• Title/Summary/Keyword: Discoid

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Cytokine production profiles of a model for fluorouracil and UVB-induced discoid lupus erythematosus in TCR $\alpha$ chain knockout mouse

  • Yoshimasu, Takashi;Hiroi, Akihisa;Ohtani, Toshio;Uede, Koji;Furukawa, Fukumi
    • Journal of Photoscience
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    • v.9 no.2
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    • pp.494-496
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    • 2002
  • Fluorouracil (FU) is well known to induce discoid lupus-like eruption at the sun exposure sites in Japan. It means the associations of UVB with drug induced DLE. It is still obscure which cytokines are involved in the development of DLE. To address the issue, we established a murine model of FU and UVB-induced discoid lupus and could show the Th1 dominant cytokine profiles in DLE model of TCR $\alpha$ chain KO mice treated with FU and UVB.

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Treatment of Lateral Meniscus Injury (외측 반월상 연골손상의 치료)

  • Bae, Dae-Kyung;Kwon, Oh-Soo;Lim, Chan-Teak
    • Journal of the Korean Arthroscopy Society
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    • v.5 no.2
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    • pp.92-98
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    • 2001
  • Purpose : To analyze the clinical results of isolated lateral meniscus injury according to discoid versus non-discoid, athletes versus non-athletes and repaired cases versus cases treated with meniscectomy. Materials and Methods : Between January 1997 and June 2000, arthroscopic lateral meniscus surgery was performed in 329 cases. We reviewed 80 cases of isolated lateral meniscus injury without associated ligament injury or other pathologic condition retrospectively. The study population was composed of 54 males and 26 females with average age of 30.2 years(range, $17\~40$ years). Average follow up period was 15 months(range, $12\~39$ months). Eighty cases were classified into three categories; discoid group versus non-discoid group, athletes versus non-athletes, repaired cases versus cases treated with meniscectomy. Clinical evaluation was performed using Lysholm knee score and Tegner activity. Results : Non-discoid group had higher incidence of longitudinal tear than discoid group. Athletes group had higher incidence of repaired cases than non-athletes group. The repaired group had better clinical result than patient treated with meniscectomy group. Conclusion : Although lateral meniscus has some special features including anatomic mobility which can cause instability after meniscectomy and technical difficulties in repairing, it is recommended repairing meniscus tear not only longitudinal but also horizontal and complex tear to obtain better clinical results.

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Discoid Meniscus

  • 이동철
    • 대한정형외과스포츠의학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2003.04a
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    • pp.37-42
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    • 2003
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A case of Discoid Lupus Erythematosus (DLE) in a Golden Retriever dog (골든 리트리버종에서 발생한 Discoid Lupus Erythematosus(DLE)의 발생 증례)

  • Won, Dong-Sun;Hong, Eun-Sil;Jung, Man-Bok;Kim, Hyun-Jin;Park, Nam-Yong;Park, Chul;Jung, Byung-Hyun;Park, Hee-Myung
    • Journal of Veterinary Clinics
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    • v.20 no.1
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    • pp.142-144
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    • 2003
  • A 3-year-old, 38 kg, male Golden Retriever dog was referred to Veterinary Teaching Hospital of Konkuk University because of chronic formation of crust on nasal bridge and planum nasale. Abnormalities of physical examination included hyperkeratosis on the footpad, symmetrical alopecia and erythma around olecranon, and crust on nasal bridge and planum nasale. Results of the hematological examination showed a mild leukopenia with neutropenia, monocytosis, and mild lymphocytosis. In addition, the result of serum chemistry and thyroid gland profile were normal. Results of fungal and bacterial culture was negative. Acanthocytes in cytological evaluation of nasal crust were observed in direct microscopic examination. Examination of skin biopsy exhibited vacuolation of basal cell layer, degeneration and necrosis of basal cell with defluxion, mild monocytes filtrations between epidermis and dermis, and mild acanthosis with hyperkeratinization. Based on results of examination described above, Discoid Lupus Erythematosus (DLE) was diagnosed.

Discoid lupus erythematosus (DLE) in a juvenile Alaskan Malamute dog

  • Kim, Ha-Jung;Yoo, Jong-Hyun;Kim, Ju-Won;Park, Chul;Lim, Chae-Young;Lee, Jong-Hwan;Quan, Fu-Shi;Park, Hee-Myung
    • Korean Journal of Veterinary Research
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    • v.49 no.1
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    • pp.73-78
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    • 2009
  • Discoid lupus erythematosus (DLE) is an immune-mediated skin disease which requires histopathology and immunohistopathology in both dogs and humans. A 10-month-old, intact female Alaskan Malamute presented for depigmentation, swelling, alopecia, erythema, and crusting on the bridge of the nose and the nasal planum. Cytological examination of nasal lesions revealed numerous cocci and neutrophils. Histopathological features included of infiltration of mononuclear cells at the dermoepidermal junction. Direct immunofluorescence tests and immunohistochemistry exhibited positive IgG, IgM, IgA, CD3, CD18, and CD79a on the epidermal basement membranes and around adnexal glands. This case indicates both T cells and B cells are related to mechanism of canine DLE. This case report describes advanced diagnostic tests and clinical outcome with immune suppressive therapy in a rare juvenile canine DLE case.

