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A Study on the Changing Perception of Queen Mother of the West from the Perspective of Yin-Yang Theory (음양론 관점에서 본 서왕모(西王母) 인식 변화 고찰)

  • Jo Min-hwan
    • Journal of the Daesoon Academy of Sciences
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    • v.42
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    • pp.45-73
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    • 2022
  • The phenomenon of veneration for Queen Mother of the West [西王母 Chn: Xiwangmu Kr: Seowangmo] is a 'cultural flow' that has garnered great interest not only in China but also in Korea for many years. To properly understand the cultural trend regarding the Queen Mother of the West, it is essential to view the related mythology as it corresponds to East Asian women as well as the transformation of society's view of women. In addition to the outcomes that result from the establishment of a patriarchal society, the relationship between goddesses and gods gradually becomes a relationship of discrimination based upon differences. Accordingly, as women change into objects that are given meaning rather than subjects that give meaning, the de-sacredization of the goddess occurs. This paper focused on the changes in the perception of the Queen Mother of the West from the view of Yin-Yang theory. This approach shows a transition process of transforming wherein she has morphed into an assistant or spouse of a god as part of a trend that deemphasizes the divinity of her as a stand-alone goddess. Yin-Yang theory is the key to understanding culture, history, and art as well as Chinese philosophy. This key can be further applied to the theme of women in mythology. What is particularly noteworthy about the process by which the Queen Mother of the West was defined as a goddess is that she was original described as half-human and half-beast and yet by the time her depictions became fully human and fully woman, she was described instead as an absolute beauty endowed with great artistic talent. In this paper, it will be revealed that the perception of the Queen Mother of the West, as an absolute beauty and artistic talent, is embedded with the male societal desire for an image of the feminine as understood via Yin-Yang theory. Queen Mother of the West as she was depicted in the Classic of Mountains and Seas (山海經 Chn: Shanhaijing Kr: Sanhaegyeong) had a half-human half-beast form that instilled people with fear of disasters and punishments from heaven. However, in the Han Dynasty, her religious significance became that of an object to ward off evil and attain blessings. By the time of the novel, Tales of the Strange (志怪小說 Chn: Zhiguaixiaoshuo Kr: Jigoesoseol), from the Wei, Jin, Southern and Northern Dynasties, she was transformed into a goddess in the image of beautiful woman in charge longevity and immortality. From the perspective of Yin-Yang theory, the changes in the perception of Queen Mother of the West was found to contain the following meaning: as an extension of the establishment of a patriarchal system and subordinate laws, her new form was made to be pleasing to the male gaze and Yin-Yang theory was brought in to support those changes later.

A Study on the Understanding Method and Methodology of Character Education: A Transition to Character Education based on a Correct Understanding and Attitude towards Human Nature and Emotions (인성교육 이해방식과 방법론에 관한 일고찰 - 인간 본성과 감정의 올바른 이해를 토대로 한 인성교육으로의 전환 -)

  • Kim Sung-sil
    • Journal of the Daesoon Academy of Sciences
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    • v.42
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    • pp.201-226
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    • 2022
  • Character education begins with a clear definition of character. There are claims that humanity is reducible to human nature or personality, but when approached from an educational perspective, human nature soon boils down to the question of its ultimate goodness or wickedness. There is a significant difference between the educational systems that emerge from the standpoint that human nature is evil versus the standpoint that human nature is good. With regards to educational outcomes, this can be observed both in terms of human nature and personality. Modern education today sees education as leading the immature to a mature state from the standpoint that human nature is evil. But if human nature is evil, how could we implement an education that would render it good? If character education becomes a system of etiquette education or one of instilling manners whereby simple wrong cases are righted, it would be nothing but a follow-up to the wrong educational cases that had been carried out previously. In that sense, character education is correction; not education. Education should be done in a way that realizes and understands the perfect self rather than unfolding as a process of constantly correcting and reinforcing immature human beings. In that sense, this paper posits that enabling students to understand their own emotions would serve as a correct form of character education. This would be a system of focusing on emotions that reveal the goodness of human nature. Personality can be educated, but education at this time should be a way to bring out a student's already good and even perfected nature. This is more realistic than replacing a 'faulty' character with a good character which supposedly did not exist previously. If personality education morphs into 'emotional self-understanding,' contemplations on 'why not to do' unsavory acts rather than mere negative commands 'don't do that,' and listening to what one's emotions intuit prior to and after given actions, then that would arise to the true standard of a good education.

