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Study on the Effect of CSV(Creating Shared Value) Authenticity on Employee's Job Satisfaction Mediated by the Perception of Legitimacy (CSV(공유가치창출)의 진정성이 정당성 지각을 통해 종업원 직무만족도에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구)

  • Hwang, kumju;Lee, Ilhan;Jang, Doohwan
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Venturing and Entrepreneurship
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    • v.10 no.6
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    • pp.121-132
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    • 2015
  • This study by the authenticity of the CSV in social contribution activities and not giving a positive effect on job satisfaction of employees, as adjusted by the identification variables in the organization that were neglected during the research for the CSV its positive impact on job satisfaction the purpose is to verify whether this study has been carried out by a survey of employees of some medium-sized enterprises and large corporations to small businesses and worker being served on them, social contributions derived for the research activities of public interest and corporate profit activities classified and divided whether the legitimacy of the employees for social contribution activities that are embedded in its base in the perception of moral legitimacy and practical perceived legitimacy of these four variables were presented, and how these variables presented a positive effect on employee job satisfaction, control Job organizational changes saw equate to verify that controls are effective. As a result, first, the authenticity of the CSV is giving a positive effect on the activity of public interest've found that giving a positive effect on the perception of employees and the moral legitimacy, and job satisfaction of employees has showed that it does not affect, whichIt could not be verified because of the moderating effect between job satisfaction and perceived moral legitimacy. Second, CSVDML authenticity showed that a positive effect on the perception of practical legitimacy by giving employees a positive impact on corporate profit activity, which results significantly affected the job satisfaction of employees. And moderator of the organization identified has been proven that there is a moderating effect between job satisfaction and perceived practical justification. In order to improve employee job satisfaction by the public activities through this research, public service activities can be seen that the need for settlement of corporate culture that can impress an astute awareness of the strategic objectives of companies seeking employees.

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Exploratory Study on the Phenomena of Entrepreneurship Education in Food and Agriculture Sectors Based on the Grounded Theory Approach (근거이론접근법에 기반한 농식품분야 창업교육현상에 관한 탐색적 연구)

  • Seol, Byung Moon
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Venturing and Entrepreneurship
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    • v.15 no.3
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    • pp.33-46
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    • 2020
  • This study analyzes the entrepreneurship education phenomena for agri-food entrepreneurs whose main business is the production of agricultural products and the sale of processed products, using the qualitative study Strauss & Corbin(1998)'s evidence theory approach. From the entrepreneur's point of view, I would like to summarize the phenomena that appear in education, and to prepare a theoretical basis for explaining the phenomena. The importance of entrepreneurship education is emphasized to cultivate the ability to develop and provide products tailored to customers. The necessity of education leads to an increase in demand according to the situational awareness of the founders, and the quantitative increase in entrepreneurship education in the agri-food sector is a clear trend. Inevitably, the need for various discussions on systematic and effective entrepreneurship education is raised. For the study, an interview was conducted with preliminary or entrepreneur who have experienced entrepreneurship education in the agri-food sector. As a research method, I use Strauss & Corbin(1998)'s approach and analyze qualitative data using QSR's NVIVO 12 program. Through this study, it was found that contextual and systematic entrepreneurship education in the agri-food sector has the effect of strengthening competitiveness and strengthening sales. There is a need for follow-up management of trainees. Strengthening the competitiveness of start-ups is based on training professional manpower through education and linking regions with cities. Strengthening sales is based on product planning and market development. This study explores entrepreneurship education in the agri-food sector, which has not been actively conducted in the past. Exploratory analysis on the experiences of the founders of agri-food sector as education demanders has an important meaning for understanding the phenomenon of start-up education.

