• 제목/요약/키워드: Fundamental group

검색결과 898건 처리시간 0.025초

Voice Changes in Women Treated for Endometriosis (자궁 내막증으로 치료 받은 여성들의 음성 변화)

  • 서민철;주준범;남순열
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Laryngology, Phoniatrics and Logopedics
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    • 제11권1호
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    • pp.46-50
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    • 2000
  • Background and Objectives : Hormonal treatments which have an androgenic effect have the potential to cause vocal changes. The changes in vocal fold structure and voice quality are considered to be irreversible. To date, studies have documeted subjective vocal changes or documented single cases without detailed, baseline voice assessments. Materials and Methods : We have performed objective voice analyses of 20 women who were treated with androgenic hormones for endometriosis and compared the results with those of normal control women. Results : The averages of fundamental frequency were 194.7${\pm}$28.2 in study group, 207.0${\pm}$14.1 in control group. The means of closed quotient which were measured with electroglottography were 45.13${\pm}$2.06 in study group, 45.1${\pm}$3.03 in control group. Results of acoustic analysis are as follows. The averages of jitter were 0.95${\pm}$0.46 in study group, 1.10${\pm}$0.65 in control group. The means of shimmer were 2.44${\pm}$0.60 in study group, 2.32${\pm}$1.09 in control group. The averages of noise to harmonic ratio were 0.13${\pm}$0.028 in study group, 0.15$\pm$0.18 in control group. Conclusion : Although there were no statistically meaningful differences between the two groups, we could detect the masculinizing tendency of the therapeutic hormones of endomentriosiss(lowering of fundamental frequency). Given the availability of objective voice assessments today and the continued use of these potent hormones, comprehensive voice assessment and vocal monitoring would appear vital for women commencing hormonal treatment.

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Effect of Prevention to Dental Caries by Incremental Oral Health Care Program among Students of Elementary School in some parts of Busan Title of Manuscripts (부산시 일부지역의 초등학교 계속구강건강관리사업의 치아우식 예방 효과)

  • Kang, Hyun-Joo
    • The Korean Journal of Health Service Management
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    • 제7권1호
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    • pp.11-19
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    • 2013
  • This study was conducted to prepare the fundamental data on establishing an improvement plan for oral health promotion program, and to assess the effects of prevention to dental caries by incremental oral health care program among students of elementary school. The number of total subjects were 239 students in the care group who were controled incremental oral health care program and 195 students in the control group who were not controled incremental oral health care program. The sealant index was significantly more higher in care group than control group, especially the higher the grade. The sealant rate was significantly higher in care group than control group for all of grade. The DT index was significantly lower in care group than control group for male and female, the caries incidence rate of permanent tooth by gender was lower in male than female. The FT rate was more higher in care group than control group. The dental caries could be prevented very effectively when having continuously treated the incremental oral health care program at school dental clinic among elementary-school students. The author consider that this study will be prepare the fundamental data and contribute to oral health promotion according to a change in oral health behavior among elementary-school students. Therefore, the author recommend to expand applying the incremental oral health care program among students of elementary school.

An Evaluation of the Fundamental Nursing Practice in Clinical Settings by Triangulation Method (트라이앵귤레이션 방법에 의한 기본간호 현장실습교육 평가)

  • Kim, Chun-Mi;Kim, Eun-Man
    • The Journal of Korean Academic Society of Nursing Education
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    • 제17권2호
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    • pp.235-245
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    • 2011
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study was to identify effectiveness of fundamental nursing practices in clinical settings. Method: This study adopted the triangulation method. Using one group pre-post test design, this study identified differences in self efficacy between pre and post clinical practice. The study was also designed to describe the nursing student's experience of clinical practice by using content analysis Results: 1) All students experienced bedmaking, BST check, V/C check, positioning, transferring, assisting with moving and positioning, and ROM. Sixty percent of students experienced giving oral care, and forty percent experienced shampooing patient's hair. 2) While the mean score of self efficacy was 3.88 in the pre-test, it decreased to 3.76 in the post-test. They were statistically different from each other. 3) Seven categories were elicited from the result of content analysis on the nursing student's experience, which were 'ignorant stranger', 'facing the gap between theory and practice', 'resolving the uncertainty of clinical setting', 'getting used to fundamental nursing practice', 'motivated by a desire to study and self-development', 'understanding the nursing profession's job', and 'being helpful for the future career'. Conclusion: Fundamental nursing practice in clinical settings is a useful strategy that improves fundamental nursing skills and motivates student's self-development.

