• Title/Summary/Keyword: Granitic gneiss

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Geochemical and Stable Isotopic Studies of the Hwacheon Granite (화천 화강암에 대한 지화학 및 안정동위원소 연구)

  • Gyun, Go-Bo;Park, Yeong-Rok
    • Proceedings of the KSEEG Conference
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    • 2003.04a
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    • pp.189-190
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    • 2003
  • Oxygen and hydrogen isotopic data of whole rocks and mineral separates generally provide constraints on the nature of hydrothermal systems. We here report preliminary results of analyses of samples taken from the peraluminous granitic rocks and banded gneiss country rocks in Hwacheon area. Oxygen isotopic values for quartz and feldspar separates from the granitoids in Hwacheon area range from 8.2 to 10.6$\textperthousand$ and 5.8 to 8.5$\textperthousand$, respectively. (omitted)

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대홍활석광상 주위의 편마암류의 지화학적 특징과 공존광물의 화학적 평형

  • 이상헌;최기주
    • The Journal of the Petrological Society of Korea
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    • v.3 no.2
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    • pp.138-155
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    • 1994
  • Granitic gneiss containing biotite banded gneiss relict around the Daeheung talc deposit are widely distributed which were formed by regional metamorphism of both epidote-amphibolite and iater greenschist facies and granitization. They were derived from same silico-aluminous rocks of sedimentary origin. The mineral assemblages, which are common in the biotite banded gneiss, formed during regional metamorphisms, are survived in the granitic gneiss. The mineral assemblages of the latter greenschist facies may be formed retrogressively from the first epidote-amphibolite facies. The chemical compositions of biotite, muscovite, and chlorite, the important constituents of the gneisses, were controlled by the bulk composition, the chemical composition of the original mineral, and environment of the regional metamorphisms and granitization. The chemical equilibrium between coexisting'minerals, especially biotite and muscovite, is relatively well established, which was controlled mainly by tschermakitic and phengitic substitutions. Cholrite was formed mainly from either biotite or muscovite by retrogressive alteration or granitization, and have nearly similar chemical compositions regardless of the occurrences. The orientation trend of the foliation, joint and quartz vein developed in the gneisses was analyzed by equal area projection which the latter two show nearly identical trend in the strike and dip. This may suggest that the hydrothermal solution was introduced along joint during wet granitization.

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Evolution Trends of Biotite and Hornblende in Granitic Rocks from Yonghae-Yongdok Area, Northeastern Gyeongsang Basin, Korea (경상분지(慶尙盆地) 북동부(北東部) 영해(盈海)·영덕일대(盈德一帶)의 화강암질암(花崗岩質岩)의 흑운모(黑雲母)와 각섬석(角閃石)의 진화경로(進化經路))

  • Lee, Yoon-Jong;Kim, Joong-Wook;Chung, Won-Woo
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.26 no.3
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    • pp.349-361
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    • 1993
  • The granitic rocks in the study area are divided into the schist and gneiss complex, Yongdok pluton, Yonghae pluton and Onjong pluton by their texture, fabric and relationship to the adjacent rocks in the field, Schist and gneiss complex occurs as xenolith or roof pendant in the Yongdok, Yonghae and Onjong plutons. The Yongdok pluton occurs in association with pegmatite and aplite in many places of its pluton. In the field it is obviously clarified that the Yongdok pluton is unconformably overlay by the Cretaceous sedimentary rocks. The Yonghae and Onjong plutons are gradationally changed each other, and these plutons truncate both the Yongdok pluton and the Cretaceous sedimentary rocks. Petrographically, the Yongdok pluton consists of granodiorite and granite with minor quartz monzonite. The Yonghae pluton is composed of diorite, quartz diorite, tonalite, and granodiorite. The Onjong pluton also ranges granodiorite to granite. Both the Yongdok and Yonghae-Onjong plutons are different in the constituent minerals, such as alkali feld~par, myrmekite, mica, sphene and mafic minerals. This suggests that each pluton might have been different crystallization sequence and characteristically different gological history during the crystallization period. Iron/magnesium ratio in biotite and hornblende from both the Yongdok and Yonghae-Onjong plutons gradually decrease as the differentiation index increasing in the whole rock. The decrease of this ratio strongly depend on the increase of opaque mineral contents. From the results of chemistry in the whole rocks and some mafic minerals, it is suggest that the granite plutons of the two different geological ages would have been suffered the environment of high oxygen fugacity in the process of magmatic emplacement and during the crystallization period.