Study on Ecological Restoration of Endangered Species in Abandoned Paddy of Korea and Management Plan for its Habitat (한국의 묵논에서 멸종위기식물의 복원생태학적 연구 및 서식지 관리방안)

  • Lee, Soo-In;Lee, Eung-Pill;Hong, Young-Sik;Kim, Eui-Joo;Lee, Seung-Yeon;Park, Jae-Hoon;Jang, Rae-Ha;You, Young-Han
    • Journal of Wetlands Research
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    • v.22 no.2
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    • pp.81-91
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    • 2020
  • As part of method for ecologically utilizing abandoned paddy, potential of the abandoned paddy as a target site for ex-situ conservation of 9 endangered species of different life form was confirmed by considering the nature of rice paddy. In order to create Dum-bung, a component of traditional Korean rice paddy, a part of the abandoned paddy was modified to change the water environment. The seeds, asexual reproductive and sexually reproductive individuals of each endangerd species were transplanted into the abandoned paddy to observe the survival rate and phenological response for 1 year, and then monitored for 2 years. As a result, Hydrophyte 4 taxa (Euryale ferox, Saururus chinensis, Dysophylla yatabeana, Menyanthes trifoliata), Geophyte taxa 1 (Epilobium hirsutum), and Hemicryptophyte taxa 1 (Cicuta virosa) could be introduced into the abandoned paddy. In particular, Euryale ferox, Dysophylla yatabeana, and Menyanthes trifoliata should be introduced into Dum-bung, and Saururus chinensis, Epilobium hirsutum, and Cicuta virosa should be introduced into paddy wetland. Growth of Euryale ferox and Brasenia schreberi was inhibited by herbaceous species, and the growth of Epilobium hirsutum was inhibited by herbivores. Therefore, in order to help efficient settlement of endangered plants introduced in abandoned paddy, it is necessary to remove herbs that inhibit growth and to manage herbivores. In addition, it is necessary to prevent the collapse of paddy bank by planting on the paddy field trees or herbaceous forming vegetation mat. When using abandoned paddy ecologically, it is effective to diversify the moisture environment by creating a Dum-bung to increase biodiversity.

The Interpretation for Stand Structure in Natural Oak Forests (참나무 천연림(天然林)의 임분(林分) 구조(構造)에 대한 해석(解析))

  • Kim, Ji Hong;Lee, Don Koo;Kim, Zin-Suh;Lee, Kyung Joon;Hyun, Jung Oh;Hwang, Jae Woo;Kwon, Ki Won
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.82 no.3
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    • pp.235-245
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    • 1993
  • This study was carried out to understand the stand structure based on the compositional characteristics of natural deciduous forest dominated by Quercus species, which will provide with fundamental ecological and silvicultural information for effective forest management. Of two tracts selected from the Seoul National University Research Forests, one is located in Kwangju-Gun Kyunggi-Do, and the other in Kwangyang-Gun Chollanam-Do. Point-quarter sampling method w-as employed to survey woody vegetation confined to larger than 6cm in DBH. The numbers of sample points were 152 and 187, in Kwangju-Gun and Kwangyang-Gun, respectively. Comparative analysis for two forest tracts was made as follows ; 1) species composition by calculation of importance values ; 2) number of stems per hectare for major tree species ; 3) species diversity for the forests in two locations ; 4) inter-species association based on X2 test. The relative dominate of Quercus speices showed 88% at Kwangju-Gun, Kyunggi-Do and 50% at Kwangy-ang-Gun. Chollanam-Do. Such high dominance occurred due to high importance values of Quercus variahilis and Q. mortgolica in both locations. Quercus serrata showed low value at Kwangju-Gun. Kyunggi-Do whereas Q. acutissirna, Q. dentata and Q. aliena did none at Kwangyang-Gun. Chollanam-Do. The species diversity and evenness in oak communities exhibited 0.82 and 0.61, respectively at Kwangju-Gun. Kyunggi-Do, while those did 1.09 and 0.73 at Kwangyang-Gun, Chollanam-Do. Therefore, it was considered that Ku-angju-Gun region was disturbed severely by human activities but Kwangyang-Gun region eras less disturbed. Frequent appearance of Carpinus and Acer species indicates increase in diversities and better development of succession at Kwangyang-Gun region.

