• 제목/요약/키워드: Feeling right

검색결과 96건 처리시간 0.023초

포크너 소설에 나타난 린칭과 윤리의 문제 (Lynching and Ethics in Faulkner's Fiction)

  • 황은주
    • 영어영문학
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    • 제54권2호
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    • pp.281-299
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    • 2008
  • The main purpose of this essay is to suggest that Faulkner's "pro"-lynching letter published in Commercial-Appeal in 1931 does not contradict his antilynching works such as "Dry September," Light in August, Go Down, Moses, and Intruder in the Dust. In the letter, Faulkner writes, "they [lynching mobs] have a way of being right." The remark has been interpreted as the expression of Faulkner's sympathetic attitude toward lynching mobs; however, it can be also seen as Faulkner's observation and criticism of the southern white people's structures of feeling in his time that stubbornly justified lynching as a way to do justice to black people who did "not" deserve to be a legal subject. This essay argues that Faulkner understood that the legislation of anti-lynching law alone could not save black people from the violence of lynching as far as white people believed that black people were not their equals and that lynching was a right means to fulfill social justice. Faulkner's fictions such as Light in August and Go Down, Moses provide moments in which white male characters feel as if they were social others, and their experiences work as an ethical urge for them to stand up for social others. This essay illuminates how Faulkner depicts the process of white male characters' identity formation as a violent break from his strong tie with black friends, how they reverse the process to blur the border again through the experiences of becoming-other, and how the experience of becoming-other has a potentiality to play the role of an ethical agency in stopping the custom of lynching in the South.

공용중인 PSC 거더 교량의 진동사용성 평가 (Vibration Serviceability Evaluation of Prestressed Concrete Girder Bridge)

  • 박선준;강성후;김보환;김승
    • 한국소음진동공학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국소음진동공학회 2009년도 추계학술대회 논문집
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    • pp.781-786
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    • 2009
  • The thesis shows that we gauged vibration of vehicular load regarding WPC girder bridge and researched into dynamic characteristics(natural frequency, vibration acceleration) of WPC girder bridge. By the basic of that, we researched on vibration serviceability by looking over and being compared to vibration criteria we had before. In the thesis, the gauged vibration made an analysis of vertical acceleration through FFT method and evaluated vibration serviceability about vibration sense the body feels by means of the standard of ISO assessment standard and Meister assessment standard by referring to analysis data. This research on bridge is WPC girder bridge of 90m span, width of 5.5m, and the experiment was gauged by a fluent which is right way and inverse way about dump truck of gross 270kN. Acceleration was located in the middle of 1st span, 2nd span, 3rd span. As a result of appraisal standard of Meister, the vibrations of the bridge have distributed between "Level C, Strongly Perceptible" and "Level B, Disturbing". Also the vibration can be attacked with unpleasant feeling. As a result of appraisal standard of ISO, from vibration influence didn't come to 60s, and reduced comfort boundary in part of most rigorous standard that such a case didn't happen.

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간호사의 안락사와 임종 간호에 대한 의미분석 (The Study of Meaning in Euthanasia and Hospiece Nursing among Nurses)

  • 김애경;박계선
    • 기본간호학회지
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    • 제7권3호
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    • pp.379-390
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    • 2000
  • Euthanasia have received considerable attention recentely in medical literature, public discussion, and proposed state legislation. Almost all the discussion in this area has focused on the role of physicians. However, nurse may be in special position to understand the wishes of patients and to act on this understanding. Purpose of this study is to identity the meaning of euthanasia in terminal ill patients on the nurses' veiw. Forcused interveiw design was used to data collection The data were analyzed by semantic analysis, and analysis of the data resulted in identification of 14 categories representing the meaning of euthanasia. 1. The meaning of supported euthanasia is 'free of suffering', 'difficulty of economic status', 'right of patient and family', 'dignity of death', 'organ transplant', 'social legislation'. 2. The meaning of opposited euthanasia is 'artificial death', 'value of life', 'uncertainity', 'guilt feeling' 3. The meaning of care in terminalily ill patients is 'avoidance', 'powerlessness'. 'apathy'. 'passive attitude'. The policy debate about professional roles in action that end of lives of patients must be extended nurses. Nurses must take an active role in discussion and definition of acceptable practice at the end of life.

