• 제목/요약/키워드: Ecology Design

검색결과 1,444건 처리시간 0.035초

Development of Lesson Plans in the Human Development & Family Domain of the Home Economics Curriculum to Achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) (가정교과 내 인간발달과 가족 영역에서 지속가능발전목표(SDGs) 달성을 위한 교수·학습과정안 개발)

  • Lim, Jungha;Kim, Kyungmin;Choi, Jungwon
    • Journal of Korean Home Economics Education Association
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    • 제34권2호
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    • pp.41-58
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    • 2022
  • This study aims to provide lesson plans that can simultaneously achieve both the learning goals of the 'Human Development & Family' domain of the 2015 revised Technology & Home Economics curriculum and the Sustainable Development Goals. Four steps including analysis, design, development, and evaluation and revision were followed. In the analysis step, the 'Changing Families and Healthy Families' unit was selected as it is relevant to the nine subgoals of the SDGs. In the design step, three sessions were planned with a problem-solving project approach. In the development step, three lesson plans for each session, individual and group activity worksheets for students, and guidelines for teachers were constructed. In the evaluation and revision step, criteria for evaluating the lesson plans were developed reflecting both the goals of the Home Economic curriculum and the SDGs. The validity of the lesson plans was reviewed by a panel of experts. Then, the revised lesson plans were finalized. This study provides an illustrative example of the lesson plans in the secondary education context that can be used to achieve the learning goals of the Home Economic curriculum and the Sustainable Development Goals at the same time.

Meta-Analysis of ESD Program Studies in Home Economics Classes (가정과수업에서 ESD 프로그램 연구의 메타분석)

  • Yu, Nan Sook;Park, Mi Jeong
    • Journal of Korean Home Economics Education Association
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    • 제35권3호
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    • pp.97-116
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    • 2023
  • This study conducted a meta-analysis on the effectiveness of education for sustainable development (ESD) programs within home economics classes. Articles spanning from 2000 to April 2023 were sourced from the Korean Citation Index (KCI) using search terms such as 'environment', 'sustainable', 'ESD', 'green', 'ecology', and 'home economics' in conjunction with 'development', 'application', and 'effectiveness'. Out of the gathered articles, 41 were chosen for analysis. Using a random effects model, the overall effect size was measured at 0.51 (SE=.08), suggesting that ESD programs significantly enhance student achievement in home economics. Further analysis of the 62 effect sizes, categorized by research design, ESD area (society, environment, economy), content area, school level, and school location, revealed that the research design, content area, and school location functioned as moderating variables. The findings of this meta-analysis underscore the efficacy of ESD in home economics education. Additionally, this study paves the way for future research, highlighting the importance of integrating economic perspectives in ESD, such as sustainable production and consumption, corporate sustainability, and market economy within home economics classes.

A Review of Current Status and Placeness on the Yusang-Goksu Ruins in Hwanggak-dong, Geumma, Iksan (익산 금마 황각동 유상곡수 유적 일대의 현황과 장소성에 대한 일고찰)