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An Economic Factor Analysis of Air Pollutants Emission Using Index Decomposition Methods (대기오염 배출량 변화의 경제적 요인 분해)

  • Park, Dae Moon;Kim, Ki Heung
    • Environmental and Resource Economics Review
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    • v.14 no.1
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    • pp.167-199
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    • 2005
  • The following policy implications can be drawn from this study: 1) The Air Pollution Emission Amount Report published by the Ministry of Environment since 1991 classifies industries into 4 sectors, i. e., heating, manufacturing, transportation and power generation. Currently, the usability of report is very low and extra efforts should be given to refine the current statistics and to improve the industrial classification. 2) Big pollution industries are as follows - s7, s17 and s20. The current air pollution control policy for these sectors compared to other sectors are found to be inefficient. This finding should be noted in the implementation of future air pollution policy. 3) s10 and s17 are found to be a big polluting industrial sector and its pollution reduction effect is also significant. 4) The effect of emission coefficient (Δf) has the biggest impact on the reduction of emission amount change and the effect of economic growth coefficient (Δy) has the biggest impact on the increase of emission volume. The effect of production technology factor (ΔD) and the effect of the change of the final demand structure (Δu) are insignificant in terms of the change of emission volume. 5) Further studies on emission estimation techniques on each industry sector and the economic analysis are required to promote effective enforcement of the total volume control system of air pollutants, the differential management of pollution causing industrial sectors and the integration of environment and economy. 6) Korea's economic growth in 1990 is not pollution-driven in terms of the Barry Commoner's hypothesis, even though the overall industrial structure and the demand structure are not environmentally friendly. It indicates that environmental policies for the improvement of air quality depend mainly on the government initiatives and systematic national level consideration of industrial structures and the development of green technologies are not fully incorporated.

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Mechanisms of Cold Injury and Cultural Practices for Reducing Damage of Rice (벼 냉해발성 기작과 피해 경감대책)

  • Lee, Moon-Hee;Park, Nam-Kyu;Park, Suk-Hong
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    • v.34 no.s02
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    • pp.34-44
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    • 1989
  • The stability of rice cultivation in Korea is largely depended on climatic conditions, especially, low temperature at the period of early growth stage and after heading. The improvement of cold tolerant varieties and appropriate cultural practices in rice are very effective to minimize the cold damage. This paper is summarized the mechanism and counterplans of cold injury of rice plants. The paddy area having commonly cold injury in Korea is approximately 15, 522ha in 1,709 sites on the national scale. The cold damage at seedling stage in nursery bed appeared to poor germination, leaf discoloration, dead seedlings and seedling rot ect.. At the vegetative stage, the decreased tiller number due to poor rooting and the delayed heading caused by slow growth and panicle differentiation are commonly showed. The cold injury at early reproductive stage appeared to the degeneration of spikelets and rachis - branches, while that at meiosis stage showed to increased sterility due to poor development of pollen and shortened panicle length with delaying heading, therefore the grain yield is largely decreased. The cold damage at heading and ripening stages showed to poor pollination and fertilization, low panicle exsertion, poor grain filling and finally grain quality became low. To minimize the cold injury to rice plants by low temperature, following counterplans would be recommonded ; Improvement of the cold toelrant rice varieties for the regions of midmountains and alpines. Raising healthy seedlings at upland nursery beds and by using of growth regulators such as ABA, Fuchiwang and Tachiace. Soil improvement and organic matter application to reduce cold damage by increasing water and fertilizer holding capacities in the paddy field having commonly cold water and in the place where cold damage is regularly occurred. Appropriate fertilization for raising healthy rice plants to tolerate under low temperature condition. Water management to increase water temperature in the paddy such as depth watering, round channels and polyethylene tubes around the field. Establishment of the optimum cultivation time of rice based on minimum, mean and maximum temperatures at different regions with appropriate rice varieties.

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Effect of treadmill exercise on autophagy related protein expression in the cardiac muscle of high-fat diet fed rats (트레드밀 운동이 고지방 식이 쥐 심근세포의 자가포식 관련 단백질 발현에 미치는 영향)

