• Title/Summary/Keyword: Diagnosis and treatment

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Early caries detection using optical coherence tomography: a review of the literature (광간섭단층촬영술을 이용한 치아우식증의 발견)

  • Park, Young-Seok;Cho, Byeong-Hoon;Lee, Seung-Pyo;Shon, Won-Jun
    • Restorative Dentistry and Endodontics
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    • v.36 no.5
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    • pp.367-376
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    • 2011
  • Early detection of carious lesions increases the possibility of treatment without the need for surgical intervention. Optical coherence tomography (OCT) is an emerging three-dimensional imaging technique that has been successfully used in other medical fields, such as ophthalmology for optical biopsy, and is a prospective candidate for early caries detection. The technique is based on low coherence interferometry and is advantageous in that it is non-invasive, does not use ionizing radiation, and can render threedimensional images. A brief history of the development of this technique and its principles are discussed in this paper. There have been numerous studies on caries detection, which were mostly in vitro or ex vivo experiments. Through these studies, the feasibility of OCT for caries detection was confirmed. However, further research should be performed, including in vivo studies of OCT applications, in order to prove the clinical usefulness of this technique. In addition, some technological problems must be resolved in the near future to allow for the use of OCT in everyday practice.

Design Concept Value Competitive Research Between Service Provider and Service Receiver (수면무호흡 환자의 양압기 제품서비스디자인 개발에 대한 서비스 제공자와 수혜자가 느끼는 디자인 컨셉 가치 비교연구)

  • Lee, Sung Pil;Jung, Ju Young;Lee, Sang Ki;Hong, Jung Pyo
    • Journal of Service Research and Studies
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    • v.7 no.4
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    • pp.39-50
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    • 2017
  • As a comparative study on the value of design concept between service provider (Developer) and service receiver (Customer) group, the aims of this study was to present a service model focused on Continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) based on U-health care and user environment. Double Diamond-based methods led to a case study that conducted jointly by the department of otolaryngology in U hospital, Ulsan. By targeted on Sleep Apnea patients from the stage of diagnosis to CPAP treatment, variety of meaningful experiences have been extracted and classified into several types of customers. In the final analysis of the 13 service scenario models, Kano Satisfaction and Potential Customer Satisfaction Improvement Index (PCSI) were conducted with the customers, yet Score Model and Concept Position were evaluated by the service provider groups who engaged in development services. The results of this study showed that 7 items in the total of 12 items reached a consensus of viewpoint on value between service receiver and service provider, which the attributes of the service model are based on user environment. Whereas the other 5 items showed the divergent viewpoint on value which included the attributes of U-healthcare service model.

Frontal Face Region Extraction & Features Extraction for Ocular Inspection (망진을 위한 정면 얼굴 영역 및 특징 요소 추출)

  • Cho Dong-Uk;Kim Sun-Young
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences
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    • v.30 no.6C
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    • pp.585-592
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    • 2005
  • One of the most important things in the researches on diseases is to attach more importance to prevention of a disease and preservation of health than to treatment of a disease, also to foods rather than to medicines. In this context, the most significant concern in examining a patient is to find the presence of disease, and, if any, to diaguose the type of disease, after which a pharmacotherapy is followed. In this paper, various diagnosis methods of Oriental medicines are discussed. And ocular inspection, the most important method among the 4 disease diagnoses of Oriental medicines, is studied. Observing a person's shape and color has been the major method for ocular inspection, which usually has been dependent upon doctor's intuition as of these days. We are developing an automatic system which provides objective basic data for ocular inspection. As the first stage, we applied the signal processing techniques to automatic feature extraction of faces for ocular inspection. Firstly, facial regions are extracted from the point of frontal view, which was followed by extraction of their features. The experiment applied to 20 persons showed that frontal face regions are perfectly extracted, as well as their features, such as eyes, eyebrows, noses and mouths. Future work will seek to address the issues of morphological operation for a few unfinished extraction results, such as combined hair and eyebrows.


  • Bang, Seok-Yun;Kim, Eun-Jung;Kim, Hyun-Jung;Kim, Young-Jin;Nam, Soon-Hyeun
    • Journal of the korean academy of Pediatric Dentistry
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    • v.32 no.3
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    • pp.531-536
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    • 2005
  • Infraclusion may be defined as teeth that stop their relative occlusal movement in the dental arches during or after the period of active eruption and then remain under the occlusal plane. Delayed exfoliation, malocclusion, increased susceptibility to dental caries and periodontal disease of both the neighboring teeth and retained molar, and dislocation of the successor are the consequencces of infraclusion of primary molars. Therefore, early diagnosis and appropriate treatments are necessary. The therapeutic approach of the infracluded teeth varied from preservation to extraction. The teeth with simple infraclusion without any signs of interference with occlusal and jaw development may be examined periodically with follow-up check and radiographically. However, if the infracluded tooth interferes with normal eruption of successor or shows any sign of delayed resorption, or the tipping of adjacent teeth or supraeruption of opposing teeth is expected, the teeth inflicted should be extracted and appropriate measures should be provided in order to maintain the normal development of occlusion and dentition. The adjacent teeth which have been collapsed over a infracluded deciduous teeth can disturb the arch length perimeter. In such cases, surgical approach might be necessary, although it would be difficult when teeth are severly leaned. However, an easier surgical access have been obtained by space regaining procedures, in young patients whose arch length has been shortened due to the infracluded teeth.

