• Title/Summary/Keyword: Cycle simulation

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A Study on CFD Analysis to Investigate the Effects of Different Feed Rate into the High Temperature H2SO4 Transferring Pump at Fixed Frequency

  • Choi, Jung-Sik;Choi, Jae-Hyuk
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Marine Environment & Safety
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    • v.20 no.3
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    • pp.304-311
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    • 2014
  • In this study, to apply hydrogen energy to ship engine and to generate effective hydrogen production, we investigated the effects of high temperature $H_2SO_4$ feed rate and cooling water rate to pump parts with fixed frequency needed to reciprocate motion and a simulation was conducted at each condition. In the fixed frequency and cooling water inlet flow rate of 0.5 Hz and 3.9 kg/s, we changed the high temperature $H_2SO_4$ flow rate to 47.46 kg/s (it is 105 % of 45.2 kg/s), 49.72 kg/s (110 %), and 51.98 kg/s (115 %). Also, at 0.5 Hz and 45.2 kg/s of frequency and high temperature $H_2SO_4$ flow, the thermal hydraulic analysis was performed at the condition of 95 % (3.705 kg/s), 90 % (3.51 kg/s), and 85 % (3.315 kg/s). In overall simulation cases, the physical properties of materials are more influential to the temperature increase in the pump part rather than the changes on the feed rate of high temperature $H_2SO_4$ and cooling water. A continuous operation of pump was also capable even if the excess feed of high temperature $H_2SO_4$ of about 15 % or the less feed of cooling water of about 15 % were performed, respectively. When the increasing feed of high temperature $H_2SO_4$ of up to 5 %, 10 %, and 15 % were compared with base flow (45.2 kg/s), the deviation of time period rose to a certain temperature and ranged from 0 to 4.5 s in the same position (same material). In case of cooling water, the deviation of time period rose to a certain temperature and ranged from 0 to 5.9 s according to the decreasing feed changes of cooling water at 5 %, 10 %, and 15 % compared to a base flow (3.9 kg/s). Finally, the additional researches related to the two different materials (Teflon and STS for Pitch and End-plate), which are concerned about the effects of temperature changes to the parts contacting different materials, are needed, and we have a plan to conduct a follow-up study.

Firmware Design and system of stepwise synchronization for CMOS image sensor (Stepwise 동기화 지원을 위한 CMOS 이미지 센서 Firmware 설계 및 개발)

  • Park, Hyun-Moon;Park, Soo-Huyn;Lee, Myung-Soo;Seo, Hae-Moon;Park, Woo-Chool;Jang, Yun-Jung
    • Journal of the Korea Society for Simulation
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    • v.17 no.4
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    • pp.199-208
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    • 2008
  • Lately, since Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor(CMOS) image sensor system has low power, low cost and been miniaturized, hardware and applied software studies using these strengths are being carrying on actively. However, the products equipped with CMOS image sensor based polling method yet has several problems in degree of completeness of applied software and firmware, compared with hardware’s. CMOS image sensor system has an ineffective synchronous problem due to superfluous message exchange. Also when a sending of data is delayed continually, overhead of re-sending is large. So because of these, it has a problem in structural stability according to Polling Method. In this study, polling cycle was subdivided in high-speed synchronization method of firmware -based through MCU and synchronization method of Stepwise was proposed. Also, re-connection and data sending were advanced more efficiently by using interrupt way. In conclusion, the proposed method showed more than 20 times better performance in synchronization time and error connection. Also, a board was created by using C328R board of CMOS image sensor-based and ATmega128L which has low power, MCU and camera modules of proposed firmware were compared with provided software and analyzed in synchronization time and error connection.

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Experiment and Simulation of 2-bed PSA for Hydrogen Separation from H2/CH4 Gas Mixture (수소/메탄 혼합 기체로부터 수소 분리를 위한 두 탑 PSA 실험과 전산 모사)

  • Nam, Gi-Moon;Jeong, Byung-Man;Kang, Seok-Hyun;Lee, Chang-Ha;Lee, Byung-Kwon;Choi, Dae-Ki
    • Korean Chemical Engineering Research
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    • v.43 no.2
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    • pp.249-258
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    • 2005
  • A two-column six-step pressure swing adsorption(PSA) process was to study separation of hydrogen from hydrogen and methane($60_{vol}%/40_{vol}%$) binary system onto activated carbon adsorbent. The effects of the feed gas pressure, the feed flowrate and the P/F(purge to feed) ratio on the process performance were evaluated. The cyclic steady-states of PSA process were reached to after 15 cycles. $H_2$ purity increases according as the P/F ratio and pressure increase and the feed flow rate decreases; however, $H_2$ recovery shows an opposite phenomena to the purity. PSA process simulation studied to find optimum operation condition. In the results, 22 LPM feed flowrate, 11 atm adsorption pressure and 0.10 P/F ratio might be optimal values to obtain more than 75% recovery and 99% purity hydrogen. In this study was non-isothermal and non-adiabatic model considering linear driving force(LDF) model and Langmuir-Freundlich adsorption isotherm considered to compare between prediction and experimental data.