Vitiligo in a Patient with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus: A Case Report (전신홍반루푸스 환자에서 병발한 백반증 1예)

  • Kwon, Hyoung Il;Oh, Eui Hyun;Jung, Yun Do;Ko, Joo Yeon
    • Korean journal of dermatology
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    • v.56 no.10
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    • pp.620-623
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    • 2018
  • Vitiligo is a multifactorial disorder. Neural, biochemical, and autoimmune mechanisms have been hypothetically suggested as etiopathological contributors to this condition. Autoimmunity focuses primarily on genetic factors and the association between vitiligo and other autoimmune disorders including autoimmune thyroid disease, rheumatoid arthritis, psoriasis, type 1 diabetes, pernicious anemia, and Addison's disease. We describe a 35-year-old man with systemic lupus erythematosus who developed concurrent vitiligo and discoid lupus erythematosus suggesting the possible autoimmune association between these 2 different diseases.

Adjunctive Therapy of Pimecrolimus for Treatment of Facial Discoid Lupus Erythematosus in a Dog

  • Yeonhoo Jung;Moonseok Jang;Rahye Kang;Wanghui Lee;Seongjun Park
    • Journal of Veterinary Clinics
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    • v.41 no.1
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    • pp.49-53
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    • 2024
  • A two-year-old, spayed female, 22.5 kg Pungsan was referred with chronic crusts and erosion on the nose. A referring veterinarian prescribed an anti-inflammatory dose (0.5-1 mg/kg/day) of oral glucocorticoids for 5 months, but skin lesions showed no meaningful improvement. A dermatological evaluation revealed a crust, depigmentation, erosion, and erythematous lesion over the nasal planum with a loss of the normal cobblestone texture. Also, firm and multifocal plaques over the thigh, groin, axilla, and dorsum were detected. A cytology examination on the nose, thigh, groin, axilla, and dorsum revealed moderate neutrophilic inflammation and bacterial infection. Abdominal radiography and ultrasonography revealed subcutaneous calcified materials along the thigh, groin, axilla, and dorsum. Calcinosis cutis was suspected because of the adverse effect of previous prolonged corticosteroid therapy. A histopathology examination of the nose lesion revealed moderate to severe degenerative or apoptotic changes of the basal layer and lymphoplasmacytic interface dermatitis. Facial discoid lupus erythematosus (FDLE) was diagnosed based on the history and the clinical, cytological, and histopathological results. Minocycline (7 mg/kg PO q 12 h) and niacinamide (500 mg/dog PO q 12 h) were prescribed as initial treatment. Glucocorticoids were not administered due to the presence of calcinosis cutis induced by previous corticosteroid treatment. After 6 weeks of treatment, the clinical signs on the nose were mildly improved. At this time, topical 1% pimecrolimus cream (twice daily) was initiated, while minocycline and niacinamide were continued at the same dose. The nasal planum markedly improved after 6 weeks of additional treatment, hence minocycline and niacinamide were prescribed for an additional 2 weeks and stopped, and the patient was continued solely on topical pimecrolimus. The dog's skin lesion has been maintained in clinical remission with topical 1% pimecrolimus twice daily for more than 5 months.

The Clinical Analysis of Lateral Discoid Meniscus in Adults Over 40 years old (40세 이상에서 발견된 외측 원판형 연골의 임상분석)

  • Lim, Hong-Chul;Noh, Kyoung-Sun;Jung, Hyo-Sub
    • Journal of the Korean Arthroscopy Society
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    • v.10 no.1
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    • pp.77-82
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    • 2006
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study was to analyze the clinical results of symptomatic lateral discoid meniscus found in adults over 40 years old. Materials & Methods: From March 1994 to March 2004, 53 cases treated for lateral discoid meniscus in 48 patients aged over 40 years with the mean age $48.4(40{\sim}62)$ who were followed up more than 1 year, were analyzed by physical findings, simple X-ray, MRI and arthroscopic exam. Results: Most of the cases (42 cases, 79.2%) had symptoms for less than 1 year duration. 26 cases(49.1 %) out of 53 had trauma history. Simple radiologic evaluation showed that lateral condylar abnormality such as the flattening of lateral femoral condyle, marginal osteophytes, and subchondral sclerosis was seen in 37cases(69.8%). Also medial condyle showed degenerative changes in 16 cases (30.2%). Tear of discoid meniscus in 45 cases(84.9%) were examined by arthroscope and tear was not detected in 8 cases(15.1%). Type of tear was complex(18 cases), longitudinal(12 cases), horizontal(11 cases) and transverse(4 cases). Concomitant medial meniscal rupture was found in 7 cases(13.2%). The simple procedure done was reshaping(46 cases), subtotal resection(5 cases), total resection(1 case) and meniscal repair after reshaping in 6 cases, and arthroplasty was performed after arthroscopic examination in 1 case. Conclusion: Onset of symptom in adult lateral discoid meniscus is usually traumatic in origin. Most cases showed radiologic abnormality such as degenerative change in lateral condyles as well as medial condyles and the results of preservative surgical treatment was the most preferred option in most patients.