Analysis of Growth-Decline Type and Factors Influencing Growth Commercial Area Using Sales Data in Alley Commercial Area - Before and After COVID-19 - (골목상권 매출액 데이터를 활용한 성장-쇠퇴 유형화와 성장상권 영향요인 분석 - 코로나19 전후를 대상으로 -)

  • Jiwan Park;Leebom Jeon;Seungil Lee
    • Journal of the Korean Regional Science Association
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    • v.39 no.1
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    • pp.53-66
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    • 2023
  • Due to COVID-19, the external activities of urban residents have greatly shrunk, causing a lot of damage to the commercial district, such as a decrease in population and sales. The downturn in commercial districts means the collapse of the infrastructure of the national economy, and can have serious side effects on the local economy and individual lives. Therefore, it is necessary to look at the alley commercial area, which is closely related to the national local economy, and pay attention to the damage and stagnation of the alley commercial area where small business owners are concentrated. The purpose of this study is to classify alley commercial districts into growth commercial districts and decline commercial districts by using commercial sales time series data and DTW time series group analysis for the pre- and post-COVID-19 period. The main findings of the study are as follows. First, using the time series data on commercial sales before and after COVID-19, the alley commercial districts were divided into growth commercial districts and decline commercial districts, and it was confirmed that the distribution of growth commercial districts and decline commercial districts was regionally different. Therefore, it is necessary to actively manage commercial districts in areas where many declining commercial districts are distributed, and it is required to prepare policies for each region in consideration of the spatial distribution of declining commercial districts. Second, during the COVID-19 period, face-to-face essential industries, density of guest facilities, and population density negatively affected the sustainability of commercial districts, which is the opposite of previous studies. This is the result of empirically confirming the specificity of the COVID-19 period and the negative effects of the integrated economy, and can be used as basic data for effective commercial district management and policy preparation in the event of a national disaster in the future. Third, the characteristics of the background of the commercial district had a significant effect on the sustainability of the commercial district, and the negative effect of the attracting facilities inducing population concentration in the background area was found. This suggests that it is necessary to consider the characteristics of the background as well as the inside of the commercial district when establishing policies to revitalize the commercial district and support small business owners in a national disaster situation.

Forage Productivity and Quality of Triticale and Rye (Triticale과 호밀의 청예사료 생산성)

  • Lee, Suk-Soon;Park, Chan-Ho;Chang, Young-Dong
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    • v.30 no.4
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    • pp.388-397
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    • 1985
  • Forage productivity and sequential changes in forage quality of four rye and two triticale varieties were studied. All the observed characteristics were similar among rye or triticale varieties, but they were different between rye and triticale varieties. Early growth of rye was better compared to triticale varieties, but at heading stage yield in dry weight, digestible dry matter and percent dry matter of triticale were higher compared to rye varieties. Heading stage of rye was earlier than that of triticale by 11 - 14 days. Triticale had longer and broader leaf blades and a higher leaf blade/total dry weight ratio compared to rye. Protein content decreased as plant growth advanced and it was higher in rye before heading, but it was similar after heading compared to triticale. Cellulose and lignin contents of rye increased through 20 days after heading. However, in triticale cellulose increased until heading stage and it levelled off, but lignin content increased rapidly after heading. Among the crude fibers, only acid detergent fibers(ADF) was negatively correlated with in vitro dry matter digestibility(IVDMD) in both rye and triticale. IVDMD of rye decreased rapidly after heading, but it was maintained as high as heading stage up to 15 days after heading in triticale. Protein content and IVDMD in leaf blades were higher than those of culm + leaf sheath, hemicellulose was similar, and cellulose, lignin, and ADF in leaf blades were lower compared to culm + leaf sheath. In the early and middle part of April rye was superior to triticale as a soiling crop because of a better plant growth of rye under the low temperature conditions, but in the later part of April and early part of May triticale was superior to rye because of a rapid decreased in IVDMD of rye after heading and a late maturing characteristics of triticale. Planting both rye and triticale could prolong the utilization period of the soiling crops and increase in yield with better quality compared to a single crop of rye or triticale.