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Pseudotachylyte Developed in Granitic Gneiss around the Bulil Waterfall in the Jirisan, SE Korea: Its Occurrence and Characteristics (지리산 불일폭포 일원의 화강암질편마암에 발달한 슈도타킬라이트: 산상과 특성)

  • Kang, Hee-Cheol;Kim, Chang-Min;Han, Raehee;Ryoo, Chung-Ryul;Son, Moon;Lee, Sang-Won
    • The Journal of the Petrological Society of Korea
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    • v.28 no.3
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    • pp.157-169
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    • 2019
  • Pseudotachylytes, produced by frictional heating during seismic slip, provide information that is critical to understanding the physics of earthquakes. We report the results of occurrence, structural characteristics, scanning electron microscopic observation and geochemical analysis of pseudotachylytes, which is presumed to have formed after the Late Cretaceous in outcrops of the Paleoproterozoic granitic gneiss on the Bulil waterfall of the Jirisan area, Yeongnam massif, Korea. Fault rocks, which are the products of brittle deformation under the same shear stress regime in the study area, are classified as pseudotachylyte and foliated cataclasite. The occurrences of pseudotachylyte identified on the basis of thickness and morphology are fault vein-type and injection vein-type pseudotachylyte. A number of fault vein-type pseudotachylytes occur as thin (as thick as 2 cm) layers generated on the fault plane, and are cutting general foliation and sheared foliation developed in granitic gneiss. Smaller injection vein-type pseudotachylytes are found along the fault vein-type pseudotachylytes, and appear in a variety of shapes based on field occurrence and vein geometry. At a first glance fault vein-type seudotachylyte looks like a mafic vein, but it has a chemical composition almost identical to the wall rock of granitic gneiss. Also, it has many subrounded clasts which consist predominantly of quartz, feldspar, biotite and secondary minerals including clay minerals, calcite and glassy materials. Embayed clasts, phenocryst with reaction rim, oxide droplets, amygdules, and flow structures are also observed. All of these evidences indicate the pseudotachylyte formed due to frictional melting of the wall rock minerals during fault slip related to strong seismic faulting events in the shallow depth of low temperature-low pressure. Further studies will be conducted to determine the age and mechanical aspect of the pseudotachylyte formation.

SHRIMP Zircon Ages of the Basement Gneiss Complex in the Pyeongchang-Wonju Area, Gyeonggi Massif, Korea (명창-원주 지역의 경기육괴 기반암 편마암 복합체에 대한 SHRIMP 저어콘 연대 측정)

  • Song, Yong-Sun;Park, Kye-Hun;Seo, Jae-Hyeon;Jo, Hui-Je;Yi, Kee-Wook
    • The Journal of the Petrological Society of Korea
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    • v.20 no.2
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    • pp.99-114
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    • 2011
  • Precambrian gneiss complex in the Pyeongchang-Wonju area, which lies west of the Paleozoic sedimentary basin of the Yeongwol-Taebaek area, is being considered as a part of the Gyeonggi massif, but its ages of formation and metamorphic events are not well defined yet. In this study, SHRIMP zircon U-Pb ages were determined from the gneiss complex in the area, We obtained the discrete ages of magmatic (ca. 1960 Ma) and metamorphic (ca. 1860 Ma) events through the interpretation of the SHRIMP data based on the internal structures of zircons. These are almost the same to the ages of main intrusion and metamorphism reported from the Precambrian basements of Gyeonggi, Yeongnam and Nangnim massifs of the Korean Peninsula, Ages of 3200~3300 Ma, 2900 Ma, 2660 Ma, 2430 Ma, 2260 Ma, and 2080~2070 Ma obtained from inherited cores of studied zircons are also very similar to the frequently reported ages from the basement rocks of the Gyeonggi and Yeongnam massifs, Lower intercept age of about 270 Ma calculated from the rim data seems to indicate that the study area suffered from a late Paleozoic metamorphism (Okcheon Orogeny), but we need more reasonable and sufficient data to confirm it. According to the results of this study, it is suggested that the Bangnim group unconformably overlying the gneiss complex was deposited after the Paleoproterozoic granitic magmatism (ca. 1960 Ma) and metamorphism (ca. 1860 Ma).

