• Title/Summary/Keyword: Integrated Thinking

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Toward an Integrated Theory of Language (대통합 언어이론을 향하여)

  • 문경환
    • Lingua Humanitatis
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    • v.1 no.1
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    • pp.33-63
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    • 2001
  • This article does not deal with a theory or theories in the usual sense of the term but rather harks back to its etymological source, theorein ' to look at.' The phrase 'theory of language' thus purports a 'view of language' and does not carry the force of scientific explication of language. In fact, the word ' scientific' or 'science' per se originates from scire 'to know' and is here to be considered not so much in regard to some kind of positivistic methodology as a form of knowledge. If this exposition sounds unduly ingenious, that is because one is caught up in all kinds of presuppositions about the words under consideration. Sometimes, when we come to grips with an issue that strikes our mind as truly important, our language, by the light of which we hope to proceed safely, plays the will-o'-the-wisp instead and leaves us in the middle of a murky maze, twisting what was at first blush a mere cinch into a Gordian knot. On such occasions, etymology comes along the way and sends us back to itself as its own principle: Resort to etymos logos 'original, true word'! The main thrust of the present study is that alongside the quantitative, positivistic thought there is another equally valuable mode of qualitative and humanistic thinking that makes a whole gamut of new and concrete investigations possible, that an integrated theory of language is Possible by way of a happy amalgamation of diversified, humanistic views of language. With this idea as the leitmotif we explore two models of theory which typically set themselves up for a 'scientific' approach to language: analytic philosophy that delves into what it calls logical simples, and contemporary linguistics that stubbornly teeters around some formal rigor or other. It is argued that they are both characterized by a looking away from the fluid, ill-definable aspects of language, giving a preference to segments and isolated facts as a means to avoid those larger wholes and totalities which if they had to be seen would in the long run lead to an uncomfortable state of mind. Language, in the final analysis, is a Protean entity: so capricious and multifarious, and yet so noetic and prophetic, that we should catch sight of its picturesque images in their entirety to give form to an integrated theory of language.

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Secondary Teachers' Perceptions and Needs Analysis on Integrative STEM Education (통합 STEM 교육에 대한 중등 교사의 인식과 요구)

  • Lee, Hyo-Nyong;Son, Dong-Il;Kwon, Hyuk-Soo;Park, Kyung-Suk;Han, In-Ki;Jung, Hyun-Il;Lee, Seong-Soo;Oh, Hee-Jin;Nam, Jung-Chul;Oh, Young-Jai;Phang, Seong-Hye;Seo, Bo-Hyun
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.32 no.1
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    • pp.30-45
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    • 2012
  • Educational communities around the world have concentrated on integrative efforts among science, technology, engineering and mathematics (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics: STEM) subjects. Korea has focused on integrative education among STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics) school subjects to raise talented human resources in the fields of science and technology. The purpose of this study was to analyze secondary school science, technology, and mathematics teacher's perceptions and needs toward integrated education and integrative STEM education. A total of 251 secondary school teachers from all areas of the country who have taught science, mathematics, and technology were surveyed by using a self-reported instrument. The findings were as follows: First, teachers have used little integrated education in their classes due to insufficient time in the actual preparation of the integrated education and the lack of expertise, teaching experience, and teaching-learning materials for the integrated education, while they have positive thoughts about the need of integrated education. Second, they presented several needs to facilitate the integrated education: development of a variety of integrated programs, school administrative and financial support, and in-service teachers' training. Third, overall perception toward integrated STEM education was not sufficient, but most teachers perceived the need toward integrated STEM education due to students' development in their creativity, thinking skills, and adaptability. Fourth, they perceived that it was imperative to develop the various integrated STEM education programs, distribute the materials, and help STEM teachers' understanding toward integrated STEM education. Fifth, they perceived that the most relevant method to integrate STEM subjects was the problem solving approach. In addition, they appreciate that the integrated STEM education is highly efficient in not only developing integrated problem solving skills and STEM related literacy, but also in positively impacting the rise of talented human resources in the fields of science and technology. In order to increase the awareness of STEM-related secondary school teachers and vitalize the integrated STEM education, it is necessary to develop and spread a variety of programs, effective teaching and learning materials, and teachers' training programs.