A Probabilistic Prediction of Weapon Systems Evaluation Test Execution Ratio and Management Scheme (무기체계 평가시험 수행율의 확률적 예측 및 관리기법)

  • Jang, Young-sik;Han, Sung-hee;Han, Hyun-goo;Mun, Chang-min
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
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    • v.21 no.2
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    • pp.468-474
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    • 2017
  • A test service for the weapon systems evaluation is one of the most important processes during the weapon systems acquisition or development life cycle. Before completion of weapon systems development, the appropriate evaluation test can reduce risk and expense which might be expected during weapon systems development procedure. In this paper, it is suggested that a probabilistic prediction method based on Monte Carlo simulation for how much the annual weapon systems evaluation test excution ratio can be reached compared to the yearly initial planned test quantity. And then a weapon systems evaluation test quantitative management scheme is suggested to assist decision making for the test schedule manager who can arrange monthly test schedule based on the prediction result of annual test excution ratio. And the proposed method is applied for the weapon systems evaluation firing test data of the 8th directorate, Agency for Defense Development(ADD). And also the application result is examined.

Simulation of a Double Effect Double Stage Absorption Heat Pump for Usage of a Low Temperature Waste Heat (저온 폐열 활용을 위한 2중 효용 2단 흡수식 히트펌프 시뮬레이션)

  • Kim, Nae-Hyun
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.16 no.11
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    • pp.7736-7744
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    • 2015
  • Considering the significant waste of industrial energy, effective use of low temperature waste heat is extremely important. In this study, a heat pump cycle with double effect and double stage was realized, which escalates the hot water temperature from $50^{\circ}C$ to $70^{\circ}C$ using $160^{\circ}C$ high temperature heat source and $17^{\circ}C$ low temperature heat source. The steam generated in the first generator condenses in the first condenser generating steam in the second generator. The steam condenses in the second condenser and is provided to the second evaporator. Part of the water out of the second evaporator is supplied to the first evaporator, which evaporates using low temperature waste heat. The evaporated steam enters the first absorber and the second evaporator. The steam out of the second evaporator is absorbed into the solution at the second absorber. The hot water temperature is raised in the second condenser and in the second absorber. Proper flow rates and UA values, which satisfied temperature lift $20^{\circ}C$ and COP 1.6, were deduced through trior and error. The COP increases as the temperature of the high temperature water increases, hot water temperature decreases and flow rate increases, waste water temperature and flow rate increases, solution circulation rate decreases. On the other hand, the temperature rise of the hot water increases as the temperature of the high temperature water increases, hot water temperature increases and flow rate decreases, waste water temperature and flow rate increases, solution circulation rate increases. In addition, the COP and hot water temperature rise increase as UAs of the heat exchangers increase.

A Study of Model-Based Aircraft Safety Assessment (모델기반 항공기 안전성평가에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Ju-young;Lee, Dong-Min;Lee, Byoung-Gil;Gil, Gi-Nam;Kim, Kyung-Nam;Na, Jong-Whoa
    • Journal of Aerospace System Engineering
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    • v.15 no.5
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    • pp.24-32
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    • 2021
  • Personal Air Vehicle (PAV), Cargo UAS (Cargo UAS), and existing manned and unmanned aircraft are key vehicles for urban air mobility (UAM), and should demonstrate compatibility for the design of aircraft systems. The safety assessment required by for certification to ensure safety and reliability should be systematically performed throughout the entire cycle from the beginning of the aircraft development process. However, with the increasing complexity of safety critical aviation systems and the application of state-of-the-art systems, conventional experience-based and procedural-based safety evaluation methods make ir difficult to objectively assess safety requirements and system safety. Therefore, Model-Based Safety Assessment (MBSA) using modeling and simulation techniques is actively being studied at domestic and foreign countries to address these problems. In this paper, we propose a Model-Based Safety Evaluation framework utilizing modeling and simulation-based integrated flight simulators. Our case studies on the Traffic Collision Availability System (TCAS) and Wheel Brake System (WBS) confirmed that they are practical for future safety assessments.

Assessing Future Water Demand for Irrigating Paddy Rice under Shared Socioeconomic Pathways (SSPs) Scenario Using the APEX-Paddy Model (APEX-paddy 모델을 활용한 SSPs 시나리오에 따른 논 필요수량 변동 평가)