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The Causes of Reoperation after Meniscectomy of the Lateral Discoid Meniscus (원판형 연골 절제술 후 재수술의 원인)

  • Lim, H.C.;Shim, J.H.;Ha, H.S.
    • Journal of the Korean Arthroscopy Society
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    • v.3 no.2
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    • pp.115-120
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    • 1999
  • Purpose : After the total or partial meniscectomy of the lateral discoid meniscus, many patients complain the residual pain or the recurrent symptoms of the meniscus, and some of them need reoperation. We analyzed the causes of the reoperation after initial meniscectomy. Material & Method : Two hundred seventy three patients with the symptomatic lateral discoid meniscus were treated by arthroscopic meniscectomy between October, 1989 and September, 1998. Of the 273 patients, 69 patients were treated by total meniscectomy and 204 patients were treated by partial meniscectomy. The male to female sex ratio was 1:1.04, and the average of the age was 23.1 years old(from 4 to 59 years old). The reoperation was done in 8 patients, of which 1 was the case of total meniscectomy at the initial operation, and the rest 7 were the case of partial meniscectomy. Results : Of the 8 reoperations, 3 patients recurred the meniscal symptoms within the 3rd week after the initial operation, and 5 patients recurred beyond the 3rd week after the initial operation. Among the 3 patients of carly recurrence, 2 patients showed inadequate sizes of the remnant meniscus, and 1 patient showed posterolateral instability of the remained meniscus. Among the 5 patients of late recurrence, 3 patients showed rerupture of the meniscus, and 2 patients showed associated pathology of degenerative arthritis following osteochondritis dissecans. Conclusions : The reoperation rate after initial meniscectomy of the lateral discoid meniscus was higher in partial meniscectomy than total meniscectomy. During the operation of the lateral discoid meniscus, we must determine the adequate resectional margin, confirm the remnant meniscus by probing, and look for the associated pathologies.

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Arthroscopic Treatment for Lateral Discoid Meniscus in Children: Clinical Symptoms & Treatment Results According to Meniscus Type (소아의 외측 원판형 반월상 연골의 슬관절경 치료: 유형에 따른 임상증상 및 치료 결과)

  • Shin, Sung-Il;Hyun, Yoon-Suk;Kang, Jung-Woo;Oh, Bum-Suk
    • Journal of the Korean Arthroscopy Society
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.7-12
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    • 2011
  • Purpose: We purposed to evaluate clinical results after undergoing arthrocopic surgery of lateral discoid meniscus in children. Materials and Methods: Retrospective evaluation was executed for the 21 cases which showed abnormal findings of knee joint due to lateral discoid meniscus, from Janunary 1 1999 to December 30 2007. Average observation period was 38.4 months (14months~60 months), and average age was 9.5 years old (7~12 years old). The major clinical findings for knee joint extension limitations were the most common with 11 cases, and there were 8 cases of knee joint pain, 6 cases of snapping, and 10 cases of gait abnormality. The forms of lateral discoid meniscus were 14 cases of complete type, 5 cases of incomplete type, and 2 cases of Wrisberg type. All patient had arthroscopic partial menisectomy and some patient who had meniscus tear had arthroscopic meniscus repair. The clinical results were evaluated using Ikeuchi grading system, and the change of knee joint was observed through routine radiography. Results: The peripheral hypermobility of lateral disciform meniscus was observed in 7 cases. The peripheral tear was observed in 4 cases, where partial menisectomy was along with suture at the same time. The final clinical results were 5 cases of Excellent, 12 cases of Good, 4 cases of Fair. Radiologically, there were 5 cases of subchondral sclerosis and narrowness of hardness at the lateral knee joint, and osteochondritis occurred at the joint facet of external femur in 1 case. In clinical result, meanwhile, there were 20 cases of normal or almost normal and only 1 case of abnormal in IKDC score. Conclusion: Knee joint arthroscopic partial menisectomy for treatment of lateral discoid meniscus is useful, and when accompanied by peripheral disruption, suture is thought to be necessary.

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