Implementation of Real-time Monitoring System for Marine Elevator using Smart Sensors (스마트 센서를 이용한 선박용 승강기 실시간 모니터링 시스템의 구현)

  • Lee, WooJin;Yim, JaeHong
    • Journal of Korea Multimedia Society
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    • v.19 no.2
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    • pp.405-410
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    • 2016
  • Elevator industry is a field that is mechanical, electrical and electronic technology and constantly requires inspection and maintenance considering various applications and various types. Recently, various elevator control and monitoring technologies with IT are developing for elevators on land. But technologies with IT have been hardly done in marine elevator that is consistently assured safety and reliability of life cycle for its parts in poor environment. In this paper, we implemented embedded main controller, floor controller and car controller that meet the requirements and use NMEA network protocol by analyzing home and abroad integrated elevator operation and management systems. Especially, we secured reliability of maintenance by real-time fault diagnosis and control that was implemented with limit switch, gyro sensor, temperature/humidity/barometric pressure sensor and fire detection sensor thinking over the environmental conditions of terrestrial and marine elevator.

Developing Individual Mastery Framework in an Embedded-Organization

  • Kim, Jae-Jon;Noh, Gui-Soon
    • 한국경영정보학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2008.06a
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    • pp.446-453
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    • 2008
  • All are organizations embedded, here in after, Em-organizaion that confronts the ever-growing complexity. It is important to know Em-organization through Individual Mastery. The complexity must be decreased, and clarified in order to derive to get our ontology from the influence of others. The opportunity to learn in practice is embedded in processes that the community developed. Driving strategic innovation is achieving breakthrough performance throughout the value chain. We used to express complex unit on matrix which includes only the federal statutes because the role of information technology should be a source of competitive advantages each other. Therefore, we got the idea that integrated both kinds of knowledge to create differentiation by ourselves. This practice is situated the learning of Strategic CoP in e-class seminar of our graduate school. We suggest theoretically two things. One is matrix-based decision. Another is creating new context through systems thinking.

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A Study on Intra-Structure of Infomation System for Interior Design (실내디자인 정보 시스템 구축 방안에 관한 연구)

  • 김국선;임경란
    • Korean Institute of Interior Design Journal
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    • no.14
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    • pp.137-149
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    • 1998
  • Human history show the whole society changed rapidly and found that the momentum and foundation of such change is " the advanced technology ",which is, the advanced knowledge. The world is newly established based upon openess, spaclalization and globalization, and the each nation and company should have to adopt all the existing frames to follow the new world reality. Today is the changing period from industrial society to information society, and information technology plays a great role. As the information society moves ahead, world economy and social infrastructure will be based upon network society and various information systems will make an integrated information system. This paper presents that to establish interior design related information in the age of information with radical change of previous way of thinking, cooperative information exchange system. Also substantial and effective communication systems should be made and continuing cooperation system of interior design information area should be formulated.d be formulated.

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The Artistic Thinking and Expressive Characteristics of Installation Art (설치미술의 조형적 사고와 표현특성)

  • 김주미
    • Korean Institute of Interior Design Journal
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    • no.26
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    • pp.104-111
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    • 2001
  • This study deals with the expressive characteristics of Installation Art and their applicability to environmental design, and as such, aims to specify a artistic methods from the contemporary art. What Installation Art is search of in their works is "the state of relationships" which is "to replace the concept of form with that of structure, and the concept of space with that of the environment" that is, the terms of relations in the overall environment of time and space. Installation Art essentially relies on a multiplicity of forms and attitudes leading to projects which positively make use of "spatial-temporal process" to reaffirm and "problematise" their open-endedness manifest in complex contextuality and shifting temporality. This study presents a new interpretation of spatial-temporal dimension, site-specificity, and intermedia art that we find in Installation Art and tries to combine that new artistic insight a with environmental design to provide a basis for integrated art. This study places a great emphasis on the interdisciplinary approaches to the environment we inhabit, which I hope will contribute to generating a greater number of creative possibilities for environmental design.