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Status and Implications of Hydrogeochemical Characterization of Deep Groundwater for Deep Geological Disposal of High-Level Radioactive Wastes in Developed Countries (고준위 방사성 폐기물 지질처분을 위한 해외 선진국의 심부 지하수 환경 연구동향 분석 및 시사점 도출)

  • Jaehoon Choi;Soonyoung Yu;SunJu Park;Junghoon Park;Seong-Taek Yun
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.55 no.6
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    • pp.737-760
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    • 2022
  • For the geological disposal of high-level radioactive wastes (HLW), an understanding of deep subsurface environment is essential through geological, hydrogeological, geochemical, and geotechnical investigations. Although South Korea plans the geological disposal of HLW, only a few studies have been conducted for characterizing the geochemistry of deep subsurface environment. To guide the hydrogeochemical research for selecting suitable repository sites, this study overviewed the status and trends in hydrogeochemical characterization of deep groundwater for the deep geological disposal of HLW in developed countries. As a result of examining the selection process of geological disposal sites in 8 countries including USA, Canada, Finland, Sweden, France, Japan, Germany, and Switzerland, the following geochemical parameters were needed for the geochemical characterization of deep subsurface environment: major and minor elements and isotopes (e.g., 34S and 18O of SO42-, 13C and 14C of DIC, 2H and 18O of water) of both groundwater and pore water (in aquitard), fracture-filling minerals, organic materials, colloids, and oxidation-reduction indicators (e.g., Eh, Fe2+/Fe3+, H2S/SO42-, NH4+/NO3-). A suitable repository was selected based on the integrated interpretation of these geochemical data from deep subsurface. In South Korea, hydrochemical types and evolutionary patterns of deep groundwater were identified using artificial neural networks (e.g., Self-Organizing Map), and the impact of shallow groundwater mixing was evaluated based on multivariate statistics (e.g., M3 modeling). The relationship between fracture-filling minerals and groundwater chemistry also has been investigated through a reaction-path modeling. However, these previous studies in South Korea had been conducted without some important geochemical data including isotopes, oxidationreduction indicators and DOC, mainly due to the lack of available data. Therefore, a detailed geochemical investigation is required over the country to collect these hydrochemical data to select a geological disposal site based on scientific evidence.

An Installation and Model Assessment of the UM, U.K. Earth System Model, in a Linux Cluster (U.K. 지구시스템모델 UM의 리눅스 클러스터 설치와 성능 평가)

  • Daeok Youn;Hyunggyu Song;Sungsu Park
    • Journal of the Korean earth science society
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    • v.43 no.6
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    • pp.691-711
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    • 2022
  • The state-of-the-art Earth system model as a virtual Earth is required for studies of current and future climate change or climate crises. This complex numerical model can account for almost all human activities and natural phenomena affecting the atmosphere of Earth. The Unified Model (UM) from the United Kingdom Meteorological Office (UK Met Office) is among the best Earth system models as a scientific tool for studying the atmosphere. However, owing to the expansive numerical integration cost and substantial output size required to maintain the UM, individual research groups have had to rely only on supercomputers. The limitations of computer resources, especially the computer environment being blocked from outside network connections, reduce the efficiency and effectiveness of conducting research using the model, as well as improving the component codes. Therefore, this study has presented detailed guidance for installing a new version of the UM on high-performance parallel computers (Linux clusters) owned by individual researchers, which would help researchers to easily work with the UM. The numerical integration performance of the UM on Linux clusters was also evaluated for two different model resolutions, namely N96L85 (1.875° ×1.25° with 85 vertical levels up to 85 km) and N48L70 (3.75° ×2.5° with 70 vertical levels up to 80 km). The one-month integration times using 256 cores for the AMIP and CMIP simulations of N96L85 resolution were 169 and 205 min, respectively. The one-month integration time for an N48L70 AMIP run using 252 cores was 33 min. Simulated results on 2-m surface temperature and precipitation intensity were compared with ERA5 re-analysis data. The spatial distributions of the simulated results were qualitatively compared to those of ERA5 in terms of spatial distribution, despite the quantitative differences caused by different resolutions and atmosphere-ocean coupling. In conclusion, this study has confirmed that UM can be successfully installed and used in high-performance Linux clusters.

