• Title/Summary/Keyword: International competition

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Analysis of Factor Affecting for Improving Construction Engineering Market

  • Park, Junho;Yu, Jungho
    • International conference on construction engineering and project management
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    • 2015.10a
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    • pp.450-453
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    • 2015
  • The Construction Engineering Industry (CEI) is construction field based on professional knowledge, staff and information service, and is distinguished by construction activity. The contemporary CEI market has extended globally and diversified construction work classifications. International construction engineering companies now have an important economic and social effect. Over the last five years (2009 to 2013), the top-200 global engineering firms reported global revenue that grew from 54.4 billion to 71.5 billion, about 27% growth (ENR, 2014). Countries such as the U.S.A., Canada, those in Europe (Several developed countries, i.e., United Kingdom, Netherlands, France, Spain, France, Italy, and Spain), Australia, Japan, China, and Korea comprise the bulk of world construction engineering revenue. Although the construction engineering market continues to grow, much of the work is limited to Europe, mid-Asia, and Asia. Additionally, specific construction types are focused on building projects, industrial plants, and refining plants. As such, there are imbalances in the construction engineering market and some market saturation. Further, there is heavy competition and the construction engineering market may shrink in the future. This paper analyzed various factors affecting the construction engineering market, specifically looking at construction classifications and factors related to a global market. To accomplish this, we collected to data from Engineering News Record (ENR) and recast each variable. And we used nonparametric statistics because the number of cases were small, making it difficult to assume a case's population parameter. Then we tested with the Kruskal-Wallis test and drew results. The results indicate that concentration in particular construction types and extending global regional markets will be have a positive effect on the overall global construction engineering market..

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A Study on the Formation and Development of Collective Security System and the Possibility of Security System Shift in East Asia (집단안보체제의 형성 및 발전요인과 동아시아 안보체제의 변화 가능성 연구)

  • Oh, Dongkeon
    • Maritime Security
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    • v.7 no.1
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    • pp.1-29
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    • 2023
  • For the last 70 years, the U.S.-led bilateral security system, or "Hub-and-Spokes" system, has been applied to Northeast Asia, and the system has been successfully settled in terms of stability and economic achievements of the region. Given the increasing complexity of the security environment of East Asia, it is plausible to consider the possibility of a security system shift from bilateral alliances to collective security. In order to analyze the driver of collective security system, this study developed three factors of formation and development of collective security system - main threat, intensity of the threat, and confidence among countries in the system - by reviewing international political theories related to security cooperation. Comparing the formation, development, and achievements of NATO and SEATO, the study figures out that the existence of the main threat, the high intensity of the threat, and the strong confidence among countries in the security system are the primary drivers for a successful collective security system. Based on the result, the study also analyzed the possibility of a security system shift in East Asia. Considering contemporary international conflicts such as U.S.-China strategic competition, Russia-Ukraine War, and growing threats posed by North Korean nuclear and missiles, the study anticipates that the necessity of a collective security system that will replace the current security system of the region would arise. Still, although some issues between countries should be overcome, the growing intensity of the threats will promote cooperation among countries by improving their confidence.

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How Can Non.Chaebol Companies Thrive in the Chaebol Economy? (비재벌공사여하재재벌경제중생존((非财阀公司如何在财阀经济中生存)? ‐공사층면영소전략적분석(公司层面营销战略的分析)‐)

