• Title/Summary/Keyword: Integrated Thinking

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Analysis of Environment Coverage in Newspapers and Possibility of Application in NIE(Newspaper In Education) (신문의 환경 보도 분석과 신문활용교육의 가능성)

  • Oh, Kang-Ho;Go, Yeong-Gu
    • Hwankyungkyoyuk
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    • v.17 no.1
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    • pp.67-76
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    • 2004
  • This study is considered how to use newspapers to apply education by the way of analyses of environment coverage in newspapers. Data for the study were gathered by content analyses of KINDS(Korean Integrated News Database System) established by Korean Press Institute. The environment coverage is mainly placed in social and regional magazines of newspapers, and the news story are mainly assigned to straight/feature magazines in type. The news of environment coverage is mostly gathered from data by government-informer, and the news is positive/agreement or negative/disagreement in tenor. The news gathering methods of planning/magazine newspaper serial are scientific and objective, and they are of the firsthand data by news reporter, contributions by experts and interviews. The spaces of the news are specially edited. The environment news is often negative/disagreeable in tenor because the news is mostly of straight ones written by non-experts. Applying newspapers in education is a useful learning method which students could develop thinking power and induce concerning and interest by themselves. From the results of the study, the useful suggestions to apply newspapers to learning are as follows. At first, spaces and types of news must be read in detail. Secondly, it is hopeful that indirect news by not writer himself might be possibly avoided in learning. Thirdly, the themes of news would be picked up in relation with learning contents. Lastly, it suggests that the tenor of news is neutral or, in cases, positive and negative together possibly.

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The Effects of Didactic Mode of Instruction on the Comprehension among Different Hemispheric Groups and Sex Groups (아동의 두뇌정보처리양식 및 성별에 따른 학습이해도 차이 - 언어중심적 교수법을 사용하여 -)

  • Suh, Young Sook
    • Korean Journal of Child Studies
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    • v.6 no.2
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    • pp.21-33
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    • 1985
  • This study was conducted to ascertain whether a didactic mode of instruction, favored students who indicated a preference for left hemispheric information processing. The subjects were 50 fifth grade students whose California Achievement Test score percentile ranks were between 50 - 80. They were randomly selected from one elementary school in Chapel Hill, NC, USA. All Ss completed the Form CC of "Your Style of Learning and Thinking" (Torrance and McCarthy, 1980) which is a paper/pencil inventory designed to categorize the subjects according to their hemispheric preference for processing information; right hemisphere, left hemisphere, and integrated. Then all Ss received a didactic mode of instruction, a verbal question/answer followed by teacher's reading of a fictional animal story, "The Chinese Bee-eater". After completion of instruction, the Ss were asked to respond to eighteen open-ended questions about the animal. Eight of the 50 subjects were found to fall into the right hemisphere style of information processing group; fourteen into left; and fourteen into integrated. The remaining fourteen could not be assigned to either of these three categories and were not included in the analysis of the results. the mean scores of the comprehensive test among hemispheric groups and among sex groups. A two way analysis of variance also presented no significant differences among the hemispheric preference combined by sex groups. These results failed to prove the research hypothesis that students who indicate a preference for left hemispheric information processing will have higher scores on a comprehensive test after receiving a didactic mode of instruction, the so-called left style of instruction. Some limits in research process and conceptual confusion about hemisphericity were discussed. Finally, it was suggested that educators need to be more careful in drawing educational implications from neurological hemispheric research.

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Effects of Emotional/Primal Leadership on Job Satisfaction and Organizational Commitment through Mediating Role of Organizational Culture in the Food Service Industry (외식서비스산업에서 조직문화의 매개역할을 통한 감성리더십이 직무만족도와 조직몰입에 미치는 영향)

  • Kang, Kyu-Chul;Oh, Young-ho
    • Journal of the Korea Convergence Society
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    • v.8 no.7
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    • pp.245-251
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    • 2017
  • The environment of the food service industry is becoming increasingly complicated and unpredictable as modernization and industrialization become more and more common. Moreover, the development of the food service industry is rapidly changing due to the convergence of the inter-industry services. In this study, based on the high reliance on the human resources of the food service industry, it investigates relations of each component as integrated view through leadership, organizational performance, and organizational culture. In particular, the relationship between emotional/primal leadership and organizational performance(as job satisfaction and organizational commitment) was verified through mediating effects of organizational culture. The results of this study will provide an integrated perspective on the understanding and development of the food service industry structure, which requires the importance of human relations, and will help convergent thinking among various service industries.