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웨딩 미니어쳐의 상품 개발에 관한 연구 (A Study on the Product Development for Wedding Miniature)

  • 김소영;백천의
    • 한국의상디자인학회지
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    • 제13권4호
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    • pp.153-165
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    • 2011
  • The purpose of this study is to take into consideration the package products of wedding miniature dress. The method of the research was mainly focused on precedent research data and general references. Furthermore the data on wedding dresses was mainly collected from internet sites. Ai; reflection customer's demands, more personal and distinctive design was planned reflecting trend in the sector of wedding dress. The results of the research is the following. First, the first consideration for designing product in wedding miniature was designed with the focus on what consumers are easy to make and on brilliance when having made. 8 pairs for barbie miniature and 2 pairs for ball joints were designed. Among these things, it designed colorfully with 6 pairs for wedding dress and 4 pairs for shooting, which are used in the right size. Second, as a result of seeing consumers' response by up-loading totally 10 pieces of miniature clothes on wedding miniature. com site, and were the most popular products. The aim is to suggest package product based on these two works. The design-based pattern, the fabric of being used, lace material, beads, and several trimmings are offered to 2 wedding miniature package products. Consumers can make own collection with a handicraft-based feeling by using this.

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유아용 에듀테인먼트 Mon-E로봇 (An Edutainment Mon-E Robot for Young Children)

  • 김종철;김현호
    • 로봇학회논문지
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    • 제6권2호
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    • pp.147-155
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    • 2011
  • This paper presents an edutainment robot for young children. The edutainment robot called 'Mon-e' has developed by the Central R&D Laboratory at KT. The main services of the Mon-E robot are autonomous moving service, object card and story book telling service and videophone service. The RFID technology was introduced for easy interface to young children. The face of Mon-E robot is mounted with an RFID reader. The RFID tag is pasted on story book and object card. If you approach a book or an object card to the face of Mon-E, the Mon-E robot recognizes the identified code and plays its service. In autonomous moving, if the Mon-E robot meets obstacles, it moves back and turns left or right or half rotation. In videophone service, if young children approach an RFID card to the Mon-E, the Mon-E can make a call to the specific number, which is contained in the RFID card. The developed Mon-E robot has tested in real world environment and is evaluated young children and their parents. In the result of evaluation, the feeling of satisfaction was high to main services of Mon-E robot.

공용중인 PSC 거더 교량의 진동사용성 평가 (Vibration Serviceability Evaluation of Prestressed Concrete Girder Bridge)

  • 강성후;김보환;박선준;김승
    • 한국소음진동공학회논문집
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    • 제20권4호
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    • pp.331-337
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    • 2010
  • The thesis shows that we gauged vibration of vehicular load regarding WPC girder bridge and researched into dynamic characteristics(natural frequency, vibration acceleration) of WPC girder bridge. By the basic of that, we researched on vibration serviceability by looking over and being compared to vibration criteria we had before. In the thesis, the gauged vibration made an analysis of vertical acceleration through FFT method and evaluated vibration serviceability about vibration sense the body feels by means of the standard of ISO assessment standard and Meister assessment standard by referring to analysis data. This research on bridge is WPC girder bridge of 90 m span, width of 5.5 m, and the experiment was gauged by a fluent which is right way and inverse way about dump truck of gross 270 kN. Acceleration was located in the middle of 1st span, 2nd span, 3rd span. As a result of appraisal standard of Meister, the vibrations of the bridge have distributed between "level C, strongly perceptible" and "level B, disturbing". Also the vibration can be attacked with unpleasant feeling. As a result of appraisal standard of ISO, from vibration influence didn't come to 60s, and reduced comfort boundary in part of most rigorous standard that such a case didn't happen.

