• 제목/요약/키워드: Elementary.Middle.High School Education

검색결과 701건 처리시간 0.026초

교육과학기술부 고시에 따른 초.중.고등학교 보건교육 실태 (Health Education Status in Elementary, Middle and High Schools by National Health Education Guidelines)

  • 이정열;김은경;오의금;지호영;조선녀;정문희
    • 한국학교보건학회지
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    • 제23권2호
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    • pp.172-180
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    • 2010
  • Purpose: To analyze the current status of health education and problems of elementary, middle, and high schools by national health education guideline. Methods: Study subjects were 991 school health teachers of elementary, middle, and high schools in one province and the data was collected by mail. The data was analyzed by $x^2$-test and Fisher's exact test. Results: The rates of school health education implementation were 99.6% in elementary school, 98.1% in middle school, and 96% in high school. The rates of school health education were reported much higher than former studies. The most barrier in providing school health education was 'health room management during health education'. During health education by school health teachers, the health rooms were managed by other teachers in elementary schools or by locking the health room with announcement memo in middle and high schools. Conclusion: To improve the school health education, higher school health teacher placement and administrative supports for health clinic were recommended.

안전사고 예방교육이 학생들의 안전의식에 미치는 영향 - 충남지역 일부 초.중.고등학생을 중심으로 - (The Influence of School Safety Education on Safety Awareness of Students - Based on Study of Elementary, Middle, and High Schools in Chung-nam -)

  • 이명선;최혜정;김미희;박예진
    • 한국학교ㆍ지역보건교육학회지
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    • 제13권2호
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    • pp.93-105
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    • 2012
  • This study aimed to provide the fundamental resources for developing an effective safety education program. We analyzed the condition of school accidents and safety awareness, and the condition of school safety education and the factors related to safety education. Ultimately, this study can lead the following studies to develop the safety education program realistically, which can effectively change the safety behaviors of Korean students. Methods: We carried out a questionnaire survey that was targeted at the schools - three elementary, three middle, and three high schools - located in Chung-nam, from April 1, 2012 to May 2, 2012. Totally, the questionnaires of 578 students were fully filled out. The design of this study is a descriptive research. Results: 1. 64.5% of elementary school students, 33% of middle school students and 32% of high school students had experienced more than one safety accident. The frequency of occurrence was the highest in playgrounds for elementary and middle school students, and in stairs for high school students. The most safety accidents occurred during lunch time and at recess in elementary and middle school, and at recess in high school. Further, most of the students who had experienced the safety accidents had been treated in infirmary (school nurse's office) for elementary school students, and in a hospital for middle and high school students. 2. There was statistical significance in the safety consciousness for students in elementary school (18.09 points), middle school (17.68 points), and high school (17.26 points), on a twenty-point scale. (F=3.754, p=0.024). 3. Comparing the factors related to school safety education with safety consciousness, students in elementary school that gave an answer of the usefulness of safety education showed a high standard in the safety consciousness level. (F=12.347, p=0.002) For the need of safety education, the students in the elementary school and high school that expressed the necessity of safety education showed a high standard in the safety consciousness level. Conclusions: Accordingly, it is true that there are the differences at safety awareness among elementary middle high school students. This study is meaningful enough in that it provides the fundamental resources for developing the effective safety education methods for the subjects.

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초․중․고등학교 학생․학부모․일반교사의 보건교육 영역별 요구도와 보건교육 (Health Education Needs of Students, Parents and Teachers and the Status of Health Education in Elementary, Middle, and High Schools)

  • 윤순녕;김영임;최정명;조희순;김영희;박영남;오경순;이분옥;조선녀;조소영;한선희;하영미
    • 한국학교보건학회지
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    • 제18권1호
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    • pp.1-14
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    • 2005
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study was to identify the needs of health education in students, their parents and teachers in the elementary, middle and high schools and the current situation of health education class. Method: The subjects of this study were a total of 9450 persons including students, their parents and teachers from 279 schools throughout the country. They were selected through convenient sampling. Data were analyzed through $\chi^2$-test and ANOVA. Result: Students, their parents and teachers replied that 18 dimensions of health education class (DHEC) are necessary. The four DHEC - healthier life style, sex education, mental health and safety education - showed high educational needs in students, their parents, and teachers. High school students had higher educational need of 'symptom management for daily living' than elementary and middle school students. Students, their parents and teachers in elementary school had higher educational needs of 17 DHEC than those in middle and high school. The percentages of schools with health education class taught by health teachers were 99.2%, 75.5% and 66.0% respectively in elementary, middle and high schools. Health education was given mainly using physical education classes at elementary schools, and creative class hours at middle and high schools. In general, health education took 1-3 hours per week at elementary schools, and less than an hour at middle and high schools. Conclusion: Therefore, based on the results, systematic health education class should begin from elementary school to meet the need of health education in students, their parents and teachers, and further study should be made on the number of hours required and the amount of contents of 18 DHEC.