  • Kim, Nam-Kuk;Sengupta, Sanjit;Kim, Dong-Jae
    • Journal of Global Scholars of Marketing Science
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    • v.19 no.3
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    • pp.28-36
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    • 2009
  • While existing literature has focused extensively on the strengths and weaknesses of the Chaebol and their ownership and governance, there have been few studies of Korean non-Chaebol firms. However, Lee, Lee and Pennings (2001) did not specifically investigate the competitive strategies that non-Chaebol firms use to survive against the Chaebol in the domestic Korean market. The motivation of this paper is to document, through four exploratory case studies, the successful competitive strategies of non-Chaebol Korean companies against the Chaebol and then offer some propositions that may be useful to other entrepreneurial firms as well as public policy makers. Competition and cooperation as conceptualized by product similarity and cooperative inter.firm relationship respectively, are major dimensions of firm.level marketing strategy. From these two dimensions, we develop the following $2{\times}2$ matrix, with 4 types of competitive strategies for non-Chaebol companies against the Chaebol (Fig. 1.). The non-Chaebol firm in Cell 1 has a "me-too" product for the low-end market while conceding the high-end market to a Chaebol. In Cell 2, the non-Chaebol firm partners with a Chaebol company, either as a supplier or complementor. In Cell 3, the non-Chaebol firm engages in direct competition with a Chaebol. In Cell 4, the non-Chaebol firm targets an unserved part of the market with an innovative product or service. The four selected cases such as E.Rae Electronics Industry Company (Co-exister), Intops (Supplier), Pantech (Competitor) and Humax (Niche Player) are analyzed to provide each strategy with richer insights. Following propositions are generated based upon our conceptual framework: Proposition 1: Non-Chaebol firms that have a cooperative relationship with a Chaebol will perform better than firms that do not. Proposition 1a; Co-existers will perform better than Competitors. Proposition 1b: Partners (suppliers or complementors) will perform better than Niche players. Proposition 2: Firms that have no product similarity with a Chaebol will perform better than firms that have product similarity. Proposition 2a: Partners (suppliers or complementors) will perform better than Co.existers. Proposition 2b: Niche players will perform better than Competitors. Proposition 3: Niche players should perform better than Co-existers. Proposition 4: Performance can be rank.ordered in descending order as Partners, Niche Players, Co.existers, Competitors. A team of experts was constituted to categorize each of these 216 non-Chaebol companies into one of the 4 cells in our typology. Simple Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) in SPSS statistical software was used to test our propositions. Overall findings are that it is better to have a cooperative relationship with a Chaebol and to offer products or services differentiated from a Chaebol. It is clear that the only profitable strategy, on average, to compete against the Chaebol is to be a partner (supplier or complementor). Competing head on with a Chaebol company is a costly strategy not likely to pay off for a non-Chaebol firm. Strategies to avoid head on competition with the Chaebol by serving niche markets with differentiated products or by serving the low-end of the market ignored by the Chaebol are better survival strategies. This paper illustrates that there are ways in which small and medium Korean non-Chaebol firms can thrive in a Chaebol environment, though not without risks. Using different combinations of competition and cooperation firms may choose particular positions along the product similarity and cooperative relationship dimensions to develop their competitive strategies-co-exister, competitor, partner, niche player. Based on our exploratory case-study analysis, partner seems to be the best strategy for non-Chaebol firms while competitor appears to be the most risky one. Niche players and co-existers have intermediate performance, though the former do better than the latter. It is often the case with managers of small and medium size companies that they tend to view market leaders, typically the Chaebol, with rather simplistic assumptions of either competition or collaboration. Consequently, many non-Chaebol firms turn out to be either passive collaborators or overwhelmed competitors of the Chaebol. In fact, competition and collaboration are not mutually exclusive, and can be pursued at the same time. As suggested in this paper, non-Chaebol firms can actively choose to compete and collaborate, depending on their environment, internal resources and capabilities.

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Current Development of Company Law in the European Union (유럽주식회사법의 최근 동향에 관한 연구)

  • Choi, Yo-Sop
    • Journal of Legislation Research
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    • no.41
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    • pp.229-260
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    • 2011
  • European Union (EU) law has been a complex but at the same time fascinating subject of study due to its dynamic evolution. In particular, the Lisbon Treaty which entered into force in December 2009 represents the culmination of a decade of attempts at Treaty reform and harmonisation in diverse sectors. Amongst the EU private law fields, company law harmonisation has been one of the hotly debated issues with regards to the freedom of establishment in the internal market. Due to the significant differences between national provisions on company law, it seemed somewhat difficult to harmonise company law. However, Council Regulation 2157/2001 was legislated in 2001 and now provides the basis for the Statute for a European Company (or Societas Europaea: SE). The Statute is also supplemented by the Council Directive 2001/86 on the involvement of employees. The SE Statute is a legal measure in order to contribute to the internal market, and provides a choice for companies that wish to merge, create a joint subsidiary or convert a subsidiary into an SE. Through this option, the SE became a corporate form which is only available to existing companies incorporated in different Member States in the EU. The important question on the meaning of the SE Statute is whether the distinctive characteristics of the SE make it an attractive option to ensure significant numbers of SE registration. In fact, the outcome that has been made through the SE Statute is an example of regulatory competition. The traditional regulatory competition in the freedom of establishment has been the one between national statutes between Member States. However, this time is not a competition between Member States, which means that the Union has joined the area in competition between legal orders and is now in competition with the systems of company law of the Member States.Key Words : European Union, EU Company Law, Societas Europaea, SE Statute, One-tier System, Two-tier System, Race to the Bottom A quite number of scholars expect that the number of SE will increase significantly. Of course, there is no evidence of regulatory competition that Korea faces currently. However, because of the increasing volume of international trade and expansion of regional economic bloc, it is necessary to consider the example of development of EU company law. Addition to the existing SE Statute, the EU Commission has also proposed a new corporate form, Societas Private Europaea (private limited liable company). All of this development in European company law will help firms make their best choice for company establishment. The Delaware-style development in the EU will foster the race to the bottom, thereby improving the contents of company law. To conclude, the study on the development of European company law becomes important to understand the evolution of company law and harmonisation efforts in the EU.