A Study on the Expansion of Fundamental Categories Based on Thesaurus International Standards (시소러스 국제표준 기반 기본 범주의 확장에 관한 연구)

  • Chang, Inho
    • Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society
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    • 제50권1호
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    • pp.273-291
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    • 2019
  • This study aims to extend fundamental categories from Clause 11, "facet analysis" in International Standards for thesaurus(ISO 25964-1) by analyzing fundamental categories of Clause 11 and concept and their scope in a thesaurus of Clause 5. For to do this, the fundamental categories were established by adjusting partially and adding mental entities explicitly referencing the highest concepts(YAMATO which is the upper ontology of Mizoguchi, and ISO 2788) and existing fundamental categories(PMEST, FRBR group 3 entities, 13 categories in CRG). Also, established fundamental categories were reorganized and structured based on concreteness/abstraction of PMEST in Ranganathan and independence/dependence of YAMATO in Mizoguchi. And the upper categories were divided into independent and dependent entities. Under these entities 28 criteria are included in the independent ones and 2 criteria in the dependent ones. In the further study, the result of this study can be expected to reuse and refer as controlled vocabulary in the field like classification, taxonomies and thesauri where expected to utilize fundamental categories and as the high-level concept when constructing an ontology for information retrieval.


  • Kim, Jin-Hong
    • Bulletin of the Korean Mathematical Society
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    • 제43권3호
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    • pp.519-529
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    • 2006
  • The Property P Conjecture States that the 3-manifold $Y_r$ obtained by Dehn surgery on a non-trivial knot in $S^3$ with surgery coefficient ${\gamma}{\in}Q$ has the non-trivial fundamental group (so not simply connected). Recently Kronheimer and Mrowka provided a proof of the Property P conjecture for the case ${\gamma}={\pm}2$ that was the only remaining case to be established for the conjecture. In particular, their results show that the two phenomena of having a cyclic fundamental group and having a homomorphism with non-cyclic image in SU(2) are quite different for 3-manifolds obtained by Dehn filings. In this paper we extend their results to some other Dehn surgeries via the A-polynomial, and provide more evidence of the ubiquity of the above mentioned phenomena.

Advanced two-level CMFD acceleration method for the 3D whole-core high-fidelity neutron adjoint transport calculation

  • Zhu, Kaijie;Hao, Chen;Xu, Yunlin
    • Nuclear Engineering and Technology
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    • 제53권1호
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    • pp.30-43
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    • 2021
  • In the 2D/1D method, a global adjoint CMFD based on the generalized equivalence theory is built to synthesize the 2D radial MOC adjoint and 1D axial NEM adjoint calculation and also to accelerate the iteration convergence of 3D whole-core adjoint transport calculation. Even more important, an advanced yet accurate two-level (TL) CMFD acceleration technique is proposed, in which an equivalent one-group adjoint CMFD is established to accelerate the multi-group adjoint CMFD and then to accelerate the 3D whole-core adjoint transport calculation efficiently. Based on these method, a new code is developed to perform 3D adjoint neutron flux calculation. Then a set of VERA and C5G7 benchmark problems are chosen to verify the capability of the 3D adjoint calculations and the effectiveness of TL CMFD acceleration. The numerical results demonstrate that acceptable accuracy of 2D/1D adjoint calculations and superior acceleration of TL CMFD are achievable.

An Analysis of the Differences in Perceptions and Pedagogical Content Knowledge (PCK) of Elementary Teachers depend on Application Experience of Integrated Science Education in the Elementary Science Class (과학 수업에서 통합적 적용 경험에 따른 초등학교 교사들의 통합 과학 교육에 대한 인식 및 교과교육학 지식(PCK)의 차이 분석)

  • Maeng, Hee-Ju;Son, Yeon-A
    • Journal of Korean Elementary Science Education
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    • 제30권4호
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    • pp.601-614
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    • 2011
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate significant differences between the application group and nonapplication group of integrated science education in the science class about elementary teachers' perceptions and PCK. The results are as follows. First, no significant differences were found about science teachers' fundamental background variables between the two groups. This results showed that the application of integrated science education didn't have relation with the fundamental background variables. It was found that the application group of integrated science education has a lower frequency than the application group, however, it has been analysed that the application group has been applied at the introduction stage for students' motivation, focused on biology as twice every month. Second, to apply a successful integrated education in the elementary science class, it has analysed that not only teachers should need to understand about application method and concept of integrated science education but also science textbook and teaching-learning material should be developed and diffused in the well-integrated science. Third, it was found that professionality of elementary teachers to teach the scientific content knowledge is not comparatively high and non-application group of integrated science education has a lower PCK than the application group. Therefore, it should be provided that not only training programmes to learn interdisciplinary knowledge related to science, can lead to more understanding about instructional design, teaching strategies and concept for integrated science education should be developed but also chances to participate in various training programmes should be provided to enhance elementary teachers' professionality for integrated science education.

Cohomology of flat vector bundles

  • Kim, Hong-Jong
    • Communications of the Korean Mathematical Society
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    • 제11권2호
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    • pp.391-405
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    • 1996
  • In this article, we calculate the cohomology groups of flat vector bundles on some manifolds.

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