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Study on Tongue Coating Patterns of the Xerostomia in the Elderly Patients (노인 구강건조증 환자들의 설태 양상에 관한 고찰)

  • Han, Gajin;Park, Jae-Woo;Ko, Seok-Jae;Kim, Juyeon;Son, Jiyoung;Jang, Seungwon;Kim, Seul-Ki;Kim, Minji;Kim, Jinsung
    • The Journal of the Society of Korean Medicine Diagnostics
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    • v.17 no.3
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    • pp.189-202
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    • 2013
  • Objectives The aim of this study is to analyze the characteristics of the tongue coating pattern in the elderly patients with xerostomia. Methods Ninety-six elderly patients with xerostomia were recruited by advertisement and they visited the oral diseases clinics at Kyung Hee University Korean Medicine Hospital and Kyung Hee University Hospital at Gangdong from November, 2011 to August, 2013. After signifying the assent, the subjects who passed screening were enrolled this study. The subjects were evaluated on their clinical characteristics of xerostomia using visual analogue scale for xerostomia, dry mouth questionnaire, unstimulated salivary flow rate. In addition, Yin-deficiency questionnaire was used to evaluate the Yin-deficiency state and Winkel tongue coating index and Digital Tongue imagin system were used to measure the tongue coating of patients. Results The proportion of women was higher than that of men, and there were few smokers in this study population. This population had chronic and relatively severe xerostomia symptoms. Also, thin coating pattern was showed in this elderly patients with xerostomia and this result was regarded to the influence of Yin-deficiency. The thin coating patten was observed in the group with higher Yin-deficiency score. There was no difference in tongue coating between the hyposalivation and normosalivation group. Conclusion In the elderly patients with xerostomia, Yin-deficiency is might be considered as one of the main cause of xerostomia. Hence, it is thought that this patients showed the thin coating pattern. This results could be used in diagnosis and treatment for the elderly patients with xerostomia in traditional Korean medicine.

Surgical Resection of Solitary Fibrous Tumors of the Pleura (고립성 섬유성 흉막 종양의 수술적 절제)

  • 장지원;김관민;심영목;한정호;이경수;김진국
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • v.37 no.5
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    • pp.432-437
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    • 2004
  • Background : Solitary fibrous tumors of the pleura (SFTP) is one of rare neoplasms that originated from submesothelial mesenchyme. Clinical course or extent of surgical resection is not well known. Material and Method: We retrospectively reviewed all the clinical records of the patients who had undergone surgical resection of benign and malignant SFTP, Result: Twenty two (male female 14 : 8) patients were enrolled and mean age was 50.2(range 25∼83). Number of symptomatic patients at the time of diagnosis was 13 (59%) and the most common symptom was dyspnea. Operative approach was carried out through thoracotomy (n=14) or video-assisted thoracic surgery (n=8). Mass excision was performed in 12 cases and en bloc resection including adjacent structure in 10 cases. In all cases complete resection was performed. There was no operative mortality. Malignant SFTP were 11 cases and benign SFTP 11 cases. Local recurrences (n=2) or distant metastasis (n=6) occurred only in malignant SFTP. Conclusion: Number of symptomatic patients, on bloc resection, and recurrence was more in malignant SFTP. Although complete surgical resection is known as treatment of choice for SFTP, further study should be performed about systemic therapeutic modalities pre- or postoperatively to control recurrence and metastasis.

The resistance rate of anti-tuberculosis drug isolated from initial tuberculosis patients at a general hospital in Daejeon area (대전지역 일개 종합병원 초진결핵 환자들로부터 분리(分離)된 결핵균(結核菌)의 약제(藥劑) 내성률(耐性率))

  • Lee, Dong-Hoon;Kim, Sang-Ha;Kim, Young-Kwon
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.12 no.11
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    • pp.5012-5018
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    • 2011
  • According to the nationwide survey of tuberculosis from 1965 to 1995, the incidence and drug resistance rate of tuberculosis have been decreased in Korea, but the prevalence of multidrug resistance of Mycobacterium tuberculosis is still a serious problem. The purpose of this study is to investigate the drug resistance rate and pattern of tuberculosis in Daejeon from 2001 to 2008. Of the total 581cases where the drug susceptibility test was performed, resistance to at least one anti-TB drug was found in 104 cases(17.9%) of these, 68(11.7%) were resistant to at least INH and 41(7.1%) were resistant to at least RFP. Single-drug resistance was found for isolates from 37(6.4%) ; 18(3.1%) of these were resistant to INH and 5(0.9%) to RFP. Multidrug resistance, where TB was resistant to at least isoniazid and refampin, was found in 35 cases(6.0%). and Factors associated with MDR-TB included age under 40-60.The drug-resistance rate of pulmonary TB, especially MDR-TB, is higher in the initial treated patients at a private referral hospital than in those in the pubulic sector. Initial drug resistance is common and the drug susceptibility test is informative for pulmonary TB patients who have not received previous TB treatment. The need for an improved control program, coupled with early diagnosis of MDR-TB, to reduce the spread and development of resistance. Multidrug resistance rate is still problem in korea. Efforts to decrease multidrug resistance rate either independently or in cooperation with the pubulic sector will be needed.

