• 제목/요약/키워드: Energy Saving Plan

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ESCO 에너지절약 MRV 계획서 및 결과서 표준양식 개발방안 연구 (A Study on Development for ESCO MRV Plan and Result Reporting Outlines to ESCO Energy Conservation Business)

  • 임기추
    • 에너지공학
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    • 제25권3호
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    • pp.157-164
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    • 2016
  • 본고의 목적은 ESCO 규정에 의한 정책자금 신청시와 에너지사용자 ESCO 기업 간의 에너지절약성과 보증계약 체결에 의한 에너지절약시설 설치로 발생되는 에너지절감량을 측정 평가시에 필요한 MRV 계획서 결과서 표준양식 개발방안을 제시하는 것이다. MRV 계획서 및 결과서는 에너지절약시설의 설치목적 및 효과를 충실히 달성하기 위하여 계획된 에너지절감량과 결과에 대한 측정 검증 보고 목적으로 작성된다. 본고에서는 MRV 계획서 및 결과서의 양식에 대한 세부설명과 작성방법으로 구분하여 개발하였다. 향후 연구과제로 MRV 계획서 및 결과서 표준양식 개발 결과를 바탕으로 ESCO 기술분야 설비별 적용사례 등을 감안한 MRV 계획서 및 결과서 작성 가이드라인 제시방안이 추진될 필요가 있다.

자원순환형 소각열 이용시스템에 관한 평가 (Evaluation on Utilizing Systems of Incineration Heat as Resource cycling Type)

  • 정용현
    • 한국환경과학회지
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    • 제12권4호
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    • pp.503-510
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    • 2003
  • How to plan the energy system is one of the keys f3r constructing the Environment -Friendly City. for this reason, a great number of surveys for utilizing unused energy have conducted by a planner. In regard to unused energy, the heat from incineration plants classify as a unused energy having high-exergy-energy. From this point of view, It is studied about the plant systems providing heat to district heating & cooling(D.H.C) and producing electric power. It is divided four system models as system I (10K [kgf/cm$^2$) vapor as outlet of boiler, supply far 10K vapor and return to 60$^{\circ}C$ as supply condition of district heating), system II (30 K vapor as outlet of boiler, supply for 5t vapor and return to 60f as supply condition of district heating), system 111 (30 K vapor as outlet of boiler, supply for 85$^{\circ}C$ hot water and return to 60$^{\circ}C$ as supply condition of district heating), system IV (30 K vapor as outlet of boiler, supply for 47$^{\circ}C$ hot water and return to 40t as supply condition of district heating). The results from the upper condition of four system, System II got a proper on economical benefits and system IV calculated as benefiting on energy saving effects, and suggest indifference curve as the total evaluation method of both economical benefits and energy saving.

국내 중소규모 건축물의 에너지관리시스템 적용방안에 관한 연구 (A Study on Application of the Building Energy Management System(BEMS) for Korean Small or Medium Buildings)

  • 변정윤;김주형;김재준
    • 한국건축시공학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국건축시공학회 2011년도 추계 학술논문 발표대회
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    • pp.159-160
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    • 2011
  • Recently there are many efforts for saving energy in building. therefore Building energy management systems(BEMS) are expected to a reduction energy cost. BEMS has many benefits which could switch plant on and off automatically. Also It optimize plan operation and services, monitor plant status and environmental conditions and to provide energy analysis and management information. In these days, many public buildings are applied BEMS but there are few studies about application of small or medium buildings. Therefore, in this study, we will find how to apply BEMS in small or medium buildings.