  • Rho, Jae-Hyun;Han, Min-Soon;Seo, Youn-Mi;Park, Yool-Jin
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Traditional Landscape Architecture
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    • 제40권3호
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    • pp.20-35
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    • 2022
  • This study was conducted on the locational results of the 'Yusanggoksu(流觴曲水)' petroglyphs located in Hwanggak-dong(黃閣洞), Shinsong-ri, Geumma-myeon, Iksan-si through literature study, analysis of old maps and aerial photos, field observations, drone photography, elevation surveys, and interviews with residents. It was attempted for the purpose of illuminating and preserving the relics of the domestic Yusanggoksu garden by clarifying the spatiality of this place by tracing the spatiality and examining the possibility of enjoying the Yusanggoksu water system in this place. The conclusion of this study is as follows. The area around Hwanggak-dong, where the Yusanggoksu remains, has been selected as the most beautiful scenic spot in Iksan in various documents. The origin of 'Hwanggak' is considered to be closely related to the nickname of Uijeongbu(議政府). In other words, he paid attention to the relationship with Yanggok, So Se-yang(蘇世讓), who served as Chan-seong Jwa(左贊成). In particular, he paid attention to the relationship with his birthplace, Taeheojeong, a separate book, and Toehyudang, a retreat hall), tombs, and posthumous Confucian academies were distributed in the vicinity. Haseo-dae(荷鋤臺), a wide rock on which a hoe is hung on a rock after field work, seems to express a leisurely rural life and a simple and hermit life, based on the examples of Chinese and Korean poetry. The dark blood on the upper part of the Seobwi Rock with the inscription 'Yusanggoksu', which is the core of this site, is identified as a chailgong(遮日孔) to support the water system, and Ilgan-pavilion and Mojeong(茅亭) nearby are to support the yusanggoksu. It seems to have performed a spatial function for The inscription 'Hwanggak-dong' engraved on the front of Deungzanbawi is the gateway to Hwanggakdongcheon(黃閣洞天) and identified the idealized world existing in the village. Judging from the documentary records of the Iksan-gun 『Chongswaelog(叢瑣錄)』, the rock letters 'Hwanggak-dong' and 'Haseodae' were engraved on March 29, 1901, the 5th year of Gwangmu, the 5th year of the Korean Empire, by Iksan-gun Governor Oh Haeng-mook(吳宖默) and his acquaintance Seokseong Kim In-gil(金寅吉) Confirmed. Also, considering the tense of Lee Bong-gu's 「Hwanggakdongun(黃閣洞韻)」 and So Jin-deok, a descendant of Yanggok, 「Hwanggakdongsihoe(黃閣洞詩會)」, it is presumed that it was related to Goksuyeon(曲水宴) in Hwanggak-dong. It can be inferred that the current affairs meetings were held at least until the early days of Japanese colonial rule. Meanwhile, the maximum width of the current curved waterway was calculated as 11.3m and the transverse slope was 15.0%. If so, it is estimated that the width and extension distance of the curved waterway would have been much longer. Judging from the use of mochun(暮春), drinking and poetry, the tense 'Hwanggakdongsihoe' related to the Yusanggoksu relics in Hwanggak-dong, and the existence of a pavilion presumed to be Yusangjeong(流觴亭) called Ilgan-pavilion in the nearby Yusanggoksu site It is confirmed that it was a space where Yusanggoksuyeon(流觴曲水宴) spread at least until the end of the Joseon Dynasty. Unfortunately, it remains a limitation of the study that it cannot be confirmed due to lack of data on the rock characters of 'Yusanggoksu' and those who enjoyed it before the end of the Joseon Dynasty. This is an area that needs to be elucidated through continuous efforts to find data on this issue in the future.

A Study on the Eco-friendly Housing in the Near future based on the Ecological Design (생태학적 디자인을 기반으로 한 근 미래형 친환경주택연구)

  • Choo, Jin;Yoo, Bo-Hyeon
    • Archives of design research
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    • 제18권4호
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    • pp.105-118
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    • 2005
  • Housing environment for human beings has been diversified and more convenient due to the development of high technology and civilization brought by industrialization in the 20th century. In the 21st century, how to overcome the ecological limit of biased development-centered advancement, that is, how to preserve and hand over a clean and healthy 'sustainable environment' to our next generations has been one of the most-talked about issues. Environmental symbiosis means a wider range of environmental harmony from micro-dimensional perspective to macro one. The three goals of a environmentally friendly house are to preserve global environment, to harmonize with the environment around, and to offer a healthy and comfortable living environment. From the point of view of environmental symbiosis, houses should be designed to save energy and natural resources for preservation of global environment, to collect such natural energy resources as solar heat and wind force, to recycle waste water, and recycle and reduce the amount of the waste matter. Now, the environmentally-friendly house became a new social mission that is difficult to not only challenge but also realize without conversion to a new paradigm, ecologism.

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Evaluation of Hydrophilic Polymer on the Growth of Plants in the Extensive Green Roofs (저관리형 옥상녹화 식물생육을 위한 Hydrophilic polymer의 효용성)

