• Title/Summary/Keyword: ImageJ

검색결과 1,547건 처리시간 0.022초

The Examination of Reliability of Lower Limb Joint Angles with Free Software ImageJ

  • Kim, Heung Youl
    • 대한인간공학회지
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    • 제34권6호
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    • pp.583-595
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    • 2015
  • Objective: The purpose of this study was to determine the reliability of lower limb joint angles computed with the software ImageJ during jumping movements. Background: Kinematics is the study of bodies in motion without regard to the forces or torques that may produce the motion. The most common method for collecting motion data uses an imaging and motion-caption system to record the 2D or 3D coordinates of markers attached to a moving object, followed by manual or automatic digitizing software. Above all, passive optical motion capture systems (e.g. Vicon system) have been regarded as the gold standards for collecting motion data. On the other hand, ImageJ is used widely for an image analysis as free software, and can collect the 2D coordinates of markers. Although much research has been carried out into the utilizations of the ImageJ software, little is known about their reliability. Method: Seven healthy female students participated as the subject in this study. Seventeen reflective markers were attached on the right and left lower limbs to measure two and three-dimensional joint angular motions. Jump performance was recorded by ten-vicon camera systems (250Hz) and one digital video camera (240Hz). The joint angles of the ankle and knee joints were calculated using 2D (ImageJ) and 3D (Vicon-MX) motion data, respectively. Results: Pearson's correlation coefficients between the two methods were calculated, and significance tests were conducted (${\alpha}=1%$). Correlation coefficients between the two were over 0.98. In Vicon-MX and ImageJ, there is no systematic error by examination of the validity using the Bland-Altman method, and all data are in the 95% limits of agreement. Conclusion: In this study, correlation coefficients are generally high, and the regression line is near the identical line. Therefore, it is considered that motion analysis using ImageJ is a useful tool for evaluation of human movements in various research areas. Application: This result can be utilized as a practical tool to analyze human performance in various fields.

Image J를 활용한 뼈의 노화도 예측법 (Prediction of Bone Aging by Adapting Image J)

  • 정홍문;원도연;정재은
    • 대한디지털의료영상학회논문지
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    • 제14권2호
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    • pp.63-67
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    • 2012
  • Calcium density in human bones decreases as people are getting older due to the interior or exterior environmental factors. Bone aging forms osteoporosis. And this can bring out various spine fractures which develops a complications. Thus the prediction of seniliy is one of the important factors in spine diseases. Once spine aged, diverse fractures occur such as compression fracture and micro fracture. Side images of the spine by the digital radiography (DR) were prepared, and pixel arbitrary unit with Image J was measured from one spot in the lumbar bone part. By calculating pixel arbitrary unit of the simple contrast, it was obtained that the value of pixel arbitrary unit decreased as seniliy of bones increased. By simply applying Image J to the seniliy of patient's spine, the seniliy of bones predicts the level of danger with only digital radiography(2D) image. consequently we show that Image J value of pixel arbitrary unit index for predicts the level of precaution of osteoporosis patient.

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Image J 프로그램을 이용한 격자집속거리와 격자비에 따른 영상비교평가 (Using Image J program, compared of focusing distance and grid rate)

  • 서원주;서정범;이종웅
    • 대한디지털의료영상학회논문지
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    • 제14권1호
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    • pp.37-42
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    • 2012
  • Pediatric head and neck phantom, using the rate by focusing distance and grid images, Image J using the Quality Assessment and Dose Area Product compared. X-ray laboratory equipment due to the Philips Digital DIAGNOST a 110 cm FFD set and using ACE Non-grid, focusing distance 110 cm (12 : 1), 140 cm (12 : 1), 180 cm (8 : 1) Focused grid, Acryl Phantom (Fluke Model 76-2 Series Phantom) 15.24 cm, by resolution chart image acquisition, image evaluation program (Image J Ver., USA) imaging experiments were analyzed using. Dose Area Product in the Non Grid 0.028 $mGy{\cdot}cm^2$, focusing distance 110 cm (12 : 1), the 0.129 $mGy{\cdot}cm^2$, 140 cm (12 : 1), the 0.135 $mGy{\cdot}cm^2$, 180 cm (8 : 1) was measured with a 0.110 $mGy{\cdot}cm^2$ Non Grid, focusing distance 110 cm (12 : 1), 140 cm (12 : 1), 180 cm (8 : 1) Image obtained when grid using the image J program focusing distance 110 cm with grid based on the measured SNR and PSNR Non Grid if the SNR the 17.307 dB, PSNR of the 20.002 dB, if the SNR 28.755 dB, PSNR was measured by the 31.451 dB. Image J image analysis through the streets, rather than focusing on grid by the rate that could see an increase in dose. Select the grid by a small dose rate reduction is possible.