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에너지 절감을 위한 건설장비 조합 최적화 방법 연구 (Construction Equipment Fleet Optimization for Saving Fuel Consumption)

  • 이창용;이홍철;이동은
    • 한국건축시공학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국건축시공학회 2015년도 춘계 학술논문 발표대회
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    • pp.198-199
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    • 2015
  • Construction equipment is a major energy consumption source in construction projects. If 10% reduction of the diesel fuel usage is achieved in the construction industry, it may reduce 5% of the total energy usage. Energy saving operation is a major issue in equipment-intensive operations (e.g., earthmoving or paving operations). Identifying optimal equipment fleet is important measure to achieve low-energy consumption in those operations. This study presents a system which finds an optimal equipment fleet by computing the low-energy performance of earthmoving operations. It establishes construction operation model and compares numerous combinations using alternative equipment allocation plans. It implements sensitivity analysis that facilitates searching the lowest energy consumption equipment fleet by enumerating all cases.

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ESCO 에너지절약 M&V 방법의 선택 및 적용방안 연구 (A Survey on the M&V to guarantee the energy saving performance of ESCO)

  • 임기추
    • 에너지공학
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    • 제23권4호
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    • pp.123-129
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    • 2014
  • 국내에서도 에너지절약성과 보증계약 방식 위주의 역량강화를 위한 측정 검증(M&V)이 중요한 과제로 부각됨에 따라 선진국과 같은 M&V 방법의 선택과 적용이 필요하다. 국내 ESCO 산업의 역량강화를 촉진하기 위해 에너지절약성과에 대한 M&V를 위해서, 적합한 M&V 선택 및 적용방안의 제시가 요청되고 있다. 본고에서는 IPMVP, 미국 및 일본 사례를 참조하여 국내의 M&V 적용목표 및 적용방향을 설정하고, 적용절차 및 유의사항을 설명한 뒤 M&V 방안(A, B, C, D)의 선택 및 검증방안을 제시하였다. 향후 연구과제로 앞에 제시된 M&V 선택 및 적용방안을 기초로 한 M&V 계획서 및 결과서 작성을 위한 가이드라인 제시방안이 마련될 필요가 있다.

축소모형을 이용한 광선반의 시환경 특성 평가 연구 (Visual Performance Evaluation Study of a Scaled Light-Shelf Model)

  • 조일식;김병수;이진숙
    • 한국태양에너지학회 논문집
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    • 제23권3호
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    • pp.63-71
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    • 2003
  • According to the recent report, the lighting energy consumption of commercial buildings reaches to $30%\sim40%$ of the total energy consumption. It is more than that of cooling & heating energy consumption and it is the major target of energy-saving policy. It is obvious that they are interested in natural lighting device such as Light-shelf for the purpose of raising the lighting energy-saving efficiency. In most of highly developed countries, a thorough study on Light-shelf makes it possible to propose a practical plan while at home there leaves much to be desired to study a guiding principle of optimum plan in spite of its efficiency based on experiments using scale4 model and analysis of simulation. Aiming at making an optimum plan of Light-shelf suitable for the domestic situation, this study is worked by experiments using light-shelf and analysis of variables using illumination program. The experiments is to analyse the efficiency of Light-shelf on condition of the sky and the analysis is to make the simulation using illumination program. This study is composed of 1) the analysis of light with some variables such as presence of light-shelf and degree of angle using 1/2 scaled model 2) making the simulation using Lightscape, illumination program, In brief, concerning presence of light-shelf, it causes little difference in its efficiency in the overcast sky, whereas it decreases an illuminance of window side and provides inner side with the light, which decreases the ratio of the maximum to the minimum inner illuminance and makes the inner of illuminance to range evenly in the clear sky. On degree of angle, as the daylight increases in proportion of degree of angle, the ratio of the maximum to the minimum inner illuminance decreases, which makes it possible to increase the proportion of inner daylight.

