• Title/Summary/Keyword: Frequency

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The Relationship between Beverage Consumption, Nutrient Intake and Body Mass Index in Elementary School Students in Gyeongnam Area (경남지역 초등학생들의 음료수 섭취와 영양소 섭취량 및 BMI와의 관련성)

  • Kim, Seok-Young;Ryu, Seon-A
    • Journal of Nutrition and Health
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    • v.41 no.6
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    • pp.530-538
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    • 2008
  • This study was performed to assess the effects of beverage consumption on nutrient intake and anthropometric measurements. Beverage intake and dietary intake were measured by a beverage frequency and quantity questionnaire and three 24-hour dietary recalls in 160 elementary school students in the Gyeongnam area. The number of drinking moments per month was 93.5 and drinking amount of all beverages was 626.6 mL per day. The amount of milk intake was 253.8 ml per day, which was the highest in all types of beverage consumption, followed by juice(133.6 mL), and carbonated beverage(77.7 mL). The amount of sweetened beverage which was defined as all beverages except milk and soy milk was 359.7 mL per day. Energy intakes from all kinds of beverages and sweetened beverages accounted for 20.3% and for 10.5% of the daily energy intake, respectively. The contributions of sweetened beverage intake to the daily energy intake in girls accounted for 13.5%, whereas in boys it was 7.7% and significantly lower. The number of drinking moments and the contribution of sweetened beverage intake to daily energy intake were negatively correlated with protein, vitamin A and niacin intake, respectively. The consumption of milk and soybean milk combined showed a significant negative correlation with the body fat ratio(%) and it also negatively correlated with waist-hip girth ratio(WHR). However, the sweetened beverage intake was not related any of the anthropometric measurement. In conclusion, consumption of the sweetened beverage dropped the nutritional quality of diet. However it was not related with anthropometric measurements in elementary students.

Changes in weight, waist circumference, prevalence of obesity, and dietary factors associated with weight gain over 8 years in Korean adults: Longitudinal data from the Korean Genome and Epidemiology Study (한국 성인의 8년간 체중, 허리둘레, 비만 유병률의 변화 및 체중증가와 관련된 식이 요인 : 한국인유전체역학조사사업의 종단연구 자료)

  • Son, Im Huei;Han, Young Hee;Hyun, Taisun
    • Journal of Nutrition and Health
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    • v.50 no.4
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    • pp.336-349
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    • 2017
  • Purpose: The purposes of this study were to describe changes in weight, waist circumference (WC), and prevalence of obesity over 8 years as well as investigate demographic and dietary factors associated with weight gain in Korean adults. Methods: The Korean Genome and Epidemiology Study is an ongoing community-based longitudinal study, which was started in 2001~2002 and repeated every 2 years. Height, weight, and WC were measured, and demographic data and food intake information using the food frequency questionnaire were collected from 10,038 adults aged 40~69 years at baseline. Among those individuals, 3,506 healthy individuals without chronic diseases completed the 4th follow-up survey in 2009~2010. Results: Mean weight decreased by 0.35 kg and 0.65 kg in men and women, respectively, whereas mean WC increased by 1.71 cm and 1.85 cm during the 8-year period. Prevalence of obesity based on body mass index (BMI) decreased from 34.5% to 33.5% in men and from 38.0% to 36.7% in women, whereas abdominal obesity increased from 14.8% to 22.2% in men and from 28.8% to 35.4% in women. Weight change was associated with age and smoking status in men, and residence area, age, education, income, and alcohol drinking in women. Approximately 57.5% maintained their BMI over 8 years (<${\pm}1kg/m^2$, stable weight group), 19.5% showed a BMI increase of ${\geq}1kg/m^2$ (weight gain group), and 23.0% showed a BMI decrease of more than $1kg/m^2$ (weight loss group). There was no significant difference in energy intake calculated as the percentage of estimated energy requirements among the three weight change groups. Intakes of coffee mix and milk were significantly higher in the weight gain group than in the weight loss group in men after controlling for confounding factors. Conclusion: Our results show that higher consumption of coffee mix and milk was associated with weight gain in Korean healthy men.