Clinical Usefulness of Ultrasonography in the Diagnosis of Fatty Liver (지방간 진단에 있어 초음파 검사의 임상적 유용성 연구)

  • An, Hyun;Lee, Hyo Yeong
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Radiology
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    • v.13 no.3
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    • pp.349-357
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    • 2019
  • The purpose of this study was to evaluate the clinical significance of ultrasonographic classification of fatty liver in three grades. From June 2018 to April 2019, 1047 patients (818 males and 229 females) diagnosed as fatty liver among 3607 patients who underwent abdominal ultrasonography at Busan screening center. Ultrasonography was classified into three grades: Grade I (mild fatty liver), Grade II (moderate fatty liver), and Grade III (severe fatty liver) according to the degree of parenchyma texture, acoustic attenuation, Obesity index, hematological test, and metabolic syndrome. The average age of men in each sex increased with the increase of the fatty liver. Body mass index (BMI) and waist circumference were significantly increased in both men and women (p=.000). hematological analysis showed that AST, ALT, ${\gamma}-GTP$, TG, fasting blood sugar, and glycated hemoglobin were significantly different from each other (p<.05). In women, ALT, ${\gamma}-GTP$ and TG showed a significant difference with increasing fatty liver (p<.05). The prevalence of metabolic syndrome was significantly increased in both sexes as the grade of fatty liver increased (p=.000). Based on the results of this study, it is suggested that the use of ultrasound - guided fatty liver according to severity may be useful for the treatment and follow - up of fatty liver if the liver grade is divided in consideration of hematological variables and metabolic syndrome.

Full mouth rehabilitation using various digital tools in a patient with collapsed bite due to severe attrition (심한 마모로 인하여 교합이 붕괴된 환자의 다양한 디지털 도구를 이용한 완전 구강회복증례)

  • Moon, Sooin;Lee, Younghoo;Hong, Seoung-Jin;Noh, Kwantae;Pae, Ahran;Kim, Hyeong-Seob;Kwon, Kung-Rock;Paek, Janghyun
    • The Journal of Korean Academy of Prosthodontics
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    • v.60 no.4
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    • pp.320-329
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    • 2022
  • Physiological wear of occlusal surface is inevitable throughout the lifetime, and considered to be normal. Pathologic wear, however, may cause fatal damage to the occlusal surface and destroy esthetics and proper anterior guidance. In such cases, rehabilitation of occlusal wear should be followed by thorough evaluation and diagnosis. In this present case, severe occlusal wear was found in the labial surfaces of mandibular anterior teeth and palatal surfaces of maxillary anterior teeth. Occlusal vertical dimension was evaluated and decided to be regained due to insufficient amount of restorative space. After determining new occlusal vertical dimension, diagnostic wax-up is usually performed to continue prosthodontic treatment. In this case with collapsed occlusion and loss of occlusal vertical dimension, conventional diagnostic wax-up was replaced with various digital devices. Diagnostic wax-up was digitally performed in the software and provisional prosthesis was fabricated with digital tools. With verification with provisional prosthesis, the entire dentition was rehabilitated with newly set occlusal vertical dimension and proper anterior guidance.

A Study on Radiation Dose and Image Quality using Dual Energy Computed Tomography ECG Gating High Pitch Chest Pain Protocol Mode (이중 에너지 전산화 단층촬영 ECG Gating High Pitch Chest Pain Protocol 모드를 이용한 방사선량과 영상 품질에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Gyeong-Rip;Sung, Soon-Ki;Kim, Chang-Hyeun;Kwak, Jong-Hyeok
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Radiology
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    • v.16 no.1
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    • pp.7-13
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    • 2022
  • This study compared the aortic root image by using the ECG gating and non-ECG gating methods. We observed the presence or absence of progression of the aortic root image in the images examined by the high pitch (flash) chest pain protocol method and in the patients tested without ECG gating by the conventional method. The AAPM phantom was scanned by using high pitch (flash) chest pain protocol and general chest pain protocol. CTDI values were compared. By ECG gating, the blurring of ascending aorta was significantly reduced compared to the existing non-ECG gating test method, and the image quality of the aortic root was improved. Within the parametar range that did not show differences in noise, uniformity, and high contrast resolution, CTDI values were lower when tested with the high-pitch chest pain protocol. It was found that there is an advantage in dose reduction, and if it is applied and applied to diagnostic fields such as dissection using the dose reduction mode in the cardiac field, it is a very important test for patients who need rapid diagnosis and prompt treatment as well as a dramatic reduction in exposure dose. It is presumed to be a method.