A Study on the Changing Perception of Queen Mother of the West from the Perspective of Yin-Yang Theory

음양론 관점에서 본 서왕모(西王母) 인식 변화 고찰

  • Jo Min-hwan (Academy of East Asian Studies, Sungkyunkwan University)
  • Received : 2022.07.25
  • Accepted : 2022.09.14
  • Published : 2022.09.30


The phenomenon of veneration for Queen Mother of the West [西王母 Chn: Xiwangmu Kr: Seowangmo] is a 'cultural flow' that has garnered great interest not only in China but also in Korea for many years. To properly understand the cultural trend regarding the Queen Mother of the West, it is essential to view the related mythology as it corresponds to East Asian women as well as the transformation of society's view of women. In addition to the outcomes that result from the establishment of a patriarchal society, the relationship between goddesses and gods gradually becomes a relationship of discrimination based upon differences. Accordingly, as women change into objects that are given meaning rather than subjects that give meaning, the de-sacredization of the goddess occurs. This paper focused on the changes in the perception of the Queen Mother of the West from the view of Yin-Yang theory. This approach shows a transition process of transforming wherein she has morphed into an assistant or spouse of a god as part of a trend that deemphasizes the divinity of her as a stand-alone goddess. Yin-Yang theory is the key to understanding culture, history, and art as well as Chinese philosophy. This key can be further applied to the theme of women in mythology. What is particularly noteworthy about the process by which the Queen Mother of the West was defined as a goddess is that she was original described as half-human and half-beast and yet by the time her depictions became fully human and fully woman, she was described instead as an absolute beauty endowed with great artistic talent. In this paper, it will be revealed that the perception of the Queen Mother of the West, as an absolute beauty and artistic talent, is embedded with the male societal desire for an image of the feminine as understood via Yin-Yang theory. Queen Mother of the West as she was depicted in the Classic of Mountains and Seas (山海經 Chn: Shanhaijing Kr: Sanhaegyeong) had a half-human half-beast form that instilled people with fear of disasters and punishments from heaven. However, in the Han Dynasty, her religious significance became that of an object to ward off evil and attain blessings. By the time of the novel, Tales of the Strange (志怪小說 Chn: Zhiguaixiaoshuo Kr: Jigoesoseol), from the Wei, Jin, Southern and Northern Dynasties, she was transformed into a goddess in the image of beautiful woman in charge longevity and immortality. From the perspective of Yin-Yang theory, the changes in the perception of Queen Mother of the West was found to contain the following meaning: as an extension of the establishment of a patriarchal system and subordinate laws, her new form was made to be pleasing to the male gaze and Yin-Yang theory was brought in to support those changes later.

서왕모(西王母) 존숭 현상은 고금에 걸쳐 중국은 물론 한국에서도 많은 관심의 대상이 되었던 이른바 '문화적 흐름'의 한 현상을 엿볼 수 있는 대상에 해당한다. 서왕모에 관한 이같은 문화적 흐름을 이해하는 것은 동아시아 여성과 관련된 신화는 물론 여성관의 변모를 엿볼 수 있는 중요한 의미가 있다. 가부장제 사회의 정착과 더불어 여신과 남신의 관계도 점차 차이에서 차별의 관계로 만들어진다. 이에 여성은 의미를 부여하는 주체보다는 의미를 부여받는 대상으로 변화함에 따라 여신의 탈신성화가 일어나게 된다. 본고는 여신의 탈신성화 경향에 나타난 여신의 남신의 보조자 혹은 배우자로 탈바꿈하는 이런 변천 과정에는 음양론 사유가 작동하고 있음을 서왕모 인식 변화에 초점을 맞추어 살펴보았다. 음양론은 중국의 철학은 물론 문화와 역사 및 예술을 이해하는 관건인데, 이런 점은 신화와 여성이란 주제에도 그대로 적용되었다. 서왕모가 반인반수(半人半獸)의 여신으로 규정되다가 여선으로 변모하는 과정에서 특히 주목할 것은 이른바 절대 미인이면서 예술적 재능을 가진 인물로 묘사된다는 점이다. 본고에서는 이같은 절대미인이면서 예술적 재능을 가진 서왕모에 대한 인식에는 음양론 차원에서 이해된 여인상 및 가부장제 사회에서 남성이 바라는 여인상에 대한 바람이 담겨 있다는 점을 밝혔다. 『산해경(山海經)』의 서왕모는 하늘의 재앙과 형벌을 주관하는 반인반수의 공포감을 주는 형상이지만, 한대에는 벽사(闢邪)와 기복(祈福)의 대상으로 신앙화되고, 위진남북조의 지괴소설(志怪小說)에서는 장생불사를 주관하는 여선(女仙)으로 변모하는 과정에 담긴 서왕모에 관한 인식 변화에는 음양론 관점에서 봤을 때 주대 종법제(宗法制)에 의한 가부장제 확립과 더불어 이후 형성된 음양론에서의 양 위주의 사유 및 남성 위주의 시선이 작동하고 있었음을 알 수 있었다.



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