Association of iron status and food intake with blood heavy metal concentrations in Korean adolescent girls and women: Based on the 2010~2011 Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (한국 여자 청소년과 성인 여성의 혈청 철 영양상태 및 식품 섭취와 혈중 중금속 농도와의 상관성 : 2010~2011 국민건강영양조사 자료를 이용하여)

  • Kim, Jiyoung;Shin, Minseo;Kim, Sunghee;Seo, Jihyun;Ma, Hyesun;Yang, Yoon Jung
    • Journal of Nutrition and Health
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    • v.50 no.4
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    • pp.350-360
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    • 2017
  • Purpose: This study examined and compared the associations of the iron status and food intake with the blood lead, mercury, and cadmium concentrations among Korean adolescent girls, premenopausal women, and postmenopausal women. Methods: The data from the 2010~2011 Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (KNHANES) was used. The subjects were classified into three groups: adolescent girls (n = 268), premenopausal women (n = 1,157), and postmenopausal women (n = 446). The iron status was assessed by hemoglobin, hematocrit, serum ferritin, and iron concentrations, as well as the total iron binding capacity (TIBC). The food intake was estimated by a food frequency questionnaire. Results: The blood heavy metal concentrations and poisoning rate in postmenopausal women were higher than in the other groups. The iron status in the adolescent girls and postmenopausal women was higher than that in the premenopausal women. In the adolescent girls, the iron status was inversely associated with the blood cadmium concentration. The dairy food intake was inversely related to the blood lead and cadmium concentrations. In premenopausal women, the iron status was inversely associated with the cadmium concentrations. The fish and shellfish food intakes were positively associated with the mercury concentrations. In postmenopausal women, the iron status was positively associated with the mercury and cadmium concentrations. Fast foods and fried foods were inversely associated with the lead concentration. Conclusion: The premenopausal women showed a lower iron status than the adolescent girls and postmenopausal women. The associations of the iron status with the blood heavy metal concentrations were different among the adolescent girls, premenopausal women, and postmenopausal women. In addition, the relationships of the food intakes with the blood heavy metal concentrations differed among adolescent girls, premenopausal women, and postmenopausal women. Further studies will be needed to confirm these findings.

High-resolution computed tomography findings of lung parenchyme changes in very low birth weight infants treated with oxygen (산소 치료를 받은 극소저출생 체중아에서 폐 실질변화에 관한 고해상컴퓨터 단층촬영술 소견에 관한 연구)

  • Jin, Young Man;Chung, David Chanwook;Chang, Young Pyo;Lee, Yung Suk;Lee, En Sun
    • Clinical and Experimental Pediatrics
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    • v.50 no.3
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    • pp.255-261
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    • 2007
  • Purpose : The objective of this study is to observe high-resolution computed tomography (HRCT) findings of lung parenchyme in very low birth weight (VLBW) infants between the corrected age of 38-42 weeks who were treated with oxygen after birth, and to compare them to the clinical severity of bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD). Methods : The lungs of fourty-four VLBW infants with gestational ages of less than 32 weeks and birth weights of less than 1,500 g who were treated with oxygen after birth were examined using HRCT taken when the corrected age was between 38-42 weeks. Common findings among the infants and the frequency of their occurrences were noted. Total CT scores obtained by the summation of air trapping and actelectasis scores and the ratio of bronchus-to-pulmonary artery diameter were used to quantitatively evaluate HRCT findings and correlate them with the clinical severity of BPD as defined by Jobe-Bancalari diagnostic criteria. Results : 1) The most common findings in HRCT images of the lungs were air trapping (56%), atelectasis (70.5%), linear opacity (77%), and distortion of the bronchopulmonary bundle (65.9%). These findings were more commonly observed in infants with BPD in a mixed pattern than those without (P<0.05). However, abnormal findings were also found in HRCT images of some infants without BPD. In infants with BPD, air trapping, atelectasis and total CT scores were higher than those without BPD. Also infants with BPD had a lower bronchus-to-pulmonary artery diameter than those without BPD (P<0.05). 2) The total CT scores (r=0.799, P<0.0001) and the ratio of bronchus-to-pulmonary artery diameter (r=0.576, P<0.0001) showed a linear correlation with the clinical severity of BPD. Conclusion : HRCT findings in VLBW infants between the corrected age of 38-42 weeks who had been treated with oxygen after birth are useful in revealing pathologic changes in the lung parenchyme and show a good correlation with the clinical severity of BPD.