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A Fuzzy System Representation of Functions of Two Variables and its Application to Gray Scale Images

  • Moon, Byung-soo;Kim, Young-taek;Kim, Jang-yeol
    • 한국지능시스템학회논문지
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    • 제11권7호
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    • pp.569-573
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    • 2001
  • An approximate representation of discrete functions {f$_{i,j}\mid$|i, j=-1, 0, 1, …, N+1}in two variables by a fuzzy system is described. We use the cubic B-splines as fuzzy sets for the input fuzzification and spike functions as the output fuzzy sets. The ordinal number of f$_{i,j}$ in the sorted list is taken to be the out put fuzzy set number in the (i, j) th entry of the fuzzy rule table. We show that the fuzzy system is an exact representation of the cubic spline function s(x, y)=$\sum_{N+1}^{{i,j}=-1}f_{i,j}B_i(x)B_j(y)$ and that the approximation error S(x, y)-f(x, y) is surprisingly O($h^2$) when f(x, y) is three times continuously differentiable. We prove that when f(x, y) is a gray scale image, then the fuzzy system is a smoothed representation of the image and the original image can be recovered exactly from its fuzzy system representation when it is a digitized image.e.

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Image J 프로그램을 사용한 마우스 두개골 결손모델상의 정량적인 분석방법 (Quantitative Analysis Methods for Adapting Image J programs on Mouse Calvarial defected Model)

  • 정홍문;원도연;정재은
    • 디지털융복합연구
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    • 제11권9호
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    • pp.365-370
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    • 2013
  • Image J 프로그램은 digital image 분석 또는 생명 공학적 분석에 사용되고 있다. 다양한 동물실험 중에서도 마우스 두개골 결손모델(Mouse calvarial defected model)은 조직공학자들에게 대표적으로 사용되고 있는 뼈의 결손모델이다. 이러한 마우스 두개골 결손 모델은 뼈의 재생 또는 새로운 지지체(scaffold)의 재생효과 실험에 사용되고 있다. 마우스 두개골에 지름 4mm의 원형 결손을 만들어 각종 실험재료를 처리하여 파괴된 마우스 두개골 뼈의 재생에 관련하여 측정하는 실험이 주를 이룬다. 실험 후에 마우스를 희생하여 대부분 헤마톡실린과 에오신 염색을 통하여 분석을 하게 된다. 다른 한편으로는 마이크로 시티(u-CT)를 사용하여 정량적인 분석을 한다. 하지만 이는 시간이 오래 걸리고 고가의 비용이 드는 단점이 있다. 이번 실험은 마우스 두개골 결손 모델 시에 프리쉐어 프로그램인 Image J를 통하여 간단하게 마우스 두개골 결손 뼈의 재생량을 2D X-ray 상으로 농도를 측정하여 정량적인 분석을 실행하였다. 결론적으로 Image J를 사용한 농도 분석법은 빠르고 정확하게 뼈의 재생량을 상대적으로 비교함으로써 신생 뼈의 관한 재생 실험자에게 도움을 줄 수 있을 것으로 사료된다.

이미지 기반 가상 착용 이미지 합성 기술 동향 (A Survey of Image-based Virtual Try-on Technology)

  • 박순찬;박진아;박지영
    • 전자통신동향분석
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    • 제39권3호
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    • pp.107-115
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    • 2024
  • Image synthesis has been remarkably developed in the computer vision domain and various researches have been proposed to generate realistic and high-resolution images. In particular, image-based virtual try-on is an application in fashion domain to simulate wearing clothes. Specifically, using input images of a fashion model and products, an realistic image of the model wearing the provided garments is synthesized. In this paper, we present a comprehensive review of technical trends in image-based virtual try-on technology. We first introduce relevant datasets and discuss their characteristics. Then, we categorize existing image synthesis methods into three main streams: warping-based methods, encoding-decoding-based methods, and diffusion-based methods. Finally, we explore other important research issues in the field of virtual try-on and analyze related researches aimed to tackling those challenges.