  • Jeong, Jae-Hoon;Kang, Eun-Bum
    • Journal of the Korean Applied Science and Technology
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    • v.37 no.1
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    • pp.91-101
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    • 2020
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate the influence of obesity on the expression of autophagy-related proteins in cardiac muscle. To this end, obesity was induced in rats through 20 weeks of high-fat diet, and the animals were then subjected to 8 weeks of treadmill exercise. Subsequently, the expression of proteins that regulate the induction of autophagy, formation of autophagosome, and fusion of autophagosome and lysosome was confirmed. Obesity was induced in the experimental animals (SD rats) through 20 weeks of high-fat diet (carbohydrate: 20%, fat: 60%, and protein: 20%), and they were subsequently subjected to 8 weeks of treadmill exercise (5 days/week, 30 min/day, 5 minutes; 8m/min, 5 minutes; 11m/min, 20 minutes; 14m/min). The experimental groups comprised the normal diet control group (ND-CON, n=10), high-fat diet comparison group (HFD-CON, n=10), and high-fat exercise group (HFD-TE, n=10). Oral glucose tolerance test was conducted before and after 8 weeks of treadmill exercise, and the area under the curve (AUC) was calculated. Through fasting insulin and fasting glucose levels, HOMA-IR, which is an index of insulin resistance, and abdominal visceral fat/body weight (AVF/BW) were calculated for comparison. Moreover, autophagy-related proteins were analyzed from cardiac tissue to investigate the effects of exercise training. Obesity was successfully induced in the HFD-CON group through long-term high-fat diet, and the HFD-CON group had higher body weight, AUC, HOMA-IR, and AVF/BW compared to the ND-CON group. The HFD-TE group, which underwent 8 weeks of treadmill exercise, showed improvements in AUC, HOMA-IR, and AVF/BW. Although the body weight tended to decrease as well, there was no statistically significant difference. mTOR and AMPK, which are involved in the induction of autophagy, both decreased in obesity but increased upon exercise. Beclin-1, BNIP3, ATG-7, p62, and LC3, which are related to the formation of autophagosomes, all increased in obesity and decreased after exercise. Cathepsin L and LAMP2, which regulate the fusion of autophagosome and lysosome, both decreased in obesity and increased upon exercise. Physical activity, including treadmill exercise, was found to induce normal autophagy and improve pathological phenomena observed in metabolic diseases. Therefore, the findings suggest the need to consider treadmill exercise as a primary means to achieve effective prevention and treatment of cardiac diseases.

Treatment and Attachment Characteristics of Biofilm of Phanerochaete chrysosporium PSBL-1 in Wastewater (Phanerochaete chrysosporium PSBL-1 생물막을 이용한 오.폐수 처리 및 부착특성)

  • Lee, Soon-Young;Kang, Ki-Cheol;Won, Chan-Hee
    • Journal of Korean Society of Environmental Engineers
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    • v.30 no.3
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    • pp.271-277
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    • 2008
  • The biofilm of white-rot fungi fully exposed in atmosphere are that operation is easy, management cost and energy waste is low. To develop biofilm of white-rot fungi fully exposed in atmosphere, basic test are as follows. To select most effective microoganism species, investigated treatment characteristics of wastewater containing non-biodegradable material for three species of white-rot fungi(Phanerochaete chrysosporium PSBL-1, Phanerochaete chrysosporium KCTC 6147, Trametes sp. KFCC 10941) and activated sludge. And then investigated attached and detached biomass of selected white-rot fungi species on HBC ring surface. Among the three strains tested, P. chrysosporium PSBL-1 and P. chrysosporium KCTC 6147 showed higher efficiency for organics removal than Trametes sp. KFCC 10941, and P. chrysosporium PSBL-1 showed higher efficiency for nitrogen removal than P. chrysosporium KCTC 6147 and Trametes sp. KFCC 10941. Respectively, 5159.8%, 57.560.3% of NBDCOD was removed for P. chrysosporium PSBL-1 and P. chrysosporium 6147 in pH 3.55.5. TN removal efficiency showed 39.385.3%, 3.47.6% for P. chrysosporium PSBL-1 and P. chrysosporium 6147 in pH 4.511.5 respectively. Considered that white-rot fungi remove organism and nitrogen simultaneously, the microorganism selected white-rot fungi P. chrysosporium PSBL-1. White-rot fungi P. chrysosporium PSBL-1 attached on HBC ring surface 4,538 mg/L, 4,546 mg/L, 4,531 mg/L after 5 minutes, 4,575 mg/L, 4,573 mg/L, 4,568 mg/L after 10 minutes from initial MLSS 4,600 mg/L in pH 4, 7 and 10 respectively. Also detached biomass is negligible from right after attachment to 10 day in pH 4, 7 and 10.