Effect of thinning ratio on the forest environment and fruiting of ectomycorrhizal mushrooms in a Pinus densiflora stand (소나무림에서 간벌률이 산림 내 환경과 외생균근성 버섯 발생에 미치는 영향)

  • Yong-Woo Park;Jin-Gun Kim;Hwayong Lee
    • Journal of Mushroom
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    • v.21 no.1
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    • pp.22-32
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    • 2023
  • To investigate the effect of thinning intensity on environmental factors and ectomycorrhizal mushroom fruiting in forest ecosystems, we studied canopy closure, throughfall, soil temperature, soil moisture, light response of understory vegetation, and ectomycorrhizal mushroom fruiting in a 10-year-old pine forest after 34%, 45%, and 60% thinning. Canopy closure was significantly higher in the 34% treatment and control plots, ranging from 80-85% in April. However, in November, all thinning treatment plots showed a decrease of approximately 5-10% compared with the control plot. The 60% treatment plot had over 200 mm of additional throughfall compared with the control plot, and monthly throughfall was significantly higher by more than 100 mm in October. The soil temperature in each treatment plot increased significantly by up to 1℃ or more compared with the control plot as the thinning rate increased. The soil moisture increased by more than 5% in the thinning treatment plots during rainfall, particularly in the 34% treatment plot, where the rate of moisture decrease was slower. The photosynthetic rate of major tree species (excluding Pinus densiflora)was highest in Quercus mongolica, with a rate of 7 µmolCO2·m-2·s-1. At a lightintensity of 800 μmol·m-2·s-1, Q. mongolica showed the highest photosynthetic level of 6 ± 0.3 μmolCO2·m-2·s-1 in the 45% treatment. The photosynthetic rate of Fraxinus sieboldiana and Styrax japonicus increased as the thinning intensity increased. The Shannon-Wiener index of mycorrhizal mushrooms did not significantly differ among treatments, but the fresh weight of mushrooms was approximately 360-840 g higher in the 34% and 45% treatments than in the control. Additionally, the fresh weight of fungi in the 60% treatment was 860 g less than that in the control. There were more individuals of Amanita citrina in the control than in the thinning treatment, while Suillus bovinus numbers increased by more than 10 times in the 34% thinning treatment compared with the control.

Preparation of Novel Natural Polymer-based Magnetic Hydrogels Reinforced with Hyperbranched Polyglycerol (HPG) Responsible for Enhanced Mechanical Properties (과분지 폴리글리세롤(HPG) 강화를 통해 기계적 물성이 향상된 새로운 천연 고분자 기반 자성 하이드로젤의 제조)

  • Eun-Hye Jang;Jisu Jang;Sehyun Kwon;Jeon-Hyun Park;Yujeong Jeong;Sungwook Chung
    • Clean Technology
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    • v.29 no.1
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    • pp.10-21
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    • 2023
  • Hydrogels that are made of natural polymer-based double networks have excellent biocompatibility, low cytotoxicity, and high water content, assuring that the material has the properties required for a variety of biomedical applications. However, hydrogels also have limitations due to their relatively weak mechanical properties. In this study, hydrogels based on an alginate di-aldehyde (ADA) and gelatin (Gel) double network that is reinforced with additional hydrogen bonds formed between the hydroxyl (-OH) groups of the hyperbranched polymer (HPG) and the functional groups present inside of the hydrogels were successfully synthesized. The enhanced mechanical properties of these synthesized hydrogels were evaluated by varying the amount of HPG added during the hydrogel synthesis from 0 to 25%. In addition, magnetite nanoparticles (Fe3O4 NPs) were synthesized within the hydrogels and the structures and the magnetic properties of the hydrogels were also characterized. The hydrogels that contained 15% HPG and Fe3O4 NPs exhibited superparamagnetic behaviors with a saturation magnetization value of 3.8 emu g-1. These particular hydrogels also had strengthened mechanical properties with a maximum compressive stress of 1.1 MPa at a strain of 67.4%. Magnetic hydrogels made with natural polymer-based double networks provide improved mechanical properties and have a significant potential for drug delivery and biomaterial application.

