• Title/Summary/Keyword: Digital relationship model

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The Impact of Social Network Position on Learning Performance: Focused on University Students Studying Tourism Data Analytics (소셜네트워크위치가 학업성과에 미치는 영향: 관광데이터분석 수강생을 중심으로)

  • Kim, Chang-Sik;Jung, Tae-Woong
    • Journal of Korea Society of Digital Industry and Information Management
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    • v.16 no.2
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    • pp.105-115
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    • 2020
  • This study examines the influence of the betweenness centrality on tertius gaudens orientation, relationship commitment, and individual learning performance within the university environment. The betweenness centrality explored the antecedent factor of tertius gaudens orientation. The relationship commitment explored the consequence factor of tertius gaudens orientation, and the learning performance explored the consequence factor of the relationship commitment. This survey was carried out by university students. Data were obtained from 74 respondents who have been studying tourism data analytics at one of the leading universities, in Seoul, Korea. In order to validate the research model, social network analysis tool, UCINET 6.689, and a structural equation modeling tool, SmartPLS 3.3.2, were used. The empirical result showed that all antecedent factors (betweenness centrality position, tertius gaudens orientation, and relationship commitment) of the learning performance were significant. In conclusion, this study discusses the research findings and implications. Then the limitations and future directions of the study were suggested.

Digital Life Index of Babyboom Generation (베이비붐세대의 디지털라이프 지수)

  • Kwon, Soon-Jae;Kim, Mee Ryoung
    • The Journal of Information Systems
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    • v.23 no.1
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    • pp.161-184
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    • 2014
  • Our study measures the Digital Life Index (DLI) of baby boomers by considering the utilization of digital devices in their everyday life. The study was conducted by implementing the following three-step approach: (1) development of survey questions and data collection; (2) build Digital Life Index (DLI) model and lastly; (3) empirical analysis using the Digital Life Index (DLI). In the first stage in order to develop the survey questions to measure the digital index, two surveys were conducted. For the first preliminary survey, it was done based on the existing literatures which enabled this investigation through FGI analysis involving real professionals. The second survey was conducted by commissioning a specialized external firm. In this survey, a total of 400 data was collected to verify the validity and objectivity of the data sample. The data gathered through the survey questions was used to develop the digital index. Firstly, the appropriate factors were extracted by conducting factor analysis. This factor analysis validates and verifies the factors which are appropriate in measuring Digital Life Index (DLI). The derived factors are broadly divided into five main factors. The first factor describes the possession, purchase and use of digital device (x1). Meanwhile, the second factor describes the digital device's software (x2) and the third factor describes the participation in utilizing digital device (x3). The fourth factor describes the utilization of digital device in human personal relationship (x4) and lastly, the fifth factor describes the effect of digital device in everyday life and work environment (x5). Secondly, the digital index model was developed. The variables to represent the Digital Life Index (DLI) are ${\chi}1t,{\chi}2t,{\chi}3t,{\chi}4t$ and ${\chi}5t$. Furthermore, as experience in using the digital index grows overtime, the growth can be represented by the "S" shape. Based on the results, Digital Life Index(DLI) is distributed with the highest point at 90.3 and the lowest point at 25.9.

A Study on Admissibility Framework for Establishing Trust in Digital Records : Focused on the Development of the Trustworthiness Model for Public Digital Records (전자기록의 신뢰가치 확립을 위한 증거능력 구현체계 연구 우리나라 공공 전자기록의 신뢰가치 모델 개발을 중심으로)

  • Hyun, Moonsoo
    • The Korean Journal of Archival Studies
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    • no.73
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    • pp.5-46
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    • 2022
  • This study aims to develop the trustworthiness model for public digital records, as an admissibility framework for establishing trust. The trustworthiness model is deemed to used to identify the qualities of the digital records in their lifecycle, including the identity that could be identified at the time of the creation, integrity obtained from the chain-of-custodial management, the evidence of relationship between business activities and records, and the technical or cognitive accessibility. Based on the analysis of the QADEP model, it was decided to develop a model that could measure the trustworthiness of public digital records in the external measurement type, which are authenticity, reliability, and usability. In line with this direction, the model expanded measurement areas and indicators of the QADEP model through the analysis of ISO 16175-1:2020, and measuring metrics was also proposed so that it could be a measuring instrument for public digital records in Korea, after analysing NAK 19-3. It would be useful to expand the model and to test the approach of the trustworthiness model for public digital records.