A Research of Passengers' Perception on Benefit to Repurchase Intention through Price Reliability: Focusing on Comparing National Carrier and Foreign Carrier between Incheon-Dubai Air Route (항공여객이 인식하는 편익이 가격신뢰를 매개로 재구매 의도에 미치는 영향 : 인천-두바이 구간 국적항공사와 외국항공사 비교를 중심으로)

  • Lee, Gun-Young;Kim, Soo-Jung;Jang, Ji-Seung
    • Journal of Advanced Navigation Technology
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    • v.24 no.3
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    • pp.173-183
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    • 2020
  • This research focused on such a passenger sample that used to fly between Incheon int'l airport(ICN) and Dubai int'l airport(DXB) using either a national carrier or gulf carriers because the route between ICN and DXB is one of the international air routes with the toughest competition under the global pressure of open air transport market. Based on the results from the empirical research, this paper proposed a competitive advantage which a national carrier must have to cope with global competition under the open sky policies and implications for sustainable strategies of them. National carrier passengers perceived product benefits had a significant positive effect on price reliability in spite of lower price competitiveness. Following the empirical analysis results, it was proven a national carrier should try to improve product benefit sought by passengers to maintain sustainable competitive advantage in the market against foreign airlines.


    • International Journal of Automotive Technology
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    • v.7 no.1
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    • pp.83-90
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    • 2006
  • The purpose of this paper is to describe the design and implementation of an unmanned ground vehicle, called the TailGator at CIMAR (Center for Intelligent Machines and Robotics) of the University of Florida. The TailGator is a gas powered, four-wheeled vehicle that was designed for the AUVSI Intelligent Ground Vehicle Competition and has been tested in the contest for 2 years. The vehicle control model and design of the sensory systems are described. The competition is comprised of two events called the Autonomous Challenge and the Navigation Challenge: For the autonomous challenge, line following, obstacle avoidance, and detection are required. Line following is accomplished with a camera system. Obstacle avoidance and detection are accomplished with a laser scanner. For the navigation challenge, waypoint following and obstacle detection are required. The waypoint navigation is implemented with a global positioning system. The TailGator has provided an educational test bed for not only the contest requirements but also other studies in developing artificial intelligence algorithms such as adaptive control, creative control, automatic calibration, and internet-base control. The significance of this effort is in helping engineering and technology students understand the transition from theory to practice.

A Study on the Critical Factors that Affect Korean Students' Decision to Return to Korea after Graduating from the Top 5 Universities in USA (미국 과학기술분야 Top 5 대학 유학생의 귀국 의사결정 요인 분석)

  • Heo, Dae Nyoung;Lee, Jun Young;Jeong, Naeyang;Ku, Bon Chul;Song, Choonghan
    • Journal of Korea Technology Innovation Society
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    • v.17 no.1
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    • pp.264-288
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    • 2014
  • The competition for attracting outstanding HRST (human resource for science and technology) who can lead technological innovation is heating up all over the world. The various concepts, which are brain drain, brain gain, brain overflow, brain migration, brain circulation, are used to explain the international mobility of HRST. But the concept of brain scout is the more adequate for explaining in the case of outstanding HRST as the main cause of excessive competition for scouting. This study analyzed the critical factors of the determinants of Korean students in the USA who have intentions of returning to Korea in view of brain scout. As the first step in this study, potential factors and hypothesis are established by the interviews. As the second step, the major factors are examined by surveys and hypothesis testing. Also, a new model for decision-making is proposed which describes intentions of returning to Korea by logistic regression analysis and contributions of each factor derived from this study were compared. Finally, policy implications for attracting outstanding HRST and the limit of this study are discussed.