The Application of Case Management to the Self-support Program (자활사업에서의 사례관리 적용에 관한 탐색적 연구)

  • Hong, Seon-Mee
    • Korean Journal of Social Welfare
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    • v.56 no.2
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    • pp.311-326
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    • 2004
  • This article focuses on the use of case management in the Self-support program. Case management is a service modality which provides integrated services for people with multiple needs in the community. The goal to accomplish self-sufficiency of working participants in Self-Support Programs is positively affected by the efforts to reduce high social risks they are exposed. It is recommended that the agencies running Self-support programs apply case management to increase the quality of lives as well as the effectiveness of exiting statuses of conditional welfare recipients. Several service considerations of case management are recommended for the change in the structure and functioning of the Self-Support Program: Integrated view and contextualized thinking, empowerment-oriented approach, and a development of the community support system through networking. Types of case management and practice roles of the case manager applicable to the Self-Support Program are also recommended. Structural aspects of an organization, inter-organizational linkages and contextual factors need to be considered to improve problematic conditions that have not enough resources and appropriate authorities in providing case management functions.

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Development And Application of CNP Model for the Enhancing Creativity of Scientifically Gifted Students (과학영재의 창의성 신장을 위한 CNP 모형의 개발과 적용)

  • Hwang, Yo-Han;Park, Jong-Seok
    • Journal of Gifted/Talented Education
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    • v.20 no.3
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    • pp.847-866
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    • 2010
  • Enhancing creativity is possible to offer systematic education programs and several conditions as variable thinking, experiment lesson, opened-situation. We developed CNP model as program for enhancing creativity. The CNP model emphasizes that parts of problem finding, embodying and solving ability and includes scientific problem finding tool, Integrated Process Skills and Science Writing Heuristic. The CNP Model is comprised of six step. We developed teachers' guide and student's worksheets for application. Result of applied CNP model to students of scientifically gifted education center in K University, students were able to enhanced originality and fluency and had solved problems by creative way. And creative problem finding, embodying and solving ability were increased. Therefore, the CNP model was effective in enhancing the creativity of scientifically gifted.

A Study on the Academic Achievement and the Needs of Prior Field Learning in a College (일개 대학의 선행 현장수업의 필요성과 학업성취도에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Jae-Hong;Park, Eun-Mi;Kim, Sang-Soo;Kwon, Won-An;Kim, Han-Soo;Jeong, Tae-Eun;Choi, Han-Sung;Kim, In-Gyu
    • PNF and Movement
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    • v.12 no.2
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    • pp.81-88
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    • 2014
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study is to examine the needs of prior field learning and the academic achievement of field experience learning in a college. Methods: This study was performed from May 1 to October 30, and students were given questionnaire. The research questionnaire as follows: (1) to investigate the academic achievement after field experience learning, (2) to verify the needs of field experience learning. A statistical analysis was performed using SPSS 17.0 for window version. Results: The results was as follows : First, satisfaction of field learning had scored good(47.2%) in lesson goal, good(51.8%) in acquisition of knowledge and techniques, good(51.0%) in preparation of study and good(45.9%) in association. Second, curriculum of field learning had scored normal(35.5%) in prior education, good(47.4%) in composition, good(50.8%) in guidance and good(47.2%) in contents. Third, curriculum of field learning had scored good(44.6%) in duration, good(46.1%) in numbers, good(51.3%) in convenience and normal(38.1%) in means of transportation. Forth, needs of field learning had scored good(46.6%) in field learning of practicum, good(48.2%) in field learning of theory subject, 3-4 times(42.0%) in frequency of field learning and 2hours(57.3%) in a field learning hour. Conclusion: These findings suggest that college student's thinking of field experience learning is positive. Field experience learning provided that college students have directly an opportunity of gaining valuable experience to feel the field.

Suffering and Spiritual Approach (고통(suffering)과 영적접근)

  • Kim, Myung-Ja;Jo, Kae-Hwa
    • Women's Health Nursing
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    • v.7 no.2
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    • pp.121-130
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    • 2001
  • Although the general concept of suffering care includes palliative care technology for terminally ill person to alleviate his pain, it is much more holistic including emotional, spiritual and other life dimension. This inclusive concept of caring can be possible with the fundamental reflection on the human suffering. Far from the concept of pain understood in the context of materialist medical approach, human suffering has many dimensions including aesthetic, psychological, and religious: its meaning is holistic. With this perspective, the experience of the suffering client must be reconsidered before one starts with an objective side or a subjective side of suffering. Indeed, the actual strategies of suffering care can be different depending on the definition of human suffering accepted by practicians. In this caring perspective, the body, mind and spirit are integrated so the objectivity and subjectivity can merge; the extended awareness with inner resource or energy, and the positive thinking about the God is meaningful especially for dying person, his family members and the caring team. Despite this impending importance of the inclusive understanding of human suffering, the actual nursing practice still does not reflect this growing understanding of human suffering. This approach, which tried to pursuit the more fundamental meaning of human suffering, can contribute to the development of nursing education and practice which pay attention to the more inclusive view of human suffering.