  • Yang, Ji;Yoon, Yong-Han;Ju, Jin-Hee
    • Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology
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    • 제28권3호
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    • pp.357-364
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    • 2014
  • This study aimed to determine effects of the use of water-retention additive, hydrophilic polymer, for extensive green roofs on growth of Juniperus chinensis var. sargentii and Euonymus fortunei 'Emerald and Gold' for woody plants, and Carex kobomugi and Carex pumila for herbaceous plants. Five different contents of hydrophilic polymer including 0% (Control), 1.0%, 2.5%, 5.0%, and 10% (polymer: medium (w/w), dry weight basis) were added to each of the container filed with a 100 kg of growth medium. Ten of plants were transplanted in each of square container ($1m(L){\times}1m(W){\times}0.3m$ (H)) built on the roof platforms in randomized complete block design in the $20^{th}$ of May, 2013. In results, excessively high volumetric soil water content, about 97-98%, was found in the substrate under elevated hydrophilic polymer concentration of at least 2.5%, during the entire growing period. The moisture content of the substrate containing 1.0% of hydrophilic polymer was higher about 20% in the range between 70% and 80%, compared tho that of Control substrate in the range between 50% and 60%, for 27 days after transplanting prior to abundant rainfall, indicating that the application of hydrophilic polymer to the extensive green roof substrate is effective to eliminate drought condition by retaining water in the substrate. Euonymus fortunei 'Emerald and Gold' and Carex kobomugi resulting in higher plant growth with 2.5% than those of the other treatment plants. Juniperus chinensis var. sargentii was observed the highest growth under 1.0% hydrophilic polymer treatement, and Carex pumila was founded the best growth with Control respectively. Plants that grown in both the 1.0% and 2.5% hydrophilic polymer survived all, while the plants that grown in the 5.0% and 10% hydrophilic polymer died after 3 months. These results suggest that advantage of the addition of hydrophilic polymer may be greater in drought-tolerant plants, but the mixture proportion of hydrophilic polymer should be determined according to the different features of the plant species being grown.

Additivity of Ileal Crude Protein Digestibility and Comparison of Digestibility with Methodological Consideration in Broilers (육계에서의 회장 조단백질 소화율 가산성 평가 및 방법론적 소화율 비교)

  • Lee, Jinyoung;Kong, Changsu
    • Korean Journal of Poultry Science
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    • 제44권4호
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    • pp.253-258
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    • 2017
  • This study was aimed at evaluating the additivity of crude protein digestibility in mixed diets of corn and soybean meal (SBM), and comparing direct and indirect methods for evaluating crude protein (CP) digestibility. Totally, five hundred and twenty-five 18-day-old broiler chickens were grouped into 7 blocks based on body weight, and randomly allocated to 6 treatment groups in a randomized complete block design. The basal diet, diet 3, was corn-SBM-based, containing 65% corn and 28% SBM. Diets 1 and 5 contained corn and SBM, respectively, as the sole CP source. To use the difference method, 2 diets, diets 2 and 4, were prepared by mixing corn and SBM at the expense of the basal diet, respectively. Diet 2 contained 79% corn and 14% SBM, and diet 4 contained 32.5% corn and 34% SBM. To evaluate the additivity of digestibility values, the difference between measured values for the mixed diets (diets 2, 3, and 4) and predicted values calculated using the measured values for diets 1 and 5 was examined. The apparent (AID) and standardized (SID) ileal digestibility of CP in SBM differed between the direct and indirect methods; however, corresponding digestibility did not differ for corn. Additionally, the predicted and measured digestibility of both AID and SID differed in diets 2 and 3, implying that the digestibility values obtained from diets 1 and 5 were not additive for mixed diets. In conclusion, this study showed that digestibility evaluated by direct and indirect methods depends on the ingredients having different CP concentrations, and this finding may be considered to improve the accuracy of feed formulation for broiler chickens.

Population Size Estimation of the Kaloula borealis in the Daemyung Retarding Basin (대명유수지에 서식하는 맹꽁이 Kaloula borealis 개체군 크기 추정)