철도전기실의 초박형 액체단열재 적용을 통한 에너지 절감효과 (The Evaluation of Energy Saving using Ultrathin Heat Insulation in Railway Electrification Substation)

  • 김형철;장정훈;신승권;박용섭;김상암;김형래;현병수;김진호
    • 전기학회논문지
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    • 제64권1호
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    • pp.171-175
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    • 2015
  • In this paper, because of global environmental problems such as energy shortage and abnormal climate, green energy development and energy saving technology development is being magnified. Heat insulation, the most basic and traditional energy saving method, is highly expected. Especially, simple and advanced heat insulation technique based on Nano material is promising future technology. The railway system also requires heat insulation. Especially, traditional heat insulator such as glass wool has been adopted frequently to rolling stock. The heat insulator is also adopted in general railway service buildings. Take account of cost-effective heat blocking performance, the heat insulator shall be adopted in diverse fields such as electric power, railroad, signal and communication. The only and direct solution for this problem is installing heat insulator with outstanding endurance, corrosion resistance and heat resistance to block outer heat Upgrading heat specification of equipment can be a solution, but since price and maintenance cost rise severely, this plan might be incongruous. In this research, energy saving effect of ultrathin heat insulator film was demonstrated by installing the film on roof of electrical room.

BIM기반 에너지절약계획서 건축부문 부분자동화 작성 시스템 제안 - BIM 소프트웨어와 EXCEL VBA를 이용한 자동화과정을 중심으로 - (A Proposal for Partial Automation Preparation System of BIM-based Energy Conservation Plan - Case Study on Automation Process Using BIM Software and Excel VBA -)

  • 류재호;황종민;김솔이;서화영;이지현
    • 한국BIM학회 논문집
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    • 제12권2호
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    • pp.49-59
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    • 2022
  • The main idea of this study is to propose a BIM-based automation system drawing up a report of energy conservation plan in the architecture division. In order to obtain a building permit, an energy conservation plan must be prepared for buildings with a total floor area of 500m2 or more under the current law. Currently, it is adopted as a general method to complete a report by obtaining data and drawings necessary for an energy conservation plan through manual work and input them directly into the verification system. This method takes a lot of effort and time in the design phase which ultimately increases the initial cost of the business, including the services of companies specialized in the environmental field. However, in preparation for mandatory BIM work process in the future, it is necessary to introduce BIM-based automatic creation system that has an advantage for shortening the whole process to enable rapid permission of energy-saving designs for buildings. There may be many methods of automation, but this study introduces how to build an application using Dynamo of Revit, in terms of utilizing BIM, and write an energy conservation plan by automatic completion of report through Dynamo and Excel's VBA algorithm, which can save time and cost in preparing the report of energy conservation plan compared with the manual process. Also we have insisted that the digital transformation of architectural process is a necessary for an efficient use of our automation system in the current energy conservation plan workflow.

학교시설 현황분석을 통한 에너지절약설계 개선방향 연구 (A Study on Design for Energy-saving Based on Analysis of Current Situation in School Facilities)

  • 맹준호;김성중;이승민;고현수
    • 교육녹색환경연구
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    • 제17권3호
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    • pp.1-8
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    • 2018
  • 기후변화에 따른 지구 생태계의 변화와 에너지 및 자원고갈 등 전 지구적 대응노력이 절실한 상황에서 정부에서는 탈원전 정책 등 적극적인 정책을 수립하여 시행하고 있다. 특히 공공건물 중 적지 않은 비중을 차지하고 있는 학교시설은 학생수가 감소하는 반면 학교수가 증가하고 있으며 에너지사용량 또한 지속적으로 증가하고 있다. 본 연구에서는 학교시설의 설계현황을 분석하여 에너지절약설계의 개선방향을 제시하고자 하였다.

공동주택 열병합발전시스템도입에 의한 에너지 절감효과에 관한 연구 (A Research on Energy Reduction Effect of Cogeneration System of Apartment Houses)

  • 전민경;김주영;홍원화
    • 한국주거학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국주거학회 2006년도 추계학술발표대회 논문집
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    • pp.484-487
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    • 2006
  • Today, the age of high oil prices is continued, due to the energy demand is on the increase and human principlal energy sorce, fossil fuel. As an alternative plan of energy saving, co-generation system that produces power and thermal energy at the same time has actively developed. In 1960s, co-generation system was introduced to Korea and since 2000 it has diffused throughout the apartment house. Therefore, objectives of this study are to analyze the energy reduction effects in the region 4 apartment houses of Daegu and Kyungbuk regionand set up a plan for its expansion in the future.

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