성인학습자의 학점은행제 참여 유의가와 학습몰입 관계 연구 (Relation Research on Participation Valence and Learning Flow of Adult Learner in the Credit Bank System)

  • 송경화;정주영;안영식
    • 수산해양교육연구
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    • 제28권5호
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    • pp.1209-1219
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    • 2016
  • In knowledge based society, lifelong learning is increasing in order to meet educational needs of adult learners. Credit Bank system which is credited by individual experience, learning and qualifications are also emphasized for continuing learning participation. However, in spite of the importance of concern in the Credit Bank System, adult learners expectation and value are not high. The purpose of this study is to analyze participation valence and learning flow of adult learner in the Credit Bank System. The result of this study is summarized as follows: first, adult learners participated in the Credit Bank System to get new knowledge and skill based on internal and external motivation and requirement not involved with individual degree. Second, adult learners participating in the Credit Bank System are experiencing learning flow realizing that behavior of participation is compensated, adult learners are concentrating and feeling with satisfaction and pleasure to study. Third, participation in the Credit Bank System based on adult learner's own right learning requirement have been analyzed as it has a positive effect to the learning flow and have indicated that adult learners having high level of valence experience, recognition immersion, behavioral devotion, and egoistic immersion. Based on the conclusion, further studies are suggested.


  • 남기창;안선희;김수찬;김덕원;이승종
    • Restorative Dentistry and Endodontics
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    • 제29권3호
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    • pp.226-232
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    • 2004
  • Use of electric pulp testing elicits painful response in vital teeth. In this study, we examined the excessive time from pain feeling to stimulation disconnection in clinical situation. D626D (Parkell Inc., USA.) scan type electric pulp tester was used in total of 23 young healthy individuals. Each of the right central incisors and first premolars were used as testing teeth. Stimulation disconnection was achieved by EMG in anterior belly of digastric muscle, finger span, and voice and the excessive stimulation time over the sensory thresh-old was recorded. As a result, we found that the short responses before the stimulation disconnection appeared following order:EMG, finger span, and voice. The EMG disconnection is suggested to be used to reduce the excessive stimulus time in electric pulp testing.

시험모드에 따른 하이브리드자동차의 에너지소비효율 특성에 관한 연구 (The Study on the Assesment Fuel Economy of Hybrid Vehicle on Test Modes)

  • 김기호;김성우;이민호;오상기;이승호
    • 동력기계공학회지
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    • 제18권6호
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    • pp.70-76
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    • 2014
  • Surely fuel economy(F.E.) label is needed to meet consumer's right to know. Korea has developed and adopted F.E. correction equation similar to the feeling, because consumer complain about F.E. label higher than they feel. Recently, through continuous research and development high-efficiency & performance green car like HEV, PHEV and EV are being sold. In this situation, it is needed to know whether the current equation can reflect a part of their improved technic or not. In this paper, to review current equation through test using hybrid vehicles on 5-cycle SOC, correction equation and F.E were discussed. The result show HEV didn't meet the SOC error standard on US06. Also, HEV has bigger F.E. difference between FTP-75 and 5-cycle than conventional vehicles. However, the correction equation that include HEV almost same with current one.

Chronic Central Post-Stroke Pain Treated with Scalp Acupuncture and Traditional Korean Medicine: A Case Report

  • Park, Jang Mi;Lee, Jae Sung;Jeong, Jae Eun;Lee, You Jung;Lee, Cham Kyul;Roh, Jeong Du;Jo, Na Young;Lee, Eun Yong
    • Journal of Acupuncture Research
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    • 제36권4호
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    • pp.277-281
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    • 2019
  • A patient with central post-stroke pain was treated for 4 weeks with scalp acupuncture and traditional Korean medicine (following a cerebral infarction in 2013). The patient presented at Chungju hospital in January 2019 with left side weakness and tingling, numbness in the left hemisphere, chronic pain and dysarthria. Initially, herbal medicine, acupuncture, pharmacupunture, indirect moxibustion, and physiotherapy were administered together with Western medicine, with no improvement in the patient's condition. On Day 5, scalp electroacupuncture (MS1, MS5, MS10, MS11) was introduced. The numbness feeling in the patient's head resolved, and the pain in his upper body decreased. Grip force difference between the left and right hand improved from 3 kg to 0-0.5 kg. Sleep disturbance was resolved after 4 weeks treatment, and his average numeric rating scale score for pain improved from an admission score of 10, to a discharge score of 5. The patient could walk unaided after treatment.