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Master Plan for KORAIL Talent Cultivation (철도인재양성 마스터 플랜)

  • Kim Tae-Soo;Kim Soo-Young;Lee Jeong-Rae
    • Proceedings of the KSR Conference
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    • 2005.05a
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    • pp.936-941
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    • 2005
  • KORAIL Human Resources Development Center' educational system is changed according to new start KORAIL. So, New master plan for will perform new vision POWER KORAIL 2010 is presented. 'C' Learning, 'W' Learning and 'E' Learning form the basis of these new methods and their principles have been applied ever since. These three independent yet interconnected learning axis were formed in order to achieve balance and harmony, realized in an integrated educational community. This model of education has become the foundation of our educational ideal at KORAIL's HRD Center. Innovative thinking and diligent scrutiny of educational applications and methods at the KORAIL HRD Center will bring about winning 'the war for talent'.

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A Study on the Design Concept of Critical Regionalism through the Contemporary Architecture (현대 건축을 통해서 본 비판적 지역주의의 개념적 표현)

  • Chung Hyo-Kyung
    • Korean Institute of Interior Design Journal
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    • v.13 no.6
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    • pp.20-28
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    • 2004
  • The purpose of this research is to understand and explore the view of the current architectural and interior design approach through Critical Regionalism created as one of the movements opposed to Contemporary. Critical Regionalism as a critical view about the contemporary architecture is based on integrated critical thinking toward a built environment surrounded by regional facts such as natural environment, materials, light, weather, unique culture where exist the specific places. The architectural themes of Critical Regionalism based on Kenneth Frampton's view and interpretation about contemporary architecture can be understood as follows; the concept of the place, tectonics, expression by abstraction and phenomenologlcal interpretation. Critical Regionalism has two distinctive features, which are the connection to the Contemporary and critical aspects to develop processes of an architectural design.

A Research on the Prospect for the Future Energy Society in Korea: Focused on the Complementary Analysis of AHP and Causal Loop Diagram (한국의 미래 에너지사회 전망에 관한 연구 : 계층분석법과 인과지도의 보완적 분석을 중심으로)

  • Hwang, Byung-Yong;Choi, Han-Lim;Ahn, Nam-Sung
    • Korean System Dynamics Review
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    • v.11 no.3
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    • pp.61-86
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    • 2010
  • This research analyzed on the future energy society of Korea in 2030 using system thinking approach. Key uncertainty factors determining the future energy society were analyzed in a multi disciplinary view point such as politics, economy, society, ecology and technology. Three causal loop diagrams for the future energy system in Korea and related policy leverages were shown as well. 'Global economic trends', 'change of industrial structure' and 'energy price' were identified as key uncertainty factors determining the Korean energy future. Three causal loop diagrams named as 'rate of energy self-sufficiency and alternative energy production', 'economic activity and energy demand' and 'Excavation of new growth engines' were developed. We integrated those causal loop diagrams into one to understand the entire energy system of the future, proposed three strategic scenarios(optimistic, pessimistic and most likely) and discussed implications and limits of this research.

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Exploring the Determinants of MOOCs continuance intention

  • Jo, Donghyuk
    • KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems (TIIS)
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    • v.12 no.8
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    • pp.3992-4005
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    • 2018
  • In our current information-based society in which knowledge is a fundamental asset to production, the capability to utilize information and produce knowledge with the use of information technology (IT) has become essential to learning. Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) have recently been introduced in light of such changes and are recognized as an alternative to open education. MOOCs' capabilities are being acknowledged in lifelong education in terms of reeducation and knowledge sharing, and also in terms of improving teaching quality, and improving university students' levels of creativity and integrated thinking by supporting high-level content and teaching. Therefore, this study presents an extended research model that combines information system (IS) continuance and task-technology fit models. Our study researches previous literature, revealing factors of continuous use after accepting MOOCs from the learner's perspective, and analyzes the model empirically. The ideal environment for MOOCs learners is evaluated, and a strategic approach to the successful settlement and diffusion of MOOCs is presented based on this study's findings.