Monitoring of pesticide residues in commercial agricultural products in the northern area of Seoul, Korea (서울 북부지역 유통 농산물의 농약 잔류실태)

  • Han, Sung-Hee;Park, Sung-Kyu;Kim, Ouk-Hee;Choi, Young-Hee;Seoung, Hyun-Jung;Lee, Young-Ju;Jung, Jung-Hee;Kim, Yun-Hee;Yu, In-Sil;Kim, Yoo-Kyung;Han, Ki-Young;Chae, Young-Zoo
    • The Korean Journal of Pesticide Science
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    • v.16 no.2
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    • pp.109-120
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    • 2012
  • This study was conducted to monitor 284 pesticides residue level in 2,914 commercial agricultural products in the northern area of Seoul in 2011 by the multi class pesticide multiresidue analysis methods in Korea Food Code using GC, HPLC, GC-MSD and, LC-MSD. The detection rate of pesticide residues were 14.8% (431/2,914). The order of agricultural products in which the pesticide residues were detected was perilla leaves 40.0% (28/70), chamnamul 35.5% (11/31), amaranth 30.0% (3/10) and spinach 27.7% (38/137) etc. The percentage of products that exceeded the MRLs (maximum residue limits) were 1.0% (31/431). Those products that exceeded MRLs were ginseng (6), perilla leaves (4), leek (4), welsh onion (3) and sedeum (3) etc. The 59 kinds of the pesticides were detected on this study, 21 pesticides of them were detected over MRLs. Detection rate of fungicides (56.4%) was higher than that of insecticides (42.1%). And procymidone was detected with considerable high frequency. Additionally, residual residual violates pesticides were in the order of tolclofos-methyl, endosulfan, dimethomorph, diniconazole and fludioxonil. According to the agricultural marketing channels, detection and excess rate of them were monitored. Detection and excess rate of samples circulated in agricultural traditional market were highest. The estimated daily intakes (EDI) of the pesticides were compared to personal acceptable daily intakes (PADI) in order to risk assessment by food consumption. Diazinon in Korean cabbage showed the highest %ADI, 2.9901 and others showed below 3.0 %ADI. Overall, these results indicate that residue levels of pesticides detected were evaluated as safe.

Potential Allelic Association of Microsatellite Markers on Chromosome 1 with Economic Traits in Korean Native Chicken (한국재래닭 1번 염색체내 초위성체 유전표지를 이용한 경제형질 연관 지역 탐색)

  • Kim, H.K.;Oh, J.D.;Kang, B.S.;Park, M.N.;Chae, E.J.;Jung, H.M.;Seo, O.S.;Choe, H.S.;Jeon, G.J.;Lee, H.K.;Kong, H.S.
    • Korean Journal of Poultry Science
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    • v.35 no.2
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    • pp.163-169
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    • 2008
  • A total of 17 polymorphic microsatellite markers on chromosome 1 were used for allelic association tests with phenotypic traits in Korean native chicken. Chi-square tests were performed to compare the frequencies of individual alleles between the high and the low trait groups. The frequency of allele 123 of MCW0160 showed a significant difference between the high and the low groups in the trait of egg weight (EW). Three markers, namely ADL0234, UMA1.125 and ADL0101, were found to show significant differences in allelic distribution for the trait of the first lay day (FLD). UMA1.117, ADL0020, UMA 1.019, LMA1 and ADL0238 were found to show significant differences in allelic distribution for the trait of body weight (BW). ADL0101 and ADL0238 were found to show significant differences in allelic distribution for the trait of number of egg production(EP). In this study, we identified the QTL for economic traits at around 94 (MCW0160), 151 (ADL0234), 170 (UMA1.125), 225 (UMA1.117), 285 (ADL0020), 387 (UMA1.019), 418 (LMA1), 500 (ADL0101) and 520 (ADL0238) cM on chromosome 1 in Korean native chicken. The results provided a useful guideline for identification of positional candidate gene and marker-assisted selection for economic traits in Korean native chicken.

