing the amorphous carbon structure shown at a high methane flow rate of 800 sccm. TEM images are shown two kinds of the synthesized β-SiC NWs structures. One is shown the defect-free β-SiC NWs with a (111) interplane distance of 0.25 nm, and the other is the stacking-faulted β-SiC NWs. Also, TEM images exhibited that two distinct SiC NWs are uniformly covered with SiO2 layer with a thickness of less 2 nm.

Property of Nickel Silicide with 60 nm and 20 nm Hydrogenated Amorphous Silicon Prepared by Low Temperature Process (60 nm 와 20 nm 두께의 수소화된 비정질 실리콘에 따른 저온 니켈실리사이드의 물성 변화)

  • Kim, Joung-Ryul;Park, Jong-Sung;Choi, Young-Youn;Song, Oh-Sung
    • Journal of the Korean Vacuum Society
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    • v.17 no.6
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    • pp.528-537
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    • 2008
  • 60 nm and 20 nm thick hydrogenated amorphous silicon(a-Si:H) layers were deposited on 200 nm SiO2/single-Si substrates by inductively coupled plasma chemical vapor deposition(ICP-CVD). Subsequently, 30 nm-Ni layers were deposited by an e-beam evaporator. Finally, 30 nm-Ni/(60 nm and 20 nm) a-Si:H/200 nm-SiO2/single-Si structures were prepared. The prepared samples were annealed by rapid thermal annealing(RTA) from 200C to 500C in 50C increments for 40 sec. A four-point tester, high resolution X-ray diffraction(HRXRD), field emission scanning electron microscopy(FE-SEM), transmission electron microscopy(TEM), and scanning probe microscopy(SPM) were used to examine the sheet resistance, phase transformation, in-plane microstructure, cross-sectional microstructure, and surface roughness, respectively. The nickel silicide from the 60 nm a-Si:H substrate showed low sheet resistance from 400C which is compatible for low temperature processing. The nickel silicide from 20 nm a-Si:H substrate showed low resistance from 300C. Through HRXRD analysis, the phase transformation occurred with silicidation temperature without a-Si:H layer thickness dependence. With the result of FE-SEM and TEM, the nickel silicides from 60 nm a-Si:H substrate showed the microstructure of 60 nm-thick silicide layers with the residual silicon regime, while the ones from 20 nm a-Si:H formed 20 nm-thick uniform silicide layers. In case of SPM, the RMS value of nickel silicide layers increased as the silicidation temperature increased. Especially, the nickel silicide from 20 nm a-Si:H substrate showed the lowest RMS value of 0.75 at 300C.

Caffeine treatment during in vitro maturation improves developmental competence of morphologically poor oocytes after somatic cell nuclear transfer in pigs (돼지 난자의 체외성숙에서 Caffeine 처리가 난자 성숙과 체세포 핵이식 배아의 체외발육에 미치는 영향)

  • Lee, Joohyeong;You, Jinyoung;Lee, Hanna;Shin, Hyeji;Lee, Geun-Shik;Lee, Seung Tae;Lee, Eunsong
    • Journal of Embryo Transfer
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    • v.32 no.3
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    • pp.131-138
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    • 2017
  • In most mammals, metaphase II (MII) oocytes having high maturation promoting factor (MPF) activity have been considered as good oocytes and then used for assisted reproductive technologies including somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT). Caffeine increases MPF activity in mammalian oocytes by inhibiting p34cdc2 phosphorylation. The objective of this study was to investigate the effects of caffeine treatment during in vitro maturation (IVM) on oocyte maturation and embryonic development after SCNT in pigs. To this end, morphologically good (MGCOCs) and poor oocytes (MPCOCs) based on the thickness of cumulus cell layer were untreated or treated with 2.5 mM caffeine during 22-42, 34-42, or 38-42 h of IVM according to the experimental design. Caffeine treatment for 20 h during 22-42 h of IVM significantly inhibited nuclear maturation compared to no treatment. Blastocyst formation of SCNT embryos was not influenced by the caffeine treatment during 38-42 h of IVM in MGCOCs (41.1-42.1%) but was significantly improved in MPCOCs compared to no treatment (43.4 vs. 30.1%, P<0.05). No significant effects of caffeine treatment was observed in embryo cleavage (78.7-88.0%) and mean cell number in blastocyst (38.7-43.5 cells). The MPF activity of MII oocytes in terms of p34cdc2 kinase activity was not influenced by the caffeine treatment in MGCOCs (160.4 vs. 194.3 pg/ml) but significantly increased in MPCOCs (133.9 vs. 204.8 pg/ml). Our results demonstrate that caffeine treatment during 38-42 h of IVM improves developmental competence of SCNT embryos derived from MPCOCs by influencing cytoplasmic maturation including increased MPF activity in IVM oocytes in pigs.