학교보건교육 수행실태 및 영향요인분석 (An Analysis of School Health Education Patterns and Related Factors in Korea)

  • 김영임;안지영
    • 한국학교보건학회지
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    • 제12권1호
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    • pp.85-95
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    • 1999
  • The objectives of this study are to explain the performance patterns of health education and related factors in elementary middle, and high schools in Korea. The survey data were collected by questionnaires from June to September in 1998. the number of subjects were 294 school nurses. The SAS-pc program was used for statistical analyses such as percent distribution, a $x^2-test$, a Spearman correlation est., and logistic regression analysis. The major results were as follows: 1. The performance rates of health education by elementary, middle and high schools was higher than before. But the education time was not as sufficient as desired. 2. Planning and practice for health education in elementary and middle schools were high. The preparation of the instruction for health education in elementary school was especially strong. 3. The need survey for health education was low '-' 32~46%. The performance rates of health education increased yearly in elementary school. 4. The reference data were insufficient for health education; In other words, it was difficult for a systematic education. 5. Usually lecture and other methods were used. 10-15% used only the lecture method. 6. The content of heath education was life style in the lower levels of elementary school, Drinking, smoking, drug use etc. were concentrated on in middle and high school. 7. The education evaluation and application was activated in elementary school, otherwise, was low in high school. 8. School nurses and school performance in health education were influenced significatly by planning of health education and the instruction of heath education in elementary school. In the case of planning, the budget was a significant variable; in the case of instruction, the number of school classs was significant. In conclusion, these findings suggest that a developed health education curriculum be performed gearly in order to create a systematic school health education. Also, it is necessary to activate an evaluation to system measure behavioral changes. It is expected that the improvement of school health education be accomplished through the systematic support of schools by government in the physical, economi, and psychological areas.

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서울 시내 일부 초 . 중 . 고등학교 학생의 흡연위험요인에 관한 연구 (Risk Factors for Smoking Behavior in Elementary, Middle and High School Students)

  • 이보은;박혜숙;하은희;김남희;한영란
    • 보건교육건강증진학회지
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    • 제21권2호
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    • pp.167-185
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    • 2004
  • Objectives: The rate of adolescent smoking is important because lead to adult smoking. And early onset of smoking is associated with chronic disease in adult life. The purpose of this study is to describe the smoking status of adolescents and identify the risk factors for smoking in each school. Methods: We selected the participant schools that are located in Yang-cheon Gu, Seoul, Korea, considering the social economic status. The subjects were included 719elementary school students,1,251 middle school students and 1,513 high school students. Self-reported questionnaires were administrated between December 16 and December 24 , 2002. Students were informed in writing that the survey was voluntary. The response rate was 98.7, 81.1 and 95.4 in elementary, middle, and high school, respectively. Results: The results of this study were as follows: 1) Students who have attempted to smoke were 8.8% in elementary school, 29.3% in middle school and 35.0% in high school. 2) The current smokers were 2.0%, 7.9% and 11.5% in elementary, middle and high school, respectively. 3) In elementary school, smoking of mends and physical health were significantly predicted the attempt to smoke. Stress, smoking of mends, alcohol, and binge drinking were associated with the attempt to smoke of middle school students. In high school, the attempt to smoke was related to gender, maternal education, depression, school performance, smoking of brothers, smoking of mends, alcohol, and binge drinking. 4) Current smoking was associated with smoking of mends and binge drinking in middle school and gender, school performance, smoking of brothers, smoking of mends, alcohol, and binge drinking in high school in multiple logistic regression. Conclusion: There is a need for health education and specific strategies to help adolescents prevent from smoking. Smoking prevention programs which include risk-taking behavior such as alcohol, method of copying with stress, and supporting environment were required.

광주.전남 지역 학교급식 영양사.영양교사의 학교유형에 따른 직무분석 및 만족도 연구 (Job analysis and satisfaction of dietitians.nutrition teacher in school foodservice by school type in Gwangju and Jeonnam area)

  • 김혜경;길진모
    • Journal of Nutrition and Health
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    • 제45권3호
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    • pp.274-282
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    • 2012
  • The objective of this study was to examine job performance and importance, and job satisfaction of school foodservice dietitians nutrition teacher in Jeonnam and Gwangju area according to the school types (elementary school, middle school, high school). A total of 646 questionnaires were distributed, 244 questionnaires were analyzed using SPSS 12.0 for a descriptive analysis, t-test and ANOVA. There were significant differences between the school dietitians' nutrition teachers' job performance and importance in all areas of the job analysis for all school types. In the foodservice management/evaluation and nutrition education area, elementary and middle school foodservice dietitian nutrition teacher showed a significantly higher performance, compared to that of high school dietitian nutrition teacher. Nutrition education was recognized by elementary and middle school dietitian nutrition teacher to be more significantly important than that of high school dietitian nutrition teacher. Elementary school foodservice dietitian nutrition teacher was most satisfied with their job condition. Dietitian working in middle school was least satisfied with the salary and compensation. These results suggest that appropriate curriculum should be structured according to foodservice dietitian nutrition teacher of the school type for improving the work efficiency. In order to increase the job satisfaction, the employment status of school dietitian should be guaranteed by the government and school officials, especially in the middle and high schools.