Analysis of Characteristics of Horizontal Response Spectrum of Velocity Ground Motions from 5 Macro Earthquakes (5개 중규모 지진의 속도 관측자료를 이용한 수평 응답스펙트럼 특성 분석)

  • Kim, Jun-Kyoung
    • Tunnel and Underground Space
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    • v.21 no.6
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    • pp.471-479
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    • 2011
  • The velocity horizontal response spectra using the observed ground motions from the recent 5 macro earthquakes, equal to or larger than 4.8 in magnitude, around Korean Peninsula were analysed and then were compared to the acceleration horizontal response spectra, seismic design response spectra (Reg Guide 1.60), applied to the domestic nuclear power plants, and finally the Korean Standard Design Response Spectrum for general structures and buildings. 102 velocity horizontal ground motions, including NS and EW components, were used for velocity horizontal response spectra and then normalized with respect to the peak velocity value of each ground motion. First, the results showed that velocity horizontal response spectra have larger values at the range of medium natural period, but acceleration horizontal response spectra have larger values at the range of short natural periods. Secondly, the results also showed that velocity horizontal response spectra exceed Reg. Guide 1.60 for longer natural periods bands less than 6-7 Hz. Finally, the results were also compared to the Korean Standard Response Spectrum for the 3 different soil types(SC, SD, and SE soil type) and showed that velocity horizontal response spectra revealed much higher values for the frequency bands below 1.5(SC), 2.0(SD), and 3.0(SE) seconds, respectively, than the Korean Standard Response Spectrum. The results suggest that the fact that acceleration, velocity, and displacement horizontal response spectra have larger values at the range of short, medium, and long natural periods, respectively, can be applied consistently to those form domestic ground motion, especially, the velocity ground motion. Information on response spectrum at such medium range periods can be very important since the domestic design of buildings and structures emphasizes recently medium and long natural periods than short one due to increased super high-rise buildings.

Environmental Characteristics and Vegetation of the Natural Habitats of Korean Endemic Plant Eranthis byunsanensis B.Y. Sun (한국 특산식물 변산바람꽃 자생지의 환경 특성과 식생)

  • Kim, Hyun-Ji;Jeong, Hye-Ran;Ku, Ja-Jung;Choi, Kyung;Park, Kwang-Woo;Cho, Do-Soon
    • Korean Journal of Environmental Biology
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    • v.30 no.2
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    • pp.90-97
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    • 2012
  • Environmental characteristics and vegetation of the natural habitats of Eranthis byunsanensis B.Y. Sun were investigated in order to provide the basic data for conservation, restoration, and utilization of this Korean endemic plant. This study was conducted in Anyang, Byeonsan, Geoje, Gyeongju, Jeju, Ulsan and Yeosu. E. byunsanensis was distributed around the altitudes of 84~585 m with a slope degree of $10{\sim}20^{\circ}$, and mostly formed discontinuous populations in north-east part of valleys. Soil analysis showed the mean organic matter of 9.6% and a slightly acidic pH (mean pH of 4.9). The mean gravimetric water content was 16.5%. Correlation coefficients between environmental factors and community characteristics suggested that there was a positive correlation between slope degree and soil water content, between slope degree and soil pH, between soil organic matter and importance value, and between species richness or evenness and species diversity. The vascular plants from 59 quadrats of 7 habitats were identified into 144 taxa. A few species were dominants and similarly distributed in Byeonsan, Jeju, Ulsan and Yeosu. The highest species diversity was found in Geoje (1.43), while Anyang showed the lowest (0.87). Species evenness of Gyeongju and Jeju was bigger than 0.8, but that of Geoje was the lowest (0.59). Dominant species of woody plants in and around the 59 plots were represented by high frequency of Acer pictum subsp. mono, Carpinus cordata, Lindera obtusiloba, and Carpinus laxiflora. The results of this study can provide useful data for conservation and restoration of natural habitats of Korean endemic Eranthis byunsanensis and for the development and growth of this species for ornamental purposes.