Areal Distribution Ratios of the Constituent Rocks with the Geologic Ages and Rock Types in the Chungbug-Chungnam-Daejeon Areas (충북-충남-대전지역 구성암류의 지질시대별 및 암종별 분포율)

  • Yun, Hyun-Soo;Lee, Jin-Young;Yang, Dong-Yoon;Hong, Sei-Sun
    • The Journal of the Petrological Society of Korea
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    • v.17 no.4
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    • pp.191-205
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    • 2008
  • In order to use the geologic information data such as industrialization of rock resources, site enlargement and development planning, distributive ratios of rock types and geologic ages were obtained by the ArcGIS 9.2 program, and digital geologic and geographic maps of 1:250,000 scale, in the Chungbug, Chungnam and Daejeon areas, respectively. In the Chungbug area, 64 rock kinds are developed and their geologic ages can be classified into 8 large groups. In the geologic ages, the ratios are decreasing in the order of Jurassic, Precambrian, Age-unknown, Cretaceous, Quaternary, Cambro-Ordovician and Carboniferous-Triassic ages, all of which comprise most ratios of 98.48% in the area. In the rock types, the ratios show the decreasing order of Jurassic Daebo granite, Precambrian banded gneiss of Gyeonggi metamorphic complex, Cretaceous biotite granite, Quaternary alluvium, Great limestone group, Lower phyllite zone and Meta-sandy rock zone of age-unknown Ogcheon group, Triassic Cheongsan granite, Precambrian granitic gneiss of Gyeonggi gneiss complex, Pebble bearing phyllite zone of age-unknown Ogcheon group and biotite gneiss of Sobaegsan metamorphic complex, all of which comprise the prevailing ratio of 84.27% in the area. In the Chungnam area, 35 rock types are developed and their geologic ages can be classified into 6 large groups. In the geologic ages, the ratios are decreasing in the order of Precambrian, Jurassic and Quaternary ages, which occupy the prevailing ratio of 87.55% in the area. In the rock types, the ratios show the decreasing order of Jurassic Daebo granite, Precambrian banded gneiss of Gyeonggi metamorphic complex, Quaternary alluvium, Precambrian granite and granitic gneiss of Gyeonggi gneiss complex, Cretaceous acidic dykes, Lower phyllite zone and Pebble bearing phyllite zone of age-unknown Ogcheon group and Quaternary reclaimed land, which occupy the ratios of 74.28% in the area. In the Daejeon area, 11 rock types are developed and their geologic ages can be classified into 5 large groups. In the ages, the ratios are decreasing in the order of Jurassic, Age-unknown and Quaternary, which occupy most ratios of 93.40% in the area. In the rock types, the ratios show the decreasing order of Jurassic Daebo granite, Quaternary alluvium and Lower phyllite zone and Pebble bearing phyllite zone of age-unknown Ogcheon group, which occupy the prevailing ratios of 91.09% in the area.