Effect on Acceptance Intentions to Service Quality factors of Social TV : Focus on Technology Acceptance Model (소셜TV 서비스품질 요인이 수용의도에 미치는 영향 : 기술수용모형(TAM)을 중심으로)

  • Kwon, Dosoon;Hwang, Changyu;Hong, Soongeun
    • Journal of Korea Society of Digital Industry and Information Management
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    • v.11 no.3
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    • pp.201-218
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    • 2015
  • The purpose of this study is to verify a causal relationship between social tv services and intended acceptance of social tv service through the SERVQUAL five dimensions which mean generally assessment of superior user. Also I am going to analyze that how factors of intended acceptance of social tv service effect on intended acceptance through perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use based on Technology Acceptance Model which provides theoretical basis for behavior response of information technology. This study is significant that social tv combine the five dimensions of service quality that mean assessment of overall excellent or superior user and Technology Acceptance Model that provides theoretical basis for describing an behavior response of information technology.

Implement of Contents information quality using u-smart tourist information (u-스마트 관광정보를 이용한 콘텐츠정보품질 구현)

  • Sun, Su-Kyun
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.11 no.5
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    • pp.437-442
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    • 2013
  • To IT convergence study tourism the convergence of IT and tourism in recent years has emerged as a discipline in the future. The purpose of this study, quality of tourism information systems using u-smart content information about design and implementation. This create the basic processes and data that you can analyze the average propensity of tourism and tourism tourists tourist information quality by implementing patterns of information in the template library content can be. Tourist information and tourist's propensity to take advantage of smart apps and XMI created and implemented by the appropriate content information on the quality of the tourism information content can be seen in real-time, this paper have the advantage of being Connection relationship meta-model through the inter-related processes, as well as Smart App can be meta-modeled. Quality by implementing the content of the information tourism information and helps in the development of the future tourism policy, in which you can design a digital model to determine the propensity of tourists.

The Study on the Digital Transformation Process of Mid-Sized Companies (중견제조기업의 디지털전환(DX) 과정에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Chang-Ho
    • Journal of Industrial Convergence
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    • v.20 no.1
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    • pp.23-33
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    • 2022
  • The study was conducted to develop an implementation model for digital transformation (DX) of manufacturing companies. To this end, previous studies on the process of management innovation and digital transformation were reviewed. The DX process model was derived based on the NEBIC theory and innovation theory applied in the innovation process of the Internet business. In addition, a research model including the factors of the will of the top management class (TMT) was constructed and confirmed through empirical data. The research hypothesis were verified based on data collected from members of mid-sized manufacturing companies promoting digital transformation. Through regression analysis, the influence relationship of each stage of the research model (technical knowledge, TK → opportunity perception, OR → performace expectation, PE and → Intention to execute, IE) was confirmed. Hierarchical regression analysis was conducted to understand the mediating effect of the members' perception of the top management's willingness to promote DX in the process. As a result of checking the Sobel test, it was confirmed that the management's perception of DX promotion partially mediated the relationship at each stage. This study is meaningful in that it presented a model applicable to the digital transformation of the mid-sized manufacturing industry. It is also valuable in providing an empirical basis for innovative research and NEBIC expansion. Longitudinal studies are required to overcome the limitations of empirical data for process models with dynamic characteristics whereas extended empirical studies are required in various fields other than manufacturing to generalize research results.