Effects of Servant Leadership of Security Martial Arts Instructors on the Exercise Commitment and Training Satisfaction (경호무도 지도자의 서번트 리더십이 운동몰입 및 수련만족에 미치는 영향)

  • Choi, Woo-Chang;Jeon, Yong-Tae;Kang, Hyeon
    • Korean Security Journal
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    • no.60
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    • pp.197-226
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    • 2019
  • The objective of this study is to examine the effects of servant leadership of security martial arts instructors on the exercise commitment and training satisfaction of trainees. To achieve the objective of this study, the data was collected from 300 trainees of security martial arts gyms located in Seoul, Incheon, and Gyeonggi-do regions by using the convenience sampling method. Total 281 questionnaires were used for the analysis after excluding 19 questionnaires. Using the SPSS 23.0 for data-process, this study conducted the frequency analysis, exploratory factor analysis, reliability analysis, correlation analysis, and multiple regression analysis. First, all the variables showed positive(+) correlations. Second, the presentation of vision of instructors' servant leadership had positive(+) effects on the behavioral commitment while the devoted attitude of instructors' servant leadership had positive(+) effects on the cognitive commitment. Third, the presentation of vision, formation of community, and support for growth of instructors' servant leadership had positive(+) effects on the psychological elements while the presentation of vision and support for growth had positive(+) effects on the environmental elements. The presentation of vision and formation of community had positive(+) effects on the physical elements while the presentation of vision and formation of community had positive(+) effects on the educational elements. The presentation of vision, formation of community, and support for growth had positive(+) effects on the social elements. Fourth, both cognitive commitment and behavioral commitment out of trainees' exercise commitment had positive(+) effects on the psychological elements, environmental elements, physical elements, and educational elements of training satisfaction while only the cognitive commitment had positive(+) effects on the social elements. In summary, the security martial arts instructors should show the leadership like presentation of vision and devotion, and also try hard to satisfy the expectation in many areas to raise the exercise commitment.

Radical Radiotherapy for Carcinoma of the Prostate (전립선암의 근치적 방사선치료)

  • Chun, Ha-Chung;Lee, Myung-Za
    • Radiation Oncology Journal
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    • v.19 no.1
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    • pp.40-44
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    • 2001
  • Purpose : To evaluate effect and tolerance of external beam radiotherapy for carcinoma of the prostate and define the optimal radiotherapeutic regimen. Materials and methods : We retrospectively analyzed the records of 60 patients with prostate cancer who were treated with external beam radiotherapy with curative intent in our institution between September, 1987 and March, 2000. Histologic diagnosis was established by transurethral resection or ultrasonography guided biopsy. The major presenting symptoms were a nodule at routine prostatic examination and frequency and urgency of urination, along with dysuria. The median age was 63 years with range of 51 to 87 years. There were 6 patients in Stage A, 20 in Stage 8, 26 in Stage C, and 8 in Stage Dl. All patients were treated with megavoltage equipment producing 10 MV photons. The 4 field pelvic brick technique was used to a dose of 45 Gy or 50.4 Gy at 1.8 Gy per day in 5 to 6 weeks, after which a small boost field was delivered 2.0 Gy per day to a total dose of 66 to 70 Gy. The follow-up period ranged from 1 to 8 years. Results : Actuarial 5-year and 7-year survival rates for Stage A, B, C, and D1 were $100\%\;and\;84\%$, $83\%\;and\;72\%$, $67\%\;and\;54\%$, and $v$, respectively. The corresponding 5-year and 7-year relapse free survival rates were $84\%\;and\;84\%$, $77\%\;and\;67\%$, $48\%\;and\;40\%$, and $33\%\;and\;25\%$, respectively. Relapse free 5-year survival rates for Stage B were $80\%,\;80\%,\;and\;50\%$ for well, moderately, and poorly differentiated tumors, respectively. These were $64\%,\;44\%,\;and\;33\%$ for Stage C, respectively. The local control rates at 5 years were $84\%,\;85\%,\;78\%,\;and\;60\%$ for Stage A, B, C, and D1, respectively. Mild to moderate complications were observed in $22\%$ of patients. Severe complications requiring surgical procedures were documented in only $3\%$ of patients. Conclusion : This study confirms that external beam irradiation is an effective and safe treatment for prostatic cancer, providing long-term local control and good survival with acceptable complications.

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