Trend of Reduction and Direction of Management Response in the Large Purse Seine Fishery (대형선망어업의 축소 동향과 경영대응 방향)

  • Kim, Dae-Young
    • The Journal of Fisheries Business Administration
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    • v.50 no.4
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    • pp.29-44
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    • 2019
  • This paper examines the trend of restructuring and direction of management response in the Large Purse Seine Fishery. The large-scale fishing industry is one of the most popular fishing areas in the coastal area, and it has been developed by providing exclusive supplies of many types of catchy fish, such as mackerel and horse mackerel through physical productivity in fleet operations. However, the Large Purse Seine Fishery has been declining in profitability due to the deterioration of the business environment since 2000. It is at a crossroads whether it will disappear or regenerate as it is. The Large Purse Seine Fishery's current problems are: firstly, the continued deterioration of the fishery business balance and worsening labor problems, secondly, insufficient freshness management and quality control after landing, and thirdly, import competition. The fourth is the intensification of the market competition, which is the evolution of fishing variability and the increase in the proportion of small fish. The fifth is the reduction of the operating fishing ground due to the suspension of mutual fishing in Korea and Japan. To address these problems and suggest management response directions for the survival of large-scale fishing businesses is as follows. First, a sustainable production system should be established through strengthening resource management and promoting international fisheries cooperation. Second, the profitability of fishing management should be improved by introducing a low-cost supplier system and securing a stable labor force. Third, we should improve the leading and quality control of catch, improve the high value-added value of catch through brand development, and secure competitive advantage with imported produce. Finally, the government should establish a cooperative system among private sector, government, and research institutes to push ahead with these tasks and strengthen the competitiveness of the front and rear industries.

The Development Direction of the Game Production Pipeline Management System-based on the Example of Game Production - Focus on the texture (게임제작사례를 통한 제작파이프 라인 관리체계의 발전방향 - 텍스쳐 매핑 제작 파이프라인 중심으로 -)

  • Kim Hyun-Jo
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.5 no.2
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    • pp.165-175
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    • 2005
  • The Worldwide Game Industry is getting recognized in the center of the culture contents industry, the total amount of the worldwide game industry is going to be over a hundred billion dollars in 2008 and the worldwide game industry will play a role of leading the growth of culture contents industry. To survive under the current circumstance, it is time to consider the research of the development direction and inspection of factors which Korea game industry has the superiority in the current worldwide game industry. As the result of the rapid growth of IT technology, home networking and ubiquitous environments are getting made up and the competition power of the worldwide game market is also getting hotter, The purpose of this thesis is to show the research and development direction of the organization system that has a effective texture mapping production pipeline among the whole game graphic production pipelines in order to have a international competition power and the future of Korea game industry.

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한국 포장디자인의 전통성에 관한 연구

  • 최동신
    • Archives of design research
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    • v.9
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    • pp.1101-1114
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    • 1994
  • As of today-half a century has passed after 1945, the liberation from Japanese imperialism-it's significant to introspect our culture. On the one hand our culture has succeeded due to the peculiar history, but on the other hand it hasn't. So to speak, it has gained in Quantity but lost in Quality. There are keen, international competition and exchange in the modern culture. So the Qualitive success of modern design depends on if it had an original character or not. According to Korean rapid industrialization, technological extence, and economic growth, the export has increased greatly, but package design hasn't been match for them. Korean expoters have been meeting with cutthroat competition in world market. Under these circumstances it's very important that we have a real understand and interest in our culture, we strengthen the competitive power of home products with good package design. This is our age of not home market but world market. We live in an age when design wins, so that we have to develop the good design native to Korea. Many designers have proposed their opinions with the characteristic designs, but it has been only a fragmentary and passive method. We must seek for the new method more positively. The effective and proper method resolves itself into the following four points. First, to understand Korean history and culture. Second, to have the exact grip of this economic situation. Third, to promote the national emotion. Fourth, in conclusion, to accord the package design with them. We cannot put off this task to overcome the cultural subordination, to place Korea on a firm cultural basis in the world, and to contribute to the cultural exchange of package design. First, to understand Korean history and culture. Second, to have the exact grip of this economic situation. Third, to promote the national emotion. Fourth, in conclusion, to accord the package design with them. We cannot put off this task to overcome the cultural subordination, to place Korea on a firm cultural basis in the world, and to contribute to the cultural exchange of package design.

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