  • Han, Eun Ok;Kim, Jae Rok;Choi, Yoon Seok;Lochhead, James
    • Journal of Radiation Protection and Research
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    • 제40권3호
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    • pp.132-146
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    • 2015
  • To develop tailored elementary, middle, and high school textbooks suitable for understanding the nuclear energy and radiation, quantitative and qualitative research was carried out in parallel, which included nine steps to ensure the validity of content and structure. The elementary, middle, and high school students wanted to acquire information used in their daily lives, including the definition of nuclear energy and radiation, principles and status of nuclear power generation, and information about irradiated food, medical radiation, and radiation in life. In the evaluation of the effects of textbook contents according to the educational requirements of each school level, high suitability frequencies (>80%) were shown for the human character, education goals, curriculum goals, evaluation method, and education time. At some levels, the high suitability frequencies (>70%) were shown for the education grade, education type, and textbook type.

A Study on Software Education Donation Model for the Social Care Class

  • Lee, Won Joo
    • 한국컴퓨터정보학회논문지
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    • 제24권1호
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    • pp.239-246
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    • 2019
  • In this paper, we propose an effective software education donation model for the social care class. The types of software education for elementary, middle, and high school for the social care class are in the order of after school classes, club activities, creative experiences, and regular classes. In elementary school students, it is effective to precede visual programming education based on block coding and to conduct curriculum convergence with SW and HW at the beginning, and high school students are carrying out text programming education like Python. Software education for social care class The contribution activity model can be classified into five types such as geographically difficult area, multicultural family areas, orphanage, reformatory, and basic livelihood security recipient. In addition, the survey results show that the students' interest in software education and their satisfaction are all very high at 96%. Effective software education for the social care class In the donation model, the lecturers consist of responsible professors, lecturers, and assistant instructors. Software training for the social care class is effective on a year-by-year basis, so that students can feel authenticity and trust. Software education contents focus on visual programming and physical computing education in elementary or middle school, and text programming and physical computing education in high school. It is necessary to construct a software education donor matching system that helps efficient management of software education donations by efficiently matching schools (consumers: elementary, middle, high school) and software education donors(suppliers).

초.중.고등학교 학생, 학부모, 일반교사의 보건교육 요구 (Needs of Health Education of Students, Parents, and General Teachers in Elementary, Middle, and High Schools)

  • 윤순녕;김영임;최정명;조희순;김영희;박영남;오경순;이분옥;조선녀;조소영;한선희;하영미
    • 한국학교보건학회지
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    • 제17권2호
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    • pp.151-160
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    • 2004
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study was to identify needs of health education of the students, parents, general teachers, and health teacher of the elementary, middle, and high schools. Method: 279 schools of elementary, middle, and high school were sampled nonproportionally during the period from June 28 to July 26, 2004 The data were collected by the questionnaire from 1,888 students, 1,876 parents, 1,695 general teachers, 279 health teachers. A frequency, % and $x^2-test$ were used to analysis by SAS program. Result: 1. It showed that 98.1% of elementary school students, 92.3% of middle school students, 89.6% of high school students answered that they need health education. The most of students, parents, and general teachers had high interests in health education. 2. In the case of students, main causes of needs of health education was 'to prevent diseases or accidents'. But parents answered that it was 'to build up a healthier behavior'. General teachers answered that it was 'more effective systematic and continuous health education'. 3. Over 80% of students, parents, and general teachers about the question of who qualified person is to teach health education as a regular class responded that health teacher is available. Especially 93% of elementary school students answered like that. 4. The most of students, parents, and general teachers answered that health education in the classroom is favorable 1 to 2 hours per week. Conclusion: As results of the study, the majority of students, parents, general teachers agreed needs of health education. Therefore, on the basis of this study, systematic and continuous health education is necessary. Additionally the establishment of independent health subject is required certainly.

초중고생을 대상으로 한 포괄적 해양교육 포털사이트 구축을 위한 기반연구 (A Study on the Marine Science Education Comprehensive Portal Site Construction for Elementary, Middle and High School Students)

  • 박종운
    • 수산해양교육연구
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    • 제19권2호
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    • pp.229-238
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    • 2007
  • The Purpose of this study is to examine the present marine science education programs in Korea and understand how they are organized and how well they are being used. Eventually, being a foothold research prior to the construction of an inclusive marine science education portal site for elementary, middle, and high school students is the objective of this study. Through this study, we can expect three positive effects. First, through classification of marine science education programs, it can be used when dividing the contents and writing textbooks for elementary school students. Second, through the construction of portal site, we can expect to correct the recognition and understanding of marine and it will contribute to the future industry development. Third, we can offer the correct materials for teaching and learning and through learning, understanding on marine will get better.