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Reasons on the Body of Women from the Painting by Le Corbusier (르 코르뷔지에의 회화를 통해 본 여성의 몸에 대한 사유)

  • Jun, Young-Mi
    • Korean Institute of Interior Design Journal
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    • v.23 no.6
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    • pp.105-114
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    • 2014
  • This study is intended to identify various reasons on the 'body' of women described in the paintings by Le Corbusier. As a great artist in the field of modern architecture, various figures of 'body' of women he painted were not a mere physiological body of a woman but a meaningful figure combined with many different types of concept in the social and cultural context. In the field of art, body is recently seen as a 'tool for thinking' that studies dealing with it are being actively conducted. Seen in this context, it is feasible to read the situations and causes at that time through movement and changes in the figure of women's bodies described in his painting. Even if it was a speculative inference, this study aimed examining what reasons and perspective Le Corbusier had when painting women's bodies and what message he intended to convey. Reasons on the 'bodies' of women derived in this study serve as an essence of mentality in understanding the spatial design that was constructed around the time of period. Adopting a different view from many of previous studies in the aspect of skills and spaces, it was intended to study changes in the complex and integrated causes in both spatial design and painting and re-interpret an essence of mentality of the spatial design in the humanistic approach according to the notions in society and culture.

A Study on the Optimization Problem Solving utilizing the Quadratic Curve using the Dynamic Geometry Software (동적기하프로그램을 활용한 이차곡선 최적화 문제해결에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Jung Soo;Jeon, Bo Hyun;Chung, Young Woo;Kim, Boo Yoon;Lee, Yan
    • East Asian mathematical journal
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    • v.30 no.2
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    • pp.149-172
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    • 2014
  • The problems of optimization addressed in the high school curriculum are usually posed in real-life contexts. However, because of the instructional purposes, problems are artificially constructed to suit computation, rather than to reflect real-life problems. Those problems have thus limited use for teaching 'practicalities', which is one of the goals of mathematics education. This study, by utilizing 'GeoGebra', suggests the optimization problem solving related to the quadratic curve, using the contour-line method which contemplates the quadratic curve changes successively. By considering more realistic situations to supplement the limit which deals only with numerical and algebraic approach, this attempt will help students to be aware of the usefulness of mathematics, and to develop interests in mathematics, as well as foster students' integrated thinking abilities across units. And this allows students to experience a variety of math.

Unsupervised Real-time Obstacle Avoidance Technique based on a Hybrid Fuzzy Method for AUVs

  • Anwary, Arif Reza;Lee, Young-Il;Jung, Hee;Kim, Yong-Gi
    • International Journal of Fuzzy Logic and Intelligent Systems
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    • v.8 no.1
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    • pp.82-86
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    • 2008
  • The article presents ARTMAP and Fuzzy BK-Product approach underwater obstacle avoidance for the Autonomous underwater Vehicles (AUV). The AUV moves an unstructured area of underwater and could be met with obstacles in its way. The AUVs are equipped with complex sensorial systems like camera, aquatic sonar system, and transducers. A Neural integrated Fuzzy BK-Product controller, which integrates Fuzzy logic representation of the human thinking procedure with the learning capabilities of neural-networks (ARTMAP), is developed for obstacle avoidance in the case of unstructured areas. In this paper, ARTMAP-Fuzzy BK-Product controller architecture comprises of two distinct elements, are 1) Fuzzy Logic Membership Function and 2) Feed-Forward ART component. Feed-Forward ART component is used to understanding the unstructured underwater environment and Fuzzy BK-Product interpolates the Fuzzy rule set and after the defuzzyfication, the output is used to take the decision for safety direction to go for avoiding the obstacle collision with the AUV. An on-line reinforcement learning method is introduced which adapts the performance of the fuzzy units continuously to any changes in the environment and make decision for the optimal path from source to destination.