Levels of Physicians' Self-assessment of Life Satisfaction and Associated Factors (임상의사의 삶의 만족도 자가평가 수준과 관련 요인)

  • Jong Sun Ok;Hyeongsu Kim
    • Journal of agricultural medicine and community health
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    • v.48 no.1
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    • pp.28-40
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    • 2023
  • Objectives: This study aimed to identify the level of self-assessment of life satisfaction and various factors related to the life satisfaction of Korean physicians. Methods: This study is a secondary data analysis using the 2016 Korean physician survey Korean Physician Survey(KPS) data collected by the Research Institute for Healthcare Policy of the Korean Medical Association. The member database(DB) of the Korean Medical Association was used for sampling and the target population was formed and surveyed by using stratified quota sampling. A questionnaire was sent by E-mail as an online survey method and was conducted for a total of 7 weeks from November 21, 2016 to January 8, 2017. The final number of respondents was 8,564 (response rate 13.8%). In this study, a total of 7,228 physicians, excluding residents and public health doctors who are currently treating patients directly, were studied. Factors affecting the life satisfaction of physicians were analyzed using ordinal logistic regression analysis. Results: The physical factors positively related to the life satisfaction of physicians were those who were in their 60s, female, and thought they had good health status. As for psychological factors, stress was low. As for economic factors, satisfaction with income was high. As for social factors, the physicians lived with their families and were satisfied with the time they could spend with them. Also, the physicians were satisfied with the social respect they received as a doctors. Conclusions: Based on the results of this study, it is thought that a multifaceted approach is needed to increase the life satisfaction of physicians.

SHRIMP Zircon U-Pb Age and Geochemistry of Igneous Rocks in the Ssangyong and Yongchu Valleys and Mungyeong Saejae Geosites, Mungyeong Geopark (문경지질공원 쌍룡계곡, 용추계곡, 문경새재 지질명소 화성암류의 SHRIMP 저어콘 U-Pb 연령과 지구화학)

  • Wonseok Cheong;Yoonsup Kim;Giun Han;Taehwan Kim
    • Korean Journal of Mineralogy and Petrology
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    • v.36 no.1
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    • pp.73-94
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    • 2023
  • We carried out the sensitive high resolution ion microprobe (SHRIMP) zircon U-Pb age dating and whole-rock geochemical analysis of granitoids and felsic porphyries in the Ssangyong Valley, Yongchu Valley, and Mungyeong Saejae geosites in the Mungyeong Geopark. The igneous rocks crop out in the western, northwestern and central parts of the Mungyeong city area, respectively, and intruded (meta)sedimentary successions of the Ogcheon Metamorphic Belt, Cambro-Ordovician Mungyeong Group and Jurrasic Daedong Group. The U-Pb isotopic compositions of zircon from two felsic porphyries and one granite samples in the Ssanyeong Valley yielded the Cretaceous intrusion ages of 93.9±3.3 Ma (tσ), 95.1±4.0 Ma (tσ) and 94.4±2.0 Ma (tσ), respectively. On the other hand, a felsic dike sample and a granite in the Yongchu Valley and a porphyritic granite in the Mungyeong Saejae had intrusion ages of 90.2±2.0 Ma (tσ), 91.0±3.0 Ma (tσ) and 88.6±1.5 Ma (tσ), respectively. Based on the average standard error calculated in combination with results of previous studies in this area (Lee et al., 2010; Yi et al., 2014; Aum et al., 2019), the geochronological results show that spatial variation in intrusion age of ~5 Myr between the Ssangyong (94.5±0.2 Ma) and Yongchu Valleys (89.7±0.4 Ma) is apparent. The geochemical compositions of major and trace elements in the samples showed an affinity of typical post-orogenic granite, indicating their petrogenesis during the late stage of Early Cretaceous magmatic activity possibly in association with subduction events of the Izanagi Plate.