  • Choi, Soon-Kun;Cho, Jaepil;Jeong, Jaehak;Kim, Min-Kyeong;Yeob, So-Jin;Jo, Sera;Owusu Danquah, Eric;Bang, Jeong Hwan
    • Journal of The Korean Society of Agricultural Engineers
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    • v.63 no.6
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    • pp.1-16
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    • 2021
  • Global warming due to climate change is expected to significantly affect the hydrological cycle of agriculture. Therefore, in order to predict the magnitude of climate impact on agricultural water resources in the future, it is necessary to estimate the water demand for irrigation as the climate change. This study aimed at evaluating the future changes in water demand for irrigation under two Shared Socioeconomic Pathways (SSPs) (SSP2-4.5 and SSP5-8.5) scenarios for paddy rice in Gimje, South Korea. The APEX-Paddy model developed for the simulation of paddy environment was used. The model was calibrated and validated using the H2O flux observation data by the eddy covariance system installed at the field. Sixteen General Circulation Models (GCMs) collected from the Climate Model Intercomparison Project phase 6 (CMIP6) and downscaled using Simple Quantile Mapping (SQM) were used. The future climate data obtained were subjected to APEX-Paddy model simulation to evaluate the future water demand for irrigation at the paddy field. Changes in water demand for irrigation were evaluated for Near-future-NF (2011-2040), Mid-future-MF (2041-2070), and Far-future-FF (2071-2100) by comparing with historical data (1981-2010). The result revealed that, water demand for irrigation would increase by 2.3%, 4.8%, and 7.5% for NF, MF and FF respectively under SSP2-4.5 as compared to the historical demand. Under SSP5-8.5, the water demand for irrigation will worsen by 1.6%, 5.7%, 9.7%, for NF, MF and FF respectively. The increasing water demand for irrigating paddy field into the future is due to increasing evapotranspiration resulting from rising daily mean temperatures and solar radiation under the changing climate.

The Impact of Capital Structure for Ship Investments on Corporate Stability (선박투자자금의 조달구조가 기업의 안정성에 미치는 영향)

  • Cho, Seong-Soon;Yun, Heesung
    • Journal of Navigation and Port Research
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    • v.45 no.6
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    • pp.276-283
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    • 2021
  • The capital structure of the shipping business, which is characterized by its capital intensity and extreme market volatility, is closely related to long-term stability. Research in this area has been conducted mostly in the form of deriving the determinants of capital structure from company-wise financial ratios. This research, on the other hand, has a different approach to the topic. It identifies the relationship between actual cash profit and loss and other variables - i.e. actual vessel prices, interest rates and leverage ratio - by employing historical simulation. The result demonstrates that the P anamax cash profit shows 0 (break-even point) when the debt weight reaches 64.38% (debt ratio 180.74%) and the Cape, 73.04% (debt ratio 270.92%). Additionally, the ships of different types show a divided pattern for the pre- and post-'Super Boom'. It indicates that the business area and the market cycle should be considered when a leverage strategy is established. This research benefits shipping companies set a rational leverage strategy as well as delivers a reasonable guideline to government authorities for the development of a sound policy on shipping finance.

The Improvement of maintainability evaluation method at system level using system component information and fuzzy technique (시스템의 구성품 정보와 퍼지 기법을 활용한 시스템 수준 정비도 평가 방법의 개선)

  • Yoo, Yeon-Yong;Lee, Jae-Chon
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.20 no.3
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    • pp.100-109
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    • 2019
  • Maintainability indicates the extent to which maintenance can be done easily and quickly. The consideration of maintainability is crucial to reduce the operation and support costs of weapon systems, but if the maintainability is evaluated after the prototype production is done and necessitates design changes, it may increase the cost and delay the schedule. The evaluation should verify whether maintenance work can be performed, and support the designers in developing a design to improve maintainability. In previous studies, the maintainability index was calculated using the graph theory at the early design phase, but evaluation accuracy appeared to be limited. Analyzing the methods of evaluating the maintainability using fuzzy logic and 3D modeling indicate that the design of a system with good maintainability should be done in an integrated manner during the whole system life cycle. This paper proposes a method to evaluate maintainability using SysML-based modeling and simulation technique and fuzzy logic. The physical design structure with maintainability attributes was modeled using SysML 'bdd' diagram, and the maintainability was represented by an AHP matrix for maintainability attributes. We then calculated the maintainability using AHP-based weighting calculation and fuzzy logic through the use of SysML 'par' diagram that incorporated MATLAB. The proposed maintainability model can be managed efficiently and consistently, and the state of system design and maintainability can be analyzed quantitatively, thereby improving design by early identifying the items with low maintainability.

A development of stochastic simulation model based on vector autoregressive model (VAR) for groundwater and river water stages (벡터자기회귀(VAR) 모형을 이용한 지하수위와 하천수위의 추계학적 모의기법 개발)

  • Kwon, Yoon Jeong;Won, Chang-Hee;Choi, Byoung-Han;Kwon, Hyun-Han
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.55 no.12
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    • pp.1137-1147
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    • 2022
  • River and groundwater stages are the main elements in the hydrologic cycle. They are spatially correlated and can be used to evaluate hydrological and agricultural drought. Stochastic simulation is often performed independently on hydrological variables that are spatiotemporally correlated. In this setting, interdependency across mutual variables may not be maintained. This study proposes the Bayesian vector autoregression model (VAR) to capture the interdependency between multiple variables over time. VAR models systematically consider the lagged stages of each variable and the lagged values of the other variables. Further, an autoregressive model (AR) was built and compared with the VAR model. It was confirmed that the VAR model was more effective in reproducing observed interdependency (or cross-correlation) between river and ground stages, while the AR generally underestimated that of the observed.