  • Choi, Seo-Young;Rho, Paikho
    • Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology
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    • 제30권4호
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    • pp.684-693
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    • 2016
  • Daemyung retarding basin located near the confluence floodplain of the Nakdong and Kumho River is a large spawning site for the endangered Kaloula borealis, and needs for protecting the habitat of the endangered species are increasing. However, scientific studies are rarely conducted on the population characteristics and ecological knowledge on the species in the basin. This paper aims to estimate the population size and spatial distribution of the species that inhabited at the Daemyung retarding basin, using the capture-recapture method. Also, pitfall traps were installed in each habitat types classified with micro-topographic features, slope aspects, and vegetation communities to identify the spatial distribution characteristics of the Kaloula borealis of each habitat in the retarding basin. Field survey on the species was conducted from May 2013 to October 2014, showing that the species emerged in May, became more active during July and August and started to hibernate at the end of October. Using capture-recapture method, the first survey was carried out from July to August, 2014. Ninety-eight toads were captured, marked, and released back into the site. In the second survey, 68 toads including 5 marked toads of the previous survey were captured. Based on these two-sample surveys, around 535-2,131 individual toads are estimated to inhabit the Daemyung retarding basin. Fifty-seven pitfall traps were installed in four habitat types: mounded and vegetated flatland, lowland swamps, and slope areas of both the southern and western parts of the basin in order to delineate spatial abundance of the endangered Kaloula borealis during the rainy season when the species is actively spawning. Pitfall traps at the spatially explicit array indicated that the species gradually move to the slope areas near the Daemyung stream, showing high occurrence density of the Kaloula borealis compared to the lowland swamps after the spawning season. The emergence of Kaloula borealis in the lowland swamps appeared to be comparatively higher during the spawning season. However, after the spawning season the toads species rapidly moved into the neighboring land of relatively high elevation such as the slope area towards the Dalsung protected wetlands and Daemyung River. These results are closely related to the migration patterns that toads tend to return to the sheltering sites and/or hibernating grounds after the spawning season. Also, the Kaloula borealis moved to the nearest high-level vegetated areas as the lowland swamps of their spawning grounds deteriorated with the expansion of permanent ponds due to the rise in the groundwater level.

Different Influence of Environmental Interpretation for Increasing Visitors' Interests -The Case of World Cup Park- (사전환경해설이 공원이용객의 환경관심에 미치는 영향의 차이 -월드컵공원을 대상으로-)

  • Jung, Kwan-Woong;Shim, Jung-Sun;Cho, Joong-Hyun;Oh, Hung-Eun;Kim, Yong-Geun
    • Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology
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    • 제21권3호
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    • pp.213-222
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    • 2007
  • The goal of the study is to provide basic information that can be used to come up with environmental interpretation methods that are appropriate to the conditions of urban parks. For this matter, research was conducted to find out whether the environmental interpretation that was provided to the visitors of the World Cup Park Visitor Center encouraged them to become interested in the environment and to understand how such environmental interest was related to the level of satisfaction that the visitors were experiencing from their visits to the park. At the same time, the research was designed to find out whether the park's visitors were affected differently in terms of their environmental interests and their experience depending on the two different types of environmental interpretations; Interpreter's Interpretation and Self-guiding Interpretation. Experimental result showed no statistically meaningful correlation between environmental interpretation and environmental knowledge, though the experimental group subjected to environmental interpretation was found to have higher environmental knowledge than that of the control group, which was not subjected to environmental interpretation. As for the correlation between environmental knowledge, which was acquired through environmental interpretation, and environmental interest, the group, which showed big changes in terms of the volume of environmental knowledge, was found to have higher environmental interest than that of the group, which recorded a low level of changes in the volume of environmental knowledge. Also, the difference in their level of environmental interest was big enough to be acknowledged statistically. Also environmental interest, which was created thanks to environmental interpretation, was found to affect the level of satisfaction visitors feel when visiting the park. Even though the study was intended to find out how environmental interpretation affects park visitors by means of analysis that can be proved based on facts, it was difficult to control some of the variables due to the circumstances under which the experiments were conducted. Despite this, the study can be considered meaningful in the fact that the researches and experiments were conducted at a park that is actually visited by people. It is also believed that as one of the first studies done on the World Cup Park, it could serve as a basis upon which future studies could be carried out.

A Study on 21st Century Fashion Market in Korea (21세기 한국패션시장에 대한 연구)