Offshore Outsourcing Success : An Integrated Framework

  • Kim, Jin Ki
    • Journal of Information Technology Applications and Management
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    • v.24 no.4
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    • pp.153-170
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    • 2017
  • As the digital economy goes global, firms are trying to find suppliers that can address their managerial goals and strategies. The alternatives are not confined to domestic firms. Firms have been trying to connect to foreign partners worldwide. Although offshore outsourcing grants firms various benefits, they present big cultural challenges. However, there is little research on the impact of cultural or country factors on outsourcing. The goal of this paper is to synthesize the outsourcing success literature and develop propositions for outsourcing success in the context of offshore outsourcing. This paper proposes that cultural effects should be included in evaluating the success of offshore outsourcing. Knowledge sharing and the scope of outsourcing are adopted in the base outsourcing success model from previous literature. In the extended model partnership quality is included as a mediator and organizational capability and outsourcing relationship type are also included as moderator. Finally, the integrated framework of offshore outsourcing success includes cultural factors as moderators of the relationships between outsourcing success antecedents and the success of offshore outsourcing. Reasoning for propositions, managerial implications, and future research directions are discussed.

Effects of Key Drivers on Continuing to Use Digital Convergence Services: Hierarchical Component Approach

  • Joung, Seokin;Han, Eoksoo;Han, Hyunsoo
    • ETRI Journal
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    • v.36 no.6
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    • pp.1051-1061
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    • 2014
  • Technological advances made with the development of digital technology and the Internet have led to the emergence and evolution of digital convergence - the integration of media and communications. This, in turn, has led to the creation of the representative broadcast and communication convergence business model (IPTV service). This study examines the consumption patterns and behaviors of IPTV service customers and explores the process of their continuous use of the IPTV service, thereby endeavoring to contribute to the diffusion of digital convergence services. To survey customers' continuous use of the IPTV service, this study first designs a research framework based on an examination of the existing literature on satisfaction, loyalty, and so on. In addition, research is conducted on the switching barrier of the method of consolidating customers' adherence to a given IPTV service by increasing the burden on them, thereby developing a final research model with which to attempt yet another heterogeneous approach. This enables not only an analysis of the causal relationship with antecedent variables but also a measurement of the explanatory contribution of the antecedent variables' sub-variables.

Millennial Transformational Leadership on Organizational Performance in Indonesia Fishery Startup

  • WANASIDA, Albert Surya;BERNARTO, Innocentius;SUDIBJO, Niko;PRAMONO, Rudy
    • The Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Business
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    • v.8 no.2
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    • pp.555-562
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    • 2021
  • This study aims to understand the effect of millennial transformational leadership (MTL) on organizational performance in Indonesian Fishery startups. The population of this study included select fishery startups in Indonesia based on the data released by the Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries of the Republic of Indonesia and Digital Fishery Network. This study used the statistical method of PLS-SEM to analyze the data. The findings show that the MTL has no direct positive relationship with organizational performance; MTL has a direct positive relationship with organizational agility; MTL has a direct positive relationship with IT capability; IT capability has a direct positive relationship with organizational agility; organizational agility has a direct positive relationship with organizational performance in fishery startups in Indonesia during this pandemic era. It is suggested that future researches use covariance-based-structural equation modeling which is able to test the research model's feasibility. Roles of mediating variables in addition to the main variables-for example, organizational agility as a mediating variable on the relationship between MTL and organizational performance - are also suggested to be examined. In spite of the limitations, the model developed is still interesting to investigate and is expected to enhance the literature on transformational leadership.

The Impacts of Entrepreneurial Orientation and Digital Orientation on Business Network, Development of Innovative Product and Internationalization Performance - Focused on International Venture Firms - (국제기업가지향성과 디지털지향성이 비즈니스 네트워크, 혁신적인 제품개발 및 국제화 성과에 미치는 영향 - 국제신생벤처기업을 중심으로 -)

  • Mi-Jung Kim;Myung-Su Chae
    • Korea Trade Review
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    • v.46 no.3
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    • pp.227-245
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    • 2021
  • This study aims to examine how entrepreneurs' international entrepreneurial orientation and digital orientation affect business networks, innovative product development, and internationalization performance in a digital environment. For this purpose, data were collected from the CEOs of 192 domestic start-up venture companies. The causal relationship between the variables was analyzed through confirmatory factor analysis and structural model analysis using AMOS(18.0 version) for the collected data. It was confirmed that international entrepreneurial orientation and digital orientation have a positive effect on business networks. And the business network was found to have a positive effect on innovative product development and internationalization performance