Mineralogical Changes in the Weathering Profiles of Carnin Gneiss in the Yoogoo Area, Korea (유구지역 화강암질 편마암의 풍화작용에 의한 광물 조성의 변화)

  • 이석훈;김수진
    • Journal of the Mineralogical Society of Korea
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    • v.13 no.3
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    • pp.121-137
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    • 2000
  • Weathering profiles which were developed under a temperate, humid environment and relatively steep geography, show a thick saprolite and soil horiaon in the Precambrian granitic gneiss of the Yoogoo area. In the weathering profiles, secondary minerals such as interstratified biotite/vermiculite, tri- or di-octahedral vermiculite, halloysite, kaolinite, illite, smectite, gibsite and geothite were observed. Kaolinization of biotite is the most prevalent mechanism but vermiculitization is a minor from all ofweathering profiles. Biotite altered to B/V mixed layer-vermiculite, to illite and to halloysite, kaolinite and gibbsite. Halloysite is the most frequently observed weathering product of biotite in these profiles. Goethite is observed at the around or opened fissures of altered biotite. Tubular halloysite aggregates was fDrmed from dissolution-precipitation of plagioclase. The occurrence of halloysite aggregates is divided into a preferentially oriented type and a wrinkled one which were resulted from the dissolved type of plagioclase. Fe-bearing minerals have also been subjected to dissolution leaving the precipitation of geothite along dissolution voids. The profile of granitic gneiss is a typical weathering pattern showing a clay minerals increase toward the surface. Weathering of minerals were controlled by locally acidic and good-drainage environment, and formed a various and complicated secondary minerals in this study area.

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Ductile Shear Deformation around Jirisan Area, Korea (지리산 일대의 연성전단변형)

  • Ryoo, Chung-Ryul;Kang, Hee-Cheol;Lee, Sang-Won
    • The Journal of the Petrological Society of Korea
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    • v.28 no.2
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    • pp.53-69
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    • 2019
  • In the Jirisan area of the Yeongnam Massif, Korea, several ductile shear zones are developed within Precambrian gneiss complex (Jirisan metamorphic rock complex). The ductile shear zones have a general NS- and NNE-striking foliation with westward dipping directions. The foliation developed in the shear zones cut the foliation in gneiss complex. The stretching lineations are well developed in the foliated plane of the shear zone, showing ENE-trend with gentle plunging angle to the ESE direction. Within shear zone, several millimetric to centimetric size of porphyroclasts are deformed strongly as a sigmoid form by ductile shearing. The sigmoid patterns of porphyroclasts in the shear zones indicate the dextral shearing. The spatial distribution of ductile shear zone is characterized by the dominant NS- and NNE-striking dextral sense in the central and eastern regions respectively. In the western part, it develops in NE-striking dextral sense which is the general direction of the Honam shear zone. The U-Pb concordant ages obtained from the two samples, the strongly sheared leucocratic gneiss, are $1,868{\pm}3.8Ma$ and $1,867{\pm}4.0Ma$, respectively, which are consistent with the U-Pb ages reported around the study area. We supposed that the ductile shearing in the study area is occurred about 230~220 Ma during late stage of the continental collision around Korea and is preceded by granitic intrusion related to subduction during 260~230 Ma, which are supported by compiling the age data from sheared gneiss, deformed mafic dyke intruded gneiss complex, and non-deformed igneous rocks.

Geomorphological Environment of Suwon Basin (수원 분지의 지형 환경)

  • Kee, Keun-Doh;Lee, Sang-Whan
    • Journal of the Korean association of regional geographers
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    • v.10 no.2
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    • pp.300-312
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    • 2004
  • The geomorphological environment of Suwon Basin consists of two great elements: mountains which surround the basin and plains and low relief hills by differential erosion of granitic area. Nothern and eastern parts of the basin surround with gneissic mountains(Mt. Kwangkyo), southern and western parts of the basin with granitic mountains(Mt. Chilbo, etc). The basin developed on granitic saprolites is composed of two types of sub-order geomorphic elements: flood plains alongside four river(Whangkuji-chon, Seoho-chon, Suwon-chon, Wonchonri-chon) and aligned hills and mounts between the river side plains. While the low down lands provided the spatial condition for the extention of downtown of Suwon, the gneissic mountains have played the positive roles by high ecological dam effects with stable supply of water and purification of air, etc.

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