  • Kim, Hye-Young
    • The Journal of Natural Sciences
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    • 제10권1호
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    • pp.209-216
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    • 1998
  • The results of the study of diving the 21st century's Korea fashion market into consumer market, fashion market, and a new marketing strategy are as follows. The 21st consumer market is First, a fashion democracy phenomenon. As many people try to leave unconditional fashion following, consumer show a phenomenon to choose and create their own fashion by subjective judgements. Second, a phenomenon of total fashion pursuit. Consumer in the future are likely to put their goals not in differentiating small item products, but considering various fashion elements based on their individuality and sense of value. Third, world quality-oriented. With the improvement of life level, it accomplishes to emphasize consumers' fashion mind on the world wide popular use of materials, quality, design and brand image. Fourth, with the entrance of neo-rationalism, consumers show increasing trends to emphasize wisdom, solidity in goods strategy pursuing high quality fashion and to demand resonable prices. Fifth, concept-oriented. Consumers are changing into pursuing concept appropriate to individual life scene. Prospecting the composition of the 21st century's fashion market, First, sportive casual zone will draw attention more than any other zone. This is because interest in sports will grow according to the increase of leisure time and the expasion of time and space in the 21st century, and also ecology will become the important issue of sports sense because of human beings's natural habit toward nature. Second, the down aging phenomenon will accelerate its speed as a big trend. Third, a retro phenomenon, a concept contrary to digital and high-tech, will become another big trend for its remake, antique, and classic concept in fashion market with ecology trend. New marketing strategy to cope with changing fashion market is as follows. First, with the trend of borderless concept, borders between apparels are becoming vague, for example, they offer custom-made products to consumers. Second, as more enterprises take the way of gorilla and guerrilla where guerrillas who aim at niche market show up will develop. Basically, they think highly of individual creative study, and pursue the scene adherence with high sensitiveness. However this polarization becomes mutually-supplementing relationship showing gorilla's guerilla movement, and guerilla's gorilla high-tech. Third with the development of value retailing, enterprises pursuing mass merchandising of groups called category killers are expanded and amplified to new product fields, and expand business' share. Fourth, using outsourcing, the trend to use exterior function leaving each enterprise's strength by inspecting its own work is gradually strong. Fifth, with the expansion of none store sale, the entrance of the internet and the CD-ROM sales added to communication sales such as catalogues are specified. An eminent American think tank expect that 5-5% of the total sale of clothes and home goods in 2010 will be done by none store sale. Accordingly, to overcome the problems, First international, global level marketing, Second, the improvement of technology, Third, knowledge-creating marketing are needed.

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A Study on the Current Status of Ecological Restoration Plant Species Use - Focusing on the Ecosystem Conservation Cooperation Fund Return Projects - (생태복원 식물종 사용 실태에 관한 연구 - 생태계보전협력금 반환사업을 중심으로 -)

  • Cho, Dong-gil
    • Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology
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    • 제35권5호
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    • pp.525-547
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    • 2021
  • The main purpose of this study is to examine the use of plant species in ecological restoration projects. To this end, planting drawings from 58 sites that had completed the return of the ecosystem conservation cooperation fund for the past six years were collected and analyzed. The analysis used the construction completion and design drawings to determine the overall selection status and analyze frequency by classifying planted plants into wild and cultivated plants by nature, size, vegetation climate, and upland and wetland habitat. The investigation and analysis process found many cases of wrong plant names, so an analysis was also performed on the matter. In the 58 investigation sites, 282 plants were used for planting: 91 tree species, 69 shrub species, 11 vine species, and 111 herbal species. The most commonly used plant species was Spiraea prunifolia f. simpliciflora, followed by Sorbus alnifolia, Quercus acutissima, Zoysia japonica, Callicarpa dichotoma, and Weigela subsessilisin that order. The most commonly used tree species was Sorbus alnifolia,followed by Quercus acutissima, Zelkova serrata, Chionanthus retusus, and Cornus officinalis, in that order. The most commonly used shrub species was Spiraea prunifolia f. simpliciflora, followed by Weigela subsessilis, Callicarpa dichotoma, Rhododendron yedoense f. poukhanense. and Euonymus alatusin that order. The most commonly used herbal plant species was Zoysia japonica, followed by Dendranthema zawadskii var. latilobum, Aster koraiensis, Miscanthus sacchariflorus, and Pennisetum alopecuroidesin that order. In the analysis by vegetation climate, Spiraea prunifolia f. simpliciflora, Callicarpa dichotoma, and Sorbus alnifoliawere most used in that order in both the temperate central and the warm temperate forest zones, but the pattern does not properly reflect the climate characteristics. In the analysis by habitat, Miscanthus sacchariflorus and Lythrum salicariawere most used in the wetland. In particular, the ratio of wild plants to cultivated plants was 76% to 24%, indicating the ratio of selecting cultivated plants was high. The names of plants on the drawings were mostly common names that did not appear in the Korea National Arboretum or the National Species List of Korea. It is necessary to use proper plant names in the future. Regarding the use of planting plants for ecological restoration, it is necessary to adopt the approach of diversifying selected plants, selecting plants according to characteristics of climate zones, and lowering the specifications of plants used for ecological restoration. Moreover, it is important to fully understand the ecological characteristics of wetland plants and minimize the ratio of using cultivated plants to ensure the plant selection centered on wild plants.