The effectiveness of urokinase in treatment of pleural effusion in children (소아의 흉수 치료에 있어서 유로키나제 효과)

  • Nam, Ga-yeon;Park, Hee-ju
    • Clinical and Experimental Pediatrics
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    • v.50 no.7
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    • pp.660-664
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    • 2007
  • Purpose : Pleural effusion is a common complications of pediatric bacterial pneumonia. Intrapleural administration of fibrinolytic agents such as urokinase have been used in the management of complicated parapneumonic effusions. But the safety and effectiveness of intrapleural urokinase instillations in children has not been confirmed. The aim of this study is to evaluate the safety and effectiveness of intraperitoneal urokinase in children. Methods : We reviewed a total of 29 children diagnosed as parapneumonic effusion with septation by chest CT or chest ultrasonography. We divided them into two groups. Fourteen children treated with urokinase after thoracostomy (Group A) were compared with 15 children treated only with thoracostomy (Group B). The urokinase, 3,000 IU/kg/day, was injected into the pleural cavity twice a day. Results : There was no statistical difference in sex and age between the two groups. Total drainage volume during thoracostomy in group A and B was 375.5 mL and 350.0 mL, respectively. It was not statistically significant. But the amounts of pleural fluid of group A on day 1, day 2 and day 3 were 102.5 mL, 100.0 mL, and 70.0 mL respectively and those of group B on day 1, day 2 and say 3 were 120.0 mL, 50.0 mL and 15.0 mL respectively. To compare group A with group B in the amounts of drainage volume on day 1 was not statistically significant, but the amounts of drainage volumes on day 2 and day 3 in group A were statistically more significant than group B (Day 1 P=0.371, Day 2 P=0.049, Day 3 P=0.048, respectively). The duration of fever, antibiotics, thoracostomy and total hospital days. Were not statistically significant between the two groups. But the frequency of complications in Group A was statictically significantly lower than in group B. Conclusion : Intrapleural instillation of urokinase facilitates the drainage of loculated pleural effusions, especially during the first 3 days, and it could reduce complications, such as pleural thickening, surgical managements, re-positioning of tube and re-thoracostomy. So intrapleural urokinase injection was and effective and safe treatment of pleural effusion in children (P=0.014).

A Study on the Medical Insurance Utilization of Workers Suffering from Low Back Pain in an Area (일부지역 근로자의 요통으로 인한 의료보험 이용 조사)

  • Lee, Chul-Gab;Ahn, Hyun-Ok;Ryu, So-Yeon;Park, Jong;Kim, Ki-Soon;Kim, Yang-Ok
    • Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health
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    • v.30 no.4 s.59
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    • pp.764-778
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    • 1997
  • To find the medical insurance utilization of workers when suffering from low back pain, an analysis was made toward the data of medical insurance benefits matched with the general characteristics of 10,183 workers, who were registered continuously from 1993 to 1995 at a medical insurance cooperation for industrial workers. The results were as follows; 1. The period prevalence of the medical insurance utilization for low back pain for 3 years from 1993 to 1995 was calculated as 17.1% for male workers and 19.4% for female workers. Most common cause of utilization was other dorsopathies including the herniation of lumbar discs. 2. The utilization rate increased significantly as the present age and the age joining the company got older(p<0.001). As the duration of employment got longer, the utilization rate of the male showed the tendency to increase and that of the female increased significantly(p<0.05). Among male workers employed at cement and concrete manufacturing companies showed higher utilization rate and among female laborers showed significantly higher utilization rate than clerical workers(p<0.01). 3. Annual utilization rate for low back pain didn't show any difference, but the portion of other dorsopathies among cause of utilization showed the tendency to increase from 1993 to 1995. 4. The mean number of claims for outpatient medical care for low back pain differed significantly by age, working duration, type of industries, income level(p<0.05), and the mean of total visiting days for care of low back pain differed significantly by working duration. In conclusion, considering the fact that the medical insurance utilization for low back pain increased annually and other dorsopathies including the herniation of dorsopathies were increasing, an effective preventive or management program for low back pain toward worker employed at industries were required.

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