영역 분할과 로컬 히스토그램을 이용한 저조도 환경의 영상 향상 방법과 차량 블랙박스 융합 (Convergence research of low-light image enhancement method and vehicle recorder)

  • 황우성;최명렬
    • 한국융합학회논문지
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    • 제7권6호
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    • pp.1-6
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    • 2016
  • 본 논문에서는 영상을 분할하고, 분할된 영상의 로컬 히스토그램을 이용하여 저조도 환경의 블랙박스 영상 향상 방법을 제안한다. 기존 블랙박스 영상은 저조도 환경에서 촬영되기 때문에 향상 기법을 적용 시 과도한 향상 효과가 발생하는 단점이 있다. 제안 알고리즘은 3단계 과정으로 구성된다. 1단계는 입력 영상을 ($N{\times}M$)개 조각으로 분할하고, 분할된 부분 영상과 인접한 부분 영상을 그룹 영상으로 묶어 구분한다. 2단계는 구분된 그룹 영상을 각각의 로컬 히스토그램을 이용하여 명암 향상 처리를 수행한다. 3단계는 명암 향상 처리된 각각의 그룹 영상의 특성을 반영한 전달 함수를 이용하여 전체 영상을 재구성한다. 알고리즘 검증을 위하여 지하 주차장과 야간 운행 영상을 저조도 환경 영상으로 사용하였다. 제안 알고리즘은 다양한 저조도 환경의 블랙박스 영상을 향상시켜 차량 운행 환경 정보 획득에 유리한 영상을 제공할 수 있다.

Snake를 이용한 디지털 내시경 영상의 분할 (Segmentation using Snakes on Digital Endoscopic Image)

  • 윤성원;김정훈;최종주;윤용수;이준영;이명호
    • 대한전기학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 대한전기학회 2002년도 하계학술대회 논문집 D
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    • pp.2715-2717
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    • 2002
  • Image segmentation is an essential technique of image analysis. In spite of the issues in contour initialization and boundary concavities, active contour models(snakes) are popular and successful methods for the segmentation. In this paper, we present a new active contour model, GGF snake, for segmentation of endoscopic image. The GGF snake is less sensitive to contour initialization and ensures high accuracy, large capture range, and fast CPU time for computing external force. It was observed that the GGF snake produced more reasonable results in various image types, such as simple synthetic images, commercial digital camera images, and endoscopic images than previous snakes did.

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GAN 적대적 생성 신경망과 이미지 생성 및 변환 기술 동향 (Research Trends of Generative Adversarial Networks and Image Generation and Translation)

  • 조영주;배강민;박종열
    • 전자통신동향분석
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    • 제35권4호
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    • pp.91-102
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    • 2020
  • Recently, generative adversarial networks (GANs) is a field of research that has rapidly emerged wherein many studies conducted shows overwhelming results. Initially, this was at the level of imitating the training dataset. However, the GAN is currently useful in many fields, such as transformation of data categories, restoration of erased parts of images, copying facial expressions of humans, and creation of artworks depicting a dead painter's style. Although many outstanding research achievements have been attracting attention recently, GANs have encountered many challenges. First, they require a large memory facility for research. Second, there are still technical limitations in processing high-resolution images over 4K. Third, many GAN learning methods have a problem of instability in the training stage. However, recent research results show images that are difficult to distinguish whether they are real or fake, even with the naked eye, and the resolution of 4K and above is being developed. With the increase in image quality and resolution, many applications in the field of design and image and video editing are now available, including those that draw a photorealistic image as a simple sketch or easily modify unnecessary parts of an image or a video. In this paper, we discuss how GANs started, including the base architecture and latest technologies of GANs used in high-resolution, high-quality image creation, image and video editing, style translation, content transfer, and technology.

스테레오 내시경 영상의 압축에 관한 연구 (Compression of Stereo Endoscopic Images)

  • 안종식;김정훈;이성재;최규섭;이명호
    • 대한전기학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 대한전기학회 1999년도 추계학술대회 논문집 학회본부 B
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    • pp.836-838
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    • 1999
  • This paper describes stereo image compression algorithm using disparity and JPEG. because similar images are images with common features, similiar pixel distributions, and similar edge distributions. Fields such as medical imaging or satellite imaging often need to store large collections of similar images. that is, a conventional stereo system with a single left-right pair needs twice data as a monoscopic imaging system. as a result we need compression method compatible stereo image, in this paper after we use JPEG in basic compression method and stereo matching using adaptiv window, we get disparity information, we restored right image using by restored left image and disparity.

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